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08-29 投稿


Neptune 发音

英:[ˈneptjuːnˌˈneptuːn]  美:[ˈneptjuːn]

英:  美:

Neptune 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 海王星


Neptune 短语词组

1、neptune cafe ─── 海王星咖啡馆

2、Planets beyond Neptune ─── 海王星以外的行星

3、neptune facts for kids ─── 海王星的孩子们的事实

4、Exploration of Neptune ─── 海王星的探索

5、neptune facts ─── 海王星事实

6、aquatic neptune spongebob ─── 水生海王星海绵宝宝

7、Mini Neptune ─── 迷你海王星

8、neptune moons ─── 海王星卫星

9、neptune systems ─── 海王星系统

10、Neptune girdle ─── [医] 腹带

11、Neptune (mythology) ─── 海王星(神话)

12、Sailor Neptune ─── 水手海王星

13、Neptune trojan ─── 海王星木马

14、neptune cigars ─── 海王星雪茄

15、king neptune ─── 海神的故事

Neptune 相似词语短语

1、septuple ─── n.七倍;v.乘以七倍;增加七倍;adj.七倍的;由七部分组成的;(音乐节拍)七拍的

2、fine-tune ─── 微调,调整

3、neptunium ─── n.[化学]镎

4、ineptitude ─── n.不适当,不合适;不称职;愚笨;缺乏技巧,无能;笨拙

5、fine-tunes ─── 微调,调整

6、fine-tuned ─── 微调,调整

7、detune ─── vt.使去谐;降低(调门)

8、retune ─── vt.重新调整;(为乐器)重新调音;(对收音机等)重新调谐

9、Neptune ─── n.[天]海王星;海神

Neptune 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But sometimes it moves inside the orbit of Neptune. ─── 但有时候,它却运行到海王星轨道里面去了。

2、On this day when Jupiter and Neptune meet, May 27, you may throw a major charity event, and if so, you would raise quite a bit of money. ─── 5月27日,木星和海王星合相后,你会投身到一个主要的慈善活动中,如果这样的话,你会筹集到很多钱。

3、The Eddie group has the greatest tonnage in national carriers of all transport companies in Taiwan.Pictured is the Taiwan-made Panamax Neptune. ─── 图3:益利集团拥有国轮总载重吨位最高,图为该公司新购的国造毅利轮。

4、Jupiter and Neptune will be in perfect alignment on May 27.This is a classic aspect for engendering an outpouring of compassion for those in need. ─── 27日,木星和海王星会成一直线,你可以倾注你的热情,帮助那些有需要的人。

5、In July, Brown announced the discovery of an icy, rocky object larger than Pluto in the Kuiper Belt, a disc of icy bodies beyond Neptune. ─── 例如:如果一颗卫星环绕行星的速度越快,这颗行星的质量则越大。

6、Because Neptune is fourth dimension, she appears as covered in blue clouds, which is indeed fourth dimensional water. ─── 因为海王星处于第四密度,她看起来被蓝云覆盖而实则为第四密度的水。

7、Neptune retrograde may have created a bit of a financial drain, or some unforeseen expenses. ─── 海王星逆行已经创造了个一段金融漏管,或一些不可预见的花费。

8、As Voyager closed in on Neptune, JPL engineers worked round the clock to radio instructions. But they did not know the exact location of the debris encircling the planet. ─── “旅行者”向海王星靠拢时,喷气推进实验室的工程师们夜以继日地工作,发送无线电指示,但他们不知道环绕这颗行星的碎片的确切位置。

9、The Kuiper Belt consists of a disk of icy objects beyond Neptune which are believed to be comet-like debris from the formation of the solar system. ─── 凯伯带位于海王星轨道外,由一群冰封的天体组成。这些天体相信是由太阳系形成时遗留下来的碎屑。

10、In the case of Uranus and Neptune, the accumulation of planetesimals was too much of a good thing. ─── 以天王星与海王星为例,微行星聚积太多并不是好事。

11、However, people still know little about Neptune, until 1989 the Voyager 2 flyby of Neptune allow people to closely look at this blue planet. ─── 但人们对海王星的认知不多,直至1989年航行者2号探测船飞掠海王星时才让人类第一次近距离观看这颗海蓝色的天体。

