wraith 发音
英:[reɪθ] 美:[reɪθ]
英: 美:
wraith 中文意思翻译
wraith 短语词组
1、wraith heirloom ─── 幽灵传家宝
2、confederate wraith ─── 联盟幽灵
3、alpha wraith ─── 阿尔法幽灵
4、wraith car ─── 幽灵车
5、wraith apex legends ─── 幽灵顶点传说
6、wraith apex ─── 幽灵顶点
7、wraith spire cooler ─── 幽灵塔尖冷却器
8、wretched wraith ─── 可怜的幽灵
9、wraith wrap code ─── 幽灵包裹代码
10、ignis wraith ─── 伊格尼斯幽灵
11、wraith prism cooler ─── 幽灵棱镜冷却器
12、wraith definition ─── 幽灵定义
wraith 词性/词形变化,wraith变形
wraith 相似词语短语
1、graiths ─── vt.准备好并整理好;布置,排列;n.装备
2、Faith ─── n.信仰;信念;信任;忠实;n.(Faith)人名;(匈)福伊特;(英)费思,费丝(女名);(瑞典)法伊特
3、wraiths ─── n.幽灵;鬼魂;幻影
4、daith ─── 颜色
5、baith ─── 字节
6、graith ─── vt.准备好并整理好;布置,排列;n.装备
7、wrath ─── n.愤怒;激怒
8、crith ─── n.克瑞(气体重量单位)
9、brith ─── n.(犹太教)割礼式
wraith 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It inevitably does - to an astonishing degree and in a matter of seconds - but Wraith wouldn't say so. ─── 这是必然的,以惊人的程度,在几秒钟之内——但Wraith不会这样说。
2、Causes the Wraith to shift out of the material universe, becoming invulnerable. ─── 导致生魂到物质的普遍移出,合式的不会受伤害的。
3、"Take care of Weaver's HP/damage problems with Bracers or Wraith Bands and get regeneration so he can use his spells freely." ─── "通过护腕/幽灵系带来平衡地穴编织者的生命值和伤害的关系,购买一些恢复装备以使他可以更自由的使用技能。"
4、What we see is an illusion, a wraith. ─── 我们所看到的是一个幻象,幻影。
5、On the boundless, under heaven's chilly vault, this glittering, spiralling wraith is the ghost of rain.... ─── 在无边的旷野上,在凛冽的天宇下,闪闪地旋转升滕着的是雨的精魂......
6、but they're more concerned about the Wraith finding their way to this galaxy. ─── 不过他们更担心亚特兰蒂斯会把 我们这个星系的位置暴露给幽灵
7、When twilight came on and Prissy, scurrying like a black wraith, lit a lamp, Melanie became weaker. ─── 在暮色降临时,百里茜像具黑幽灵似的急急忙忙点起灯,媚兰显得更虚弱了。
8、Week of Wight: Double growth for Wight and Wraith. ─── 死神周:死神产量加倍。
9、But no matter how many Wraith ships they destroyed, more kept coming. ─── 但不论击毁了多少鬼魂飞船,总有更多的到来。
10、Her muscular body, clad in white tights and sweater that made her almost invisible against the sloping sand, moved like a wraith up and down the crests. ─── 她身着白色紧身衣和针织套衫,在斜沙坡的映衬下几乎隐而不见,她那结实的身体像幽灵似的在顶峰上下运动。
11、You know, something. Maybe. Maybe it was the ghost of my dad. Dean Focus on the wraith, dean. ─── 你知道的,一些。,或许。,也许是我父亲的鬼魂。重点是亡灵。
12、McKay: Yes, I know! They were probably used defending Atlantis the first time the Wraith attacked the Ancients. ─── 是,我知道,很可能在亚特兰帝斯第一次抵抗鬼魂的进攻的时候这些就用掉了。
13、Three times a week, I model for Robbie Wraith, an internationally renowned artist who studied in Florence under Pietro Annigoni. ─── 每星期三次,我为国际著名艺术家罗比.雷斯当模特,他曾在佛罗伦萨师从意大利名画家皮埃特罗.安里高尼。
14、Star Wraith Shadows of O. ─── 猎户星座的阴影。
15、29 Ring Wraith costumes were made in total. ─── 总共做了29套戒灵服装。
16、With this interface device, we can learn the locations of all the Wraith ships. ─── 通过这个设备,我们可以 知道所有幽灵飞船的方位
17、When they arrived it was only a few meters away from the gate, but when the Wraith attacked it was much further away. ─── 当探险小队刚来时,DHD离门只有几米远,但当幻影族开始进攻时,DHD离门却相当远。
18、Everett: You have three Wraith Hive ships, bearing down on your position, and precious little to defend yourselves with. That about sum it up? ─── 有三艘母舰向你们压过来,而你们毫无防卫能力,是这样吗?
19、Later, after the Prince has himself become the Sandwraith and travelled back in time using the Mask of the Wraith, he encounters his past self at the same time and place. ─── 之后,王子自己变成了沙巫然后回到了过去时空,使用巫师面具,他在同一地点和同一时间遭遇到了他过去的自己。
20、There the Stargate Atlantis team encounters a number of primitive human civilizations ... as well as the Wraith, a sinister new enemy that threatens human life everywhere. ─── 故事起源于在南极洲发现了一种叫星际之门的东西,通过它,可以前往位于天马座的远古人类建造的亚特兰蒂斯.
