unrepentant 发音
英:[ˌʌnrɪˈpentənt] 美:[ˌʌnrɪˈpentənt]
英: 美:
unrepentant 中文意思翻译
unrepentant 短语词组
1、unrepentant carnivores ─── 无怨 ─── 无悔的食肉动物
2、unrepentant sinners ─── [法] 毫不悔改的罪人
3、unrepentant love ─── 无悔的爱
4、unrepentant youth ─── 不屈 ─── 不挠的青春
unrepentant 词性/词形变化,unrepentant变形
副词: unrepentantly |
unrepentant 反义词
unrepentant 同义词
obdurate | abandoned | shameless | unremorseful | unapologetic | cussed | obstinate | unashamed | unabashed |impenitent
unrepentant 相似词语短语
1、unrelenting ─── adj.无情的;不屈不挠的;不松懈的
2、unreluctant ─── 不情愿的
3、repentant ─── adj.悔改的;后悔的
4、unrepentance ─── 卸载
5、unrepentantly ─── 无悔地
6、unrepented ─── 未抑制
7、unrepenting ─── 不屈不挠的
8、unrepugnant ─── 无情的
9、unresenting ─── 无保留
unrepentant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I remain an unrepentant rationalist. ─── 我仍是一位执迷不悟的理性主义者。
2、The unrepentant official himself was not arrested, just suspended from party membership. ─── 这位执迷不悟的官没有被逮捕,而仅仅是被开出党籍。
3、They both spoke at the 2009 TED Conference, and they're both unrepentant geeks. ─── 他们都在2009 TED大会上发了言,并且他们都是执迷不悟的极客。
4、Slovaks are prickly about Hungary, which they see as an unrepentant former imperial power (“a thousand years of oppression” is a common phrase). ─── 斯洛伐克人认为匈牙利是一个毫无悔意的前帝国,一想到它就气不打一处来(“千年压迫”就是形容匈牙利的常用语)。
5、F1 chief executive Ecclestone was unrepentant for championing the twilight concept. "I only regret the rain, " he said of Sunday's race. ─── 的F1大奖赛是执迷不悟倡导的黄昏概念。“我只是感到遗憾的是雨,他说:”周日的比赛。
6、I propose to you then that, here by the grave of this unrepentant Fenian, we renew our baptismal vows ─── 让我们在这位至死不渝的非尼安会员的坟前重表我们对信仰的忠心
7、In the end he will have the pleasure of fighting Cyrus, the cowardly murderer of Sandro, who ran here to hide in the Ring of the Unrepentant's magic realm. ─── 与谋杀桑德罗的凶手,躲到无悔指环魔法领域里的胆小鬼塞勒斯战斗,对他来说将是一件很有趣的事情。
8、But one day their sin would put them to shame, as it will for all unrepentant people on the great judgment day. ─── 可是有一天他们的罪会使他们羞愧,像大审判日子对所有不肯悔改的人一样。
9、Cyrus has fled, taking the Ring of the Unrepentant with him.Markal will have to hunt down his old enemy to get his hands on the last of the artifacts. ─── 塞勒斯带着无悔指环逃走了。马卡尔必须拦截他的这位老对手,夺取最后一件宝物。
10、They are the Staff of the Netherworld, the Cloak of Death`s Shadow, and the Ring of the Unrepentant. ─── 它们分别是:冥界手杖、死亡阴影斗篷和无悔指环。
11、Ali was mouthy, gutsy, and unrepentant. ─── 阿里是伶牙俐齿的,坚定无畏的,从不懊悔的。
12、10 years ago, youth was unrepentant to us; ─── 十年前我们可以说青春无悔;
13、In her first interview since leaving Coke, Ms Minnick admits she can be impatient, but is unrepentant. ─── 她在离开可口可乐后首次接受采访时表示,自己可能有些缺乏耐心,但并不感到后悔。
14、The shrine is a memorial to 2.5m Japanese war dead, but also the focus for unrepentant militarism. ─── 靖国神社是日本为追悼250万战役者修建的纪念设施,但问题的焦点是那些死不悔改的军国主义。
15、F1 chief executive Ecclestone was unrepentant for championing the twilight concept. "I only regret the rain," he said of Sunday's race. ─── 的F1大奖赛是执迷不悟倡导的黄昏概念。“我只是感到遗憾的是雨,他说:”周日的比赛.
