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blistered 发音

英:[ˈblɪstərd]  美:[ˈblɪstəd]

英:  美:

blistered 中文意思翻译



blistered 词性/词形变化,blistered变形

动词现在分词: blistering |形容词: blistery |动词过去式: blistered |动词第三人称单数: blisters |动词过去分词: blistered |

blistered 短语词组

1、blistered green beans recipe ─── 泡绿豆食谱

2、blistered shishito peppers ─── 水泡石椒

3、blistered lips remedy ─── 水疱唇膏

4、Blistered Margin Shell Blisted Margin Shell

5、blistered clubs meaning ─── 水泡棒的意思

6、blistered bug bite ─── 起泡虫咬

7、blistered green beans ─── 泡青豆

8、blistered cherry tomatoes ─── 泡樱桃番茄

9、blistered casting ─── [机] 多孔铸件

10、blistered hands ─── 起泡的手

blistered 常用词组

blister packaging ─── 泡罩包装;硬质泡沫塑料衬垫包装

blister packing ─── 气泡包装;起泡包装

blister card ─── 吸塑卡

blistered 相似词语短语

1、balustered ─── 栏杆

2、blustered ─── v.咆哮,气势汹汹地说(但效果不大);(风暴)呼啸;(雨)倾泻;n.气势汹汹的话

3、blisters ─── n.[医]水疱;起疱剂;[冶]气泡(blister的复数);v.使起水疱;起气泡;使受高温;辱骂;痛打(blister的三单形式)

4、slaistered ─── 幻灯片

5、cloistered ─── adj.隐居的,与世隔绝的;v.使与尘世隔绝;在…设回廊(cloister的过去分词)

6、glistered ─── 闪闪发光

7、bittered ─── 使变苦

8、blinkered ─── adj.心胸狭隘的;思路狭窄的;v.给…戴眼罩;打闪光信号表示;蒙蔽(blinker的过去分词)

9、blister ─── n.水泡;水疱;气泡;砂眼;起泡剂;vt.使起水泡;痛打;猛烈抨击;vi.起水泡

blistered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Apply a small amount of Bacitracin to your nipple immediately after breaking the blister. ─── 小泡破了以后立刻在乳头上涂少量的枯草杆菌抗生素(?)。

2、Basic knowledge of blister and bottle packaging process. ─── 对气泡眼包装和瓶装包装工艺有基本认识。

3、His new boots have give him blister on his heel. ─── 他的新靴子使他的脚後跟起了泡。

4、I [His hands] blister easily. ─── 我 [他的手] 容易起泡。

5、The late afternoon sun in Iowa piled itself on top of its earlier damage, which had been absorbed by cement and brick and earth.It fairly blistered down out of the west. ─── 依阿华午后的太阳淫威所到之处,水泥、砖、土已吸足了热气,近黄昏时更火上添油,从西方火辣辣地照过来。

6、A journey of a thousand miles begins with a. Blister. ─── 千里之行始于。起水泡原谚语是。

7、His skin was beginning to blister. ─── 他的皮肤开始起疱。

8、Instantly sealing for the paper board &PP,PVC blister and the paper board not to deform, Instant heating, fully envelop perfectly for blister. ─── PVC泡壳与印刷精美的纸板瞬间接合而纸板不会变形,瞬热式,泡壳可完全密封。

9、Patiently she allowed the women to array her in royal robes, to weave pearls in her hair, and draw soft gloves over her blistered fingers. ─── 她忍耐着让宫女们给她穿上皇家的旗袍,在她头发里插上珍珠首饰,在她起水疱的手指上戴上柔软的手套。

10、The general manager blistered his secretary in front of the whole office. ─── 总经理在全体职工面前严斥他的秘书。

11、No, I mean that I would like to have 2 on a blister card, because it could higher the value of the product and make it sellable for supermarkets! ─── 不,我是说采用硬塑板的包装方法,两件一包装。因为这样可以提高产品售价,在超级市场里比较容易卖。

12、There was a low house Behind a row of maples, with one wall Blistered all over with gaudy advertisements. ─── 一排枫树后面有一个平房,房子的一面墙上贴满了色彩俗艳的广告,由于层层覆盖而鼓了起来。

13、She had developed a blister on one heel. ─── 她一只脚的后跟磨起了一个水泡。

14、He warned her that it would be incredibly painful, and he told her, "It will blister. ─── 医生警告她,这种办法会带来不可思议的疼痛,并告诉她,“这办法会使你起泡。”

