nucleoli 发音
英:[ˈnuːkliˌoʊli] 美:[ˌnjuːklɪˈəʊlaɪ]
英: 美:
nucleoli 中文意思翻译
nucleoli 短语词组
1、inconspicuous nucleoli ─── 不明显核仁
2、nucleoli are present during what phase ─── 核仁出现在什么阶段
3、nucleoli are ─── 核仁是
4、nucleoli are present during ─── 核仁存在于
5、nucleoli def ─── 核仁def
6、nucleoli are present during quizlet ─── 核仁在quizlet期间存在
nucleoli 相似词语短语
1、nucleolar ─── adj.[细胞]核仁的
2、nuclei ─── n.核心,核子;原子核(nucleus的复数形式)
3、nucleal ─── 核的
4、nucleoles ─── n.核仁
5、nucelli ─── n.珠心(nucellus的变形)
6、nucleo- ─── 核
7、nucleole ─── n.核仁
8、nucleonic ─── adj.核的;核子的
9、nucleolus ─── n.核;[细胞]核仁;细胞核
nucleoli 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、cells resulted in the formation of micronucleoli after mitosis. ─── 分裂后,前期细胞内的核仁形成微核。
2、Cells take diverse shapes. These are epithelial cords of block-like cells. As always, nucleoli and nuclear heterochromatin stain darkly with hematoxylin. ─── 不同形态的细胞。这些是立方细胞排列成的上皮索状结构。总之,核仁与细胞核中的异染色质被苏木精染成深色。
3、Note that nucleoli are numerous and large in this neoplasm. ─── 在肿瘤细胞中核多且大。
4、This is the so-called "nucleolar pattern" of staining in which the bright fluorescence is seen within the nucleoli of the Hep2 cells.This pattern is more suggestive of progressive systemic sclerosis. ─── 图示核仁型,在HEP2细胞核仁中,可见明亮的荧光.此型进一步提示进行性系统性硬化病。
5、Results The cytohistologic features of ERRT were large nucleoli, abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and cytoplasmic inclusions; ─── 结果:该例具有典型巢团状浸润生长的多边形横纹肌样瘤细胞,胞浆丰富嗜酸性,胞浆内可见或多或少胞浆空泡及包涵体,泡状核、核仁明显。
6、As embryonic cells developed and divided, products of the reactions related to ATPase activity also appeared in such places as cell-enveloped thichened cell wall, nuclei, nucleoli and chromatin. ─── 随着胚性细胞的发育及分裂,包裹细胞的厚壁、细胞核、核仁与染色质等处也出现ATP酶活性反应沉淀物。
7、Abnormal number of nucleoli ─── 异常核仁数
8、The WBC's seen here are "atypical" lymphocytes.They are atypical because they are larger (more cytoplasm) and have nucleoli in their nuclei. ─── 可见非典型淋巴细胞,之所以称为非典型,是因为体积更大(更多的细胞质)并可见核仁。
9、Pronounced nucleoli were observed in each nucleus. ─── 剑尾鱼肝细胞具单核,核仁显著;
10、The nuclei of the Paget's cells are atypical and, though not seen here, often have prominent nucleoli. ─── Paget氏细胞的细胞核有异型性而且常有显而易见的核仁(尽管这里未见到)。
11、Zygote, in which the male and female nucleoli not fused yet, and primary endosperm nucleus already divided; ─── 8.受精卵,精、卵核核仁尚未融合,初生胚乳核已分裂形成胚乳核;
12、The meristematic nuclei in wheat nodule-like were very large and rounder, a nucleus generally possessed a nucleolus, some nucleoli had nucleolar vacuoles but only a nucleolus usually had a nucleolar vacuole. ─── 摘要在小麦类根瘤中,分生细胞核很大,而且较圆整,一般为一个核仁,有的核仁还有核仁泡,但通常一个核仁只有一个核仁泡,染色质较少,呈团块状分布。
13、Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, and do not exhibit cyclosis. ─── 原核生物无细胞器,如核仁、线粒体、质体、高尔基体等,不出现胞质环流。
14、cells show fibroblast-like irregular appearance, many cytoplasm ecptoma, puff and large nucleus with obvious nucleoli. ─── 细胞主要呈“成纤维样”,但体积较大、形状不规则、细胞质突起多,细胞核大而疏松,核仁明显。
15、The nuclei are pale with prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm is usually in abundance. You may find many dying cells and mitotic figures. ─── 细胞核淡染并具有明显的核仁,且有大量胞浆,你能发现许多死亡的细胞和核分裂相。
16、7. Cells take diverse shapes. These are epithelial cords of block-like cells. As always, nucleoli and nuclear heterochromatin stain darkly with hematoxylin. ─── 不同形态的细胞。这些是立方细胞排列成的上皮索状结构。总之,核仁与细胞核中的异染色质被苏木精染成深色。收藏指正
