amenities 发音
英:[ə'miːnətɪz] 美:[ə'minətɪz]
英: 美:
amenities 中文意思翻译
amenities 短语词组
1、basic amenities of life ─── [经] 基本生活享受
2、public amenities ─── 公共娱乐场所
3、amenities fee ─── 设施费
amenities 反义词
amenities 同义词
modified |edited | corrected
amenities 词性/词形变化,amenities变形
名词复数: amenities |
amenities 相似词语短语
1、maternities ─── n.母性,母道;[妇产]妇产科医院;adj.产科的;产妇的,孕妇的
2、immensities ─── n.巨大;无限;广大
3、lenities ─── n.慈悲;宽大处理;宽大的行为
4、disamenities ─── n.不愉快;不舒服;麻烦
5、asperities ─── n.粗糙;表面微凸体;艰苦的条件(asperity的复数)
6、acerbities ─── n.酸,涩;刻薄
7、amities ─── n.友好;亲善关系;友好关系;n.(Amity)人名;(英、中非)阿米蒂
8、eternities ─── n.来世,来生;不朽;永世;永恒
9、affinities ─── 密切关系;亲缘关系
amenities 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Was there sufficient supply of amenities? ─── 客用品是否足够?
2、The public amenities in our beseiged city were a total shambles, as many others have previously said. ─── 围城中种种设施之糟与乱,已经有好些人说在我头里了。
3、What kind of room amenities can be taken by our guest free of charge? ─── 哪些客房用品客人可以免费索取?
4、May His great Name grow exalted and sanctified (Cong. Amen. ─── 愿祂的大名成为至高圣洁。
5、The committee gave its amen to the proposal. ─── 委员会核准了这建议。
6、Even Lhasa lacked a sound urban operating mechanism of any sort and had scarcely any of the amenities of a proper city. ─── 即使是拉萨,也不具备健全的城市运行体系,市政设施几乎没有,城市功能低下。
7、With all of those bleary-eyed check-ins comes a new emphasis on certain amenities. ─── 对新来乍到者先留意的是某些设施。
8、Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. ─── 并愿所有诚心爱我们主耶稣基督的人,都蒙恩惠。
9、Many of the houses lacked even basic amenities(= for example, baths, showers, hot water). ─── 很多房屋甚至缺少基本的生活设施(如浴缸、淋浴器、热水)。
10、The grace of the Lord Jesus be with the saints. Amen. ─── 愿主耶稣的恩惠、常与众圣徒同在。阿们。
11、KJV] Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. ─── [新译]愿荣耀在教会中和基督耶稣里归给他,直到万代,永世无穷。阿们。
12、As he, in his swooning ears, the choir's amen. ─── 在我的眼前。亲爱的,你当真爱我?
13、AME and AMEn of QPM were higher than those of NC (P>0.1). ─── 优质蛋白玉米和普通玉米的真代谢能(TME)和氮校正真代谢能(TMEn)值接近(P>0.1),分别为16.29MJ·kg-1和16.30MJ·kg-1;
14、Othello. Amen, with all my heart! ─── 奥瑟罗阿门,但愿如此!
15、My lord, forgive all these sinful sinners, amen. ─── 主啊,饶恕这些灾难深重的人吧,阿门。
16、May the grace of the Lord Christ be with you. Amen! ─── 愿主耶稣基督的恩宠,与你们的心灵同在!阿们。
17、Despite the shutdown of the state's major power plant, lights, TVs and life's other electrical amenities continued to operate as usual. ─── 尽管这个州最主要的电厂关闭了,但是,电视和生活中的其它一些电子娱乐产品还照常工作。
18、It's easy to navigate and equipped with passenger-friendly amenities like free wireless Internet and a pay-to-use arrival lounge. ─── 这里的指示牌一目了然,并且装备了很多方便乘客的设施比如无线上网和付费休息厅。
19、Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody. (Amen! Amen! ─── 同啲清洁阿婶做朋友,咪咁巴巴闭。
20、Of faith that never waxeth dim, In all His wondrous ways. Amen. ─── 也是一首信仰的诗,永见父工神奇。阿们。
21、To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. ─── 但愿荣耀归于神直到永永远远。阿们。
22、We thank You Lord for what You are doing in our lives, Amen. ─── 感谢您,主,感谢您在我们生命所作的。阿们。
23、It also provides ancillary real estate service businesses, such as tenant service and amenities. ─── 它还提供辅助性房地产服务企业,如租客的服务和设施。
24、An industrial town with complete business infrastructure and living amenities is quickly emerging. ─── 一个生产生活设施配套齐全的工业城正在形成。
25、We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. ─── 奉主耶稣基督之名而求,阿门。
26、Provide orientation to help them familiarize the direction to school and amenities in the area. ─── 为刚入境的学生提供上下学及驻地情况的指南以帮助学生更容易地熟悉新的环境。
27、In 1997, more than 400000 plants were planted in parks, playgrounds and roadside amenities. ─── 年内,该局在各公园、游乐场及路旁市容地带所栽种的植物逾40万株。
28、"Amen" is recognized in more languages than any other. ─── "阿门"是最多语言通用的字.