15、Dongguan Ying Tat Blister Products Co., Ltd. ─── 伟奇织业有限公司东莞英达吸塑制品有限公司。

16、His feet were blistered from the rubbing. ─── 他的脚上磨出了泡。

17、Development and manufacture of complete degradation botanic blister tableware. ─── 全降解植物发泡餐具开发、生产。

18、Causes the NGU pathogen mainly for the blister mantle bacteria reconciliation urine mycoplasma. ─── 引起NGU的病原体主要为沙眼衣原体和解尿支原体。

19、He blistered the track and everyone would come out to watch each of his runs, with jaws dropped. ─── 他起泡的跟踪和每个人都出来观看他的每一个运行时,与颌骨下降。

20、Her face had been blistered by the sun. ─── 她的脸让太阳晒起水疱了。

21、Main show is blister, debaucjed, desquamate, local acuteness Sao itchs. ─── 主要表现为水疱、糜烂、脱皮,局部有剧烈瘙痒。

22、He prick the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle. ─── 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚後跟上的水円。

23、By 5pm on my first day my hands were blistered and raw. ─── 上班第一天的下午5点,我的手已经起了水泡、磨掉了皮。

24、Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula, blister, show cricoid or coin shape. ─── 体癣表现为红斑丘疹、水疱,呈环状或钱币状。

25、Research Advancement of Five-needle Pine Blister Rust in China P. R. ─── 五针松疱锈病国内研究概况。

26、Armand pine blister rust caused by Cronartium ribicola J. C. ─── 华山松疱锈病的病菌系茶生柱锈菌(CronartiumribicolaJ.C,FischerexRabenhorst)的一个生态型或变型,具长循环型生活史。

27、After death the body's fluids would slowly start to evaporate, causing the skin to blister all over. ─── 人死后,体液开始缓缓蒸发,以致周身皮肤起疱。

28、When he came to train jumpers himself, he liked to pick people who had done stints in brush camp or dealt with blister rust on pines. ─── 成为空降消防员教官后,他喜欢挑选有丛林营地工作经历或松树疱状锈病处理经验的队员。

29、Getting stung is nofun ---- it can hurt and blister your skin. ─── 可能刺伤你的皮肤或者把你的皮肤蜇起泡。那可不是闹着玩的。

30、Blister ink: Ink which will blister when heated to a certain temperature. Used for blister printing. ─── 发泡墨:发泡印刷用的油墨。加热到某一温度时就会膨胀的油墨。

31、He needle the blister on his feet until they burst. ─── 他挑穿了脚上的水泡。

32、He is not used to manual work and his hands blister easily. ─── 他不惯于体力工作,他的手容易起泡。

33、Additional, in the mouth giving water of bibcock installation aerates flow straightener (common calls blister the head) also be efficient way. ─── 另外,在龙头的出水口安装充气稳流器(俗称汽泡头)也是有效办法。

34、The lower specific pressure and delay pressurization in time during casting process were responsible for surface blister and cold shut of motor cycle wheel in squeezing casting. ─── 分析了实际铸造比压偏小以及不能瞬间及时增压是造成摩托车车轮挤压铸件表面起泡和冷隔的主要原因。

35、He is not used to hard work, and his hands blister easily. ─── 他不习惯作粗重的工作,而且他的手易起水泡。

36、He broke the blister with a needle. ─── 他用针扎破水疱。

37、XBF series blister machine has been widely used for the package of hard wares, toys, datey used articles and electrical electrical clements. ─── XBF系列吸塑包装封口机可广泛应用于五金、玩具、小百货、电子元器件等物品的泡潭包装。

38、Common toothbrush packaging cells and the use of suction blister card. ─── 常见的电池和牙刷包装多用吸卡泡壳。

39、Don't puncture a blister unless it's painful or prevents you from walking or using one of your hands. ─── 不要刺破水泡,除非它很疼,或者妨碍你走路或动手。

40、We are capable of supplying custom made size clamshell,blister,folded box with the high quality printing card insert. ─── 我们有能力提供用户定制大小的蚌壳,吸塑,折盒与高品质印刷卡插入。

41、She, poor soul, is tied by the leg. She had a blister on one of her heels. ─── 她真可怜,走路不方便,她脚后跟长了一个水泡。

42、Is similar to scalds bubbles is the same, the laser hyperpyrexia forms the blister. ─── 如同烫伤起泡一样,激光温度过高形成水泡。

