oestrus 发音
英:[ˈestrəs] 美:[ˈiːstrəs]
英: 美:
oestrus 中文意思翻译
oestrus 短语词组
1、oestrus genus ─── 发情属
2、Oestrus hominis ─── [医] 人体狂蝇
3、oestrus induction ─── 发情诱导
4、oestrus means ─── 发情是指
5、genus Oestrus ─── [网络] Oestrus属
6、oestrus cows ─── 发情牛
7、Oestrus ovis ─── [医] 羊狂蝇
8、oestrus def ─── 发情定义
9、oestrus dog ─── 发情犬
10、oestrus male ─── 发情男性
11、oestrus heat ─── 发情热
oestrus 相似词语短语
1、anoestrus ─── n.不动情期;间情期
2、oestrous ─── adj.发情的;诱发发情的
3、anestrus ─── n.不动情期;[脊椎][畜牧]无情欲期
4、oestrins ─── n.雌激素(等于oestrogen)
5、proestrus ─── n.发情前期;求偶前期
6、estrus ─── n.发情期;动情周期
7、diestrus ─── n.(美)间情期(等于dioestrum)
8、dioestrus ─── [动]发情间期;[动]动情间期;[畜牧]间情期
9、estrum ─── n.动情期(等于estrus)
oestrus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Oestrus detection and optimal insemination time of sows using infrared sensors ─── 应用红外传感器进行母猪的发情及最佳配种时间鉴定
2、The myometrium at the oestrus stage was the most sensitive among all the tissues tested. ─── 而在其他各期的标本常常只是收缩振幅有所增加。
3、Him express affection calls oestrus. ─── 抒发自己的情感就叫发情。
4、He increased the reproduction rate of rabbits by inducing oestrus. ─── 他使用催情的方法来提高兔子的繁殖率。
5、The result showed that : (1) there were no significant difference in interval between ablactation and oestrus and live piglets born among groups(P?0.05); ─── 试验结果表明:(1)添加苜蓿草粉对母猪断奶至发情时间间隔、初生活仔猪数影响不显著(P?0.05);
6、synchronization of oestrus ─── 同步发情
7、Synchronization Oestrus ─── 同期发情
8、Study on Improving Reproduction Rate in High Mountain Area Pasture by Synchronization of Oestrus Technique ─── 利用同期发情技术提高山区牧场绵羊繁殖率的研究
9、Study on the Technique of Oestrus Synchronization Control in Tarim Red Deer and Tianshan Red Deer and Sika Deer Hinds ─── 塔里木马鹿、天山马鹿和梅花鹿同期发情调控技术研究
10、The duration and the interval of post-partum oestrus were 33.0 hours and 76.6 dars repectively. ─── 产后第一次发情时间和发情持续期分别为76.7天和30.0小时。
11、The average time when ewe of post partum appears first oestrus is approximately 102d. ─── 产后出现第一次发情的时间平均为102d左右。
12、In this paper a microprocessor controlling infra-red detecting system were successfully developed and used to recognize the oestrus of sow. ─── 该文介绍了采用微处理器控制的红外监测系统自动识别母猪的发情。
13、Effect of Ivermectin dry suspension agent on deworming oestrus ovis Larva in sheep ─── 伊维菌素干混悬剂对羊狂蝇蛆的驱杀效果试验
14、Keywords Beagle Dog;Uterus;Oestrus;Safety Assessment; ─── 毕格狗;子宫;动情期;安全性评价;
15、In this paper a microprocessor controlling infra-red detecting system were successfully developed and used to recognize the oestrus of sow. ─── 该文介绍了采用微处理器控制的红外监测系统自动识别母猪的发情。
16、Carrying Out Twice Lambing a Year in Nonreproduction Season by Induced Oestrus Technique ─── 利用诱导发情技术对非繁殖季节母羊实行一年两产
17、The concentration of LH arrived at the highest value on the day of oestrus and decreased gradually after that day. ─── 促黄体素的含量在发情当日达到最高值以后逐渐下降。
18、Observation of Taxis and Biological Clock of Sheep Oestrus ovis complex ─── 羊狂蝇的趋性与生物钟的观察
19、The sows of natural oestrus ovulated more swiftly than the superovulation, and the embryo quality of nature was better. ─── 超数排卵影响胚胎的质量,自然发情母猪较超数排卵母猪排卵较快,且胚胎质量较好。
