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08-31 投稿


distributively 中文意思翻译



distributively 词性/词形变化,distributively变形

名词: distributiveness |副词: distributively |

distributively 同义词

distributively 反义词


distributively 短语词组

1、distributively def ─── 分布式定义

2、distributively meaning ─── 分配意义

3、distributively stored ─── 分布式存储

distributively 相似词语短语

1、attributively ─── adv.属性地;修饰地

2、distributives ─── adj.分配的;分布的;分发的;n.[语]分配词

3、distinctively ─── adv.特殊地;区别地

4、distributivity ─── n.[数]分配性;分布性;分配律

5、contributively ─── 有贡献的

6、distributive law ─── [数]分配律

7、retributively ─── 报复性的

8、distributive ─── adj.分配的;分布的;分发的;n.[语]分配词

9、distractively ─── 分散注意力

distributively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore,it is necessary to calculate coupling of digged foundation and soil around it to analyze stress mechanism of undisturbed soil foundation and distribut. ─── 因此,需要通过对掏挖基础与周围土体的耦合数值计算,探讨原状土基础的受力机理及土体抗力分布,从而更直观地反映掏挖基础与土体的相互作用。

2、In the distribut e intelligence network security active defense system,data fusion is composed of multi-level processes. ─── 在分布式网络安全积极防御系统中,需要进行多层次的信息融合。

3、As an application, it is proved that a continuous map of an interval is chaotic iff it is distributively chaotic in a sequence. ─── 给出紧度量空间上连续映射按序列分布混沌的一个充分条件,并证明区间连续自映射是混沌的当且仅当它是按某序列分布混沌的。

4、constraint-based routing label distribut ─── 基于受限路由选择的标记分配协议

5、Wider range temperature and 3D temperature field distribut... ─── 正反熔宽模拟计算结果与实际的结果吻合。

6、The results showed that the distribut ion of unsaturated fatty acid in various subcellular components of brain markedl y different between ox and rat. ─── 结果表明牛和大鼠脑不饱和脂肪酸的亚细胞分布存在明显的差异。

7、The hydrocarbon reservoirs in the transgressive systems tract consist mainly of braided channel sandstone bodies in the alluvial fan facies,distribut... ─── 但由于它们形成的古环境及物理化学条件的不同,其砂砾岩中所含粘土矿物类型及数量亦有显著差异,对其储集性能将产生不同程度的影响。

8、HES130/0.4 is the newest HES with middle molecule used in clinic,his moleculat weight distribut is the narrowest of all HES producte. ─── 6%羟已基淀粉130/0.4(6%HES130/0.4)是目前应用于临床的新型中分子羟已基淀粉,因相对分子质量范围窄,取代级低(0.4),具有代谢率高,扩容效果好,在组织中蓄积量小的特点。

9、In a group corporation each company enjoys high autonomy and so requires that the name of objects in the MIS of computer networks must be encoded automatically and distributively. ─── 在网络管理信息系统中,代码可在各站点分布式自动生成,以适应集团企业里各分公司的高度自治性。

10、The main purpose of this software is to provide a correct initial temperature distribut... ─── 该简化算法运算时间短,可以满足实际应用中对运算时间的要求。

11、Advance in The Research of Distribut ed Web Server System ─── 分布式Web服务器系统研究进展

12、All of his views and ideas run through his statements of religion,philosophy and culture distributively. ─── 他的这些论述分散地贯穿于他的宗教、哲学和文化著作之中。

13、Remote sensing imaging features seem clearly distribut of linear. ─── 遥感影像特征十分明显,呈线性展布。

14、Keywords precious metal deposit;nonferrous metal deposit;ore-forming process;distribut ive regulation in time;distributive regulation in space; ─── 贵金属矿床;有色金属矿床;成矿作用;时间分布规律;空间分布规律;

15、The Avifauna of Guizhou is an academic works that completely and systematically introduces the bird resources in Guizhou, which records 417 species and 51 subspecies distributively in Guizhou. ─── 贵州鸟类志》是一部全面系统介绍贵州鸟类资源的学术专著。共记载分布在贵州的鸟类为417种和51亚种。

16、We keep a stock inondon and act as distribut ga rs as -well as pqa gents. ─── 我们在伦敦有库存并经营销售兼做代理。

17、Shantou Dahe Light Industry Machinery Co.,Ltd.specializing in the research, production and distribut... ─── 发布者:所在地:行业:职位:工作年限:

18、Application of Microprocessor and S everal Effusion Meters in Servo Valve Aerodynamics Distribut ion Model ─── 单片机及多种流量计在伺服阀气动配磨中的应用

19、Tiger NetCom Group.is an American wholly feign owned enterprise one leading distribut of telecommunications equipment,VoIP equipment, other electronics. ─── 美国泰格集团是一家全球性经营多种网络及电信设备的美商独资公司。

20、The methods are more efficient to improve the adaptability of distribut... ─── 该方法对于提高嵌入分布式系统的自适应计算与容错能力有一定的应用价值。

21、Regarding a high building an an example,the method of numerical simulation is adopted to discuss and analyze the different distribut... ─── 以一高层建筑为例,采用数值模拟的方法,探讨和分析污染源在空气动力阴影区内外几个不同相对位置时,建筑物周围污染物分布的不同。

22、Food Packaging, Meat &Poultry. It is an importer, distribut ... ─── 阿联酋公司求购食品包装,畜禽肉产品2008-03-21

