deteriorating 发音
英:[dɪˈtɪrɪəˌretɪŋ] 美:[dɪˈtɪərɪəˌreɪtɪŋ]
英: 美:
deteriorating 中文意思翻译
deteriorating 反义词
improve |recuperate | ameliorate
deteriorating 短语词组
1、deteriorating situation ─── 日益恶化局势
2、deteriorating case ─── 恶化的情况
3、deteriorating roof ─── 恶化的屋顶
4、deteriorating effect ─── 恶化效应;劣化效应
5、progressively deteriorating patient ─── 逐渐恶化的病人
deteriorating 词性/词形变化,deteriorating变形
名词: deterioration |动词过去式: deteriorated |动词过去分词: deteriorated |动词第三人称单数: deteriorates |动词现在分词: deteriorating |形容词: deteriorative |
deteriorating 同义词
away | crumble | wither | fail | ablate | worsen | debauch | rot | degenerate | slip | wilt | downhill | dogs | to | break up | the | wear | decay | weaken | wear away | taint | wane | alloy | vitiate | sully | go to the dogs | fall | degrade | fall apart | corrupt | erode | decompose | contaminate | break | rust | corrode | go | slide | pervert | get worse | depreciate | devolve | up | disintegrate | apart | go downhill |decline | sink | fade | pollute | subvert | drop | mold
deteriorating 相似词语短语
1、deaspirating ─── 去呼吸
2、deteriorated ─── adj.恶化的;已变质的;vt.恶化(deteriorate的过去式);蚀薄
3、deteriorative ─── adj.恶化的;颓废的;退化的;变质的
4、deterioration ─── n.恶化;退化;堕落
5、deteriorate ─── vi.恶化,变坏;vt.恶化
6、deteriorates ─── vi.恶化,变坏;vt.恶化
7、ameliorating ─── vt.改善;减轻(痛苦等);改良;vi.变得更好
8、deaerating ─── v.通风;排气(deaerate的ing形式)
9、decelerating ─── adj.使减速的;v.减速(decelerate的ing形式)
deteriorating 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The IATA said the latest figures reflected a "rapidly deteriorating revenue environment. ─── 国际航协还称最新的数字表明了一个“迅速恶化的财政环境”。
2、In the letter, Yahoo is expected to very sternly reject Microsoft's suggestion that its business is deteriorating. ─── 在信中,雅虎预计将非常严肃地拒绝微软的建议,认为它的业务不断恶化。
3、The Arctic sea ice holds a central position in the Earth's climate system and it's deteriorating faster than expected. ─── 北极海冰在地球气候系统中占据中心位置,其情况的恶化速度超过预期。
4、In the early 1970s,public disquiet at a deteriorating crime situation and difficulties in maintaining the regular Force's strength led to an expanded role for the HKAPF in supplementing regular officers on'watch and ward'duties. ─── 七十年代初期,鉴于市民对治安情况恶化表示不满,而警队又难以维持足够的正规人手,香港辅助警察队因而加强其角色,协助正规警员执行
5、It briefly analyses the deteriorating mechanism of enamel reactor and further introduces several repairing method. ─── 初步分析了搪瓷反应釜损坏机理,介绍了几种本公司常采用的修补方法。
6、Because of the deteriorating war situation, only a few prototype Schmalturm turrets (without key components) and eight hulls were completed when the war ended. ─── 因为局势的恶化,直到战争结束,仅有很少的原型窄炮塔(没有关键部分)和八个外壳是完工了。
7、China at the end of the 19th century was deteriorating, but it was beginning to prosper at the end of the 20th century. ─── 19世纪末的中国已经日益腐朽,20世纪末的中国开始渐渐繁荣。
8、India's gold imports fell 83% in the first quarter as higher prices and deteriorating domestic economic conditions dented consumer demand, the World Gold Council said. ─── 世界黄金协会公布,印度黄金入口于第一季急跌83%,主要原因是金价偏高及内部经济环境转差影响需求。
9、Formerly a school for freed slaves, Dorchester Academy in Midway, Ga., is deteriorating without funds in sight to save it. ─── 佐治亚州中部的多切斯特学院,以前是一个奴隶自由化的学校,因为没有资金将其保留而正面临恶化。
10、They dug three feet deep, doing devastating damage to the dunes, where vegetation was already deteriorating. ─── 他们深翻沙坨,挖地三尺。 这对植被退化的沙坨是毁灭性的。
