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impertinence 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɜːrtnəns]  美:[ɪmˈpɜːtɪnəns]

英:  美:

impertinence 中文意思翻译



impertinence 短语词组

1、impertinence means ─── 无礼意味着

2、impertinence define ─── 无礼定义

3、impertinence meaning ─── 无礼的意思

4、impertinence sampling ─── 不恰当抽样

5、impertinence informally crossword ─── 无礼非正式的填字游戏

6、impertinence in a sentence ─── 无礼

7、impertinence informally ─── 非正式的无礼

impertinence 词性/词形变化,impertinence变形


impertinence 相似词语短语

1、impermanence ─── n.无常;暂时性

2、impertinently ─── adv.不切题地;不恰当地;不礼貌地

3、impertinences ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

4、pertinence ─── n.针对性;有关性,相关性

5、impatience ─── n.急躁;无耐心

6、impertinencies ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

7、impertinent ─── adj.不恰当的;无礼的;粗鲁的;不相干的

8、impercipience ─── 无知觉

9、impertinency ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

impertinence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and Elizabeth suspected herself to be the first creature who had ever dared to trifle with so much dignified impertinence! ─── 伊丽莎白觉得敢于和这种没有礼貌的富贵太太开玩笑,恐怕要推她自己为第一个人。

2、Gerald upbraided Pork for his impertinence, but he knew that he was right. ─── 杰拉尔德责骂波克放肆,可心里明白他是对的。

3、She had the impertinence to ask my age! ─── 她居然探问我的年龄,真没礼貌!

4、"I shall do nothing of the kind," said Lady Audley, her clear blue eyes flashing with indignation, "and I wonder at your impertinence in asking it. ─── “我决不做这种事情,”奥德利夫人说道,她那明亮的蓝眼睛里闪射出愤怒的光芒。“我对你的这种无礼要求感到奇怪。”

5、Characterised by offensive boldness; and displaying ostentatiously an insolence or impertinence air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste. ─── 怀著大胆冒犯他人的性格,而自我招摇地显示出一股自夸自大无礼的行为.

6、Formerly he had the same combination of servility and impertinence which Wilkerson possessed but now, with Mr. Calvert and Raiford dead in the war and Cade sick, he had dropped all servility. ─── 从前他也有威尔克森那种卑躬屈膝又鲁莽无礼的两面态度,但自从在战争中卡尔弗特先生和雷福德牲以后,他就把卑屈的一面完全抛掉了。

7、We reproach the sex every day with folly and impertinence. ─── 我们每天愚昧而粗鲁地指责女性。

8、Instead of a friend in a post-chaise or in a Tilbury, to exchange good things with, and vary the same stale topics over again, for once let me have a truce with impertinence. ─── 此时,既不必与邮递马车或二轮轻便马车上的一位友人絮聒美食,也不必旧话重提,喋喋不休,终于可以让我不必无礼地提出“暂停”。

9、After having driven for a short distance, he felt guilty for his impertinence, while the boy responded to him in so polite manners. ─── 在开了一小段路后,他有些良心不安,他粗暴无礼的态度,却得到对方如此有礼的回应。

10、uncalled-for impertinence ─── 没来由的无礼举动

11、"You may as well call it impertinence at once. ─── “你还不如说是唐突,十足唐突。

12、There are, however, some questions that one who is to speak about fairy-stories must expect to answer, or attempt to answer, whatever the folk of Fa?rie may think of his impertinence. ─── 不过,尽管仙境中的居民或会视为无礼,要谈论仙境故事有些问题必须要有答案,至少努力去找出答案。

13、He got all het up over her impertinence. ─── 他为她那无礼的举动所激怒.

14、3. some impediment person invigilate, discover one student peeks, growl of utterly discomfited ground: Bay? you, you, you, your have the impertinence to do sth is cogged, stand up to me! ─── 3.某口吃者监考,发现一学生偷看,气急败坏地吼道:“你,你,你,你,你竟敢作弊,给我站 起来!

15、His attempts to wind up Liverpool players ahead of Chelsea's losing Champions' League semi-final led to Reds defender Jamie Carragher dismissing him (the impertinence! ─── 欧冠输给利物浦的那场半决赛之前,他试图让利物浦球员紧张的做法遭到了红军后卫卡拉格(好无礼呀!)

16、Marianne, who had never much toleration for anything like impertinence, vulgarity, inferiority of parts, or even difference of taste from herself ─── 玛丽安对于无礼、粗俗、才能低下,甚至与自己的爱好不相同这类事情都是不大能容忍的。

17、It was difficult to remain equanimous in the face of such preposterous impertinence. ─── 面对着述种荒谬无礼的行为,很难处之泰然。

18、"I thought, perhaps," said Danglars with supreme impertinence, "that you had a deficiency to make up?" ─── “我以为,”腾格拉尔卤莽地说,“要填补呢?”

