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08-18 投稿


fanged 发音

英:[fæŋd]  美:[fæŋd]

英:  美:

fanged 中文意思翻译



fanged 短语词组

1、fanged menace ─── 尖牙的威胁

2、fanged up ─── 尖牙

3、fanged up wiki ─── 捕获wiki

4、sharp-fanged a. ─── 尖齿的, 讽刺的, 挖苦的

5、fanged up movie ─── 装腔作势的电影

6、fanged menace eso ─── 泥泞的威胁

7、fanged noumena ─── 尖牙本体

fanged 词性/词形变化,fanged变形

形容词: fanged |

fanged 相似词语短语

1、hanged ─── v.绞死;上吊

2、danged ─── 危险的

3、fangled ─── adj.新流行的(新奇的)

4、flanged ─── adj.带凸缘的;装有法兰的;带法兰的;折边的

5、fanded ─── 建立

6、banged ─── 砰砰作响

7、fanked ─── 狂热的

8、fanned ─── v.扇;adj.扇型的(带翼的)

9、ganged ─── adj.成组的;联动的;v.用细金属丝加固;系在钓鱼线上(gange的过去分词)

fanged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I would rather that you chose Wei Fang. ─── 我宁愿你选择魏芳。

2、Many are tempted to believe that the power and popularity of the fanged beast are simply explained by our collective love for danger. ─── 多数被诱惑相信力量和有尖牙畜牲的名声为危险只是被我们的集体爱解释。

3、Sit on the chair, thin leg Qu Fang go up at another foot ham and unbend. ─── 坐于椅子上,单腿屈放于另一脚大腿上并伸直。

4、How do you do? I'm Wei Fang from Guangzhou Huashun Group Co. Ltd. ─── 你好。我是广州华顺集团有限公司的魏芳。

5、Its fanged maw protrudes from beneath a bony brow almost like a separate appendage. ─── 它的长牙的咽喉从其瘦骨嶙峋的面部下面突出来,就像一个独立的肢体一样。

6、Shelly: Hi, Mr. Fang, Mrs. Fang. Thank you for inviting me. ─── 嗨,方先生、方太太。谢谢你们邀请我。

7、From that day on, Fang often ate his meals in the third class. ─── 从那天起,方鸿渐饭也常在二等吃。

8、Fangmu shaft brick structure with the column Fang, Dougong. ─── 塔身用砖砌成仿木结构的柱枋、斗拱。

9、Is everyone here today? No, Liu Fang is not here. ─── 今天大家到齐了吗?没有,刘芳不在。

10、Michael Fang: Everybody forgot my birthday. ─── 大家都忘了我的生日了。

11、Xiao Fang, please take out the trash. ─── 小芳,去把垃圾丢掉。

12、Liu Fang is a remarkable virtuoso of the pipa, a Chinese lute. ─── 刘芳是一位出色的演奏家。

13、In her intemperate husband, Mrs Fang has a broken reed . ─── 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。

14、Do you know what happened to Wang Fang? ─── 你知道王芳发生什么事了吗?

15、"What can be said of Liu Fang's pipa and guzheng recital in Paris? ─── "对刘芳的演奏只能用一句话来概括 - 是听觉上, 视觉上和心灵上真正莫大的享受.

16、Liu Fang has been awarded several grants by the Canada Council for the Arts. ─── 在最近几年内,刘芳俩次获得加拿大国家艺术委员会颁发的艺术家个人成就奖,并多次得到各种赞助。

17、I am Fang Huan. I have set up my home on the Internet. Welcome! ─── 我是房欢.今天刚刚在网上安了家,欢迎到我家来做客啊!

18、It suddenly occurred to Fang that Miss T'ang did not use any makeup. ─── 他忽然想唐小姐并不十妆饰。

19、And the entire crew is troubled by visions of a giant fanged serpent, which appears randomly around the ship. ─── 全体船员则不停产生幻觉,似乎有一条巨大的“毒蛇”不断出现在船上各个角落。

20、Publisher: Huhehaote : Yuan fang chu ban she, 2008. ─── 呼和浩特 : 远方出版社, 2008.