16、God sees every sin, and for the unrepentant there will indeed come punishment, whether in this life or the next. ─── 上帝看得见每一个罪,不悔改的人必将遭受处罚,不论是在今生或在来世。
17、The country that stands out as unrepentant is Greece. ─── 明显顽固不化的国家的是希腊。
18、show not the least sign of repentance; be absolutely unrepentant ─── 毫无改悔之意
19、Christians, pary for an outpouring of God's Spirit upon a willful,evil, unrepentant world. ─── 基督徒呀,要祈求上帝的灵浇灌在这个任性、邪恶、而且不肯悔改的世界上。
20、unrepentant sinners ─── [法] 毫不悔改的罪人
21、When i was walking in tomorrow has an unrepentant beautiful mood loading. ─── 当我安安心心的走在明天里有不后悔美丽的。
22、In her first interview since leaving Coke, Ms Minnick admits she can be impatient, but is unrepentant. ─── 她在离开可口可乐后首次接受采访时表示,自己可能有些缺乏耐心,但并不感到后悔。
23、The Amulet of Necromancy I have, But the Ring of the Unrepentant, the Cloak of Death's Shadow, and the Staff of the Netherworld remain to be acquired. ─── 现在我只拿到了招魂护身符,但是另外3件宝物:无悔指环、死亡阴影斗篷以及冥界手杖仍有待获取。
24、He killed them because they were unrepentant. ─── 因为他们不肯悔改,他就杀死了他们。
25、Houllier, though, remains unrepentant and is adamant that the midfielder wants to help Lyon's quest for further honours. ─── 然而,霍利尔依然认为迪亚拉会留下,帮助里昂夺取更多的冠军.
26、wise reflection ERA, fool of unrepentant. ─── 智者反省自责,愚人执迷不悟。
27、This would be heresy in a more traditional MBA programme, but Prof Schmittlein is unrepentant. ─── 对于比较传统的MBA项目来说,这简直就是离经叛道之举,但施米特莱因毫无忏悔之意。
28、Not penitent; unrepentant. ─── 不知悔悟的;无悔意的
29、It is a sign of the times that this year’s season opened with Bauer being hauled before a congressional committee to face the charge of committing torture.He was unrepentant. ─── 今年第八季的迹象是,鲍尔面临犯下刑讯逼供罪的指控,他在那名国会议员前没有屈服。
30、He will do this to those who reject his words or who do not follow his commandments and are unrepentant. ─── 他将对那些拒绝他话或者不遵从他的戒律又不悔改的人关上神国的门。
31、Sung loudly "success after crucifixion" after" unrepentant youth ". ─── 高唱“青春无悔”过后的“劫后辉煌”;
32、He remains unrepentant after repeated criticism. ─── 经过多次批评他仍无转变。
33、"For example, do you know of the great robber Kandata, who died unrepentant and fell into the Unintermittent Hells? ─── 举个例子来说吧!你知道大盗甘德塔吗?他死时未忏悔,就堕入了无间地狱;
34、be absolutely unrepentant; be incorrigible ─── 死不改悔
35、I was tired but unrepentant and didn't seem able to force myself into a practical posture of usefulness and obedience ─── 我很疲倦,却毫不悔悟,不肯强迫自己作出一种服服贴贴,有益而实事求是的姿态。
36、He may end up in coalition with the country's unrepentant Communist Party. ─── 他很可能以与本国顽固不化的共产党联合而结束。
37、Despite sharp criticism by the African Union, the United Nations and France, the former colonial power, the captain sounds unrepentant. ─── 虽然非洲联盟、联合国以及前几内亚殖民国法国提出了严厉的批评,但卡马拉上尉似乎仍执迷不悟。
38、Seedorf was booked during the AEK Athens game for measuring the distance between a free-kick and the wall and remained unrepentant. ─── 西多夫被职责在对阵雅典AEK的比赛中罚任意球和造人墙失误,但是依旧不后悔。
39、Though the couple had a tempestuous marriage off-screen (Desi was an unrepentant philanderer), the Ricardos' kisses showed the spark of real attraction. ─── 虽然这对夫妻私底下有不平静的婚姻关系(戴西是个不知悔改的色胚),李卡度夫妻之吻仍冒出真实互相吸引的火花。
40、Because of his desperate plea, the Lord agreed to not totally destroy the Israelites, but immediate discipline and punishment was still required for the unrepentant. ─── 由于摩西迫切的祈求,上帝同意不将以色列人全部灭绝,但对那些不悔改的人仍须施以立即的教训和惩罚。