19、He had been obliged to offer an abject apology to Mr. Alleyne for his impertinence. ─── 他将不得不低声下气,为他的傲慢举动向艾莱恩先生请罪。

20、I shall complain to M. de Villefort of the impertinence of his servants." ─── 我要告诉维尔福先生,他的手下人也太放肆了。”

21、9. Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no style, no taste, no beauty. ─── 此女举止极不得体,傲慢无礼且不善辞令,既不风雅也无品位,谈不上美丽。收藏指正

22、He was punished for his impertinence. ─── 他为自己的粗鲁无礼遭到了惩罚。

23、”Scarlett had a sudden treacherous desire to cry out, “But you've been happy, and you and Mother aren't alike,” but she repressed it, fearing that he would box her ears for her impertinence. ─── 郝思嘉忽然心里起了种恶意,想大声喊出来:“可你不是一直很幸福呀,尽管你和妈并不是同类的人,"不过她把这念头压下去了,生怕他容忍不了这种卤莽行为,给她妈一耳光。

24、Your remarks savour strongly of impertinence. ─── 你的话听起来很不礼貌。

25、Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions, but answered them very composedly. ─── 伊丽莎白觉得她这些话问得唐突,不过还是心平气和地回答了他。

26、The offer savour s of impertinence. ─── 这个提议有点不客气[无礼]。

27、Affronted at his impertinence, she stared at him coldly and wordlessly. ─── 被他的无礼而冒犯,她冷冷地、无言地盯着他。

28、The cunning and shrewd rascals had the impertinence to defy their superiors and start a rebellion. ─── 这帮刁滑之徒竟敢犯上作乱。

29、Affronted at his impertinence,she stared at him coldly and wordlessly. ─── 被他的无礼而冒犯,她冷冷地、无言地盯著他。

30、His forced politeness sat awkwardly upon him, and approached almost to impertinence ─── 他的态度虽然客气,却满含着嘲弄,而且几乎到了失礼的程度,完全是一副矫揉造作。

31、Impertinence does not become you . ─── 鲁莽与你不相称。

32、You'll apologize to me for your impertinence, or you'll quit the office instantly! ─── 你这样放肆,非向我道歉不可!不然,你给我马上滚!

33、-- And, if I may mention so delicate a subject, endeavour to check that little something, bordering on conceit and impertinence, which your lady possesses." ─── 还有一件事,我真不好意思说出口; 尊夫人有一点儿小脾气,好象是自高自大,又好象是不懂礼貌,你也得尽力帮助她克制一下。”

34、She had the impertinence to ask my age! ─── 她居然探问我的年龄,真没礼貌!

35、He'll love and hate equally under cover,and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again. ─── 他把爱和恨都掩盖起来,至于被人爱或恨,他又认为是一种鲁莽的事。

36、He'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again. ─── 他默默的爱,默默的恨,却又把被爱和被恨看作是不合时宜的事情。

37、Mr. Collins, he will consider it an impertinence. ─── 他会认为你很莽撞的。

38、I've had enough of your impertinence. ─── 你太没礼貌,我已经受够了。

39、The allocation of a fortune-telling aspect to these cards is the story of a prolonged impertinence. ─── 从塔罗牌占卜的观点,这种随意说出的方式是不太恰当的。

40、"Have the impertinence to do sth takes the 12315 advisory telephone calls when the company, this assures phonily net courage is too great also. ─── “竟敢拿12315当公司的咨询电话,这个虚假担保网胆子也太大了。”

41、I never forgive impertinence, nor can I conceive what title you have to hope anything about what no way concerns you. ─── 我从不原谅无礼的举动,我也不明白你有什么资格来干涉与你毫不相干的事。

42、is it really an impertinence to wish that they were? ─── 不过,他们都没有出现在这本书信集中;

43、I was afraid of trampling on every traveller I met, and often called aloud to have them stand out of the way, so that I had like to have gotten one or two broken heads for my impertinence. ─── 我怕踩倒我所碰到的每一个行人,常常高声叫喊要他们给我让路。由于我这样无礼,有一两次我差点叫人打得头破血流。

44、Old Mr. Brown turned up his eyes in disgust at the impertinence of Nutkin. But he ate up the honey! ─── 老布朗先生睁开眼睛,对纳特金的无礼投以厌恶的目光。但是他吃光了那些蜂蜜。

45、What impertinence! ─── 多么无礼的话!

