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harmoniously 发音

英:[hɑːrˈmoʊniəsli]  美:[hɑːˈməʊniəsli]

英:  美:

harmoniously 中文意思翻译



harmoniously 反义词


harmoniously 词性/词形变化,harmoniously变形

名词: harmoniousness |副词: harmoniously |

harmoniously 同义词

melodious | in | conformable | in tune | amicable | cordial | agreeing | consistent | fitting | balanced | tuneful | corresponding | sweet | congruent | consonant | accord | friendly | tune | companionate |musical | adapted | matching | neighborly | proportional | symmetrical | proportionate | affable | one | pleasant | congruous | congenial | compatible | blending | agreeable

harmoniously 短语词组

1、harmoniously defined ─── 和谐的定义

2、harmoniously mean ─── 和谐意味

3、harmoniously raised ─── 和谐地提高

4、harmoniously ordered ─── 和谐有序

5、harmoniously definition ─── 和谐定义

6、harmoniously synonym ─── 和谐同义词

harmoniously 相似词语短语

1、harmonically ─── adv.和声地;调和地

2、harmoniousness ─── n.调和

3、parsimoniously ─── adv.吝啬地;极度俭省地

4、querimoniously ─── 牢骚地

5、ceremoniously ─── adv.隆重地

6、inharmoniously ─── 不合谐地,不和睦地

7、acrimoniously ─── adv.毒辣地;尖刻地

8、disharmoniously ─── 不和谐的

9、harmonious ─── adj.和谐的,和睦的;协调的;悦耳的

harmoniously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They accompanied harmoniously. ─── 他们和谐地伴奏(或伴唱)。

2、The principal aim of music education is to promote individuals developing harmoniously. ─── 促进人的和谐发展是艺术教育的宗旨。

3、If it is not good enough, our company achievement will not be continuously increased, the whole society will not be harmoniously developed. ─── 如果服务精神差,我们的公司业绩就不能继续提高,整个社会也不能够和谐地往下发展。

4、They live harmoniously with humans night and day. ─── 它们每天与人朝夕相处,和谐共存。

5、Only hashumanist, the education only then can harmoniously develop. ─── 只有以人为本,教育才会和谐发展。

6、Do you think people with Down syndrome can get along with normal people harmoniously? ─── 你觉得唐氏综合症患者能否和正常人和谐共处?

7、It emphasized on exhibiting the traditionally local village scenes, linking up the city functions properly and driving the city development effectively and harmoniously on the circumjacent area. ─── 因此景区的建设强调对地方传统村落风貌的地道表现以及与城市功能的良好衔接,并有效地带动周边地区的协调发展。

8、TIA makes great efforts to exert students' advantage and make up their limitation, which makes successful intelligence development harmoniously. ─── 以智慧平衡理论为基石,斯腾伯格提出智慧教育是美国教育的未来选择。

9、Thus it should possess no characteristics and local color (in the broadest sense of the word), but should have the quality of harmoniously agreeing with every surrounding. ─── 因此它不应该带有任何特征或地方色彩(最广义的角度),但是应该有与每个环境相和谐的品质。

10、They are quite happy to have been cooperating harmoniously with us till now. ─── 他们非常高兴一直和我们愉快地合作到现在。

11、The two sides cooperated harmoniously. ─── 双方协作得很好。

12、the need to live as harmoniously as possible with everyone else ─── 与每个人尽可能和睦相处的必要

13、Afterward we together played boasted, the atmosphere also calculated harmoniously. ─── 后来我们又一起玩了吹牛,气氛还算融洽。

14、harmoniously educational surroundings ─── 和谐育人环境

15、The congress held a forum called “Co-fighting against the adulterant, Managing Scientifically and Developing Harmoniously” and a seminar called “The Community without the Adulterant”. ─── 大会上举行了“合作打假,科学管理,和谐发展”主题论坛,并开展了“无假药社区”主题研讨会。

16、Admitting that there is possible for dialogs between different cultures, that is the meaning and value of different cultures coexist harmoniously in the flourish world cultural patterns. ─── 作者同时认为,只有承认各种不同文化之间有对话的可能性,才能保证多元世界文化格局中各种文化和谐共处,不同文化体系相互依存。

17、Well- Doer like Water and Human Live with it Harmoniously ─── 上善若水与人水和谐

18、The problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British. ─── 和谐地接受移民到英国上流社会的问题,对于移民和英国人来说是同等重要的。

19、better the connections, the more harmoniously the two halves work. ─── 连接得越好,两部分的工作就越和谐。