11、Behind the friendly handshakes, though, the relationship between Russia and the EU is deteriorating. ─── 在那友好的握手背后,却是俄国与欧盟关系的日益恶化。
12、But scientists are racing to save the foot-long salamander from extinction, a victim of the draining of its lake habitat and deteriorating water quality. ─── 但是,这些一尺长的蝾螈遭受了湖区居住者排污水和水质恶化的影响,科学家们正在极力挽救,使之逃脱灭绝的噩梦。
13、People around the world must act immediately to preent the situation from deteriorating een further . ─── 全世界的人必须立即行动,防止情况进一步恶化。
14、Groundwater is deteriorating in many parts of the country due to excessive exploitation and pollution. ─── 全国大部分地区的地下水由于过度开采和污染而正在恶化。
15、It's 2012, and prisons are not just privately owned, but are also one of the few growth industries in a deteriorating economy and a collapsing social system. ─── 在2012年,监狱将不再只是秘密的进行这项竞赛,而且将成为恶化的经济和崩垮的社会体系中的少数几个增长产业。
16、The EuropeanUnionChamber of Commerce in China recently released a catalogofbusiness complaints chronicling a deteriorating atmosphereforforeign enterprises operating in China. ─── 中国欧盟商会(EuropeanUnionChamberofCommerceinChina)最近就发表了一份企业投诉,列举了在华外企不断恶化的经营环境。
17、The Colonial Office was trying to pursue political negotiations in a deteriorating security situation, relying on the Army to keep order. ─── 在安全日益恶化的形势下,殖民部正依赖军队维持秩序,并竭力谋求政治谈判。
18、However, due to its low level of institutionalization, the interior imbalance of this kind of system would be deteriorating and the recycle is possible to happen in the future. ─── 但是由于该种政治体制的制度化水平较低,其内部的不平衡将会逐渐加剧,俄罗斯可能会出现循环现象。
19、he was deteriorating, and he understood that. And when a certain time came, he decided it was just time to leave, and he left. ─── 他在恶化,他理解那一点。当某一个时间来临时,他决定那就是他离开的时间了,然后他离开了。
20、In these circumstances the possibility still exists of preventing the situation from deteriorating and of changing it for the better;the Central Committee's resolutions of February 1 are entirely correct. ─── 在这种形势下,争取时局好转,克服时局逆转的可能性,还是存在的,中央二月一日的决定是完全正确的。
21、Deteriorating trade relations between the world's number one debtor and its number one creditor are enough to keep any banker awake at night. ─── 使世界最大的债务国与它的最大的债权国之间的贸易关系恶化,足以使任何银行家都晚上睡不着觉。
22、Cotman believes this hormone, which keeps neurons functioning, may prevent the brains of active humans from deteriorating. ─── 考特曼认为,这种保持神经元功能的激素可能会阻止活跃的人的大脑恶化。
23、Mrs Gandhi also attracts criticism because educated Indians are convinced that ethics in political life are deteriorating. ─── 受过教育的印度人深信政治生活中的道德标准正在日益下降,在这方面甘地夫人也是众矢之的。
24、But in recent years, China"s township government"s financial situation is gradually deteriorating at a tremendous debt burden. ─── 但近几年来,我国乡镇政府的财政收支状况正逐步恶化形成了巨大的债务负担。
25、The second is the reports of Ms Betancourt's deteriorating health might not be accurate. ─── 二是关于德贝丹考日益恶化的健康状况的报道也许不真实。
26、However water in Kunming Lake has been deteriorating in recent years with expanding eutrophication. ─── 但近几年来,昆明湖水质开始恶化,主要体现在其富营养化程度的逐步加大。
27、Even if house prices stabilise soon, non-mortgage credit will go on deteriorating as the economy shrinks. ─── 即使房价很快企稳,非抵押信贷会随着经济下滑而连续恶化。
28、But the telescope is deteriorating. ─── 但哈勃望远镜正在变得糟糕起来。
29、The meeting comes amid the deteriorating political situation in formula one, with major teams including the legendary Ferrari threatening to quit over the budget caps issue. ─── 会议正值日益恶化的政治局势在一级方程式中,主要工作队,包括著名的法拉利威胁要退出国家队的预算问题.