20、Study on Oestrus Synchronization Technology of Red Deer of Tianshan Mountains ─── 天山马鹿同期发情技术的研究
21、The Contents of progesterone(P) and oestradiol(E_2) in the milk of 50 Chinese Holstein cows were measured within 23 days after delivery and 12 days during oestrus with radioactive immunity. ─── 用放射免疫法测定了50头荷斯坦牛产后23d内及发情前后12d内乳中的孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E2)的含量。
22、Oestrus Behaviour of Sows Under Different Environment Temperature ─── 不同环境温度对母猪发情行为的影响
23、Immunization didn't prevent ewes from oestrus and improved lambing rate from 115.38% (Group C) to 164.71% (Group T). ─── 睾酮免疫不影响母羊正常发情,可使产羔率由115.38%提高到164.71%。
24、cow oestrus ─── 奶牛发情
25、Animal experimental results showed LRSDB could promote the follicular development and make endometri-um changes in each oestrus, and restrain hyper plasia of mammary gland. ─── 动物实验证明能促进卵泡发育,使子宫内膜出现各动情周期的变化,抑制乳腺腺体增生。
26、Keywords oestrus cycle;uterus;rabbit; ─── 关键词发情周期;子宫;家兔;
27、oestrus synchronization ─── 发情同步化
28、Oestrus purpureus ─── 紫狂蝇
29、oestrus cycle ─── 发情周期
30、With the assistant of step counter,cow administrators can judge whether cow is in oestrus period in time. ─── 低功耗是计步器设计的关键,采取了多种措施来降低系统功耗。
31、food with properly increased animal protein should be provided to those at oestrus or with nesting birds; ─── 在发情和育雏期间应适当增加动物性蛋白饲料;
32、The upmost insemination pregnancy rate of frozen semen for the ewe of naturally oestrus is 57.14%(4/7), the ewe of estrus induction is 62.50%(20/32), the ewe of estrus synchronization is 55.56% (5/9) . ─── 本试验自然发情母羊子宫内冻精输精受胎率为57.14%(4/7),诱导发情母羊子宫内冻精输精受胎率为62.50%(20/32),同期发情母羊子宫内冻精输精受胎率为55.56%(5/9)。
33、The oestrus rate of ewe was1000%; The conception rate was 70%; The rate of lambing was 114.%. ─── 母羊发情率为100%,受胎率70%,母羊产羔率114.3%.
34、and just about 3 percent dosage of the additive can generate greater effect without influencing future oestrus, procreation and lactation. ─── 用量3%左右就能起到较大的作用,并不会影响以后的发情、生育和哺乳;
35、Experiment 1, Acid insoluble ash (AIA) was applied in the determination of voluntary feed intake (VFI) of IMWCGs in oestrus season and the nutrients of grass were analyzed to determine the nutrients intake. ─── 试验一 通过酸不溶灰分法(AIA)对内蒙古白绒山羊发情季节的放牧采食量及牧草中主要营养成分进行测定,确定其营养物质摄入量。
36、Intrauterine insemination time are different. Ewe of naturally cycling is inseminated after 24 hours of oestrus; Ewe of Estrus Induction is after 54 hours of device removal; ─── 自然发情的母羊应该在发情后24小时,诱导发情的母羊应该在撤栓后54小时,同期发情母羊应该在撤栓后60小时进行子宫内输精。
37、Development of a computer system for monitoring oestrus of dairy cattle ─── 奶牛发情计算机监测系统研究与开发
38、The problem that the detection of cow oestrus is difficult in detecting is one of all the problems. ─── 当前我国奶牛养殖存在着各种各样的问题,其中奶牛发情检测难就是其中之一。
39、Adding of soybean oil and lecithin si multaneously decreased evidently the weigh loss,feed consumption of sowin the lactation period,and shortenthe interval between weaning and oestrus of sow(P