46、He will consider it an impertinence. ─── 他会觉得这是无礼的举动。

47、He'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again. ─── 他把爱和恨都掩盖起来,至于被人爱或恨,他又认为是一种鲁莽的事。

48、Ursula flushed a little at the mild impertinence of this question, and yet she could not definitely take offence. ─── 对于这个和缓而鲁莽的问题,厄香拉稍微脸红了一下,但是她无法感到恼火。

49、Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins ─── 现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包、喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动。

50、ursula flushed a little at the mild impertinence of this question, and yet she could not definitely take offence ─── 对于这个和缓而鲁莽的问题,厄香拉稍微脸红了一下,但是她无法感到恼火。

51、All the critical twiddle-twaddle about style and form is mere impertinence and mostly dull jargon. ─── 所有这些有关文体和体裁的蠢话,只是风马牛不相及的胡扯,多半是枯燥无味、玩弄述语的评论。

52、Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions, but answered them very composedly ─── 伊丽莎白觉得她这些话问得唐突,不过还是心平气和地回答了他。

53、Mountains would seem an impertinence from that point of view. ─── 从这个角度来说,山脉会显得鲁莽突兀。

54、"The Geomancer" Has the Impertinence to Dishonour The Martyr ─── "风水先生"竟让烈士蒙羞

55、I got positively angry with the impertinence of it and the everlastingness. ─── 这个鲁莽无礼、没完没了,真让我生气。

56、You'll apologize to me for your impertinence , or you'll quit the office instantly! ─── 你这样放肆,非向我道歉不可!不然,你给我马上滚!

57、Marianne, who had never much toleration for anything like impertinence, vulgarity, inferiority of parts, or even difference of taste from herself. ─── 玛丽安对于无礼、粗俗、才能低下,甚至与自己的爱好不相同这类事情都是不能容忍的。

58、He ventured this remark without any intention to insult;Heathcliff's violent nature was not prepared to endure the appearance of impertinence from one whom he seemed to hate, even then, as a rival. ─── 他斗胆说出这番话虽然没有侮辱希斯克利夫的意思,但是希斯克利夫的暴脾气根本就无法忍受这种无礼,尤其是一个他讨厌的人,或者说是对手。

59、reprimand sb.'s impertinence ─── 申斥某人的无礼言行

60、Black: Stand for fair and square; the exhibition is angry, impertinence and honest. ─── 黑色:表现公正无私的;表现暴躁、鲁莽、耿直的。

61、Ursula flushed a little at the mild impertinence of this question, and yet she could not definitely take offence. ─── 对于这个和缓而心不在焉的问题。厄香拉稍微脸红了一下,但是她无法感到恼火。

62、Such a remark verges on impertinence. ─── 这种言辞近于无礼。

63、did you admire me for my impertinence?" ─── 请你老老实实说一声,你是不是爱我的唐突无礼?”

64、Affronted at his impertinence, she stared at him coldly and wordlessly. ─── 被他的无礼而冒犯,她冷冷地、无言地盯着他。

65、Leisurely turning round, they calmly scrutinized the various countenances around them, as though demanding some one person who would take upon himself the responsibility of what they deemed excessive impertinence; ─── 他们转过头来,向人群里搜索着,究竟是谁敢对那种他们认为无礼的行为负责,但没有一个人来应答这种挑衅,于是这两位朋友就又把脸转到了舞台上。

66、They had the impertinence to say I stole the money. ─── 他们说我偷了那笔钱,实在是荒谬。

67、Jones was a little offended by the impertinence of partridge ─── 琼斯对巴特里奇的这种唐突有些气恼。

68、On his first inquiry he was told, with the impertinence peculiar to hired hackney-coachmen and inn-keepers with their houses full, that there was no room for him at the Hotel de Londres. ─── 最初一问,侍者就用车夫生意很忙和旅馆已经客满时那种特有的傲慢神气告诉他,伦敦旅馆已经没收有他住的份儿了。

69、Suppose God is the God you know Him to be when you are nearest to Him - what an impertinence worry is! ─── 假如你曾很亲近地认识神,就会发现担心真是多余。

70、Note: because the world people may see my blog, so I translate it into English. If written impertinence,please tell me in the first time. Thank you,my friend. ─── 注:因为全球有可能都看到,所以配了英文。如果写得不恰当,请朋友们在第一时间告诉我。先谢了。

71、2)Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no style, no taste, no beauty. ─── 此女举止极不得体,傲慢无礼且不善辞令,既不风雅也无品位,谈不上美丽。

72、It would be an impertinence elsewhere, but it is not so here, to ask your name and condition?' ─── 在其它的场合若是打听您的姓氏和情况恐怕失于冒昧,但在这儿能否有所不同?”

73、Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no stile, no taste, no beauty. ─── 她一走出饭厅,彬格莱小姐就开始说她的坏话,把她的作风说得坏透了,说她既傲慢又无礼貌,不懂得跟人家攀谈,仪表不佳,风趣索然,人又长得难看。

74、And, if I may mention so delicate a subject, endeavour to check that little something, bordering on conceit and impertinence, which your lady possesses." ─── 还有一件事,我真不好意思说出口;尊夫人有一点儿小脾气,好象是自高自大,又好象是不懂礼貌,你也得尽力帮助她克制一下。”

75、Such a remark verges on impertinence. ─── 这种话近于无礼。

76、2. Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no stile, no taste, no beauty. ─── 她一走出饭厅,彬格莱小姐就开始说她的坏话,把她的作风说得坏透了,说她既傲慢又无礼貌,不懂得跟人家攀谈,仪表不佳,风趣索然,人又长得难看。收藏指正

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