ramming 发音
英:[ˈræmɪŋ] 美:[ˈræmɪŋ]
英: 美:
ramming 中文意思翻译
ramming 短语词组
1、ramming head ─── [机] 摔砂头
2、hand ramming ─── [机] 手工捣砂
3、ramming compound ─── [机] 捣成用料
4、explosive ramming ─── 爆炸性夯实
5、jolt-ramming machine ─── 震动捣打机
6、vibration ramming ─── [机] 振动捣砂
7、bottom ramming machine ─── 炉底打结机
8、jolt ramming ─── [机] 震捣
9、silica ramming compound ─── [机] 硅砂捣料
10、hard ramming ─── [机] 重捣砂
11、ramming refractory ─── 捣打成形耐火材料;耐火 ─── 捣材料
12、squeeze ramming ─── [机] 压挤捣砂
13、ramming piston ─── 夯实活塞
14、degree of ramming ─── [机] 捣紧度, 捶紧度
15、ramming paste ─── 扎缝用糊
16、pneumatic ramming ─── [机] 气动捣砂
17、excessive ramming ─── 过度夯实
18、impeller ramming ─── [机] 动叶轮摔砂
19、ramming plate ─── [机] 造模板
ramming 词性/词形变化,ramming变形
ramming 相似词语短语
1、tramming ─── n.人力运输;v.乘电车(tram的ing形式)
2、gamming ─── n.鲸鱼群;(尤指海边,滩上的)社交,交谈;腿(尤指妇女漂亮的腿);v.社交,与……联欢;闲聊以消磨时光;(鲸鱼)聚集成群;n.(Gam)(美、丹)加姆(人名)
3、damming ─── n.筑坝;修筑隔墙;v.筑堤坝拦;阻塞(dam的ing形式)
4、gramming ─── 编程
5、jamming ─── n.干扰;堵塞;抑制;v.塞进(jam的ing形式)
6、cramming ─── v.把……塞进,挤满,塞满;(为应考)集中复习,临时死记硬背(cram的现在分词)
7、hamming ─── v.过火地表演;拙劣做作地表演(ham的ing形式);n.加重平衡;加重平均
8、camming ─── n.凸轮系统;v.给(机器)配置偏心轮(cam的现在分词)
9、bamming ─── 巴明
ramming 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Kernel use a RAM disk as its root partition. ─── 内核使用一个内存虚拟磁盘作为它的根分区。
2、Then Abraham looked up, and he saw a ram. ─── 亚伯拉罕昂起头,看见一只公羊。
3、The 155mm had taken the place of the battering ram. ─── 155大炮发挥出城墙冲撞机作用。
4、They are ramming their motorcycles on the expressway at 80 miles per hour. ─── 他们正以每小时80英里的速度骑着摩托车在高速公路上疾驶。
5、The thieves fled, ramming the policeman's car. ─── 小偷们撞了警车,逃跑了。
6、No swap space available, running entirely out of RAM. ─── 可以把RAM里不重要的东西彻底删除,释放出部分空间。
7、The children are ramming around in the park. ─── 孩子们在公园里四处乱闯。
8、Sidewall insulation,ramming material and castable for tank bottom,hot repair material. ─── 1600池壁保温,用于捣打池底,浇注池底,热补料。
9、They try to ram down the throat of the public what the public does not want. ─── 他们试图用公众并不需要的东西填住公众的需求。
10、Later, when our app consumes all available RAM, we learn more. ─── 后来,当我们的程序消耗了所有可用的RAM,我们就学到了更多。
11、ASUS P535 with 128M RAM works Excellent!! ─── 关键是反应速度太慢。。。
12、A new type of ramming drier material and its working situation of medium frequency coreless induction furnace for melting aluminum are stated. ─── 介绍中频无心感应熔铝炉用新型干式成型耐火材料和使用情况。
13、And AZS, ZS ramming mixes, hot batch, various models such as castables. ─── 及AZS、ZS捣打料、热补料、各种型号的浇注料等。
14、When you are sure that the shelf is in the right position,ram the nails home. ─── 如果你确定书架已摆正了,就把钉子钉进去。
15、Night after night, Japanese television replays footage of the ramming. ─── 这份撞船录像带夜复一夜的在日本电视上播出。
16、Don't ram your wishes down his throat. ─── 别把你的意愿强加在他身上。
17、Analyzing and removing RAM fault in ARAM-ARIES acquisition station. ─── ARAM-ARIES采集站RAM故障分析与排除
18、Military planners also worry about enemies jamming, disabling or potentially even ramming U.S. satellites. ─── 军事指挥官还担心敌手的干扰、破坏甚至是撞击美国的卫星。
19、SMM STAHL MASCHINENBAU GMBH is a company operating within many ranges and offers Protection device, Protective grid as well as Ramming protection. ─── 供货单内包括了伺服机构、防护装置和飞机以及液体和飞机。
20、The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram. ─── 在破城槌不停的攻击下城门被打开了。
21、I'll think about it a few days, so don't try to ram is down my throat. ─── 关于此事我得考虑几天,因此别设法逼我接受。
22、A pet lamb will make a cross ram. ─── 一只宠坏了的小羊他日会成为一只蛮横的大羊。
23、In Genesis, Jesus is the Ram at Abraham's alter. ─── 在创世纪,耶稣是亚伯拉罕祭坛上的公羊。
24、Does adding more RAM to your computer make it faster? ─── 增加内存会使你的电脑变快吗?
