irrational 发音
英:[ɪˈræʃən(ə)l] 美:[ɪˈræʃən(ə)l]
英: 美:
irrational 中文意思翻译
irrational 网络释义
adj. 不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的n. [数] 无理数
irrational 词性/词形变化,irrational变形
复数--irrationals;比较级--more irrational;最高级--most irrational。
irrational 常用词组
irrational number ─── [数]无理数
irrational exuberance ─── 非理性繁荣
irrational 同义词
absurd | distracted | violent | baseless | incoherent | backward | silly | irrational number | senseless | unsound | nonsensical | crazy |unreasonable | ridiculous | groundless | unwise | unfounded | illogical | foolish
irrational 反义词
irrational 短语词组
1、irrational motive ─── [网络] 不合理动机
2、irrational quantity ─── 无理量
3、irrational violence ─── 非理性暴力
4、irrational part ─── 无理部分
5、irrational tax ─── 恶税
6、irrational belief ─── 非理性的信仰
7、baby incredible irrational ─── 婴儿难以置信的非理性
8、irrational hostility ─── [网络] 征服者
9、irrational twin ─── 不理智的双胞胎
10、irrational number ─── [计] 无理数 ─── [化] 无理数
11、irrational function ─── 无理函数
12、irrational act ─── 非理性行为
13、irrational impulse ─── [网络] 理性的冲动
14、irrational equation ─── 无理方程
15、irrational fear ─── 非理性恐惧
16、irrational root ─── 无理根
17、irrational reaction ─── 不合理的反应
18、irrational thinking ─── 非理性思维
19、irrational exponent ─── 无理指数
irrational 相似词语短语
1、narrational ─── 叙事的
2、librational ─── 振动的
3、irrigational ─── adj.水利的;灌溉的
4、irrationally ─── adv.无理性地,不合理地
5、creational ─── adj.创造型;创建型
6、migrational ─── 移动的,徙动的,移居的
7、durational ─── 持续时间的;时长的
8、irrotational ─── adj.无旋的;无漩涡的
9、vibrational ─── adj.[力]振动的,震动性的;摇摆的
irrational 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、One of Voldemort's aims seems to be to preserve wizardkind, a goal that is not in itself necessarily unethical or irrational. ─── 伏地魔的目的之一似乎是要维持巫师种族,这种目标本身并没有不合伦理与常理。
2、There was always the irrational hope that he might be taken for a pure Spaniard . ─── 他总还抱着个幻想,希望人家会当他是纯粹的西班牙人血统。
3、It was against the rationalism in the Enlightenment and showed the irrational things in people's souls deeply. ─── 它反对启蒙运动的理性主义,揭示人类心灵深处的非理性力量;
4、They felt bound down by irrational rules and regulations. ─── 他们感到自己被不合理的规章制度束缚住了。
5、Thus one often reads that religion has made a claim in contradiction to scientific truth, theism is irrational. ─── 因此,人们经常看到这样的内容:宗教的主张和科学真理相抵触,有神论是非理性的。
6、The old international political and economic order,which is unfair and irrational,has yet to be changed fundamentally. ─── 不公正不合理的国际政治经济旧秩序没有根本改变。
7、She had her irrational moment but she was also kindly. ─── 她也有生气的时候,但她是好心肠。
8、She has an irrational dread of hospitals. ─── 她莫名其妙地害怕医院。
9、Irrational? Not if there was also a voice being beamed into his head from that little flying toy, saying, "Give up, give up! " ─── 不可思议?但想象一下如果一个清晰的声音从那个空中盘旋着的小玩意定向地向他的脑袋说道:“放弃,放弃”!
10、Their actions may be qualified as irrational. ─── 他们的行动可视为无理性的。
11、Therefore, we are, and must be irrational. ─── 因此,我们是,也必然是非理性的.
