Medoc 发音
英: 美:
Medoc 中文意思翻译
Medoc 短语词组
1、medoc wine france ─── 梅多克葡萄酒法国
2、medoc mountain state park ─── 梅多克山州立公园
3、medoc define medoc ─── 定义
4、medoc wines ─── 梅多克葡萄酒
5、medoc definition medoc ─── 定义
Medoc 相似词语短语
1、medic ─── n.医师;医科学生;苜蓿属植物(等于medick);n.(Medic)人名;(塞)梅迪茨
2、medio- ─── n.中部;五分镍币;月中付款;n.(Medio)人名;(西)梅迪奥
3、medick ─── n.苜蓿
4、-doc ─── abbr.通信部(DepartmentofCommunications);商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)
5、Modoc ─── n.莫多克人(居住在美国俄勒冈州中南部及加利福尼亚州北部的印第安人部落)
6、medics ─── n.医学工作者;苜蓿(medic的复数)
7、medico ─── n.医师;医科学生;n.(Medico)人名;(意)梅迪科
8、Ceroc ─── n.萨洛克舞
9、mediocre ─── adj.普通的;平凡的;中等的
Medoc 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、C. even though many of those wines carry the quality of a Medoc Cru Bourgeois or a Saint-Emilion Grand Cru. ─── C.以上的分级制度,纵然不少它们的酒都拥有梅铎高级酒或圣特美伦高级酒的质素。
2、B&G Medoc ─── 梅多克法国红酒
3、For little-heard areas in Medoc such as Premiere Cotes de Bordeaux or Cotes de Bourg, it is unfortunate that they don't have a classification above A. ─── 一些梅铎区里比较不著名的地方,例如波尔多一级谷和波格谷,它们都不幸地欠缺了A.
4、Other properties that are located on the gravelly soil of the Medoc region possess the same philosophy of quality and dedication. ─── 其他坐落在美铎地区碎石土壤上的庄园也具有把产量和质量相结合的相同理念。
5、More than 7800 athletes turned out to compete in the 13th Annual Wine Marathon run through the vineyards in the Medoc region of France. ─── 超过7800名运动员参加了在法国梅多克地区葡萄园举行的一年一度的第13届葡萄酒马拉松赛。
6、Other properties that are located on the gravelly soil of the Medoc region possess the same philosophy of quality and dedication. ─── 其他坐落在美铎地区碎石土壤上的庄园也具有把产量和质量相结合的相同理念。
7、C. even though many of those wines carry the quality of a Medoc Cru Bourgeois or a Saint-Emilion Grand Cru. ─── 以上的分级制度,纵然不少它们的酒都拥有梅铎高级酒或圣特美伦高级酒的质素。
8、It was awarded as the Grand Cru Classe in the 1855 Medoc Area Wine Classification. ─── 在1855年的波尔多美度区列级名庄评选中,佳得美稳稳地占据了一席之地。
9、Listrac Haut Medoc ─── 里斯屈克·鹤迪红酒
10、Runners in costume move through the Medoc wine region during the Marathon du Medoc race on September 6, 2008 near Pauillac, France. ─── 9月6日,在法国举行的梅多克马拉松上,几名参赛者穿着露出假臀部的运动裤格外引人注目。
11、Then,according to these results,we have analysed the accuracy of the station coordinates of MEDOC 2 network and pointed out that there is an error of about 3-4 meters to MEDOC 2 station coordinates. ─── 由此对MEDOC 2网的测站坐标进行的精度分析,指出了MEDOC 2网的站坐标存在约3-4米的误差。
12、The marathon runs through the famous Medoc wine region prior to the annual harvest. ─── 这项比赛沿途经过的全是法国最富盛名的葡萄园。
13、Ripe and intense fruit flavors characterize this lovely 2003 Medoc wine.The mouth-feel is rounding, rich and full.Subtle plum flavors intermingle with hints of spice and cedar-true Medoc character! ─── 带成熟果香,彰显出03年梅铎区出产之特质,口感圆滑丰满,略带洋梨气味,蕴藏一丝丝香料及雪松气味,为梅铎区之特质!
14、It is often known as the most consistent performer in Medoc of which 80% of vineyards grown at Saint-Julien is of Cru Classe status. ─── 圣朱利安在梅铎里有最稳定的表现,百分之八十的葡萄园是列级酒庄。
15、Medoc is located North West to the town of Bordeaux by the Gironde River. ─── 梅铎在波尔多的西北面,吉隆特河的西面(统称左岸),以砂砾多而闻名。
16、You must have heard about the big name of Bordeaux, but do you know that Medoc is an important part of Bordeaux? ─── 我想你肯定听过波尔多的大名,但你知道梅铎在波尔多的地位有多重要?