25、Not into Hebei, Taiyuan direct attack, ramming their nests can be in one fell swoop. ─── 不如进军河北,直攻太原,捣其巢穴,可一举而定”。
26、The farmer keeps one ram and five ewes on his farm. ─── 农夫在农场里养了一只公羊,五只母羊。
27、RAM solves all problems. After that it's just growing using bigger machines. ─── 内存解决所有的问题。然后呢,使用更快更大的服务器。
28、If you want to squeeze money out of him, you are just milking the ram. ─── 假如你想从他身上榨出钱来,你注定要失败。
29、This figure of 80 cases doesn't include a Ram temple at Ayodhya. ─── Eaton 在他的书里不声称这张名单是详尽的。
30、Used for furnace cooling walls ramming flattening materials in blast furnaces . ─── 1用于大型高炉冷却壁勾头上部找平层的捣打、填充。
31、The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. ─── 你所看见双角的公绵羊,就是玛代和波斯王。
32、Journalling, and to have low RAM and boot time overheads. File data is. ─── 具有低存储器和启动时间。
33、The bomber reportedly struck a school van before ramming the rear wall of the police station; the building collapsed. ─── 据报道爆炸人袭击了学校的客车在冲进墙后面的警察局之前,这个建筑也倒塌了!
34、D9 is used for medium and large moulds.These tools can also be used for ramming furnace lining purpose. ─── D9型气动捣固机用于捣固中、大型砂型。也可用于打炉衬。
35、The Senate intends to ram the law through. ─── 参议院想强行通过该项法案。
36、Take the other ram, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head. ─── 你要将那一只公绵羊牵来,亚伦和他儿子要按手在羊的头上。
37、Close the upper pipe ram and open the kill line valve. ─── 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器,开压井管线阀。
38、You can see the propulsion ram with the Bucher Hydraulics brand badge attached. ─── 你可以见到驱动臂连上面附有的Bucher Hydraulics水牌;
39、And the sons of Ram, the oldest son of Jerahmeel, were Maaz and Jamin and Eker. ─── 27耶拉篾长子兰的儿子是玛斯、雅悯、以结。
40、ROM and RAM in computer act like warehouses. ─── 在计算机中,只读存储器和随机存储器的作用象仓库。
41、children are ramming around in the park. ─── 孩子们在公园里四处乱闯。
42、Your motherboard is reporting the RAM size incorrectly. ─── 你的主机板正显示记忆体是不适用的,
43、A typical Contiki configuration is 2 kilobytes of RAM and 40 kilobytes of ROM. ─── 一个典型的Contiki配置2千字节的RAM和40千字节的ROM 。
44、How do I determine the amount of RAM with the BIOS? ─── 如何使用BIOS检测内存总容量?
45、The sons born to Hezron were: Jerahmeel, Ram and Caleb. ─── 9希斯仑所生的儿子是耶拉篾,兰,基路拜。
46、Emsa EZMem Optimizer is a very simple Free RAM utility. ─── emsa ezmem Optimizer是一个非常简单的免费RAM的实用工具。
47、Missiles that are simple kinetic penetrators ram through earth by dint of their extreme impact momentum. ─── 单纯动力钻地飞弹纯粹利用强大的冲击动量冲入地下。
48、It would have taken both guys to load and ram. ─── 两名水手可能一同完成炮弹的装填,再一起进行瞄准与发炮。
49、DP2、 D4 are mainly used for ramming sand core of small mould in foundry practice, whereas. ─── D4型气动捣固机,主要用于铸造行业捣固砂芯或小砂型。
50、For example, the Memory score relates to random access memory (RAM). ─── 例如,内存分数与随机存储器(RAM)。
51、They were ramming piles into the riverbed. ─── 他们夯木桩到河床内。
52、They are using a heavy machine to ram down the surface of the newly mended road. ─── 他们正在用一笨重的机器压紧新补修的路面。
53、The catalyst is subjected to a uniform ram pressure. ─── 催化剂承受均匀活塞压力。
54、The sons of Ram, the firstborn of Jerahmeel, were Maaz, Jamin and Eker. ─── 代上2:27耶拉篾长子兰的儿子是玛斯、雅悯、以结。
55、Bull,ram, king and actor are masculine . ─── 公牛,公羊,国王和男演员都是阳性的。
56、How do I determine the amount of RAM? ─── 如何检测内存总容量?