23、The conditions for some distributively generated prime near-ring being a commutative domain ─── 一类分配生成素近环成为交换整区的条件

24、The widest range of adjustment is achieved when the observation surface corresponds to a light-intensity distribut... ─── 与原来的透镜效应法相比,此法对轴更简单,而且具有更高的测量精度,更适合于自动对轴系统。

25、Discursive practices designed to police the boundaries between distributively neutral, good law and redistributive, bad law complement these basic methods. ─── 任意性实践用以维护公正分配的良法和再分配的恶法之间的边界,也是对上述方法的一个补足。

26、Wind velocity,wind direction and temperature during the pollen formative period emerges as the most influential factors.In addition,relative humidity and distribut... ─── 大气花粉浓度的时空分布受风速、风向和温度等气象因素以及植物开花季节和种类的影响较大。

27、The "publisher" means any person or entity that distribut Dating s copies of the Document to public. ─── 出版者指的是把那些文本副本发布给观众的任何人或实体。


29、The result shows that choosing different data group according to different research purpose could get information of the seismic belt such as fault distribut... ─── 结果显示根据不同的研究目的选择合适的针对性方法可以较好的获得断裂的展布、深部或者活动性等特征。

30、Hearing we will distribut candies, the children suddenly gathered around us. ─── 一听要发糖果,孩子们哗啦一下都围了上来。

31、An Efficient Fuzzy Controller with Distributively Stored Rules ─── 高效分布存贮规则的模糊控制器

32、Recruit distribut to meet sales target; ─── 招聘合适的分销商,完成销售目标。

33、Under the control and organization of suppervisor, other working station will divide the cluster analysis to nought and process it distributively, and the daily work can't be affected. ─── 在管理员工作站的具体组织与控制下,网上的其它工作站利用空闲机时将聚类分析化整为零,分布处理,而各工作站的日常工作几乎不会受到影响。

34、proved that a continuous map of an interval is chaotic iff it is distributively chaotic in a sequence. ─── 连续映射按序列分布混沌的一个充分条件,并证明区间连续自映射是混沌的当且仅当它是按某序列分布混沌的。

35、As for these constraint facts co rresponding running modes are put forward to make the organization and distribut ion of MTO enterprises more reasonable. ─── 针对不同的制约因素,提出相应的企业运行模式,使企业分布和组织更趋合理。

36、The frontage signaling processing machines are suitable for different network by the flexible configuration. HLR′s service function is further extended and its various function can be distributively processed. ─── 前端接口信令处理模块的灵活配置可以适应不同的网络实体 ,通过分拣模块可以使HLR系统的业务功能进一步扩充 ,实现各种功能的分布式处理

37、The hydrocarbon distribution,accumulation and enrichment laws indicate that oil and gas mainly exist between two lacustrine flood surfaces and mainly distribut... ─── 油气的分布严格受控于沉积体系,油气的聚集对砂体的成因类型具有选择性,而油气的富集则受控于有利的沉积相带和储集相带。

38、The groundwater models are distributively invocated with this editor. The result shows that this editor is effective and easily operable. ─── 以地下水模型分布式调用为例,验证了此编辑器的有效性和易操作性。

39、distributively chaotic set ─── 分布混沌集

40、Big Mac Don't worry about lack of oil. Here is a map showing the worldwide oil distribut... - 3月2日 14:12 ─── 罗友恒大麦兄,采油的经济效益和成本才是重要考虑呀,太少储油量的井去打是不合算的,太深的成本又贵,分散的运输太难..............-3月2日14:27

41、Larger load distribut ion of anaerobic techniques led to lower operating cost and investment and high er economic profits. ─── 厌氧负荷越大,运行费用越低,经济效益会越高,投资相对减少。

42、Marine vertebrates have their weight supperted distributively by the water. ─── 海洋脊椎动物的体重是由水来支持的。

43、An Efficient Fuzzy Controller with Distributively Stored Rules ─── 高效分布存贮规则的模糊控制器

44、Beside, the deceased would distribut it by himself while he was alive, or otherwise, we suppose that the inrestacy is also a kind of his will. ─── 再说了,死者如果有意愿他就会在生前将其财产划分清楚,如果没有的话,那么也可以算作是一种意愿的表达。

45、Their technical advantages can not exert sufficiently because many of their design resource distribut different designers different zone. ─── 企业各自的技术优势因其设计资源分布在不同的人员上、地域上而不能充分发挥。

46、the floristics elements at the genera level are mainly pantropical pattern,followed by a tropical Asian distribut... ─── 采用美景度评估法,筛选出具较高观赏价值和开发潜力的蕨类25种,并提出了观赏蕨类的园林应用形式.

47、taken distributively, their rights are imperceptible. ─── 个别地看,他们的真相是很难发现的。

48、Responsibility:(1)Manage national distribution system (2)Develop transportation system(3)Maintain the regional distribut...... ... ─── 公司名称:大连瑞思管理咨询有限公司工作地点:辽宁省大连市发布时间:2009-8-3

49、The relationship between the rheolo gical property of fly ash cement paste and varied particle size distribut ion and con-tent of raw fly ash as well as grinded f ly ash was studied. ─── 研究了原状粉煤灰与磨细粉煤灰不同掺量和不同颗粒群分布与水泥浆流变性能的相互关系。

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