21、Led by Fang Zhimin, we made our way to northeast Jiangxi. ─── 在方志敏领导下,我们开到赣东北。

22、I'd like to make an appointment for my daughter, Mei fang. ─── 我要替女儿美芳挂号预约。

23、Miss Tang said, "Mr. Fang, you are too concerned with insignificant details. ─── 唐小姐道:“方先生真会挑眼!

24、Second, the strength of the Fang Chanshang inconsistent. ─── 其次,房产商的实力的不一致。

25、I have been silently giving my thoughts to Dr. Fang. ─── 我一直在思索方大夫的问题。

26、He was a favorite student of Fang Bao and the teacher of Yao Nai. ─── 在“桐城派”的形成中起着承前启后的传递作用。

27、A "fanged skeleton" is a skeleton possessed by a hunger demon. ─── “毒牙骷髅”是一个被饥饿恶魔所侵占的骷髅。

28、Zhou Fang was born in Chang'an. ─── 周舫,长安人,

29、The piercing wind fanged his ears. ─── 刺骨的寒风吹得他耳朵疼痛。

30、FANG May: And you want a medical examination. ─── 你是要做一个体检?

31、In the Fang's court, action has given way to procedural points. ─── 在银牙的宫廷中,实干让位给了程序步骤。

32、I spoke to Wang Fang-- professor Pan's wife --and told her what you said. ─── 我与王芳---潘教授的妻子---交谈并告诉她你所说的话。

33、"Little Fang is a real disgrace! ─── “小方真丢人哪!

34、The angel told the evangelist 's evangelical gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。

35、He draws mostly seascapes; fish and octopi, multi-fanged sharks and moray eels. ─── 他画的大多是海洋,里面有鱼、章鱼、牙齿锋利的鲨鱼,以及鳗鱼。

36、The outspoken Mrs. Liu asked, "Have you ever met this Fang fellow? ─── 刘太太嘴快,说:“这个姓方的你见过没有?

37、Zhou Ju Fang , daughter , life in 1985 , Shanghailander. ─── 周菊芳,女,1985年生,上海人。

38、The piercing wind fanged his ears. ─── 刺骨的寒风吹得他耳朵疼痛。

39、Cry wolf often enough and, as every preschooler learns, you will be ignored when the fanged canine actually turns up. ─── 每个学龄前儿童都知道,如果你总喊“狼来了”,当这种满口獠牙的犬科动物真的出现时,没人会理你。

40、The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。

41、Are you Miss Su?You want to speak to Fang Hung-chien. ─── 你是不是苏小姐,要找方鸿渐?

42、Niu is the most retail Wong Kwong Yu Fang? ─── 中英文对照:最牛散户刘芳就是黄光裕?


44、Wu Mei beated Liu Fang at pingpong. ─── 吴枚在乒乓球比赛中击败了刘芳。

45、Ni shui zai yi jian xiao fang zi li ma ? ─── 喂,青蛙妈妈,你还在冬眠吗?

46、Hello, Extension 6571, Zhou Fang speaking. ─── 喂,这里是6571号分机,我是周芳。

47、Would you connect me with Mr. Fang? ─── 我找方先生讲话好吗?

48、I am not very good at maths, but Wei Fang said she's going to help me. ─── 我不太擅长数学,但是魏芳说她会帮助我。

49、Without any inkling of the subject, old Mr. Fang cried out in astonishment. ─── 遯翁没听儿子说辞职,失声惊问。

50、Many are tempted to believe that the power and popularity of the fanged beast are simply explained by our collective love for danger. ─── 多数被诱惑相信力量和有尖牙畜牲的名声为危险只是被我们的集体爱解释。

51、China First Pencil Fang Zheng Co. ─── 包括其附属的中国第一铅笔方正公司。

52、They made Li Fang their leader. ─── 他们选定李方做他们的头头。

53、Address: Industry Park of Yang Fang Town, Chang Ping District, Beijing China. ─── 地址:北京市昌平区阳坊镇工业园区

54、Excuse me! Are you Wei Fang? ─── 对不起!你是魏芳吗?