12、It is attracted by Neptune's gravity when the two planets get closer. ─── 因此当两颗行星靠近时,冥王星就被海王星的引力吸过去了。

13、The placement of Jupiter and Neptune form a Square aspect in your chart. ─── 在你的命盘中,木星处在跟海王星相刑的情况上。

14、The industrial troubles, which were threatening to destroy the Neptune, were wearing Arthur down. ─── 产业危机正威胁着要把内普丘恩煤矿搞垮,阿瑟已愁得垂头丧气了。

15、Later simulations show that even a companion with an orbit as wide as Neptune's could scoop up an accretion disk. ─── 后来的数值模拟结果显示出,即使伴星的轨道半径大如海王星的轨道,它仍可汲取物质而形成吸积盘。

16、Thankfully, Venus rules this Full Moon, and she's still in her other home sign, Libra, closely trine Neptune in Aquarius. ─── 值得庆幸的是,金牛座的守护星金星,这一次满月的守护星,它处于另一个家的位置,天平座,与海王星水瓶形成紧密的和谐三分相。

17、Tonight is an observer's challenge. It's the planet Neptune,which comes to opposition today in front of the constellation Capricornus. ─── 今晚,对于观测者来说是一个挑战。因为,今天海王星处于与摩羯座的经线相距180度的位置。

18、A Sun Saturn conjunction will be located at 14 Leo and Neptune will be at 18 Aquarius. ─── 太阳土星契合将位于14狮子星座并且海王星将是在18宝瓶星座。

19、In fact, Pluto orbits in a 3:2 orbital resonance with Neptune meaning that for every three complete orbits that Neptune makes around the Sun, Pluto completes two. ─── 事实上,冥王星与海王星公转周期有3:2的共振关系,即海王星每环绕太阳三周,冥王星便会环绕太阳两周。

20、Soon I may make you my partner in the Neptune. ─── 不久我可能要你当我内普丘恩的合股人。

21、There'll be a big triple conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron in Aquarius toward the end of May. ─── 五月底在宝瓶座会发生海王星、土星和凯龙星大三汇。

22、What makes this lunar eclipse difficult is that Neptune will be so active. ─── 使这个月食显得困难的是由于海王星太活跃了。

23、WITH NOTHING but a radio transmitter to herald its arrival, a gawky aluminum bird swooped over the north pole of the planet Neptune last August. ─── 去年8月,一只粗笨的铝制飞鸟掠过海王星北极,它什么也不用,只用无线电发报机通报它到达了这颗行星。

24、One problem with the gas-drag model is that it does not explain the presence of irregular satellites around Uranus and Neptune. ─── 但对于环绕著天王星与海王星的不规则卫星而言,气阻模型却不能解释其由来。

25、Neptune can, under certain circumstances (such as will be the case with this eclipse) bring unclear conditions, so the facts you need may be confused or obliterated. ─── 在一定环境下,海王星带来不确定的情况,所以你所需要的可能有困扰或者被消除了。

26、Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune also have rings, but Saturn's are by far the largest and most spectacular. ─── 木星、天王星和海王星也有环,但土星的环是迄今为止规模最大、最为壮观的。

27、However, brilliant aspects by your ruler Mercury to both the bountiful Jupiter and Neptune suggest that even disruptive developments will be in your best interests. ─── 但是在水星光辉的影响下,慷慨的木星和海王星暗示着,即使分裂的,破坏性的发展终将给你带来好处。

28、Because Jupiter and Neptune will be in your house of home, you should host your party at home, not a restaurant. ─── 因为木星和海王星将到达你掌管家庭方面的宫,你应该在家里举办个聚会,而不是一家餐馆里。

29、Well within the Kuiper Belt, an extensive region beyond the orbit of Neptune, the Pluto system could be the first quadruple Kuiper Belt object known. ─── 在科伊伯带中,在海王星的一个广泛区域里,冥王星系可能是第一个已知的大于科伊伯带四倍的行星系。

30、Even if the economics stack up, however, Nautilus and Neptune must overcome concerns over environmental damage. ─── 即使经济上的问题堆积如山,鹦鹉螺与海王星公司仍必须克服人们对于环境破坏的关注。

31、Perhaps it once was a planet, only to be drawn out of its solar orbit by Neptune's gravitational embrace. ─── 它也许曾是颗行星,只因为受到海王星引力的拥抱,才被拽出自身绕太阳旋转的轨道。