12、After taking the drug she became completely irrational. ─── 她在吸毒后变得完全失去了理性。
13、Due to the natural factors and the irrational actions of human being, the landscape of Manzhouli is very vulnerable. ─── 受到自然和人为因素的影响,满洲里市生态环境十分脆弱。
14、Some people might argue that it is irrational. ─── 一些人可能争论说该决定不合理。
15、This "irrational fear" is a result of being over-sensitive. It is also the legacy of a particular time and situation. ─── 其实,“没有理由的怕”是精神反应过敏,也是某个时期特定的环境所留下杯弓蛇影的后遗症。
16、Camus defined absurdity as a confrontation and division between the rational and irrational,and between eternity and finity. ─── 加缪把荒诞定义为一种理性与非理性、永恒与有限之间的对立和断裂。
17、He has experienced intense hunger and profound thirst, irrational loathing. ─── 他曾经历过极度饥饿和干渴,也遭遇过无端的厌恶。
18、She was prey to irrational fears. ─── 她遭受著无端恐惧的折磨。
19、From the start popular writers have seen bureaucracy as an irrational force, dominating the lives of people. ─── 一些著名的作家从一开始就认为官僚制度是统治人民生活的一种不合理的力量。
20、In all my years as a mental health professional, however, I have never encountered anyone with an irrational fear of homosexuals. ─── 可是,以我多年在精神健康方面的专业经验,我从未见过有人对同性恋者持有不理性的恐惧。
21、Before the higher authorities decided to abolish the labour contractor system,they had already found the system irrational and reformed it. ─── 在上级还未提出废除把头制时,他们已经发现这个制度不合理,而且改革了。
22、But do they need to pander to the irrational wishes and fantasies of this coterie? ─── 但他们需要迎合非理性的愿望和幻想吗?
23、Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines, fees, fund raising and illegal contribution. ─── 各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊派的查处力度。
24、The story was sufficiently irrational to be true. ─── 他的故事很不合情理,所以倒可能是真实的。
25、A certain constant has been adopted as a standard to use in exponential functions. It is an irrational number. ─── 人们采用某常数作为指数函数中的底,这个常数是无理数。
26、An irrational idea, expression, or act. ─── 不合理的事物非理性的想法,表达法,或行为
27、But they worry that the current high rate is being sustained by irrational and resource-wasting investment. ─── 但是他们也担心,现有的增长是建立在不合理和资源浪费型的投资之上的。
28、Can an irrational number to an irrational power be rational? ─── 一个无理数的无理数次方是否有可能是有理数?
29、But it cannot be considered "irrational" merely because no reason can be given for feeling it. ─── 但是,不能仅仅因为无法提供感知它的理由就认为它“不合理”。
30、He is not irrational idiots, not like the negative and see through Mundane Life those. ─── 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。
31、Your attachment to substandard lodgings and scant tuition in Dover is clearly irrational. ─── 你留恋多佛低于标准的住宿条件和不足的奖学金,这明显是非理性的。
32、During the dot.com era, many media outlets and PR agencies ballooned up to meet the needs of irrational exuberance. ─── 也就是所谓的受众本位。从受众出发来找到你设定的传播目标的结合点,那么这个结合点就是你该动笔的地方。
33、But in reality, conspiracy theories are not all baseless, irrational and deceptive. ─── 但事实上,阴谋理论并非是无根据的、非理性的、虚伪的。
34、His action are so irrational that I think he must be off his chump. ─── 他的行为毫无理智,我认为他一定是疯了。
35、His decision seems quite irrational. ─── 他的决定似乎是很不明智的。
36、Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? ─── 为什么物种的进化,应该和达尔文知道、描写的完全一致,应该是无计划、无理性的?