17、Disrupted actin cytoskeleton could be recovered by removal of the VD-toxin before the nucleoli were dyed. ─── 在核仁能够看见以前,即核仁开始着色以前将毒素除去,可以使已经破坏的周质微丝骨架恢复过来。
18、The nucleoli were larger and more obvious.There were more microvilli on cellular surface. ─── 通过条件培养基长期培养后得到的间充质干细胞具有广泛的分化潜能。
19、The WBC's seen here are lymphocytes, but they are blasts--very immature cells with larger nuclei that contain nucleoli. ─── 白血病可见白细胞是淋巴细胞,但它们是母细胞--核中含有核仁的、更大的、非常不成熟的细胞。
20、Big, irregular nucleus with multiple nucleoli could be seen in the cytoplasm by transmission electron microscopy. ─── 电镜下周细胞核大、不规则、有切迹,可见多个核仁。
21、The neoplastic epithelia are low cuboidal and not columnar in shape, with very large and atypical oval nuclei with vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. ─── 肿瘤性上皮呈低立方状而不是柱状,有很大的卵圆形核和显著核异型性,空泡状染色质和显著核仁。
22、The most characteristic component is the Aschoff giant cell.Several appear here as large cells with two or more nuclei that have prominent nucleoli. ─── 它组成成份是风湿细胞,体积大,可有双核或多核(核仁很明显)。
23、The chromatin is vesicular, and small nucleoli are present. ─── 染色质呈泡状,可见小的核仁
24、This shows that the organization of the nucleoli is highly regulated and dependent on the stages in rRNA processing. ─── 这些厚的黑云可以遮挡掉大部分的阳光,时间长达数周。
25、GFP hBKLF fusion technique showed hBKLF was present in the nuclei of COS 7 cells in a punctate pattern,whereas it was absent in the nucleoli. ─── GFP hBKLF融合蛋白在COS - 7细胞中呈细小点状分布于核内 ,核仁区无分布。
26、Furthermore, with anti-RNA/DNA hybrid antibodies, we directly and selectively labeled the transcription sites of rRNA genes of nucleoli and revealed that it located in DFC and the transitional region between DFC and FC in wheat. ─── 进一步借助于RNA/DNA杂合体抗体选择性地直接标记核仁中rRNA基因的转录位点,结果表明了小麦细胞核仁rRNA基因的转录位点是在FC与DFC的过渡区域及DFC中。
27、All cells were generally smaller and occasionally spindled, the chromatin detail was attenuated, and nucleoli were more prominent. ─── 所有的细胞都稍小,偶见梭形,染色质不清,核仁突出。
28、The follicles were lined by cells with moderate amphophilic to eosinophilic cytoplasm with round nuclei and occasional prominent nucleoli . ─── 肿瘤细胞胞浆中等嗜双色性或嗜酸性,细胞核圆,个别核仁明显。
29、At high magnification, the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells have prominent clumped chromatin and nucleoli with occasional mitotic figures. ─── 高倍镜非霍奇金淋巴瘤细胞有明显的染色质浓缩,偶尔可见处于核分裂。
30、Small cell carcinomas usually do not show large prominent nucleoli, whereas melanomas often do, accompanied by occasional intranuclear pseudoinclusions. ─── 小细胞癌常无明显的大核仁(而恶性黑色素瘤常有),偶尔伴有核内假包涵体。
31、There were occasional enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with one or more prominent nucleoli. ─── 偶尔也可见到增大深染的具有一个或多个显著核仁的细胞核。
32、Morphological quantification of nucleoli and diagnostic significance in needle biopsy ─── 前列腺穿刺活检中核仁的形态学测量及其诊断意义
33、The follicles were lined by cells with moderate amphophilic to eosinophilic cytoplasm with round nuclei and occasional prominent nucleoli. ─── 肿瘤细胞胞浆中等嗜双色性或嗜酸性,细胞核圆,个别核仁明显。
34、The nuclei are large, irregular, hyperchromatic, and show prominent nucleoli. ─── 细胞核大、不规则、核浓染,核仁清晰明显。
35、In rare cases, mild nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and mitotic figures may be seen. ─── 少数病人可见多形性胞核、突起的核仁和有丝分裂像。