41、But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. ─── 你竟任着你刚硬不悔改的心,为自己积蓄忿怒,以致神震怒,显他公义审判的日子来到。
42、Among its supporters and officials are unrepentant defenders of the fascist regimes in Spain and Portugal and even those who said that Nazism had been a lesser evil than communism. ─── 智囊团的支持者和成员都是西班牙和葡萄牙法西斯政权的忠实捍卫者,甚至有些人说共产主义比纳粹更邪恶。
43、Rom. 2:5 But, according to your hardness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, ─── 罗二5你竟任著你刚硬不悔改的心,为自己在神动怒并显示他公义审判的日子,积蓄忿怒。
44、But with Fergie understood to be unrepentant over his recent outburst against Wenger and the Arsenal boss still fuming with his United counterpart, the ceasefire is not expected to last. ─── 不过虽然弗格森表示他对此前向温格发的脾气感到后悔,阿森纳主帅依然对他的曼联对手非常生气。看来停火无法持续太长时间。
45、He was unrepentant. ─── 他却并不后悔。
46、After almost eight years of incarceration, Jianguo is unrepentant, resolute, and forgotten. ─── 蹲了将近八年大牢之后,建国依旧坚定无悔,但早已被世人遗忘。
47、He was preaching down on the unrepentant sinners. ─── 他正谴责那些没有悔意的罪人们。
48、But United are unrepentant. ─── 要球票的人将会更多,我们认为球赛的水平物有所值。”
49、The burning wrath of God was soon to come without pity (7:4, 9) upon all the unrepentant, be they within the city or without (7:15). ─── 上帝的烈怒将速速临到(7:4、9)那些不悔改的人,不管他们在城内或城外(7:15),祂的圣洁和公正必引出祂的愤怒。
50、I don't see any fire,"Ginny retorts, unrepentant, then wrinkles her nose."I do, however, detect some powerful morning breath. ─── 我可没瞧见,“Ginny回嘴道,一点也不服软,然后皱了皱鼻子。“我的确叫,检查早晨的呼吸状况。
51、Replacing good with unrepentant badness. ─── 更换好与死不悔改不良。
52、Markal is now facing the final step in his plan: he must obtain the Ring of the Unrepentant. ─── 现在摆在马卡尔面前的是其计划的最后一步:夺取无悔指环。
53、Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks. ─── 帕梅拉对自己激烈粗暴的言论不感到羞愧。
54、Unrepentant or obstinate heretics were excommunicated and given over to secular authorities. ─── 不知悔改和顽固不化的异端分子将被逐出教会并交由世俗统治者处理。
55、Despite the vitriol the filmmakers remain unrepentant. ─── 尽管硫酸拍片仍死不悔改。
56、In the face of certain unrepentant owners ask you and your team always smiling silent, leaving them consciously sorry forgot their final original. ─── 面对某些执迷不悟的业主的追问,您和您的团队始终面带微笑沉默不语,致使他们自觉不好意思最后忘了自己当初的问题。
57、Beyond all doubt, we must crack down resolutely on the unrepentant diehards among the sworn followers of the Gang of Four. ─── 对“四人帮”的死党中死不改悔的人,毫无疑问要坚决打击。
58、Mr Stevens was unrepentant. ─── 斯蒂文斯很是顽固不化。
59、Despite sharp criticism by the African Union, the United Nations and France, the former colonial power, the captain sounds unrepentant. ─── 虽然非洲联盟、联合国以及前几内亚殖民国法国提出了严厉的批评,但卡马拉上尉似乎仍执迷不悟。
60、When asked about such bully-boy tactics, Dr Grove remains unrepentant. ─── 被问及这种蛮干策略,Grove博士仍然不改初衷。
61、For his part, the Liverpool manager was unrepentant, arguing yesterday that David Gill, the United chief executive, is too powerful an influence at Soho Square. ─── 在他这边,利物浦经理不知悔改。他昨天还说曼联CEO吉尔在足总的影响力太大。
62、He insisted that he is unrepentant, except that he is sorry for his son whom he said is his. ─── 他坚称不后悔,只是认为对不起儿子,因为儿子是他亲生的。
63、Seedorf was booked during the AEK Athens game for measuring the distance between a free-kick and the wall and remained unrepentant. ─── 西多夫被职责在对阵雅典AEK的比赛中罚任意球和造人墙失误,但是依旧不后悔。
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