depredation 发音
英:[,deprɪ'deɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[,dɛprə'deʃən]
英: 美:
depredation 中文意思翻译
depredation 网络释义
n. 掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹
depredation 反义词
appreciate | value | evaluate | appraise | estimate
depredation 词性/词形变化,depredation变形
形容词: depredatory |动词过去分词: depredated |名词: depredator |动词现在分词: depredating |动词过去式: depredated |动词第三人称单数: depredates |
depredation 同义词
criticize | denigrate | belittle | lessen | alloy | downgrade | deprecate | devalue | run down |deflate | disparage | devaluate | lower | cheapen | deteriorate | undervalue | dis | dishonor | underestimate | impute | vilipend | decline
depredation 短语词组
1、depredation definition ─── 掠夺定义
2、depredation defined ─── 折旧定义
3、depredation law ─── 掠夺法
4、depredation fee ─── 折旧费
depredation 相似词语短语
1、depredations ─── n.掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹
2、depredator ─── 掠夺者
3、depravation ─── n.恶化;堕落
4、depredating ─── v.掠夺;毁坏(depredate的现在分词)
5、degradation ─── n.退化;降格,降级;堕落
6、deprivation ─── n.剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困
7、deprecation ─── n.祈免;贬低;反对
8、predation ─── n.捕食;掠夺
9、depreciation ─── n.折旧;贬值
depredation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Brutal acts of depredation are not not uncommon. ─── 残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。
2、devastation, depredation, desertification, desolateness, ravages of the storm ─── 荒芜。废墟。大荒废。大破坏。严重破坏。蹂躏。劫掠。
3、ecological footprint depredation ─── 生态足迹掠夺
4、In particular, the Moonstone becomes the sign of England's imperial depredation and the symbol of national rather than a personal crime. ─── 特别是,月亮石成为了英国帝国主义掠夺的象征,与个人犯罪相比,更是民族犯罪的象征。
5、Brutal acts of depredation are not uncommon. ─── 残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。
6、Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not, like humans, reproduce so slowly. ─── 尽管如此,如果它们不象人类一样繁殖如此缓慢,它们对人类的掠夺也不会如此无能为力。
7、Land requisition system has been the major way in which the assets of farmers are lost.Its depredation of farmers has outrun "scissors difference" in planned economy. ─── 征地制度已经成为农民资产流失的最大渠道,它对农民的掠夺已经超过了计划经济时期实行的“剪刀差”。
8、Most southern town have suffer from the reckless depredation of the armed gang. ─── 大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺。
9、Efforts are underway to protect the Timber rattlesnake and its habitat from further human depredation,but in many states it is already too late. ─── 现在开始保护响尾蛇的栖息地免受人类的掠夺,但是在很多地方,已为时已晚.
10、However the depredation and waste of water is serious in water diversion project. ─── 在现实层面,我国跨流域调水确乎存在水资源的掠夺性开发和浪费现象。
11、The ultimate cause is that the strong depredation and expansion of urbanization lead to discordance between regions, cities and rural areas. ─── 根本原因,是城市化的掠夺和扩张性强,是地区之间、城市和农村之间不和谐的发展。
12、aster was calculating on three days of depredation and one day to escape ─── 埃斯特打算剽掠三天,再用一天时间溜走。
13、Both of these essential activities of the State necessarily constitute criminal aggression and depredation of the just rights of private property of its subjects (including self-ownership). ─── 国家的这两种实质性活动都必然构成了对其国民私有财产公正权利(包括自我拥有)的犯罪性侵略和掠夺。
14、The processes of depredation, amortization, and depletion discussed in this chapter all have a common goal. ─── 本章讨论的折旧、摊销和损耗处理都有一个共同的目的。
15、The higher rate of depredation may attribute to the good climate, such as the strong sunshine and high temperature. 2. ─── 这可能与气候有关,日照强、气温高都可能成为农药降解的原因。
16、Even so they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not like humans reproduce so slowly. ─── 尽管如此,如果它们不象人类一样繁殖如此缓慢,它们对人类的掠夺也不会如此无能为力。
17、highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates, not to the cozy insider picks, another sign that high CEO pay is not some kind of depredation at the expense of the rest of the company. ─── 最高级的 CEO 薪酬是支付给外部候选人的,而不是内部人选。这再次表明,高级 CEO 的薪酬并不是以牺牲公司其他员工为代价的掠夺。
18、2.Inadequate appropriations make it impossible for the Division of Forestry to protect the reserves from forest fires and from depredation of timber thieves, but a start had been made. ─── 拨款不足使林业管理局难以防止森林保护区遭遇火灾和木材盗贼的劫掠,但保护行动毕竟已开始。
19、But such depredation along a critical trade route threatens livelihoods around the world. ─── 然而,此类在重要贸易通道的劫掠威胁着全世界人民的生活。
20、depredation n.(常复数)抢夺,劫掠,蹂躏: The depredations of war/of the storm can still be seen several years ─── 战争/暴风雨蹂躏的痕迹,事后数年仍历历在目。
21、the region's environmental depredation is a result of poor planning. ─── 这个地区的环境破坏大都是规划不周的结果。
22、Most southern towns have suffered from the reckless depredation of the armed gang ─── 大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺
23、The Analysis of Tensile Depredation Microcosmic Modality of Destroying of Nonwoven Fabric Reinforced Polymer Composites ─── 非织造布增强复合材料拉伸断口的破坏模式分析
24、Zionism as a political movement was the revolt of an oppressed nation against the depredation and wicked discrimination and oppression of the countries in which anti-Semitism flourished. ─── 这一幕戏剧,它演出的舞台正好是阿拉伯民族以二十个民族国家的形式实现自己主权的地区,其人口有十亿,面积有四百五十万平方公里,资源极其丰富。
25、act of depredation ─── 掠夺行为
26、64.Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not, like humans, reproduce so slowly. ─── 尽管如此 ,如果它们不像人类一样繁殖 如此 缓慢,它们对人类的掠夺也不会 如此 无能为力。
27、Brutal ACTS of depredation are not uncommon. ─── 残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。
28、The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation. ─── 应该预料到这些抢劫者的侵袭,并制定防范他们抢劫的措施。
29、Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not, like humans, reproduce so slowly. ─── 尽管如此,如果它们不像人类一样繁殖如此缓慢,它们对人类的掠夺也不会如此无能为力。
30、Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they did not,like humans, reproduce so slowly. ─── 在陆地和海洋,人类都已处在巨大的生物金字塔的最顶端,成为所有生物的主宰,并给海洋哺乳动物带来巨大的危胁。原因很简单。
31、depredation n. ─── 掠夺,蹂躏;
32、Depredation and war with clear always. ─── 掠夺与战争与明始终。
33、The ultimate cause is that the strong depredation and expansion of urbanization lead to discordance between regions, cities and rural areas. ─── 根本原因,是城市化的掠夺和扩张性强,是地区之间、城市和农村之间不和谐的发展。
34、The processes of depredation, amortization, and depletion discussed in this chapter all have a common goal. ─── 本章讨论的折旧、摊销和损耗处理都有一个共同的目的。
35、Even so, they might not be so vulnerable to human depredation if they didn't, like humans, reproduce so slowly. ─── 虽然如此,如果它们不象人类那样转变的如此缓慢,面对人类的掠夺他们也并不会那么不堪一击的.
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