36、Keywords Human;Fertilization;Pronuclei;Nucleoli;Embryo development; ─── 关键词人;受精;原核;核仁数;胚胎发育;
37、These cells do not have prominent nucleoli. ─── 这些细胞的核仁不显著。
38、The neoplastic fibroblastic cells resembled the reactive fibroblasts by containing fine chromatin and small distinct nucleoli without cellular atypia or mitotic figures. ─── 瘤细胞的染色质细致,可见小核仁,细胞无异型性,也无核分裂,似“反应性"纤维母细胞。
39、This suggests that the existence of the Chlorella symbiont in P. bursaria may affect the function, quantity, and location of the previously mentioned organelles in host cells, as well as the nucleoli. ─── 结果表明,小球藻共生体可能影响了宿主草履虫细胞中所述细胞器的功能、数量和分布,并影响了核仁的功能、数量和分布。
40、Chiasmata are seen during this stage, and by the end of diakinesis the nucleoli and nuclear membrane have disappeared. ─── 在这个时期可以看见交叉,在终变期末细胞核中的核仁,核膜消失。
41、Hematoxylin-eosin stain revealed that, BMSCs in the ACM were oval and nucleoli appeared in a few cells.The ACM were decomposed into particulates. ─── 苏木精-伊红染色可见细胞嵌入软骨支架材料中,呈圆形和椭圆形,部分细胞可见细胞核,材料呈颗粒状,染色均一。
42、At high magnification, the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells have prominent clumped chromatin and nucleoli with occasional mitotic figures. ─── 高倍镜非霍奇金淋巴瘤细胞有明显的染色质浓缩,偶尔可见处于核分裂。
43、extrachromosomal nucleoli ─── 染色体外核仁
44、The malignant lymphocytes here are very large with a moderately abundant cytoplasm, and the nuclei are round to ovoid with prominent nucleoli and occasional mitoses. ─── 此恶性淋巴细胞体积大、有较丰富的细胞浆,核圆型或卵圆型,核仁明显,偶有核分裂像,诊断为弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(也称免疫母细胞淋巴瘤)。
45、4.Cells are arranged in anastomosing cords and hae acidophilic granular cytoplasm and round esicular nuclei with punctate nucleoli. ─── 细胞排列呈网结状,具有嗜酸性颗粒状胞浆和圆形泡状核中有斑点状的核仁。
46、Prominent nucleoli are seen in the nuclei of this prostatic adenocarcinoma, which is a characteristic feature. ─── 细胞核中可见明显核仁是前列腺癌典型的特征。
47、nucleolus, nucleoli ─── 核仁
48、Nucleoli (one or two per nucleus) are stained blue with hematoxylin. ─── 一两个核仁被苏木精染成蓝色。
49、The nuclei are uniform and nucleoli are distinct, but the nuclear features overall are low grade. ─── 细胞核大小一致,核仁清楚,但是核的特征总的来说呈低度恶性。
50、Reassembly of nucleoli also followed a defined temporal sequence, although not necessarily in the same order, as the proteins were imported into newly formed nuclei. ─── 核仁的重组也在确定的时序发生着,尽管不一定是与蛋白进入核内同时进行的。
51、Using anti-UBF antibodies to study localization of RNA polymerase I transcription factor UBF in nucleoli, we observed that UBF located in DFC and the transitional region between DFC and FC in wheat, but not in FC. ─── 应用RNA聚合酶I相关转录因子UBF(Upstream binding factor)抗体所做的分析显示,小麦细胞核仁中UBF位于FC与DFC的过渡区域以及DFC中,在FC中没有UBF的存在;
52、Results The details of the Wright-Giemsa-stained cells of CSF were abundant.This stain of CSF demonstrated nuclear chromatin,cytoplasma granula and nucleoli very clearly. ─── 结果应用瑞氏姬姆沙混合染色法染出的脑脊液细胞清晰度好,即细胞核染色质、胞浆颗粒、核仁等清晰可见,一目了然。
53、Cytology reveals cells with clear to lightly basophilic cytoplasm and round or indented nuclei with fine chromatin and indistinct nucleoli. ─── 细胞学分析可见透明至浅染的酸性细胞质和圆形或缩进的细胞核含有正常的染色质和模糊的核仁。
54、Ultrastructural Study of Nucleoli in Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma ─── 原发性肝细胞癌核仁的超微结构研究