30、But in recent years, plants has been seriously damaged, the Earth environment is deteriorating. ─── 但是近年来,由于人们大量砍伐破坏绿化,地球环境正在不断恶化。
31、But the Yangtze's deteriorating environment and increased shipping traffic have taken their toll on the mammoth fish. ─── 但是长江不断恶化的环境和越加繁忙的航运业给这种庞大的鱼种敲响了死亡的钟声。
32、Around 10 years later, the AIDS patient's CD4 cell loss, so can not resist the intrusion of outside pathogens, his condition was deteriorating rapidly. ─── 大约10年后,艾滋病患者体内的cd4细胞丧失殆尽,于是无法抵御外界病原菌的侵入,病情则急剧恶化。
33、With road mileage increasing in our country, the deteriorating of asphalt pavement such as cracking, rutting and pumping is greater. ─── 在我国道路里程不断增加的同时,路面的早期破坏现象也越来越突出,这些现象主要包括横向裂缝,坑槽和唧浆等等。
34、During the transition period, I had talked to Strobe a lot about the deteriorating situation in Russia and the imperative of averting disaster. ─── 在政权移交过渡时期,我与斯特罗布就俄罗斯不断恶化的局势以及避免灾难的必要性进行了多次讨论。
35、Bogota, the capital of Columbia, used to be described as a city with poor air quality, deteriorating urban environment and serious traffic congestion. ─── 南美洲国家哥伦比亚的首都波哥大曾以交通严重堵塞、城市环境恶化而著名,被认为是一个几乎没有希望的城市。
36、Consumption, on one level, is turning insipid, especially as the quality of the goods seems to be deteriorating. ─── 在一个水准上人消费正变得缺乏吸引力,特别是商品的质量似乎一直在降低。
37、He said the salvage effort was complicated by deteriorating weather, high waves and the Black Sea's strong currents that could sweep key evidence far away from the crash site. ─── 他还说,益发恶劣的天气,大浪和可能把有关证据冲离失事地点很远地方的强劲的黑海水流使救援工作十分棘手。
38、He said the Y chromosome is deteriorating and will disappear, and the technology for women to procreate without men is just around the corner. ─── 他说,Y染色体正在退化并将消失,而不久的将来会有这样的技术,让女人在没有男人的前提下也能生孩子。
39、The deteriorating financial sector directly equates to lower tax revenues for New York City, where I live. ─── 在我居住的纽约市,日益恶化的财政部门直接赞同更低的税收收入。
40、He says the ICC is also monitoring the deteriorating humanitarian conditions along the CAR's northern border with Chad and Sudan. ─── 他说道,国际刑事法庭同样正在跟踪调查着在中非北部与乍得和苏丹交界地带的日益恶化的人道主义情况。
41、The earth's ecosystem has been deteriorating at a staggering rate. ─── 地球的生态系统正以一种惊人的速度恶化。
42、Mr. Chaudry said the central government has deployed army rangers, and is seriously concerned over the deteriorating security situation in Karachi. ─── Chaudry说中央政府已经派去了巡逻军队,并认真对待卡拉奇恶化的安全境况。
43、The 20-year-old GPS is in dire need of upgrading to stop it from deteriorating, said officials. ─── 20岁的全球定位系统是迫切需要升级到阻止它恶化,官员.
