denude 发音
英:[dɪˈnuːd] 美:[dɪˈnjuːd]
英: 美:
denude 中文意思翻译
denude 短语词组
1、denude definition in medical terminology ─── 医学术语中的剥脱定义
2、denude in a dictionary ─── 词典中的删减
3、denude medical dictionary ─── 德努 ─── 德医学词典
4、denude crossword clue ─── 拒绝交叉字CLUE
5、denude in a sentence ─── 句子中的剥落
denude 词性/词形变化,denude变形
denude 相似词语短语
1、dengue ─── n.登革热
2、denuder ─── 溶蚀器
3、denture ─── n.齿列,托牙;一副假牙
4、dense ─── adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的
5、denudes ─── vt.剥夺;使裸露
6、denuded ─── adj.剥蚀的;v.使裸露;剥夺(denude的过去式)
7、denote ─── vt.表示,指示
8、denudate ─── vt.使裸露(等于denude);adj.裸体的;赤裸的
9、denudated ─── vt.使裸露(等于denude);adj.裸体的;赤裸的
denude 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Purification and characterization of the denude alkaline protease ─── 脱毛碱性蛋白酶的纯化及其生化特性研究
2、You know Uncle Gordon explained to me that we weren't like you, we didn't settle in large communities and completely denude the area. ─── 埃塞尔婶婶第一次回来时告诉我们说,她的原话是:“我觉得这里有祖辈的神灵,但不知是谁的祖辈。”
3、denude of fire-fighting force ─── 剥夺消防力量
4、According to quantification sedimentology features and forming setting , it successively underwent orlginal pregnancy , denude and st rong fill , three stages in the course of the Basin evolution. ─── 根据量化沉积学特征及成生背景分析,该区大致经历了初始孕育期、分段剥蚀充填期及后期构造改造三大演化阶段。
5、Above all, put almond in boiler to boil, it is OK to boil almond skin till the denude of small suggestion comes. ─── 首先,把杏仁放在锅里煮,煮到杏仁皮可以轻意的剥下来为止。
6、IT proceeded to denude the statue, fronting the church bishop's podium. ─── 接着她掀去面对主教讲台的那座雕像的外套。
7、to denude someone of political rights ─── 剥夺某人的政治权利
8、Middle cambrian AWaTaGe formation denude close to YingMai 36.Analysis of sedimentary facies indicate the formation located in the restricted platform tidal-flat facies. ─── 中寒武统阿瓦塔格组剥蚀出露于英买36井区附近,沉积相分析表明主要处于局限台地潮坪相区内。
9、This acid air has been known to denude forests, and obviously the inhalation of such air cannot be good for human lungs. ─── 这种酸性气体,我们都知道毁坏森林。显然,吸入这样的空气对人的肺不利。
10、Denude of ─── 剥去,脱去,剥蚀。
11、Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest. ─── 采矿将会污染湖水并伐光森林。
12、The dominance expression of poor dissimilation is sluggish degrades, recessive expression is to denude change. ─── 差异化的显性表现是滞退化 ,隐性表现是剥蚀化。
13、She proceeded to denude the statue, fronting the church bishop's podium. ─── 接着她掀去面对主教讲台的那座雕像的外套。
14、She goes up the steps to denude the statue. ─── 她沿台阶而上去揭开塑像的外套。
15、The elevation of crust can make rock gold deposit weather and denude and the level of the denudation depends on the scale of the elevation. ─── 地壳上升会使岩金矿床风化剥蚀,而剥蚀程度取决于地壳上升幅度。
16、ureteral mucosa denude, tear and stenosis and no infection was found. ─── 所有病例无尿路感染、输尿管黏膜剥脱、撕裂及狭窄等严重并发症。
17、Kidney has its outward manifestations in hair. My hair is shining, soft and not easy to denude. ─── 肾其华在发,我的毛发光华`柔软`不易脱落.
18、denude v. ─── 脱去;剥蚀;
19、Burning temperature of electric-heat is controlled automatically.After being burned, surface character is convex and clear, it will not denude forever.Facsimile product cannot be obtained. ─── 电加热烧结温度自动控制,烧结后瓶表面字迹凸出清晰,永不脱落,不可仿冒。
20、denude a hillside of vegetation ─── 把山边的草木除光
21、denude n. ─── 剥蚀,剥露;
22、Purification and characterization of the denude alkaline protease ─── 脱毛碱性蛋白酶的纯化及其生化特性研究
23、A that when walk into oneself alone room, the denude of footgear garment pants that is Huang Ni and Leng Yu completely, change clean, want to wash a face, do not have water however. ─── 走进自己的那一间独房,把满是黄泥和冷雨的鞋袜衣裤剥下,换上干净的,就想洗把脸,却没有水。
24、No ureteral mucosa denude, tear and stenosis and no infection was found. ─── 所有病例无尿路感染、输尿管黏膜剥脱、撕裂及狭窄等严重并发症。
25、This acid air has been known to denude forests, and obviously the inhalation of such air cannot be good for human lungs. ─── 这种酸性气体,我们都知道毁坏森林。显然,吸入这样的空气对人的肺不利。
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