32、In Aquarius, Neptune is behaving in sort of a yin-yang energy to Uranus. ─── 在水瓶座,海王星是表现在一阴排序阳能源天王星。

33、A consideration of these two possibilities might clarify both the relation between Uranus and Neptune, and the essential character of astrology. ─── 关于这两种可能性的思考,有助于澄清天王星与海王星之间的关系,以及占星学的本质所在。

34、The unusual vantage point also robs Neptune of its familiar blue hue, as sunlight seen from here is scattered forward, and so is reddened like the setting Sun. ─── 从航行家特殊的拍照位置去看海王星,它熟悉的蓝色色调不见了,因为阳光在透射过海王星的大气时,蓝光大多被散射掉了,透过来的只是会让它看起来像是落日的红光。

35、November : Saturn moves in to square Pluto and trined Neptune on it's way in. Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron are still together. ─── 10月:土星和天王星仍然反对,但现在,金星,水星和帕拉斯是挂围绕土星保持公司。

36、The three - pronged spear carried by Neptune or Poseidon. ─── 三叉戟海神尼普顿或波塞冬手持的有三尖头的矛杖

37、Scientists laboured for months to unravel the mysteries of Neptune and still remain baffled. ─── 科学家们为揭开海王星之谜艰难地工作了数月,但依然迷惑不解。

38、With the planet of action and courage, Mars, meeting the visionary Neptune in Aquarius as the week begins, things are changing swiftly. ─── 伴随行星的行动与勇气,火星与幻想的海王星在这周开始时在水瓶座相遇,事物飞速变化。

39、In a sense, neither Adams nor Le Verrier really predicted the position of Neptune. ─── 从某个角度来观察,亚当斯与勒威耶都没有预测到海王星的位置。

40、At the Neptune, business was so bad that poor Arthur was having to get rid of many of his men. ─── 内普丘恩煤矿的生意极坏,可怜的阿瑟不得不解雇了许多工人。

41、The 11 recognized planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Eris. Ceres, Pluto and Eris are considered dwarf planets. ─── 11大行星依序是水星、金星、地球、火星、谷神星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星与厄莉丝。谷神星、冥王星与阋神星被视为矮行星。

42、The last two planets, Neptune and Pluto were discovered in 1846 and 1930 respectively. ─── 九大行星中的最后两颗行星海王星和冥王星,分别在1846年和1930年发现。

43、Astronomers had seen what they thought were parts of rings around Neptune. ─── 天文学家认为他们以前所看到的是环绕海王星的部分光环。

44、Office buildings: Jiuzhou Development Center, Huarong Tower, Anlian Tower, New World Center, Ginza International, Neptune Tower, Minghua Sea Center, Seaview plaza. ─── 写字楼作品:九州创展中心,华融大厦、联大厦、世界中心、座国际、王大厦、华海事中心、景广场。

45、Its position in the sky makes it a so-called Trojan asteroid - a type previously detected only at Jupiter, Neptune and Mars. ─── 它在天空的位置使其被称为特洛伊小行星——此前仅在木星、海王星和火星探测到的一种类型

46、And if so, why didn't the formation of Uranus frustrate the birth of Neptune in the same way? ─── 如果是这样,为什麽天王星的形成不会以同样的方式阻碍海王星的出现?

47、Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign i* **tremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed. ─── 双鱼座是水相星座。受神秘的海王星所控制。双鱼非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想。

48、You may be very inspired by this full moon eclipse, because it could turn out to be particularly glamorous falling so close to Neptune. ─── 你可能会很鼓舞,这充分月亮月食,因为它可以变成要特别迷人下降如此接近海王星。

49、In case you needed more encouragement, Neptune may rule your fifth house of true love, but Uranus is IN that house. ─── 你是需要一些勇气的,因为海王星主宰你的真爱宫,但同时天王星也在这一宫。

50、In affairs of the heart, this fall foggy Neptune has made it hard for you to see people for who they truly are. ─── 这个秋天,朦胧的海王星使你很难看清别人的真实一面。

51、Business at the Neptune had been very bad during the last twelve months. ─── 在过去的一年里,内普丘恩的生意非常的不景气。