55、Liu Fang was born in 1974 in Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunnan. ─── 刘芳于一九七四年出生于云南昆明。

56、Gorilla: Then bite me, oh fanged one!For his poison fang was invincible! ─── 3、个头小小的螳螂虽然武功盖世,却因为性急差点送命。

57、Beijing Ying Fang Plastic Product Co., Ltd. ─── 北京英方日用塑胶制品有限公司。

58、Italian contestant Fang Tana attains the group second. ─── 意大利选手方塔娜获小组第二。

59、"Mr. Fang, have you ever studied mathematical logic? ─── “方先生,你对数理逻辑用过功没有?”

60、I spoke to Wang Fang---Professor Pan's wife---and told her what you said. ─── 我与王芳--潘教授的妻子--交谈并告诉她你所说的话。

61、She is ahigh school teacher. Her name is Li Fang. ─── 她是一位中学教师,名叫李芳。

62、And the entire crew is troubled by visions of a giant fanged serpent, which appears randomly around the ship. ─── 全体船员则不停产生幻觉,似乎有一条巨大的"毒蛇"不断出现在船上各个角落。

63、"I am truly grateful that Mr. Fang is willing to show off his eloquence. ─── 我感激得很方先生肯为我表演口才。

64、Oh, Xiao Fang, I didn't hear you come in. ─── 哦,小方,你进来我都没听见。

65、Hello, my name is Guo Fang. ─── 嗨,你好,我叫郭芳。

66、Jing Fang did it much earlier. He proposed it in the 1st century B. C. ─── 中国的京房比他早得多。京房公元前1世纪就提出来了。

67、Is metaphase bladder cancer serious? Is there cure of He Fang law? ─── 中期膀胱癌严重吗?有何方法治疗?

68、The law of the fang is not repealed. ─── 弱肉强食的规律并没有过时哩。

69、May I see Mr. Fang for just a moment, please? ─── 我想见一下方先生好吗?

70、Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang were two representative artists of the time. ─── 张萱和周舫就是在这样的社会背景和绘画发展趋势下登上人物画画坛的。

71、If you can't see Wei Fang, please leave her a message. ─── 如果你看不到魏芳,请给她留个口信。

72、Traditional Chinese music performed by Liu Fang (Free samples). ─── 刘芳演奏古筝曲节选.

73、"Nita, what do you think of that Fang fellow?" asked Mrs. Chang. ─── 张太太道:“Nita,看这姓方的怎么样?”

74、Yes, I am Wei Fang from the President's office. ─── 对,我是总经理办公室的魏芳。

75、I spoke to Wang Fang(Professor Pan's wife) and told her what you said. ─── 我和王芳(潘教授的妻子)交谈了并告诉她你所说的话。

76、LIU Fang was famous pediatrist in Song dynasty. ─── 刘昉为宋代著名的儿科学家。

77、With a nod to Fang they went down. ─── 对鸿渐一点头,两人下去了。

78、The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。

79、Among the stars in this new list was a fanged frog in eastern Thailand. ─── 在这个新物种名录中的明星是在泰国东部发现的尖牙青蛙。

80、Beijing Forte Hua Fang Real Estate Co., Ltd. ─── 北京复地华方房地产开发有限公司。

81、Hold on Li Fang, I'll check answers to the maths problems with you. ─── 别挂电话李芳,我来与你对一下数学题的答案。坚持;继续。

82、Xiao Fang always call her uncle's son "a country boy". ─── 小芳总是管乡下二叔的儿子叫“乡下佬”。

83、His son also escapement a fat man, his father said: Fang, too tired! ─── 其子又擒一胖子,其父曰:放,太腻!

84、The snake fanged him. ─── 蛇用毒牙咬了他。

85、A "fanged skeleton" is a skeleton possessed by a hunger demon. ─── “毒牙骷髅”是一个被饥饿恶魔所侵占的骷髅。

86、"Liu Fang is a remarkable virtuoso of the pipa, a Chinese lute. ─── “刘芳是一位出色的演奏家。

87、Jingle east, south Loufan, Fang Shan, west Xingxian, Lan Ke Mountain north. ─── 东邻静乐,南连娄烦、方山,西靠兴县,北倚岢岚。

88、SHANGHAI NING FANG TEXTILE CO., LTD. ─── 上海凝纺纺织品有限公司。

89、My name is wang fang . mr smith . how do you do ? ─── 我叫王芳,史密斯先生,您好。

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