37、They are prone to irrational, bizarre, and often violent behavior. ─── 他们的行为倾向于无理性的、奇怪的、极端的(常为此)。
38、"Some people may have an irrational hope that the higher the growth, the better, " he said at a Saturday news conference. ─── “一些人似乎在不合理地希望这个增长率越高越好,”他在上周六一次新闻发布会上说。
39、By the end of last year,31,000 small coal-mines with illegal operations and irrational layout had been banned and shut down. ─── 到去年底,已取缔和关闭非法开采和布局不合理的小煤矿3.1万处。
40、She traced her irrational fear of birds back to something which had happened to her as a child. ─── 她从她童年的经历中找到了她对鸟类莫名恐惧感的原由。
41、Price has also an irrational side: something that is expensive must be . ─── 价格也有无理性的一面,例如,认为贵的就是好的。
42、Any other seemingly irrational behavior. ─── 其他看起来不理性的行为。
43、She was prey to irrational fear. ─── 她遭受到无端恐惧的折磨。
44、Not exhibiting sound judgment; irrational. ─── 判断不可靠的;非理性的
45、However, it would be wrong to think that this made Chinese governance arbitrary, irrational, or despotic. ─── 不过,要是认为中国统治因此变得更加独断、荒谬或专制,那就错了。
46、He produced his beautiful treatment of irrational numbers. ─── 他对无理数作了出色的处理。
47、It is the interplay of the traditions and his irrational notion that made his poetry unique and eminent. ─── 传统与非理性观念在他的诗歌中交融,并最终共同构成了他不可替代的诗歌面貌。
48、Only a few were irrational assumptions; but, unfortunately, they were the ones which most frequently grew into deeds. ─── 只有少数是不在理的假定;但不幸的是,它们常常是那些付诸行动的思想。
49、They worried that when fear displaces reason, the result is often irrational hatred and division. ─── 他们担心,当恐惧取代了理智,结果往往是荒谬的仇恨和分裂。
50、He has an irrational belief that everybody is his enemy. ─── 他有个荒谬的信念,以为人人都是他的仇敌。
51、The individual may or may not recognize the anger as irrational, and may or may not strike out verbally or otherwise. ─── 个人可能或不可能承认这样的愤怒是非理性的,可能是口头冲突或其他方式,也可能不是。
52、He had an irrational belief that everybody was his enemy. ─── 他有个荒谬的信念,以为人人都是他的仇敌。
53、Booms always stimulate speculative bubbles caused by a combination of easy credit and irrational exuberance. ─── 在轻松易得的信贷与非理性的富裕的帮助下,繁荣总是会刺激泡沫的产生。
54、Is it a scared refusal to see Islamist terrorism for the implacable, irrational enemy it is? ─── 但那些人为何有如此反应,作者的解释并不圆满。
55、There are so many things under the sun that are irrational that it looks as though we cannot approach everything in a completely rational way. ─── 天下事不合理的尽多,似乎不容我们事事讲理。
56、But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational. ─── 但谁都不会想到称他们的方法是无计划无理性的。
57、His behaviour was becoming increasingly irrational. ─── 他的行为正变得愈加非理性。
58、However, the old international political and economic order, which is unfair and irrational, has yet to be changed fundamentally. ─── 但是,不公正不合理的国际政治经济旧秩序没有根本改变。
59、Above the first floor was an irrational collection of towers, turrets and attics. ─── 二楼上面修建了不合格局的塔楼、角楼和阁楼。
60、But this does not in any way alter the fact that they are now, from a practical point of view, irrational. ─── 但这却丝毫改变不了这样一个事实,即从实用的观点来看,它们在今天仍是不合理的。
61、Experts warned that irrational family planning would result in a shortage of social resources. ─── 专家警告,缺乏理性的生育计划会导致社会资源紧缺。
62、It was so unlike him to yield to such an irrational impulse! ─── 他如此冲动,如此不顾理智,实在有失常态。
63、If I was a bit irrational, I would remain silent on this matter. ─── 如果当时我有点理智的话,我就会对这事保持沉默。