40、Generations of the Sheep Bot Fly, Oestrus ovis in the Southern Border Area of Zhungeer Basin ─── 准噶尔盆地南缘区域羊鼻蝇的发生世代调查
41、Infestation by Oestrus ovis ─── 羊狂蝇侵染
42、oestrus induction ─── 诱导发情
43、When gilts or sows enter oestrus in their reproductive cycles (about 21 days long) they are ready to be bred. ─── 小母猪和大母猪的发情期大概是21天,这是她们的生理循环周期,准备繁殖阶段。
44、Oestrus hominis ─── [医] 人体狂蝇
45、The Effects Observation of Tup Lure the Female Oestrus ─── 公羊诱情效果观察
46、oestrus estrus ─── 发情
47、Study on the Seasonal Patterns of Cow Oestrus ─── 母牛发情的季节性规律初探
48、Abstract: Accurate recognition of sow oestrus is the key technique for identifying the optimal mating time and improving insemination. ─── 摘 要: 正确识别母猪正常发情是获得母猪适期配种时间和提高其受胎率的技术关键。
49、Study on Effect of Oestrus Synchronisation Raise the Feeding Standards to Yellow Cattle ─── 提高饲养水平对黄牛同期发情效果的影响研究
50、Oestrus bug is the Chinese traditional medicine with a kind of extensive use material. ─── 牛虻虫是一种用途广泛的中药材。
51、oestrus diagnosis ─── 发情诊断
52、Shi S Q,Dong L,Chen Y C,Feng D D.1988.Changes of reproductive internal secretion levels in female giant pandas during oestrus. ─── 李春,魏辅文,李明,刘雪卿,杨智,胡锦矗.2003.雄性小熊猫粪便中睾酮水平的变化与繁殖的关系.兽类学报,23(2):115-119.
53、Oestrus ovis ─── 羊狂蝇
54、The results showed that FPL had marked curative effect r total oestrus rate being as hight as 94. 9% , the conception rate, 79. 4% in infertile dairy cows. ─── 临床实验结果表明,促孕液的疗效显著,治疗奶牛的总发情率达94.9%,总受胎率达79.4%;
55、detection of oestrus ─── 发情鉴定
56、oestrus and ovulation ─── 发情和排卵
57、different nutrition levels on oestrus time of over-early weaning ewes; ─── 不同营养水平下铜绿微囊藻的生长速率。
58、gilts or sows enter oestrus in their reproductive cycles (about 21 days long) they are ready to be bred. ─── 母猪和大母猪的发情期大概是21天,这是她们的生理循环周期,准备繁殖阶段。
59、Antiscolic efficacy of drugs for larvae of Oestrus ovis ─── 药物驱杀羊鼻蝇幼虫的试验
60、pro oestrus ─── 动情前期
61、3.Embryos were collected on Day 7 post oestrus and two breeds ewes produced a much higher proportion of morula, they were 66.24% in Borderdale and 75.78% in Poll Dorset. ─── 配种后7天从波德代和无角陶赛特供体羊上所冲取的胚胎,以桑椹胚为最多,分别占回收总胚的66.24%、75.78%。
62、"Estrus,also oestrus:The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding human beings, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat." ─── "(雌性动物的)动情,动情周期:大多数哺乳动物(包括人类)的雌性产生的周期性的性冲动,在此期间内雌性具有排卵的优势,所以该期间最适合性交;刺激"
63、The Experiment of the Fuorogestone's Sponge to Abduct Oestrus in Sows ─── 氟孕酮海绵栓对母猪诱导发情的实验
64、Oestrus rate ─── 发情率
65、Different Medicines Application under Oestrus of Sheep in Corresponding Period ─── 不同药物在绵羊同期发情中的应用试验
66、Begin oestrus when puppy, calorific, be being held in the arms, labyrinthian, turn round, sex, became little beast. ─── 当小动物开始发情,发热,被抱着,曲折,扭转,交合,就变成了小野兽。
67、Advance of the study on oestrus synchronisation in sheep ─── 绵羊同期发情研究进展
68、Donation is like oestrus, they desire it the moment they remember it. ─── 捐款就像发情,想起来了你就想要。