52、Late August .... Saturn Neptune opposition goes inside a two degree orb. ─── 下旬8月....土星海王星反对去在二度天体里面。

53、The problem has been that both Neptune and Uranus have been in lethargic retrograde mode for months, moving backward for a very long time. ─── 主要问题是天王星和海王星这几个月来一直是无精打采的衰退状态,已经后退很长时间了。

54、Neptune is very cold-about 220 degrees below zero Celsius. It takes the planet 165 years to revolve around the sun. It spins on its axis once every 16 hours. ─── NEPTUNE(海王星)是一颗非常冷的星,大约在摄氏零下220度。它绕太阳一周要用165年。它围绕它的轴旋转一圈要16小时。

55、The reason is that this lunar clash with dreamy Neptune begins a long void lunar cycle - lasting until 3:30AM PST on Saturday morning. ─── 原因是这种月球与梦幻海王星之间的错位一旦发生,就会开始一段漫长而寂静的太阴周,它将持续到太平洋标准时间周六凌晨03时30分。

56、large amount of methane contained in the atmosphere surrounding Neptune stained it blue. ─── 围绕海王星的气层内所含大量甲烷将它染成了蓝色。

57、Voyager's view of Neptune was almost upstaged by the planet's largest moon, Triton, called "the most curious thing we've ever seen" by Voyager geologist Laurence Soderblom. ─── “旅行者”看到的海王星的景色,几乎全被这颗行星最大的卫星海卫一“特里同”所抢占。 “旅行者”的地质学家劳伦斯 - 索迪布洛姆把它称作“我们看见过的最奇妙的东西”。

58、He directs the Center for High Frequency Electronics and the Neptune Advanced Accelerator Research Facility at U.C.L.A. ─── 他领导该校的高频率电子元件中心,以及海王星高等加速器研究设备。

59、The nine major planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. ─── 九大行星分别是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星。

60、Nearly all the planets found outside our solar system to date are gas giants comparable in size to Jupiter or Neptune. ─── 几乎所有在我们太阳系外所发现的行星,都是相当于木星或海王星大小的气态巨行星。

61、The next planet the moon will see AFTER the eclipse occurs on July 7 will be Neptune, planet of confusion. ─── 下一个在月食之后与月球相遇的行星是海王星,这将发生在7.7.。这个行星代表了困惑,混乱。

62、Mars forms a favorable aspect with Neptune in your chart energizing your psychic nature. ─── 在你的命盘中,火星跟海王星形成了良好的相位,为你的强化了通灵本质。

63、The discoveries of Neptune in 1846 and of Puto in 1930 were made as the result of predictions. ─── 1846年发现的海王星和1930年发现的冥王星,是预言的产物。

64、And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius. ─── 五月底,木星、海王星和凯龙星将在26等的宝瓶座相遇,所以对你的事业影响更为庞大。

65、He managed to walk a little farther-but he never reached the Neptune. ─── 他又支撑着向前走了一小段路,但他永远也走不到内普丘思了。

66、A group of KBOs named Plutino are in the 3 : 2 mean motion resonance with Neptune and Pluto is one of them. ─── 其中有一部分偏心率和倾角较大的小天体与海王星之间存在3:2平运动共振,轨道特征类似冥王星,命名为类冥王星。

67、B-has drowned more men than Neptune. ─── [谚]酒神淹死的人比海神多;美酒为害烈于海水。

68、So, it seemed right to name it after the ancient Roman god of the sea, Neptune. ─── 因此,用古罗马海神尼普顿的名字来为它命名看来是很恰当的。

69、You may want to accomplish your key tasks and important errands before the Moon squares Neptune at 10:54AM PST. ─── 太平洋标准时间上午10时54分,月亮要调整与海王星之间位置,你可能想在此之前完成自己的主要任务或结束重要的事情。

70、Perhaps it was the formation of Neptune near the belt's inner boundary. ─── 也许是由于靠近柯伊伯带内缘的海王星正在成形。

71、However, you could also find that you are gullible and easily tricked by friends during Neptune's travel through this area of your chart. ─── 不过,你也可以发现你是容易上当,很容易受骗,在海王星的旅行的朋友通过这个图表区。

72、Simultaneously, Venus will conjoin with Neptune, which is one of the most glamorous and romantic aspects possible. ─── 同时,金星和海王星的联合将会产生最具魅力和最浪漫的影响。