44、In the UK, with the economy deteriorating and the uptick in claimant count, we expect Unemployment to pick up the pace over the last few months. ─── 在英国,随着经济的恶化,索赔计数的上升,我们预计失业者在过去几个月就已经采取行动。
45、In fact, according to the report of the International Monetary Fund: “ in spite of the global environment is deteriorating, Indonesia's economic growth remains strong. ─── 事实上,根据国际货币基金会的报告显示:“尽管全球环境日益恶化,印尼的经济增长表现仍然强劲。”
46、Another is the deteriorating business climate as the world staggers towards recession and unemployment rises. ─── 其二就是贸易日薄西山之势,世界蹒跚步入衰退和高失业之态。
47、He said this did not indicate a deteriorating situation but rather a reassessment of what has already occurred. ─── 他重申这并不是表明事件趋于恶化,只是对已发生时间的重新评估而已。
48、In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. ─── 在我看来,我们正处在阻止问题恶化的黄金时期。
49、ET,D-dimer,FBG,APTT in two groups had difference. With the disease deteriorating,the values of ET,D-dimer,FBG increased,and APTT decreased gradually. ─── 各组间ET、D-dimer、FBG、APTT存在统计学差异,心衰程度越重,ET、D-dimer、FBG越高,APTT越低,其中以肺炎并发重度心衰组明显,ET与D-dimer间呈正相关(r=0.42,P
50、The eutrophication caused by nonpoint pollution is the typical water environment pollution in China's deteriorating lakes. ─── 中国湖区水体环境污染问题日趋严重,典型的污染形式是面源污染造成的水体富营养化。
51、Steady expansion of the progressive forces is the only way to prevent the situation from deteriorating, to forestall capitulation and splitting, and to lay a firm and indestructible foundation for victory in the War of Resistance. ─── 只有一步一步地发展进步势力,才能阻止时局逆转,阻止投降和分裂,而为抗日胜利树立坚固不拔的基矗
52、The Colonial Office was trying to pursue political negotiations in a deteriorating security situation, relying on the Army to keep order. ─── 在安全日益恶化的形势下,殖民部正依赖军队维持秩序,并竭力谋求政治谈判。
53、His deteriorating health has been torturing his body as well as his soul. ─── 他日益恶化的健康状况既折磨着他的身体又折磨着他的灵魂。
54、Rural roads had been deteriorating in the late 19th century and urban devotees of the new sport of bicycling were among the first to notice and call for improvements. ─── 19世纪后期,乡村公路状况开始恶化,而热衷于自行车这一新型运动的都市人首先注意到这个问题,并呼吁进行维护。
55、Some government officials fail to recognize the potential hazards of improper waste disposal, so that the environment in some cities is deteriorating. ─── 一些政府官员未能认识到垃圾处理不当带来的潜在危害,因此一些城市的环境不断恶化。
56、The text illustrates the running function and theory of all layers of PKM Stove,at the same time,it also analyses the deteriorating reason,harm and defending measures. ─── 介绍了PKM炉生产过程中炉内各层的作用及其原理,分析了工况恶化的原因、危害及预防措施。
57、The symptomatic treatment of individuals with deteriorating conditionssuch as in the area of palliative care or degenerative neurologicaldisorders to improve the quality of life. ─── 为了改善那些健康不断恶化的个体(如采取姑息治疗和变性的神经系统的疾病的病人)的生活质量而使用对症治疗。
58、CHEN Yan-ming,HE Yu-ming.Study on the key factors deteriorating the retroreflective capability of glass microspheres[J].Acta Photonica Sinica,2003,32(5):629-633. ─── [5]陈炎明,何玉明.影响玻璃微珠回向反射性能的主要因素分析[J].光子学报,2003,32(5):629-633.
59、and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. ─── 他知道已没有康复的希望,其病情正在迅速恶化。
60、Stewrt G,Rosowsky V.Time-dependent reliability of deteriorating reinforced concrete bridge decks[R].Structural SafCty(1998)20. ─── 公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥梁设计规范[S].
61、In June, Amnesty International warned that Afghanistan's deteriorating security situation was not conducive to promoting the voluntary repatriation of refugees. ─── 在六月的时候,国际特赦组织警告说,由于阿富汗恶化的社会安全状况,遣送自愿回国的流亡者回阿富汗是没有好处的。
62、Filamentous sludge bulking is the key factors in deteriorating effluent quality. ─── 丝状菌性污泥膨胀是恶化处理水水质的重要原因。
63、In contrast, we maintain a moderate negative view on the GBP as the UK's deteriorating public sector finances are negative for the currency. ─── 与此相反,我们对英镑维持一定的消极判断,因为英国公共部门财政的恶化对其产生的是负面影响。
64、His physical condition was deteriorating, and he began to speculate on the matter of death. ─── 他的健康状况日恶化,他开始考虑起死的问题。
