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08-18 投稿


fratricidal 发音

[ ,fretrə'saɪdl]

英:  美:

fratricidal 中文意思翻译



fratricidal 短语词组

1、fratricidal war ─── 自相残杀的战争

2、fratricidal engagement ─── 自相残杀

3、fratricidal animals ─── 自残动物

4、fratricidal mean ─── 自相残杀平均数

5、fratricidal struggle ─── [法] 内乱

6、fratricidal define ─── 自相残杀的定义

7、fratricidal def ─── 自相残杀

fratricidal 相似词语短语

1、feticidal ─── adj.堕胎的;使胎儿致命的

2、patricidal ─── adj.杀父的

3、matricidal ─── adj.弑母的

4、fratricides ─── n.杀害兄弟者;杀兄弟的行为

5、foeticidal ─── 杀胎儿的

6、raticidal ─── 推理的

7、acaricidal ─── 杀螨的

8、parricidal ─── adj.杀父母的

9、fratricide ─── n.杀害兄弟者;杀兄弟的行为

fratricidal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yet he was the one whose campaign ran like clockwork, while hers was a fratricidal mess. ─── 而奥巴马在按部就班地运营竞选事务的时候,希拉里却在那里煮豆燃萁。

2、The war became a prolonged, dismal, fratricidal struggle. ─── 这场战争成为一场拖拉的,可怕的,骨肉相残的斗争。

3、However, in connection with Sina science and technology, the 360-odd tigers and Kaspersky denied the outbreak of the "fratricidal", stunning the tiger and no false positives Kaspersky 360 records. ─── 但在与新浪科技连线中,奇虎360否认了与卡巴斯基发生“相互残杀”的说法,称奇虎360并没有误报卡巴斯基的记录。

4、Thirty years ago, China was just emerging from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution and 30 years of fratricidal misrule. ─── 年前,中国刚刚从嗡嗡嗡和自相残杀的恶梦中解脱出来。

5、A bitter fratricidal battle is looming, with calls for an emergency party conference to remove him as secretary-general. ─── 一场惨烈的自相残杀之战争迫在眉睫,召开党的紧急会议,免除帕萨特罗党总书记的提议四起。

6、Have reason to believe that the name in Tanzania is the meaning of the words of the dead, as the fratricidal Africans in the 19th century, many of them to die here. ─── 有理由相信这个名字在坦桑尼亚语中的意思是死人之地,因为在19世纪非洲人自相残杀时,他们中的很多就死在这里。

7、But the righteous Shi Que was very unhappy that his son had thrown in his lot with the fratricidal Zhou Yu. ─── 石碏对儿子石厚助纣为虐、欺凌百姓的行为十分不满。

8、But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism. ─── 但是董事会的权力争夺、股东法律争议,甚至是同族竞争都不过是资本主义的内容。

9、And the sword is really a hero compared to the same root, fratricidal! ─── 和剑英雄相比真的是本是同根生,相煎何太急!

10、Finally, the fratricidal price wars led to the short-lived brand of Pharmaceuticals in China. ─── 最后,自相残杀的价格战导致中国药品品牌的短命。

11、Neither the killing of Mr Zarqawi nor any breakthrough on the political front will stop the insurgency and the fratricidal murders in their tracks. ─── 杀死扎卡维和任何的政治阵线上的突破都无法在它们的促使下停止这场叛乱和同族杀戮。

12、So they are still capable of drawing back from a fratricidal war. ─── 所以他们仍有能力免于经历这场自相残杀。

13、"The South Korean impertinent allegations are only aimed at provoking fratricidal confrontation and inciting hatred," said Choi. ─── 他说:“韩国(南韩)的无理指责只是想以煽动仇恨来挑起兄弟间的仇杀和对抗。”

14、A failure to turn Iraq into Switzerland means neither that Iraq is fated to collapse altogether nor that its people are doomed to perpetual fratricidal war. ─── 没能把伊拉克变成另一个瑞士,并不意味着这个国家就此崩溃,更不意味着这个国家的人民要陷入永无止境的自相残杀。

15、Fa Sam Lang find rich, women will live in the bleak melancholy of life, to marry because of money fratricidal family, women may also be available just a pawn, even victim. ─── 找到有钱的花心郎,女人只会活在愁云惨淡的生活中,嫁给因为钱而兄弟相残的家族中,女人也可能只是一枚可供利用的棋子,甚至牺牲品。

16、fratricidal struggle ─── 内乱

17、Since the end of mankind still fresh of the consequences of the fratricidal and end up similar fate. ─── 最后人类还自食了恶果,而落得同类相残的命运。

18、Their music is an ominous reflection of the twentieth century's last European fratricidal war of ideologies. ─── 他们的音乐是对二十世纪在欧洲最近发生的思想观念的自相残杀的不祥反映。

19、According to incomplete statistics, the last week alone more than 70 parrots in this way fratricidal died. ─── 据不完全统计,仅上周就有70多只鹦鹉通过这种方式自相残杀而死。

20、!!He did not know Yitiandaowan in Xiangxieshime, hand, foot and fratricidal ah! ─── 也不知道他一天到晚在想些什么,手足相残啊!

21、The result of this fratricidal carnage is that al-Qaida has now lost what fatal attraction it once held for anti-imperialists. ─── 这一同室操戈的大屠杀的结果是,基地组织现在已经失去了其曾一度拥有的反帝主义者的致命吸引力。

22、fratricidal aspect ─── 自我厮杀

23、to be engaged in a fratricidal struggle ─── 进行自相残杀的斗争

24、3 3 But when the unjust man withdrew from her in his anger, he perished through his fratricidal wrath. ─── 但当不义者在愤怒中背弃了智慧,遂怒杀兄弟而自取灭亡。

25、- who straightaway destroyed his brother, supposed to have designed a conspiracy against himself, a fratricidal contrivance; ─── 图拉真自己在选择自己的一个老乡和侄子做继续人时也犯了错误。

26、a fratricidal war ─── 自相残杀的战争

27、But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism. Let the law take its course. ─── 不过,董事会上的争斗、股东间的诉讼、甚至自相残杀的竞争乃资本主义的本质,留给法律解决好了。

28、We may see stories about fratricidal civil wars, both in the United States and in invented lands, and stories in which next-door neighbors do not even share a common language. ─── 我们会在一些故事里看到碎片化发展到极端情况时产生的严重或幽默的后果。 我们也可能看到关于同族内战的故事,既可以发生在美国,也可以发生在虚构的地方;有的故事会告诉我们隔壁邻居跟我们讲的不是同一种语言。

29、Fratricidal effects of nuclear weapons; ─── 核武器自相摧毁效应;

30、The contrast in the summer when the Tuibisanshe the file, such a collective of the "fratricidal" is sad. ─── 而对比其在暑假档时的退避三舍的行为,这种集体性的“自相残杀”更是可悲。

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