73、You should have a really fun, memorable time, thanks to the meeting of Mercury and Neptune in your house of fun, friends, and events. ─── 你会很开心,获得一段值得回味的时光,感谢水星和海王星的会晤,在掌管你愉悦,朋友和事件的那一宫。

74、Moreover, part of its orbit lies inside Neptune s. As a result, the most distant planet in our solar system was Neptune from 1979 to 1999. ─── 事实上,它的轨道部分在海王星轨道之内,所以从1979年到1999年,太阳系内,离太阳最远的大行星是海王星而不是冥王星。

75、Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune. ─── 在酒里淹死的人比在海里淹死的人多。

76、In 1977, two spacecraft named Voyager I and II were launched toward Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. ─── 1977年,两艘名叫“旅行者”一号和二号的宇宙飞船向木星、土星和海王星发射。

77、It's just beyond the visual limit, so . . . you'll be able to spot Neptune with a small telescope or even just a pair of binoculars. ─── 这只是超出了肉眼的视觉极限而已,因此……你可以用小型望远镜,甚至是一副双筒望远镜便可以看见海王星。

78、Actually, the whole month will be lucky for you, as Jupiter (financial luck) and Neptune (creativity) will be orbiting close enough to help you. ─── 事实上,因为木星(财运)和海王星(创造力)的运行轨道十分贴近,这整个月都是你的销售幸运月。

79、Neptune RULES your house of true love and Uranus is currently traveling IN this same sector. ─── 天王星目前正位于掌管着你的真爱宫的海王星。

80、Saturn sextile Neptune gives the ability to bring realism and idealism together for constructive aims. ─── 土星六合海王星给予因建设性的目标,而把现实主义跟理想主义联系在一起的能力。

81、Pluto is automatically disqualified because its oblong orbit overlaps with Neptune's. ─── 冥王星自动退出行星行列,因为它椭圆形的轨道与海王星交错。

82、Neptune was named for the Roman god of the sea, and it is even the same color as the sea. The planet looks blue-green in a telescope because of its gases. ─── neptune(海王星)取名于罗马的海洋之神,而且它的颜色也如同大海。这颗有自己的大气层,所以在天文望远镜里看上去呈蓝绿色的。

83、This full moon will conjoin your ruler, Neptune, the planet that inspires a rich imagination. ─── 你将会看到可喜的结果。这次满月将会激发你丰富的想象力。

84、Uranus and Neptune host dolphin and whale form in the etheric only blueprint. ─── 天王星和海王星上有以太蓝图的海豚鲸鱼形态。

85、The orbit of Halley's Comet prolate very much on point beyond the orbit of Neptune, but a recent point in the orbit of Venus. ─── 哈雷彗星的轨道非常扁长,远日点超出海王星轨道,近日点却在金星轨道内。

86、August 26th A Venus Saturn conjunction will be less than one degree from opposed to Neptune. ─── 8月26日金星土星契合将是少于一度从反对海王星。

87、Until this month, Jupiter and Neptune have been moving slowing toward one another through deep space. ─── 一直到这个月,木星和海王星都在太空中缓慢地向对方移动。

88、Similar techniques of digital transmission are how deep-space probes send back stunning photos like those Voyager 2 recently radioed from Neptune. ─── 与数字传播相似的技术是外层空间探测器怎样发回像“旅行者二号”最近从海王星用无线电发回的那样令人惊叹不已的照片。

89、Both Adams and Leverrier are honored for discovering Neptune. ─── 亚当斯和勒威耶两人都因发现了海王星而名垂青史。







东方,木也,其帝太, 其佐句芒,执规而治春。 其神为岁星,其兽苍龙,其音角, 其日甲乙。

南方,火也,其帝炎帝,其佐朱明,执衡而治夏。 其神为荧惑,其兽朱鸟,其音徵,其日丙丁。


西方,金也,其帝少昊,其佐蓐收,执矩而治秋。 其神为太白,其兽白虎,其音商,其日庚辛。

北方,水也,其帝颛顼,其佐玄冥,执权而治冬。 其神为辰星,其兽玄武,其音羽,其日壬癸。








比如西方的人从来没有火星的说法,他们只说Mars,比如马斯克的火星一号计划,英文名为:Mars One project。




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