43、He and Ireland donned them during backpacking trips to evaluate the products' blister propensity. ─── 她和她丈夫会子背着登山包穿着她做的袜子去远足,来检验多长时间会磨出血泡。

44、Very carefully with a gentle lifting motion, open the blister with a sterile needle to drain any trapped fluid. ─── 小心提高乳头的位置,用消过毒的针把小泡刺破,把里面的液体放掉。

45、A milk blister is a blocked duct on the surface of the nipple. ─── 奶泡是由乳头表面的出乳口堵塞引起的。

46、Touching the hot iron made his finger blister. ─── 他的手指因碰到热烫斗而起泡。

47、She sank back in her chair.If she could only be rid of her tight stays, the collar that choked her and the slippers still full of sand and gravel that blistered her feet. ─── 她重新坐到椅子上,要是她能够把箍紧的胸衣,那让她感到窒息的衣领和仍然塞满沙粒和石子在她脚下磨起血泡的便鞋都脱掉,该多好啊!

48、By now we were utterly exhausted, and felt as though our blistered hands could not pull the boat a yard farther. ─── 此时,我们都已劳累不堪。我们满是水泡的手好象再向前拉一步船都不行了。

49、Because of an extreme sensitivity to the sun's rays he suffers blistered burns after just a few minutes in direct sunlight. ─── 如果大卫在阳光直射下待几分钟,他的皮肤马上就会起水疱。

50、He pricked the blister on his heel with a sterilized needle. ─── 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚後跟上的水泡。

51、What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered? ─── 还有哪种花能像它一样脆弱,花朵在一棵变形的老树中生根发芽,树干盘根错节,树皮嶙峋。

52、She moaned as a sharp pebble cut into her blistered foot. ─── 一颗尖石子扎破了她脚上的血泡,她痛得叫了一声。

53、Stage II: Partial-thickness skin loss involves epidermis and/or dermis. Ulcer is superficial and presents clinically as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater. ─── 二期:部分皮肤层丢失累及表皮和/或真皮。浅表性溃疡。临床表现为擦伤、水泡、或浅表溃疡龛(火山口状溃疡)。

54、The sun blistered the paint on the wall. ─── 在阳光下墙上的油漆起气泡了。

55、The blister broke when she pricked it. ─── 当她刺水疱时它破了。

56、Microscope " hematic blister " , discover its are a crinkly limbs, devour tympanic tick. ─── 仔细检查“血疱”,发现其为一只卷缩肢体,吞食鼓膜的蜱。

57、Also, because thrum blister easily, so must use palm meticulous ground flat. ─── 再就是,因为线头容易起泡,所以必须用手掌细致地压平。

58、If there are no other creatures in play when Blister Beetle comes into play, it must target itself. ─── 如果刺螫甲虫进场时,你场上除了它没有其他生物,则它必须以自己为目标。

59、Blister Printing: Printing using blister ink to give a relief image after heating. Used for decoration and for printing Braille. ─── 发泡印刷: 用发泡印刷,经过加热后,造成凸起的印纹。装饰品或盲文印刷品用。

60、Her feet blistered during the long hike. ─── 在长途跋涉中她的脚起浮泡了。

61、Some were half flattened into the ground, others had been cracked and blistered by terrific heat, but many still bore the messages they had carried down the centuries in vain. ─── 一些石块半沉入土地中,其它的由于惊人的热度而爆裂、起泡,但仍有许多承载着从数个世纪前徒劳地传递下来的信息。

62、Blister Packing Machine and Capsule Filling Machine, cartoning machine and pillow type packing machine. ─── 制药机械,包括铝塑,铝铝,铝塑铝泡罩包装,胶囊充填机。

63、Most of them wear shoes at least a size too small and so pointy that toes jam and blister and bunion. ─── 大多数的病人穿至少小一号的鞋子,而且太尖以至于她们的脚被挤伤了,起水泡,大姆趾内侧肿胀。

64、Under the same condition, the order of virulent germs is“ bark-rot” germ,“ blister” germ and“ big spot” germ respectively. ─── 在同一条件下,3种病原菌的致病强弱依次为杨树烂皮型溃疡病病原菌、树水泡型溃疡病病原菌、树大斑型溃疡病病原菌。

65、I could not bear the heat of the sun so well when quite naked, as with some clothes on; the very heat frequently blistered my skin. ─── 当我完全裸体时,我不能象有衣服时那样能够忍受太阳的热;它的热有时简直把我的皮肤晒得起泡。