57、The ram jet provides a series of hard thrust, with coasts in between. ─── 冲压发动机产生一系列的强推力,而在两次推力之间有间断。
58、World): Apple develops its first Macintosh computer with 128 KB of RAM. ─── 1984(世界):苹果电脑公司开发出第一台拥有128千字节内存的苹果机。
59、Indian Health Minister Ram Doss on May 31 refuted the report. ─── 印度卫生部长拉姆多斯5月31日反驳了这份报告。
60、And the sons of Ram the firstborn of Jerahmeel were, Maaz,Jamin,Eker. ─── 27耶拉篾长子兰的儿子是玛斯,雅悯,以结。
61、Many people are intimidated by terms such as RAM and gigabits, Perry said. ─── 佩里说,许多人对诸如RAM和千兆位之类的术语望而生畏。
62、The hydraulic press produces the general pressure is big, commonly used in forging and ramming. ─── 水压机产生的总压力较大,常用于锻造和冲压。
63、Abraham looked up, and there he saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket . ─── 亚伯拉罕抬头一看,他见到一头公羊,双角缠在灌木丛中。
64、What kind of wolf are you?@ asked the ram. ─── 公羊问:“你算是哪一门子的狼?
65、Next is configuring the RAM to be allocated to the guest OS. ─── 下一步是配置要给客户操作系统分配的内存。
66、The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia. ─── 你所看见双角的公绵羊,就是玛代和波斯王。
67、Who Actually Owns Cam Ram Bay? ─── 到底谁是金兰湾的主人?
68、A block of contiguous memory within a segmented RAM bank. ─── 在分段的RAM中的一块连续的内存。
69、Beautiful boudoir curtain in volume do not moonlight, at the flick ramming stone clothing moonlight but it came again. ─── 美好的闺房中的门帘卷不去月光,在捣衣石上拂去月光但它又来了。
70、They are ramming earth down. ─── 他们在夯实泥土。
71、You shall take the ram of ordination and boil its flesh in a holy place. ─── 出29:31你要将承接圣职所献公羊的肉、在圣处。
72、He let me ram the earth for him. ─── 他让我帮他把这块儿地夯实。
73、Ramming home the point on December 13th, India's foreign secretary, Nirupama Rao, chided China's ambassador at a public meeting in Delhi. ─── 12月13日,印度外交秘书尼鲁帕玛·拉奥在德里的一次公开会议上嘲笑了中国大使,进一步表明了态度。
74、The machine has no powered wheels-forward propulsion results from the opposite reaction to the ramming action. ─── 机器本身没有动力车轮向前的推进是来自撞锤运动的反作用力。
75、So he went and took the ram and offered it as a sacrifice instead of his son. ─── 他就走过去抓住这公羊,把它代替了儿子做供品献给上帝。
76、Ramming material and castable for tank bottom ,sidewall insulation,hot repair material. ─── 1500用于浇注池底,池壁保温,热补料。
77、Primary memory is known as random access memory (RAM) and simple named memory. ─── 主存储器又称为随机存取存储器,简称内存。
78、To copulate with(a ewe). Used of a ram. ─── 与(母羊)交尾,用于公羊
79、Take the ram for the ordination and cook the meat in a sacred place. ─── 你要将承接圣职所献公羊的肉煮在圣处。
81、Based on virtual prototyping technology, a virtual prototype of hydraulic ramming device was established by use of 3D CAD Pro/E and ADAMS software. ─── 基于虚拟样机技术,利用三维CAD软件Pro/E和ADAMS软件建立了液压式输弹机的机液一体化虚拟样机。
82、Dynamic RAM 's need to be refreshed periodically. ─── 动态ram则需要周期性地刷新数据。
83、To dynamic consolidation, much attention is given to the relationship between the ramming energy and the effective depth. ─── 其中,对强夯法处理,着重研究了夯击功能、夯击次数与有效处理深度的关系;
84、Ram pump and motor is wide used in various types of vibrator. ─── 各种型号的可控震源中广泛应用着柱塞泵和马达。
85、Or if you leave out a bunch of those big plastic cars that kids can ride on, what you see is that more little boys play the "ramming" game. ─── 又例如,如果你把一些孩子们可以坐在上面开的大塑料汽车放在那里让他们玩,你会看到更多的小男孩在玩“撞击”游戏。
86、They had to ram the pipe down a narrow hole to get it through. ─── 他们得将管道从一个狭小的洞中捅过去。
87、Graphical display for storage and RAM space (NEW! ─── 图形显示和RAM的存储空间(新功能!)
88、Or I'll take my fist and ram it down your sassy throat! ─── 再说我就动拳头让你尝尝我的厉害!
89、The following diagram illustrates the mapping of linear addresses to RAM. ─── 下图是在RAM中的线性地址映射。
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