29、Abraham's success has allowed him to endow his tiny town with amenities unusual in communities several times its size. ─── 亚伯拉罕的成功让他有能力给小镇捐款修建娱乐设施,但是他的捐款数字显然太大了。
30、To Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen. ─── 11愿荣耀权能归与?,直到永永远远。阿们。
31、Our Father, who art in Heaven. Amen! ─── 天父,在天之父。阿门!
32、Glory to him for ever and ever. Amen. ─── 愿光荣归于天主,至于无穷之世!阿们。
33、The property is ideally located with all local amenities close at hand. ─── 这处房地产的位置很理想,离当地的福利设施都近。
34、Because out from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. ─── 因为万有都是本于他、藉著他、并归于他;愿荣耀归与他,直到永远。阿们。
35、Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption. Amen. ─── 愿恩宠与那些以永恒不变的爱爱我们的主耶稣基督的人同在!
36、it was like an oasis garden with beautiful surroundings , well - developed amenities , an even pace of life and honest citizens. ─── 初见的印象果然名不虚传,像是个花园绿洲,环境优美,设施发达,生活从容,人性真诚。
37、Oh God, this is a new day, the first day, thank you Lord, Amen. ─── 噢,神,这是新的一天,第一天。
38、Grace be with you all. Amen. ─── 愿恩惠常与你们众人同在。阿们。
39、I can believe in You and I am deciding to follow You now! Amen. ─── 你让我们能相信你的生命,能跟随你,我们现在就要跟随你,阿们。
40、Huic ergo parce, Deus, pie Jesu, Jesu Domine! Dona eis, eis requiem! Amen. ─── 主啊,给他施以您的仁慈吧!仁慈的主耶稣基督!赐予他们安息!阿门!
41、Offer guests elegance and warmth environment together with up-to-date facilities and amenities. ─── 为客人提供幽雅温馨的环境和现代化的设施和舒适。
42、My charity be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen. ─── 愿我的爱在基督耶稣内与你们众人同在!
43、The natural beauty remains, but the man-made amenities have fallen on hard times. ─── 如今,莫干山依然保持着当年的自然美景,但人工设施在动荡时期遭到了破坏。
44、Glory to God, our Father, for ever and ever: Amen. ─── 愿光荣归于天主,我们的父,至于世世。阿们。
45、Without wasting time on amenities, he spread his papers out on the kitchen table and launched into a lengthy explanation. ─── 他没有把时间浪费在种种礼节上,直截了当地把纸铺在厨房的桌子上,开始了详细的讲解。
46、For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful. Amen. ─── 感谢上帝所赐,愿上帝让我们心怀感激之情,阿门!
47、Very beautiful song, all honor and glory to our beautiful LORD, Amen. ─── 主你的保血覆盖你在中国的仆人。恩膏再恩膏。阿门!
48、The social amenities, let's talk turkey about what really happened. ─── 好吧,大家既然寒暄已毕,那就让咱们来认真坦率地讨论。
49、The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen. ─── 你那蒙拣选之姐妹的儿女都问你安。
50、It's raining men - Hallejulah, It's raining men - Amen. ─── 天上正在下男人雨啊!哈利路亚!天上正在下男人雨啊!阿门!
51、Many are the social amenities practised in China. ─── 中国人有许多社交上的礼仪。
52、Dear God, thank you for loving me through the gift of my savior. Amen. ─── 亲爱的神,感谢你爱我,因你赐我救主。阿们。
53、All right, now that we have covered the social amenities, let's talk turkey about what really happened. ─── 好吧,大家既然寒暄已毕,那就让咱们来认真坦率地讨论实际发生的事情吧。
54、The amenities include a pool, terrace for events, gym, jacuzzi, massage and a steam room. ─── 娱乐设施包括一个游泳池,活动阳台,健身房,水力按摩池,推拿及蒸汽浴室。
55、To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen. ─── 彼前5:11愿权能归给他、直到永永远远。阿们。
56、To standardize the Front Office's approach to guest amenities service and work stations to ensure a consistent standard through the company. ─── 使前厅对客房服务和工作岗位标准化,确保始终如一的工作水平。
57、Disposable amenities, please render to use up to the articles recovery point of medical equipment. ─── 一次性卫生用品,用完请投放到医疗器械用品回收点。
58、Parks and a theatre are just some of the town's local amenities. ─── 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。
59、And GALLIANI mentioned this FACT as well!!! Amen to that!! ─── 加里亚尼也提到过这一点!谢天谢地!!!
