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08-22 投稿


chinse 发音

英:[tʃɪns]  美:[tʃɪns]

英:  美:

chinse 中文意思翻译



chinse 相似词语短语

1、chiasm ─── n.交叉

2、chinned ─── n.下巴;聊天;引体向上动作;vt.用下巴夹住;与…聊天;在单杠上作引体向上动作;vi.闲谈;作引体向上动作;n.(Chin)人名;(泰)真;(柬)金;(越)九;(西)钦

3、chipset ─── n.芯片组,基片组

4、chinked ─── n.裂缝;叮当声;裂口;vi.叮当响;vt.使叮当响

5、chicle ─── n.一种树胶(用制口香糖等)

6、chins ─── n.下巴(chin的复数);v.把…放在颏下;做引体向上动作(chin的第三人称单数)

7、chinone ─── n.醌

8、chibs ─── 孩子

9、chine ─── n.脊骨;脊柱;n.(Chine)(柬)郑(人名)

chinse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You have got a cut on your chin . ─── 你下巴上有一道伤口。

2、Title: Resources Investigation and Exploitation of Chinse. ─── 介绍了部分客家民间药膳中草药资源及开发利用的分析建议.

3、How is Mr. Chin doing in the company? ─── 他在那个公司做得怎么样?

4、The beard grows too fast on the chin. ─── 下巴的胡子长得太快。

5、There is a mole on his chin. ─── 他下巴上长着一颗痣。

6、He struck the boy fair on the chin. ─── 他一下打在那个男孩子的下巴上。

7、He wiped a dribble of saliva from his chin. ─── 他擦掉了下巴上的几滴口水。

8、His chin rested almost on his chest. ─── 他的下巴几乎触到了胸口。

9、His coat has been buttoned up to the chin. ─── 他的外套钮扣扣到下巴。

10、My art-song with Chinse melody,played by my computer's software. ─── com 用宋代名词人晏几道的词作的歌。

11、Gobs of grease/spittle ran down his chin. ─── 一滴滴的油[口水]顺著他的下巴流下。

12、"She comes to about here on me," he said and indicated his chin. ─── “她的个子大概到我这儿”,他说,指了指自己的下巴。

13、He chucked the child under the chin. ─── 他轻轻拍打那个小孩的下颚。

14、He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave. ─── 他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。

15、Korean and Chinse shipyards got most of the World ship production. etc. ─── 韩国和中国船厂生产世界大部分船舶。

16、He landed a blow on the Italian's chin. ─── 他在那个意大利人的下颌上打了一拳。

17、He gave me a bust in the chin. ─── 他用拳头狠击我的下巴。

18、He struck the man a blow at the chin. ─── 他一拳打在男子的下巴。

19、He gashed his chin badly when shaving. ─── 他修面时把颏部刮破。

20、His chin dropped in astonishment. ─── 他惊讶得张开嘴巴。

21、He must needs swim that is held up by the chin. ─── [谚]有人托着下巴,不会游泳也会游。

22、Objective To explore relationship between Liver and Spleen of Tradicational Chinse Medicine in t cell activation. ─── 目的探讨中医肝脾在T细胞活化中的相关性。

23、He lathered his chin before shaving. ─── 他剃须前在下巴上涂上皂沫。

24、He sat there thinking, with his chin on his hand. ─── 他手托下巴,坐在那儿沉思。

25、Chinse clearly said "no" to American's hasty air raid on Iraq. ─── 当美国人贸然空袭伊拉克的时候,中国明确说“不”。

26、He downed his opponent with one blow to the chin. ─── 他用手肘打在对手的下巴上,击败了对手。

27、He crouched, tucking his knees under his chin. ─── 他蜷曲着,把两个膝盖缩拢在颚下。

28、The area around the chin and neck. ─── 下颚的部分下巴和颈部周围的部分

29、Sorry, i meant to response to each of your comments, but I can't type fast using chinse input. ─── 不过有的男人在老婆面前说话很放肆,开玩笑不想后果。

30、But I am not good at PE and Chinse. ─── 但是我体育和语文学的不好。

31、He threw a hard right to the opponent's chin. ─── 他用右拳狠击对手的下巴。

32、He wiped a dribble of milk from his chin with a handkerchief. ─── 他用手帕擦去淌在下巴上的一点牛奶。

33、He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ─── 他抚摩著下巴,陷入沉思。

34、He tucked his chin into his chest. ─── 他把下巴缩到胸前

35、He has a scar on his chin. ─── 他下额有一块疤。

36、Two little cheeks and one little chin. ─── 两边小脸颊一个小下巴。

37、"She comes to about here on me, " he said and indicated his chin. ─── "她的个子大概到我这儿", 他说,指了指自己的下巴。

38、China is a great country. All the Chinse people love her very much. ─── 中国是一个伟大的国家。全中国人民深爱着她。

39、He hurried on with his shaving,cutting his chin twice. ─── 他急急忙忙地剃胡子,把下巴割破了两处。

40、It takes many years to learn to take life's blows on the chin. ─── 人们需要经过许多年才能学会忍受生活中的各种打击。