65、Tensions between India and Pakistan, as well as the deteriorating relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan have threatened to overshadow the summit. ─── 印度和巴基斯坦之间关系紧张,以及巴基斯坦和阿富汗之间的关系不断恶化,可能给这次首脑会议蒙上阴影。
66、Eg: What has caught our attention is /It is noticeable that the environment in both the ruralurban areas is deteriorating . ─── 值得注意的是农村和城市的生态环境都在恶化。
67、His health condition is deteriorating. ─── 他的身体状况在变坏。
68、He puts the Ring on. He is seen deteriorating into Gollum. The scene shifts to Gollum. ─── 他戴上了戒指。他立刻消失不见了。场景转换到古鲁姆。
69、His health is deteriorating from fatigue. ─── 他的健康状况因疲劳而恶化。
70、Zheng's health is deteriorating day by day, and his mother said she hopes she will be able to find the criminals who disabled her son. ─── 小郑的健康状况正逐日恶化,他母亲说希望能找到使其儿子致残的(失去健康)那些犯罪分子。
71、Inner city transit systems in most cities were either deteriorating or crime-ridden, as in New York, or dysfunctional, as in Los Angeles. ─── 大多数城市的市中心的运输系统或者每况愈下且犯罪猖獗(如纽约),或者运转不良(如洛杉矶)。
72、Qiu Baoxing blames deteriorating water quality on inadequate controls over pollution from household, industrial and agricultural users. ─── 仇保兴将城市地区自来水品质恶化的原因归咎于未能有效控制来自家庭、工业和农业所造成的污染。
73、A range of statistics pointed to mounting unemployment and/or deteriorating consumer confidence in many of the major Euroland economies. ─── 多项统计数字显示不少欧元区主要经济体系的失业率上升及/或消费信心下跌。
74、Since they are tradable instruments, they became bear-market warrants for speculating on deteriorating conditions in a company or country. ─── 因为可以交易,它就变成了可以投机的,一种对一个公司或国家情况恶化的看跌凭单。
75、Economically and technically, the wind is a preferred alternative energy in the current days because of the depletion of mineral resources and deteriorating environment. ─── 在当前矿山能源面临枯竭、环境日益恶化的情况下,无论从经济上获知技术上都是以下功能可以首选的替代能源。
76、In response to the realities of a deteriorating economy, we’re taking important steps to realign Microsoft’s business. ─── 为应对经济恶化的残酷现实,我们将在业务重组方面采取大行动。
77、In 1996, he invited three medical experts from England to prove that he was under great pressure and that his health had been deteriorating because of depression. ─── 1996年,他从英国请来三名医学权威证明他的精神压力很大,情绪低落,身体状况恶化,作为向法庭求情的理由。
78、Animal growth of the natural environment has been deteriorating. ─── 动物生长的自然环境一直在恶化。
79、Since the April coup in 2002 bilateral relations between Venezuela and the U.S. have been deteriorating. ─── 以2002年“四月政变”为标志,委美双边关系由平稳转向持续紧张。
80、He began recording for Columbia Records but, due to his deteriorating condition, could not accept engagements overseas. ─── 他开始为哥伦比亚公司录音,然而由于他的身体状况恶化,无法接受海外的邀约。
81、But if standards of social conduct are deteriorating,what's the use of achieving economic development? ─── 但风气如果坏下去,经济搞成功又有什么意义?
82、Foot continued to press for a political solution, but agreed to call in MI5 as the situation was rapidly deteriorating. ─── 福特继续谋求政治解决,但由于形势恶化他同意军情5局介入。
83、A document from their meeting said the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating. ─── 外长会议的一份文件说阿富汗的局势正在恶化。
84、Deteriorating environment due to improper human activity is threatening human survival and development. ─── 人类不合理的活动是产生环境问题的根源。
85、He decided to end the deteriorating relationship with SunTour -USA. ─── 他决定结束与山图商务关系恶化,美国。
86、Over the last few months, New Zealand farmers have been closely following the deteriorating fortunes of their drought-stricken counterparts across the Tasman. ─── 塔斯马尼亚各地的农民们仍在与干旱抗争,在过去的几个月里,新西兰的农民们一直都在密切关注这他们同行面临的日渐恶化的旱情。
87、However, their cogging torque or unbalanced radial force is usually high, deteriorating the machine performance. ─── 但是这种电机的齿槽定位转矩或不对称径向力一般也比较高。
88、Haas pointed out that the Taliban have to account for advantages, the security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating, drug trafficking and rampant corruption. ─── 哈斯指出,塔利班占得优势,阿富汗安全局势正恶化,贩毒和腐败肆虐。
89、In a deteriorating writing age, Yu Hua's writing doubtlessly expands the scope of literature, enriches the dimension of literary thinking, and defends the dignity of literature. ─── 在“世风日下”的写作年代,余华的书写无疑拓展了文学表现的纬度和丰富了文学思考的向度,并捍卫了文学的尊严。
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