17、In addition to the Terroir, grape varieties used also affect the styles of wines in Medoc. ─── 风土以外,葡萄品种也会影响梅铎里葡萄酒的风格。
18、Medoc wine from the vineyard on the north of Bordeaux is the most typical Bordeaux character. ─── 产自波尔多北部梅多克葡萄园的葡萄酒是最具波尔多特性的典范。
19、1. Medoc is a very good wine. ─── 美多克是一种很好的酒。
20、The location of the commune, the terroir, the grape varieties and the winemaker all make a difference in the final wine and that's what make Medoc so interesting and incomparable! ─── 产区位置、风土、葡萄品种和酿酒师全都对最终的出品有影响,而这使梅铎的葡萄酒显得更有趣,真的是无与伦比的梅铎!
21、Medoc Iraq said that AIDS has not only a health problem, it has become an obstacle to economic and social development of Nigeria's great challenge. ─── 伊多克说,艾滋病已经不仅仅是一个健康问题,它已经成为阻碍尼经济和社会发展的巨大挑战。
22、Medoc virus ─── 梅多克病毒
23、Located in the famous Medoc wine region, the vineyard of Chateau Latour belongs to the Pauillac appellation. ─── 位于波尔多美度区菩依乐村的拉图庄,是一个早在14世纪的文献中就已提到的古老庄园。
24、Does Chateau Talbot buy out any wineries in other areas outside Medoc? ─── 大宝庄除了在美度区拥有产业外,有没有收购其他庄园的动向?
25、spent time in Bordeaux, he returned determined to plant a vineyard and make a wine in the style of the medoc. ─── Eloy曾在法国的波尔多生活过一段时间,回到西班牙后他决定种植一个葡萄园,并酿造“medoc”风格的葡萄酒。
26、We are the only winery in the Medoc to use this machine. ─── 这在波而多地区独此一家。
27、the manager of the Golf du Medoc Hotel et Spa 4*, would like to welcome you. ─── 在美居,我们将尽一切可能,确保您能度过一个美好的夜晚!
28、We also have the second largest planting area of 108 hectares in Medoc. ─── 我们拥有美度区第二大面积的108公顷的葡萄园。
29、You must have heard about the big name of Bordeaux, but do you know that Medoc is an important part of Bordeaux? ─── 我想你肯定听过波尔多的大名,但你知道梅铎在波尔多的地位有多重要?
30、Chateau De Candale is made at one of the oldest estates in Medoc, third growth Chateau DIssan. ─── 是优质的村庄级法定产区酒。康帝庄与玛歌三级名庄迪仙庄同属一庄园。
31、Medoc wine from the vineyard on the north of Bordeaux is the most typical Bordeaux character. ─── 产自波尔多北部梅多克葡萄园的葡萄酒是最具波尔多特性的典范。
32、Your Medoc, sir. ─── 先生,您要的麦道克葡萄酒。
33、Chateau Listran offers an agreeably fruity bouquet, with a finesse and tannins worthy of a wine from the Medoc. ─── 力士将红葡萄酒(04年红葡萄酒)产自波尔多名村-美度,是列级名庄第六级(即明星庄)名酿,酒香带咖啡香,酒体有力干实,木香强。
34、5.A valuable wine from Medoc, deep red color with distinct fruity aroma, strong and smooth, well-balanced between red fruit flavour, fine tannin and oak, a fine wine indeed. ─── 梅克多的超值品种之一,酒色深有明显的花香,劲力而柔润,成熟的黑果味与上佳的单宁和橡木味香匀和,酿制精湛。
35、16.Your Medoc, sir. May I serve it now? ─── 先生,您要的麦道克葡萄酒,现在可以斟酒了吗?
36、"It is nothing" he said ; "let us go on. But first another draught of the Medoc." ─── “没事,我们继续吧。不过,我得再来点美多克。”
37、I think, Medoc, red wine goes well with it. ─── 我认为红葡萄酒配很好。
38、A valuable wine from Medoc , deep red color with distinct fruity aroma , strong and smooth , well-balanced between red fruit flavour , fine tannin and oak , a fine wine indeed . ─── 梅多克最超值品种之一。酒色深有明显的花香味。劲力而油润,成熟黑果味充盈口腔,与上佳单宁味及运用得宜的橡木味相匀和。酿制精湛。
39、Your Medoc, sir. May I serve it now? ─── 先生,您要的麦道克葡萄酒,此刻可以斟酒了吗?
40、My own fancy grew warm with the Medoc. ─── 美多克下肚,我也有些飘飘然。
41、Rothshild Medoc Reserve Speciale A O C ─── 精选梅多克-罗斯希尔酒园
42、More than 7800 athletes turned out to compete in the 13th Annual Wine Marathon run through the vineyards in the Medoc region of France. ─── 超过7800名运动员参加了在法国梅多克地区葡萄园举行的一年一度的第13届葡萄酒马拉松赛。
43、Viticulture:Traditionally of the Medoc; qualitative approach to obtain the best natural concentration of the grapes on the grapevine; manual and mechanical harvest. ─── 种植方式?:梅多克传统方法种植,严格控制产量以获得最好的自然质量,手工与机械采收。
44、red Burgundy wine from Medoc region of France. ─── 法国梅克多地区产的一种红勃艮第葡萄酒。
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