69、Farmer armour calls farmer second: Brother, oestrus of my home sow, borrow your home boar to use, after pig, send two to be pay. ─── 农夫甲打电话给农夫乙:老兄,我家母猪发情了,借您家公猪用用,生小猪后,送两只为报酬。
70、Accurate recognition of sow oestrus is the key technique for identifying the optimal mating time and improving insemination. ─── 正确识别母猪正常发情是获得母猪适期配种时间和提高其受胎率的技术关键。
71、Oestrus and Methods for Oestrus Diagnosis in Musk Civet ─── 小灵猫发情及其鉴定方法探讨
72、Effects of different nutrition levels on oestrus time of over-early weaning ewes ─── 不同营养水平对超早期断奶母羊发情时间的影响
73、The implied full of yellow light, lazy and sexy jazz is the soundtrack induce oestrus, in this context, I am afraid they can not stop the honey-like late in the evening. ─── 了解房子整体结构情况,房屋有无破坏结构的装修,有无私搭、改建。
74、Additional symptoms of oestrus and physiological characteristics are useful guidance for oestrus detection too. ─── 应用发情特征综合评分可提高母牛发情鉴定率,评分较高的发情牛受胎率也较高。
75、Panda's oestrus period is the spring, therefore Cheng Cheng bites should with be in heat has nothing to do with. ─── 熊猫的发情期是春天,所以成成咬人应该和发情无关。
76、Effect of different Processing Methods on Goat Homochronous Oestrus ─── 不同处理方法对山羊同期发情效果研究
77、Also disclosed is a method of detecting the reproductive status, in particular the oestrus cycle, of a mammal. ─── 并且公开了一种用于检测哺乳动物的生殖状况,特别是发情周期的方法。
78、Characteristics of oestrus ─── 发情特征
79、The contraceptive dart causes an elephant cow to come into oestrus every month (but not conceiving). ─── 避孕注射使一只母象每个月发情(但不怀孕)。
80、Begin oestrus when puppy, calorific, be being held in the arms, labyrinthian , turn round, sex, became little beast. ─── 当小动物开始发情,发热,被抱着,曲折,扭转,交合,就变成了小野兽。
81、Use of oestrus detection score results in a high detection rate, and the cows with greater points had a high conception rate. ─── 同时改善周围环境、加强泌乳牛体质等有助于提高母牛的发情鉴定率。
82、6. The results showed that FPL had marked curative effect r total oestrus rate being as hight as 94. 9% , the conception rate, 79. 4% in infertile dairy cows. ─── 临床实验结果表明,促孕液的疗效显著,治疗奶牛的总发情率达94.9%,总受胎率达79.4%;收藏指正
83、Body Condition Score of Different Reproductive Types of Female Yak in Oestrus and Perinatal Period ─── 不同繁殖类型的牦母牛在发情期和围产期的体况评分
84、A Trial of Affecting Goat's Oestrus Synchronization By Using Different Hormone ─── 不同激素影响山羊同期发情的效果试验
85、Pregnancy rate of oestrus ewe is the best if it insemination effect at 2-3 hours before finishing oestrus, viz. ovulating. 3. ─── 发情母羊子宫内输精的输精范围应该在发情结束前2~3小时,也就是排卵前2~3小时,输精效果好。
86、Bactrian camels have their own reproductive physiological characteristics such as seasonal oestrus and ovulation inducement. ─── 双峰驼具有独特的繁殖生理机能,是季节发情、诱导排卵的动物。
87、When gilts or sows enter oestrus in their reproductive cycles (about 21 days long) they are ready to be bred. Farmers oversee breeding to ensure the sow is receptive and successfully bred. ─── 小母猪和大母猪的发情期大概是21天,这是她们的生理循环周期。这时就要给她们配种,在配种时,农场主要仔细观察看母猪是不是能成功的配上。
88、Keywords Oestrus ovis Adult Reproductive organ Digestive system; ─── 羊狂蝇;成虫;生殖器官;消化器官;
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