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08-30 投稿


pomposity 发音

英:[pɑːmˈpɑːsəti]  美:[pɒmˈpɒsəti]

英:  美:

pomposity 中文意思翻译



pomposity 网络释义

n. 自大;炫耀;浮夸

pomposity 词性/词形变化,pomposity变形


pomposity 短语词组

1、pomposity meaning ─── 浮夸的意思

2、pomposity synonym ─── 浮夸同义词

3、pomposity defined ─── 浮夸的定义

4、pomposity mean ─── 浮夸意味着

5、pomposity define ─── 浮夸

6、pomposity syn ─── 浮夸综合征

7、pomposity suffix ─── 浮华后缀

8、pomposity definition ─── 浮夸的定义

pomposity 相似词语短语

1、composites ─── n.复合材料(composite的复数);复合体;菊科植物;v.使合成;使混合(composite的三单形式)

2、composite ─── adj.复合的,合成的;(火车车厢)综合的;(柱式)混合的;菊科的;n.复合材料,合成物;综合提案;菊科植物;混合柱式;(嫌疑犯的)合成照片;v.合成(图片);使混合

3、composited ─── adj.复合的(原形是composite);混合的

4、porosity ─── n.有孔性,多孔性

5、compositor ─── n.[印刷]排字工人

6、pomposities ─── n.自大;炫耀;浮夸

7、comatosity ─── 昏迷

8、compositely ─── 复合地;合成地

9、adiposity ─── n.肥胖,肥胖症;脂肪过多;肥胖倾向

pomposity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It turned out that English for the law epitomized wordiness, unclearness, pomposity, and dullness when it made its debut after it was legitimized. ─── 结果当英语获得合法地位后首次登台亮相却成为罗唆冗长、不明确、浮夸和单调乏味的典型。

2、Ignoring the dreary pomposity of the tone, there are two bad things about this. ─── 暂且忽略这种令人生厌的浮华语调,这封邮件有两个致命伤。

3、Usually you're better at masking your pomposity? ─── 就是说你通常都会放下架子么?

4、The lobby has been gaily decorated with pomposity,has full-bodied artistic atmosphere. ─── 大堂装饰华丽典雅,富有浓郁的艺术氛围。

5、3. Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance. ─── 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。收藏指正

6、She answered pomposity with irony and dominated conversations by her personality and shrewd psychology ─── 对于虚夸自负她用的是反唇相讥,她以她的人品和机敏的心理来控制同人家谈话的进程。

7、His remarks are full of pomposity. ─── 他的话里充满炫耀。

8、One of Leo's most characteristic traits is pride, and there is a tendency, too, towards pomposity and snobbery. ─── 骄傲是狮子座的性格特征之一,这一特征可能会演变成夸耀和势利。

9、Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance. ─── 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。

10、Helpless and Miserable Behind Pomposity --Comment on Female Life in Zhangxin's Novels ─── 浮华背后的无奈与辛酸--评张欣小说中的女性人生

11、However, a little too much confidence sometimes looks like pomposity -- watch for that Wednesday and Thursday. ─── 但是,有时过于自信更像是炫耀(自负,自命不凡)——留意星期三和星期四。

12、We must laugh at our mistakes and at our fears, laugh at solemnity and pomposity, laugh at hypocrisy and vanity in ourselves and in others; then we can see life in a true and healthy light. ─── 我们必须笑自己的错误与恐惧,笑严肃与夸耀,笑我们自身与别人身上的虚伪与虚荣;然后我们才能用真实而健康的角度来看人生。

13、He has a deep voice and a thick accent, which people sometimes confuse with pomposity. ─── 他声音低沉,而且有很重的口音。这让人们有时候误以为这是傲慢。

14、lack of elegance as a consequence of pomposity. ─── 由于华丽卖弄而缺乏雅致。

15、I love to hear new Christians pray; there's no pious pomposity. ─── 我喜爱听到一些刚重生的基督徒祷告;他们没有宗教里的虚浮和自夸。

16、The prince's manner was informal, without a trace of pomposity. ─── 王子的态度平易谦和,没有一点傲气。

17、gentleman completely, honorable colorful, not only possessed of the pomposity of the over-realistic but also including the comfortable using confidently. ─── 这些款式尽显经典、度,醇厚的绅士气息十足,色彩高贵,既有贵族式的超现实的华丽,又能充分考虑使用时的舒适性及时尚显示。

18、He has a deep voice and a thick accent, which people sometimes confuse with pomposity. ─── 他声音低沉,而且有很重的口音。这让人们有时候误以为这是傲慢。

19、Funerals should be held with grief rather than with pomposity. ─── 就丧礼而言,与其大办,不如哀恸。”

20、The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability. ─── 经济学人将自己视为特权、浮夸和预言家的敌人。

21、The title offends for three reasons, and pomposity is the least of them. ─── 这个头衔令人不快有3个原因,华而不实是其中最无关紧要的一个。

22、The Economist considers itself the enemy ofprivilege, pomposity and predictability. ─── 有些稿件也会被大量编辑。

23、Einstein was a scientist who hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius. ─── 科学家爱因斯坦不喜欢摆架子,也不喜欢被称为天才。

24、From the urban pomposity to the rustic memories, curious images take birth in his canvases and his paintings read like a story. ─── 从城市的繁华到香醋的记忆,古怪的图像在他的画布上诞生了。欣赏他的画,如同读故事一样。

25、You won't believe just how satisfying the special combination of pomposity and righteous indignation can make you feel, especially when there's bugger all at stake. ─── 你绝不会相信夸耀和正义的愤怒会让你感觉多满足,特别是但有同性恋的危险。

26、pomposity was a feature of Mark from a very tender age ─── 马克在幼年时就表现得很没有礼貌。

27、The poet's soppy romanticism, flinty egalitarianism and ridicule of pomposity have universal appeal. ─── 苏格兰诗人伤感的浪漫,坚定地平均思想和对奢华的嘲弄,在世界各地都产生了共鸣。

28、Pomposity and long-windedness tend to obscure meaning, or reveal the lack of it: strip them away in favour plain words. ─── 华丽且冗长饶舌的词容易使意义含混,或根本无法表达意义:舍弃之转而用朴实的词汇。

29、The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability. ─── 经济学人将自己视为特权、浮夸和预言家的敌人。

30、3.Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance. ─── 过分精心的签名则暗示你的夸耀和自负。

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