20、Both men had worked harmoniously together in kidnaping people and amassing land, but the sudden lust of Tou Mali for White Flower broke up the happy partnership. ─── 他们俩在绑架老百姓和强占土地方面互相配合得很好。然而,窦马利对白花突然起了淫念,上述良好的合作关系便告破裂。

21、As a result, how to rehabilitate vegetation and use soil and water resources harmoniously is the key to control environment and eliminate poverty in Karst Region of Southwest China. ─── 如何进行植被的恢复重建和实现水土资源的协调利用,是西南岩溶地区环境治理和消除贫困的关键。

22、Its patterns, colors and texture interlace naturally, harmoniously and perfectly.The clothing is the preferred choice of people seeking exquisite, high-quality lifestyles and trendy Chinese fashions. ─── 图案、色彩、肌理、手绣、质感在这里交织、碰撞得那么协调、自然和完美,赢得了追求优雅、高质量生活的人群的青睐,并引领着中国民族时装时尚的潮流。

23、I have all along firmly believed that human should live with nature harmoniously. ─── 我一直坚信,人类应该与自然和谐相处。

24、large districts develop harmoniously ─── 区域协调发展

25、The products of our company can be integrated harmoniously with the architectural style in terms of style, shape and design. ─── 本公司的产品在风格、形状与设计方面,都与建筑风格融为一体。

26、As the bridge closest to Zhoushan Island proper, it blends itself perfectly and harmoniously into the surroundings with its smooth design, presenting a new landscape to the island city. ─── 大桥距舟山本岛最近,流畅的桥型借由周边和谐、完美地体现出来,成为本岛市一道新的风景。

27、'One must first have the desire to drop it, ' he said. 'And then one must proceed harmoniously to chop it off, little by little. ' ─── “首先必须有这种欲望,”他说,“然后再一点一点把它抹掉,和谐地进行。”

28、Wives of elder and younger brothers live harmoniously ─── 娣姒和处

29、What is true of me is true of everyone. We are all learning to look within ourselves to find the wisdom to live harmoniously. ─── 人即使拥有再多无知的支持者,终场熄灯时面对的,仍然是孤独的自我以及试图自圆其说的孤独罢了。

30、Someone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously. ─── 任务是保证工作协调进行的人。

31、A good civilized custom may teach you to exchange harmoniously. ─── 一个好的文明习惯可以教你和谐交流.

32、If the taxation policy of petroleum industry is consummate, Chinese petroleum industry will develop harmoniously and fleetly. ─── 以使我国石油行业税收政策更加完善,使石油行业更加快速、健康、协调的发展。

33、Harmoniously communicate and correspond with colleague, responsible, innovative, team working, love the job. ─── 具有较强的沟通协调能力,责任心强,具有团队精神,爱岗敬业,勇于创新。

34、Their pitiful silence can be heard echoing harmoniously with the sound of their hearts beating like the perpetuating ocean waves. ─── 他们的静默的呐喊,伴随著心跳,如海潮声般永远在回荡。

35、The main points for dealing with the space of SOHO is that: 1. Coor dinating the commonly shared area and the private area; 2. Noticing how to integrate and separate the space , so make the space harmoniously. ─── SOHO的空间处理的要点为:1、协调处理共享区域和私密区域的矛盾关系:2、注重空间的联系和分割,取得整体协调的结果。

36、The two men worked harmoniously together as a mutually supportive team leading their younger colleagues through the following decade. ─── 二个男人整下列各项十年和睦地一起工作如互相地支持的队领先他们的较年轻的同事。

37、His conformation is harmoniously balanced and strong to sustain him in the long day's work. ─── 他的构造和谐、坚固且强壮,能适应长时间的工作。

38、the community of sport is harmoniously ─── 体育的社会和谐

39、Here Chinese and Western cultures met and fused into each other harmoniously. ─── 东西方文化在这里碰撞,并巧妙融合。

40、Their pitiful silence can be heard echoing harmoniously with the sound of their hearts beating like the perpetuating ocean waves. ─── 他们的静默的呐喊,伴随著心跳,如海潮声般永远在回荡。

41、Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the mind that is devoted unreservedly to God develops harmoniously, and is strengthened to comprehend and fulfill the requirements of God. ─── 人的心志若能完全献给上帝,就必在圣灵的指导之下均衡地发展起来,必得到能力去领会并遵行上帝的旨意。

42、Coordinate harmoniously with other departments in ensuring smooth execution of production plan. ─── 与其他部门有效合作,确保生产计划顺利执行。