55、You can see small nucleoli, not like the one in cancer-large melanoma-like eosinophilic nucleoli. ─── 这些腺体有小核仁,不同于前列腺癌的类似于恶性黑色素瘤的大嗜伊红的核仁。
56、Generative cell is about to depart pollen wall,vacuoles in vegetative cell further broken, vegetative nucleus containing two nucleoli; ─── 生殖细胞球形,将离开花粉壁,营养细胞中液泡进一步变小,核含双核仁;
57、Clusters of atrophic prostatic acini with proliferatie changes. At low magnification, it may be mistaken for adenocarcinoma; howeer, they lack cytologic features of cancer such as prominent nucleoli. ─── 簇状萎缩的前列腺腺泡伴发增生性改变。低倍镜下容易误当作腺癌,尽管如此,仍缺乏典型的癌细胞特征,如核仁显著等。
58、Correlation between the number of pronuclear nucleoli and the developmental competence of human embryos ─── 人原核期胚胎的核仁数量与胚胎质量的相关性研究
59、Results The fibroblasts became smaller with smaller nuclei and unclear nucleoli, and the organellae also became smaller and much less after tetrandrine treatment. ─── 结果使用粉防己碱后,成纤维细胞胞体变小,胞质突起变少,核变小,核仁不明显,细胞器变少且小。
60、At high magnification, this poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma demonstrates cells with nucleoli and mitotic figures. ─── 高倍镜下低分化的前列腺癌的细胞中可见核仁和核分裂像。
61、The nuclei are monomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli. ─── 瘤细胞核形态单一,核仁不明显。
62、These cells do not have prominent nucleoli. ─── 这些细胞的核仁不显著。
63、As always, nucleoli and nuclear heterochromatin stain darkly with hematoxylin. ─── 总之,核仁与细胞核中的异染色质被苏木精染成深色。
64、The histological features of endometrioid adenocarcinomas were irregular confluence, and papillar glandular patterns;enlarged, round and vacuolus nuclei, prominent nucleoli; ─── 子宫内膜样腺癌组织学特点是腺体不规则,融合,乳头状结构,极性消失,腺上皮核大变圆,空泡状,核仁清楚。
65、In spite of the large nuclei and prominent nucleoli in some cells, the nuclei were cytologically benign. ─── 细胞核大,核仁明显,但核的恶性特征不明显。
66、Chiasmata are seen during this stage, and by the end of diakinesis the nucleoli and nuclear membrane have disappeared. ─── 在这个时期可以看见交叉,在终变期末细胞核中的核仁,核膜消失。
67、At high magnification, this poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma demonstrates cells with nucleoli and mitotic figures. ─── 高倍镜下低分化的前列腺癌的细胞中可见核仁和核分裂像。
68、Multiple nucleoli ─── 多个核仁
69、After fertilization in vitro,the CGs discharged completely and the Mi restored round shape in most cases,Both the male and female pronuclei were formed and with compact nucleoli. ─── 受精后皮质颗粒内容物外倾或颗粒完整外排,线粒体多呈圆形。
70、As it can be seen from cell staining results, the cell body was big and the nucleus, was stained dark blue and was round or oval in shape, with clearly visible nucleoli, generally 2-4 nucleoli. ─── [结果]通过倒置显微镜观察发现,上皮细胞呈多角形,长满后呈上皮细胞特有铺路石样。细胞染色可见上皮细胞胞体较大,胞核深蓝色,圆形或椭圆形,核仁清晰可见,一般为24个。
71、The atrophic glands hae scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli. ─── 萎缩腺体内细胞的胞浆含量少,核浓染,偶尔可见斑点状核仁。
72、During this stage in mitosis and the second division of meiosis the chromosomes uncoil and disperse, the nuclear spindle degenerates, nucleoli reappear, and a new nuclear membrane forms. ─── 在有丝分裂的末期或第二次减数分裂末期,染色体解聚消失,中心的纺锤体解体,核仁重新出现,新核膜形成。
73、Prominent nucleoli are not seen. ─── 核仁不明显。
74、The tumor cells hae uniform esicular nuclei with eenly distributed chromatin, and occasional small nucleoli. ─── 肿瘤细胞核大小一致,呈囊状,其内染色质分布均匀,偶尔有小的核仁。
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