41、The area of the human mouth, chin, and jaw. ─── 人的嘴、下巴和颏的部位

42、Maritime light vessels and large buoys system Chin. ─── 中国海区灯船和大型浮标制式。

43、He sat at the table with his chin resting upon his hands. ─── 他坐在桌前,手托着下巴。

44、Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right. ─── 不要气馁。一切会好。

45、I look forward to the day when the new was announced with a bang that Chinse aircraft-carrier is sailing across the Pacific Ocean. ─── 我盼望着有一天新闻里会隆重宣布中国的航空母舰正在太平洋上航行。

46、His chin juts out rather a lot. ─── 他的下巴凸出很多。

47、The English Learner's Guide to Chin. ─── 中式英语之鉴。

48、He walked up and down his room, chin sunk on chest. ─── 他低垂着脑袋,在屋子里走来走去。

49、He rested his chin in his hands. ─── 他双手托着下巴。

50、The goatee plait of chin became a small plait. ─── 下巴的山羊胡子编成了小辫。

51、He punched the man on the chin . ─── 他以拳重击那个人的下颚。

52、Gobs of spittle ran down his chin. ─── 一滴滴口水顺着他的下巴往下流。

53、His chin was completely covered by his beard. ─── 他的下巴长满胡子。

54、Their chins pressed securely against their chests. ─── 他们的下巴紧紧地贴在胸膛上。

55、He yawned and scratched his chin. ─── 他打了个哈欠,然后挠挠下巴。

56、His chin was covered with bristles. ─── 他的下巴上长满了胡子茬。

57、He strode in, chin up and chest out. ─── 他昂然直入。

58、His chin had the squareness which marks the man of determination. ─── 他的四方下颚标志著男人的决断力。

59、He usually lathers his chin up before shaving. ─── 他通常在刮脸前在下巴上涂上肥皂泡沫。

60、The heavy blow on the chin knocked him cold. ─── 下巴上挨的重重的这一拳把他打昏了。

61、He stroked his chin reflectively. ─── 他若有所思地摸着下巴。

62、His father massages his nose and chin. ─── 他爸爸揉了揉鼻子和下巴。

63、He was so fat that he had a double chin. ─── 他胖得有双下巴了。

64、The machine can be used for the automatic package or irregular things like Chinse medicinepillspotato slice. ─── 适用于中药饮片,薯片等不规则物科的自动包装。

65、Now, don't be jerking your chin at me. ─── 你可别骗我。

66、An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin. ─── 亲昵的拍抚充满柔情地拍或抚弄下巴

67、He nailed him on the chin with the fist. ─── 他一拳击中了他的下巴。

68、He must have felt acutely disappointed when his job went to another man, but he never said a word; he took it right on the chin. ─── 他的工作落入他人之手时,他肯定极为伤心,但他从未吐露一言,忍受住了这次打击。

69、He landed his opponent one on the chin. ─── 他朝他对手的下巴狠狠地打了一下。

70、A cleft chin is considered manly. ─── 下巴上有沟痕的人被认为很有男子气概。

71、Extradition Law of the People's Republic of Chin. ─── 中华人民共和国引渡法。

72、He has a receding chin [hairline]. ─── 他的下颚 [额头的发际] 向后缩 [削] 。

73、He held his chin in his hand. ─── 他用手叉着下颔。

74、The quality of some Chinse flours collected from market were analyzed with RVA and other instruments. Results obtained were compared. ─── 本研究使用快速粘度分析仪及其它常用仪器对从市场上采集的面粉样品的品质进行了分析和比较。

75、His bladder had let loose and there was drool on his chin. ─── 他已经丧失了男人的底气,下巴沾满口水。

76、He drew off and delivered a blow on his rival's chin. ─── 他把身子往后一闪,向着对方的下巴就是一拳。

77、China is a great country. All the Chinse people love her very much. ─── 中国是一个伟大的国家。全中国人民深爱着她。

78、Fourth, most Chinse students are reactive rather than proactive languages learners. ─── 第四,大部分中国学生是反应性的而不是主动性的。

79、The term "BOSHI" was an official tittle in the Chin and Han times. ─── “博士”一词,在中国秦汉时期是一种官称。

80、A good football leader can take it on the chin when his team loses. ─── 一个好的足球领队在本队遭受失败时能泰然处之。

81、His head is on a level with your chin. ─── 他的头有你下巴颏这么高。

82、His chins and belly shook with silent laughter. ─── 他强忍微笑,下巴和肚子不停地颤动着。

83、He nestled his grizzled chin in his hand and smiled softly at me. ─── 他用手把住他那有花白胡须的下巴,温柔地冲我微笑着。

84、His wife loves to make chin music. ─── 他的老婆最喜欢聊天。

85、He drooled tobacco juice over his chin. ─── 他任由烟草水滴淌到他的下巴。

86、He cupped his chin in his hand. ─── 他用手托着下巴。

87、No matter what happens to him. Leo always seems to keep his chin up. ─── 不管利奥发生什么事情,他似乎总是毫不气馁。

88、He paused and scratched his chin thoughtfully. ─── 他停顿了一下,若有所思地挠了挠下巴。

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