43、The mind and body can be grown hedthly and the society developed harmoniously by using the mediunl coneetly only when the duble aspects to the adolescents are ralizal fronter TV and broadcast. ─── 只有认识到广播电视对青少年德育发展的两面性,才能正确地利用这一媒体,促使青少年身心健康成长,促使社会和谐发展。

44、harmoniously developed individual ─── 和谐发展的人

45、Perhaps I am just an employee in a small company,living boringly with a meager salary.Perhaps I can marry a good wife and have a pretty child,living harmoniously together. ─── 也许我只是公司小小的职员,拿着自己微薄的薪水,过着自己平淡的日子;

46、Urbanization should enable the social life in cities to develop harmoniously with the natural environment and re-establish an artificial eco-system in the city on the basis of the existing one. ─── 城市化应使城市社会生活和自然环境协调发展,并在城市原有基础上重新建立城市人工生态系统。

47、Live Together Harmoniously Grow up Jointly ─── 和谐相处共同成长

48、Martial styles do not always access the energies of mind and body harmoniously. ─── 武学招式并不总是协调地使用身体与精神的力量。

49、However,as a multiracial and high degree opening-up society, Singapore is so huge to hold various cultures developing and flourishing harmoniously. ─── 但作为一个多种族并存、高度开放的社会,新加坡很大,大到能够容纳各种文化在这里并行繁衍。

50、Correct body alignment while doing a pose allows the body to develop harmoniously in an anatomically correct way so that the student suffers no injury or pain when practicing. ─── 你将学会怎么样保护好你自己的与你学生的各个关节,让你与你的学生们能长期健康地一直练习下去。

51、Practicing the boxing is beneficial to the internal organs of the body, which are traditionally the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, making them harmoniously grouped and functioned together. ─── 太乙五行拳融合养生术武功内丹功法,动静结合,性命双修,武道一体。

52、They worked very harmoniously together. ─── 他们合作得十分融洽。

53、Provided these two actions work harmoniously, blood circulation and water metabolism can be normally carried on. ─── 如果这两种功能能协调运行,则血液循环和水液代谢就会正常。

54、Asian heritage of settling differences harmoniously ─── 亚洲人“以和为贵”的传统

55、Under the globality talking,investigating nativity is a significative exploration to develop harmoniously and uniformly for the internationalization and nationality. ─── 在全球化的语境中,本土化研究更是为教育国际化与民族化的和谐统一发展的有益探索。

56、In view of the point, we must strive to make dialogues between different cultures so that everyone can live harmoniously. ─── 基于这一认识,我们都必须努力在不同文化之间展开对话,以使大家和谐相处。

57、The team combat tests plays coordination between family's, the author has certain game experience, therefore with plays coordination between family's also to calculate harmoniously. ─── 团队作战考验玩家间的配合,笔者有一定的游戏经验,因此和玩家间的配合还算融洽。

58、In religious personality, the character in the novel blends Confucianism and Buddism harmoniously and put them into individual practice. ─── 在宗教性人格修养上,融儒释为一体。

59、How to Harmoniously Cooperate with Architect? ─── 如何与建筑师愉快地合作?

60、The forms of her sculptures are natural extensions of the trunks and the branches of the trees, and are harmoniously re-inserted in the natural framework of the forest. ─── 她雕刻作品的结构是树枝树干的自然伸展,与森林的自然景观浑然一体。

61、To join in harmoniously. ─── 和谐地加入

62、Taste: Surprisingly intense fruitiness with spices mingling harmoniously with the wine's well rounded tannins. ─── 口感:有令人称奇的果味,还有恰到好处的酸味。

63、In ancient times, five Gods of Lais sought to create a new world with new inhabitants that could live harmoniously among them. ─── 在古代,五神赖昌星试图创造一个新的世界,新的居民可以和谐地生活其中。

64、The benefit demand expresses the channel to open access, is unblocks social dissatisfaction “the opening”, is also promotes the society harmoniously “the safety net”. ─── 利益诉求表达渠道畅通无阻,是疏导社会不满情绪的“疏通器”,又是促进社会和谐的“安全网”。

65、The biblical promise (dying-into-immortality) and cruel reality of death conflictingly and harmoniously exist in her poems. ─── 对宗教上承诺的"死亡实现完美"的向往和对死亡的现实恐惧矛盾地统一在她的诗中,诗歌语言表达到自如表演的境界。