66、I could not bear the heat of the sun so well when quite naked, as with some clothes on; the very heat frequently blistered my skin. ─── 当我完全裸体时,我不能象有衣服时那样能够忍受太阳的热;它的热有时简直把我的皮肤晒得起泡。

67、One very important requisite is integrity packaging whether the company is producing a blister pack, vial, ampoule or pre-filled syringes. ─── 一个非常重要的条件是完整包装,该公司是否是生产泡罩包装,瓶,安瓿或预填充注射器。

68、Tears fell upon the leaf of the book, perhaps, or blistered the pages of his manuscript, as the passionate young man dashed his thoughts down. ─── 当热情洋溢的年轻人奋笔疾书的时候,眼泪曾滴落在稿纸上,或者曾使一些字迹变得模糊不清。

69、When she departed Bremerton on 1 November 1943, a new torpedo blister extended three quarters the length of her hull. ─── 当“企业”号在1943年11月1日离开布雷默顿的时候,她的甲板上增添了鱼类发射舱。

70、For a week in May, 73 marines handled an array of deadly nerve agents, including sarin, soman, tabun, cyclosarin (GF) and VX, as well as the blister agents mustard and lewisite. ─── 73名陆战队队员在今年(2002)5月的一个星期内,处理了一系列致命的神经毒剂,包括沙林、索曼、泰奔、赛克罗沙林(GF)与维埃克斯,以及糜烂性毒剂如芥子气、路易士毒气。

71、The tropical heat blistered the coast. ─── 热带的酷热烤晒着海岸。

72、Their hands blistered, but no one complained. ─── 他们手起了泡, 可是没有一个人有怨言。

73、There was a low house behind a row of maples, with one wall blistered all over with gaudy advertisements. ─── 一排枫树后面有一个平房,房子的一面墙上贴满了色彩俗艳的广告,由于层层覆盖而鼓了起来。

74、Front human's pain lies in to float the grass to miss the behind driftwood, the behind blister is wanting to have a look the driftwood. ─── 人的痛苦在于前面的浮草思念着后面的浮木,后面的水泡又想看看前面的浮木。

75、My hands blistered by holding the racket. ─── 我的手因握球拍而起了水疱。

76、When Blister Beetle comes into play, target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn. ─── 当刺螫甲虫进场时,目标生物得-1/-1直到回合结束。

77、Her face was crimson with sunburn and her blistered palms raw. ─── 她的脸被太阳晒得绯红,起泡的手掌也绽裂了。

78、We are a privately owned company specializing in producing blister packaging, folding box, cylinder and parts salver. ─── 上海拓达工贸有限公司,专业生产吸塑包装、吸塑广告牌、折盒、圆桶、零部件托盘的民营企业。

79、A small swelling similar to a blister or pimple. ─── 小疮和水疮或丘疹相似的一种小的隆起物

80、It avoids PCB crooked or BGA blister from traditional technology of centralizing heating. ─── 优化直向加热的传统技术,防止局部超高温而使线路板跷曲或BGA起泡等不良影响,有效保护拆焊组件及线路板。

81、Blister beetle (Lytta magister...000 species of beetles (family Meloidae... ─── ...芫菁对人类既有益又有害;幼虫食蝗卵,但成虫危害作物。

82、Does urine blister grow on infantile the back of hand, instep? ─── 婴儿手背、脚背上长小水疱?

83、He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle. ─── 他用一根消过毒的针扎破他脚后跟上的水泡。

84、Inside about 10 hours, this area occurrence blister, have all round spend erythema gently. ─── 大约10小时内,此区域出现水疱,周围有轻度红斑。

85、Instantly sealing for the paper board& PP, PVC blister and the paper board not to deform, Instant heating, fully envelop perfectly for blister. ─── PVC 泡壳与印刷精美的纸板瞬间接合而纸板不会变形,瞬热式,泡壳可完全密封。

86、It may resemble a pimple, or a tiny white blister on the nipple, and is often called a milk bleb, or nipple blister. ─── 奶泡看起来就象是一个小脓疱,或者是乳头上的一个小白泡,通常被称为“奶泡”或者“乳头泡”。

87、To blister or become blistered. ─── 使起疱,发疱

88、All labels must be in their intended position without lifted edges or blister areas. ─── 帖纸须在枳定的位置且不能有翘起,起泡现象。

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