60、Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ─── 天使天军赞美主名,赞美圣父圣子圣灵。阿门。
61、Cursed be he that lieth with his mother in law. And all the people shall say, Amen. ─── 与岳母行淫的,必受咒诅。百姓都要说,阿们。
62、To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. ─── 愿权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们。
63、Lord Jesus, help me as I build up your church. Amen. ─── 主耶稣,请帮助我造就你的教会。阿们。
64、You'll love our thoughtful furnishings, comfortable amenities, convenient services, and breathtaking views of the city. ─── 您会喜欢上我们精心准备的装饰品、舒适的傢俱、便利的服务和靓丽的城市景观。
65、My God, please forgive our crime, Amen! ─── 天主,请原谅我们的罪过,阿门!
66、We are ready to say amen to your proposal. ─── 对你的提议我们乐於表示赞成。
67、Hallelujah,Praise to Jesus!Amen,Amen,Hallelujah! ─── 哈利路亚,赞美耶稣!阿门,阿门,哈利路亚!
68、They should be able to provide you with a description of the rooms available and amenities provided by the hotel. ─── 对方应该能提供你一些有关空房的讯息,以及饭店本身还提供了哪些便利舒适的设备等。
69、When receiving the Eucharist the priest will say' the body of Christ', to which the receiver will reply,' amen'. ─── 当接受圣餐之时,神父会说“圣体”,对此,受餐者会回复说“阿门”。
70、The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. ─── 愿主耶稣的恩惠,常与众圣徒同在。阿们。
71、The campsite is close to all local amenities. ─── 营地紧靠当地所有的便利设施。
72、Dust to dusts, dirt to dirts, ash to ashes, and may God bless your spirit into Heaven. Amen! ─── 尘归尘,土归土,灰归灰,上帝保佑你的灵魂进入天堂,阿们!
73、Cum Sancto Spititu in gloria Dei Patris, Amen. ─── 你和圣灵同在天父的荣耀中,阿门。
74、Trying to get Paul to agree to spend more money on amenities is like talking to a brick wall. ─── 要想说服保罗在使用便利设施上多花些钱如同对牛弹琴。
75、Die Gnade unsers HERRN Jesu Christi sei mit euch allen! Amen. ─── 愿主耶稣的恩惠与所有的圣徒同在!阿们!
76、Help us remember, Lord. Amen. ─── 上帝,帮助我们牢记吧,阿门。
77、Früher sagten die Frauen Ja und Amen zu allem, was die Männer sagte. ─── 以前,妇女对男人所说的一切都唯命是从。
78、Are yours, now and forever, Amen... ─── 希望快点好起来吧,阿门...
79、Parks and swimming baths are just some of the town's Iocal amenities. ─── 公园和游泳池只是城镇的部分康乐设施。
80、Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms. ─── 有些住宅仍没有像卫生间这样的基本设施。
81、Lord, enlighten me to see You at work at all times. Amen. ─── 主,耶稣基督,祢是我的光明,我的救援,我的一切。阿孟。
82、Come, Christians, join to sing,Alleluia!Amen! ─── 信徒来唱,阿利路亚,阿们!
83、Hallelujah,Praise the Spirit!Amen,Amen,Hallelujah! ─── 哈利路亚,赞美圣灵!阿门,阿门,哈利路亚!
84、I thank You Lord for fulfilling my every need, I love You, Amen. ─── 主,感谢您满足我一切需要。我爱您。阿们。
85、In 1997,more than 400000 plants were planted in parks,playgrounds and roadside amenities. ─── 1997年,在各公园、游乐场及路旁收容地带所栽种的植物逾40万株。
86、In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit, Amen. ─── 因父子圣神之名,阿门。
87、Delicately scented amenities from Molton &Brown of London await you. ─── 住在圣詹姆斯宾馆可以享受到全方面的感官盛宴。
88、The luxurious Club Floors offer distinguished personalised service and deluxe amenities. ─── 商务楼层为商务人士提供豪华么人空间及各英专有设施及服务。
89、Tokyo hotels tend to be tamer, focused on winning customers with amenities. ─── 东京的旅馆倾向于舒适,侧重于依托便利设施赢得顾客。
一、customer 从英文解释可以看出,从商店或公司里买东西的个人或公司都可以是 customer,更多地指随意购物,意为”顾客,主顾,客户 因此 customer 一般不会与买东西的公司建立长久的关系。 二、client 从英语解释可以看出,client 指的是使用专业人士或组织提供的服务的人,它更像是”正式“的客户,因为它涉及到更具体的服务。
- Client(客户)通常指的是某个机构或组织雇佣了服务提供者或专业人士来完成特定任务或项目的人。客户与服务提供者之间的关系通常是长期、合作的,并且客户通常直接参与项目的决策和管理过程。客户更注重对服务提供者的专业能力和经验的依赖,并且可能会与服务提供者进行更深入的合作和沟通。
- Customer(顾客)通常指的是购买产品或服务的个人或组织。顾客与销售者之间的关系通常是短期、交易性的,并且顾客通常只关注产品或服务的质量和价格。顾客并不一定需要与销售者建立长期的关系,他们的关系通常是一次性的购买交易。
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