66、A great Graves wine, remarkable for its finesse and balance, harmoniously enhanced by touches of wood and toasted aromas. ─── 一品优异的格拉夫葡萄酒,以其优异的制造工艺和极好的均衡口感而享有盛誉。有新鲜树皮的清香以及烤肉的香味。

67、The five personages posture has nothing in common with each other, and have reached unifying harmoniously in changing straggly. ─── 五个人物姿态各不相同,并在变化错落中达到了和谐统一。

68、cooperate harmoniously with sb. ─── 与某人协调地合作

69、Rockery garden, spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons of artistic beauty, by the House, Taiwan, the Office, Hennessy linked together harmoniously unified, unique. ─── 园内假山,有春、夏、秋、冬四季景色之 意境,由楼、台、厅、轩相连,和谐地统一在一起,独具特色。

70、Pairs of loves passed me by when I was walking along the road. It set me thinking, what is it that makes them get along so harmoniously with each other ? ─── 在路上行走时,常看到成对的情侣走过,我总是想,是什么原因,让他们可以相处得如此甜蜜融洽呢?

71、Balancing them harmoniously, hearts' regression, true success. ─── 和谐地平衡,心灵的回归,真正的成功。

72、If today's children are to have any chance of living harmoniously in this multiethnic world, it is critical that parents nurture it. ─── 如果今天的儿童是有任何的机会,和谐的生活在这个多种族的世界,这是至关重要的是,家长培育它。

73、It skillfully through the western Yuquan Hill as its backdrop, the construction of artificial and natural scenery integrate harmoniously together in order to become a model for Chinese garden art. ─── 它巧妙地借西部玉泉山作为它的大背景,把人工建设与自然风光和谐地融汇在一起,从而成为中国园林艺术的典范。

74、To connect or combine precisely or harmoniously. ─── 使吻合连结或结合的精确或协调

75、Now,three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. ─── 他们中的三个创建者都配合默契.

76、Fresco is an art of environment. So there is no special visual sense of beauty until the picture's formal language is coordinated with the environment harmoniously. ─── 壁画属于环境艺术,只有当画面的形式语言与环境协调统一,才能展现出特有的视觉美感。

77、the interests urge each other harmoniously ─── 利益和谐互促

78、harmoniously working capability ─── 协调工作能力

79、get on harmoniously with sb. ─── 与某人相处极为融洽

80、The president and Stevenson had worked harmoniously over the last eighteen months. ─── 在过去一年半里,总统和史蒂文森一起工作是融洽的。

81、Chinese and western factor melt in one harmoniously ─── 中西合壁

82、Here antiquity and modernity mingle harmoniously. ─── 古老与现代在这里融合。

83、It embodies the view of almightiness-education about harmoniously development of reading, writing, listening and speaking. ─── 体现了读、写、听、说和谐发展的全能教育观;

84、In stead of conquering nature, we should learn to get along with it harmoniously. ─── 我们应该学会与自然和谐相处,而不是征服自然。

85、He is open and smart, using many styles and sensibility in his articles.He seldom fixes himself to routines.His particular viewpoint and narrative style are fused ably and harmoniously. ─── 他开放灵活,多种文体相互杂错,不拘章法,独到的学术见解与鲜明的个人叙述风格巧妙融合,呈现给读者一个典型的“狐狸型”学者的生动形象。

86、But Hayek held negative values that can coexist with pluralism harmoniously in modern society. ─── 哈耶克为现代社会提供了否定性的价值观,可以与多元论和谐共存。

87、Human beings shall live together harmoniously, not fighting against each other. The world is definitely not a kindergarten. ─── 人类应和谐生活,而不应你争我夺。难道世界是个幼儿园?

88、The Remotest of Earth is a 4A attraction located 23KM to the southwest OF Sanya City ,wher the dlue sea ,green hills ,dazzling dea ches ,huge ,huge rocks and reef Bases are harmoniously integrated . ─── 位于三亚市西南滨海23公里处,是国家境4A级景区,碧海青天,白沙,巨石,礁盘浑然一体,刻有“天崖”、“海角”,“海角”。

89、prospering China harmoniously ─── 和谐兴国





The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5h day of the 5h lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar(格列高利历即阳历).


Rice dumplings: Glutinous rice (糯米)filled with meat, nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bamboo leaves. The custom of eating rice dumplings is also popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.


Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination.

元宵节 the Lantern Festival


The Lantern Festival has been part of Chinese New Year celebration since the Han Dynasty (206 BC-221 AD). Usually held on the 15° day of the first month of the lunar calendar, it marks the end of New Year festivities.

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