64、She spotted it draped over the filing cabinet and felt an irrational sense of relief as she snatched it up and retreated behind her desk. ─── 终于,她在文件柜上发现了它,赶紧走过去一把抓起,心里得到一丝解脱。
65、My sister later told me that during her pregnancy she had had an irrational fear that her baby was going to be born deformed. ─── 后来妹妹告诉我,她在怀孕期间,一直莫名地害怕所怀的小孩会是个畸形儿。
66、It's just me...mislead by my irrational emotions, vacuousness of being alone...It is all my fault... ─── 女人是脆弱的,她们需要摆脱孤单,她们需要一个肩膀。
67、India shows dangerous signs of irrational exuberance. ─── 印度出现了非理性繁荣的危险信号。
68、Such an avoidance of profit maximisation might have appeared economically irrational. ─── 从经济学角度讲,这种回避利润最大化的行为或许看起来不大理性。
69、Nonetheless, there are plenty of irrational feelings involved, which resemble the racism found in Muggle societies. ─── 但其中却有大量不合常理的感情牵涉在里边,类似于麻瓜世界的种族状况。
70、Extreme, irrational distrust of others. ─── 多疑症对于他人极端且毫无道理的怀疑
71、He opposed himself to the irrational system with all his might. ─── 他全力反对不合理的制度。
72、Fickle, irrational and totally unpredictable - isn't that what we are as consumers? ─── 变化无常的,不合理的,完全不可预知的-不,我们是消费者?
73、If the first two professors are wrong, and include the ice-cream anecdote in their course notes, they set a precedent that it is irrational to ignore. ─── 如果头两位教授是错的,并把这件冰激凌逸闻写进他们的课程笔记里,他们就开创了一个先例,而人们如果忽视这个先例,就显得不理性了。
74、The state or quality of being irrational. ─── 不理智不理智的状态或性质
75、But irrational reproaches were easier to bear than the sense of being instructed. ─── 但是不合理的指责还算不得什么,更难受的是意识到自己给人抓了岔子。
76、Zi Gong felt that they were irrational so he went back. ─── 子贡觉得这些人不可理喻,因此就回去了。
77、By serving as the rational face of an irrational administration, he had become its enabler. ─── 作为非理性政府的理性代言,他成了政府的推动者。
78、We all have our irrational peeves. ─── 我们都有非理性的怨恨。
79、Those links can easily break if any bidder has any reason to suspect that any other bidder is irrational. ─── 任何出价方有任何理由怀疑其他出价方是不理性的,,这些环节就会轻易断裂。
80、However,the old international political and economic order,which is unfair and irrational,has yet to be changed fundamentally. ─── 但是,不公正不合理的国际政治经济旧秩序没有根本改变。
81、"It was clear to me that there was an irrational equation of candy and danger in that house, " Dr. ─── 很明显,在那个家庭里,糖果和危险被荒谬地画上了等号。
82、He said the hydro-electric project has caused conflicts over land shortages and environmental degradation caused by irrational development. ─── 他说,三峡水电站工程导致了土地缺乏的冲突矛盾和不合理开发造成的生态退化。
83、It can be proved that the laws given before, governing the use of rational exponents, hold for irrational exponents. ─── 可以证明,上述支配有理指数用途的规律同样适用于无理指数。
84、The irrational rules must be changed. ─── 不合理的规定必须加以改革。
85、Shiller believes that America is in the grip of an irrational mania. ─── 希勒认为,美国正处于非理性狂热之中。
86、Irrational and unwise decisions are easily made in the heat of anger. ─── 在盛怒的时候很容易做出不理性又不明智的决定。
87、Human beings are a complex mixture of rational and irrational, a subtle combination of head, heart and guts. ─── 人类是理性与非理性的复杂混合体,是大脑、心灵、以及勇气的精巧组合。
88、"It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears" (Louis D. Brandeis). ─── “是言论的作用使人们从无理性的恐惧中解脱出来” (路易D.布兰代斯)。
89、One of the key irrational mistakes we make over and over is jumping on bandwagons as markets soar or sink. ─── “综合起来看,这导致了金融危机这类事件的发生,”他说。
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