21、The stone servant rose, bowed again, and then disappeared into the wall as easily as a wraith might pass through a fog bank. ─── 石头仆人站起身,再次鞠躬,然后如同鬼魂鬼魂穿越烟云般消失在墙里。
22、Wraith: Although initially reluctant to sacrifice his promising career, Gary realizes that his acting gift is needed for a higher cause. ─── 虽然加里最初并不情愿牺牲他很有前途的事业,他意识到更才崇高的事业需要他的表演天分。
23、"Seen in the brook, once more, was the shadowy wraith of Pearl's image, crowned and girdled with flowers, but stamping its foot, wildly gesticulating, and, in the midst of all, still pointing its small forefinger at Hester's bosom!" ─── 此时在小溪中又一次看到殊儿温怒的身影:头戴花冠,腰缠花带,脚下使劲地跺着,身子狂暴地扭着,同时那小小的食指也始终指着海丝特的胸口!
24、You have given me a very rare perspective among the Wraith. ─── 你们让我, 作为一个幽灵 有机会从一个难得的视角来看问题
25、"Purchase statistic-increasing items like Wraith Bands and later items like Sange and Yasha to benefit both Terrorblade and his images." ─── "购买属性提升的装备,例如幽灵系带以及后期的散夜对剑来让灵魂守卫和幻象都得到好处。"
26、From Bow even unto Hammersmith there draggled a dull, wretched vapour, like the wraith of an impecunious suicide come into a fortune immediately after the fatal deed. ─── 3这条雾带里充斥着肮脏的水蒸气,给人留下一种穷鬼悲惨死去后阴魂久久不散的感觉。
27、The team is befriended by Pegasus galaxy native Teyla (Rachel Luttrell), a beautiful young leader among the Athosian people, with whom the Atlantis team forges an uneasy alliance against The Wraith. ─── 飞船上还有一位朋友Teyla,她是天马星系人,Arhosian人年轻漂亮的领袖,与亚特兰蒂斯小队一起跟TheWraith战斗。
28、That child flits about like a wraith. ─── 那个孩子像幽灵一样飞快地跑来跑去。
29、This is the status of the Pegasus galaxy before the Ancients encountered the Wraith. ─── 这是飞马星系的状态 在古人遭遇到幽灵之前
30、An unnatural wraith of steam rising to the left in the humid evening is what is making you cough. ─── 在黏糊糊的黄昏中,一缕莫名其妙的蒸汽向左上方冉冉升腾,使你咳嗽起来。
31、Your theory of the Wraith evolving after the Ancients arrived in the Pegasus galaxy. ─── 那个幽灵是在古人到达飞马星系之后 开始进化的理论
32、The Wraith's Harm Touch ability doesn't depend on the number of Wraiths in stack. ─── 缚灵的“伤害触摸”技能与其数量无关。
33、Sheppard: She is the one who sensed the Wraith presence in the first place. ─── 我们想来帮忙,这是个大城市,上校,你需要尽可能多的人来搜索。
34、Don't you worry, Droops...you're gonna find out A LOT about the Wraith this year. ─── 答:今年一定会有很多的幽灵出现(不只是进攻)。
35、Even so John Wraith, a gilts analyst at Royal Bank of Canada, thinks that yields would be up to half a percentage point higher if the central bank had not started to buy government securities. ─── 即便如此,一名加拿大皇家银行的金边证券分析师JohnWraith还是认为,要是英国央行没动手买政府债券的话,收益率还能再高半个百分点。
36、How would she know how a captured Wraith acts? ─── 她怎么知道一个幽灵的俘虏会怎样做?
37、It's doubtful her people ever captured a Wraith. ─── 这会让人想到她和她星球那些人可能曾经俘虏过幽灵。
38、The Wraith hadn't left the planet yet - it wasn't safe. ─── 幽灵族还没有离开这个星球,这个星球还不安全。
39、Of,relating to,or resembling a ghost,a wraith,or an apparition;spectral. ─── 幽灵的幽灵的,有关鬼或幽灵的;鬼的
40、Wedge also went on to found the unorthodox Wraith Squadron and hunted down various Imperial stalwarts and warlords. ─── 随后,韦奇还成立了非同一般的恶灵中队,追捕各类帝国顽敌和军阀。
41、It was recalled the moment the wraith computer virus was revealed. ─── 在发现幽灵的计算机病毒时 就通知它返回了
42、Such continual compromises eventually led to retrofitting variants of the Wraith space superiority fighter with a belly-mounted burst laser to fulfill the role in the short term. ─── 这种不断的妥协,最终产生了改造过的幽灵战机,它的机身腹部安装了可以快速发射激光的装置。
43、The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms. ─── 新的幽灵战斗机和导弹护卫舰女神在对抗灵活的虫族空军时被证明是一个笨拙的组合。
44、The caster summons a Wraith Lord from the Underworld to serve hime. ─── 法师从幽冥界召唤出一个死灵领主为自己效忠。
45、" a few minutes into a new sketch or painting.It inevitably does - to an astonishing degree and in a matter of seconds - but Wraith wouldn't say so. ─── “假如还有任何事情可以让我不太空虚,”弗莱姆说,“我生性安静,遇见陌生人会害羞。
46、I tease Wraith by occasionally asking, "Does it look like me yet? " a few minutes into a new sketch or painting. ─── 对于几秒钟就速成的素描或绘画,偶尔我会戏弄Wraith说:“这看上去还像我吗?”
47、An apparition; a wraith. ─── 幽灵;生魂
48、Wraith: I'm coming with you, Logan. ─── 你敢骗我,我就回来砍你的头。
49、The spell summons 33 Longdead Horsemen led by a Wraith Lord of the Netherworld. ─── 这个法术将从幽冥界召唤出由1个死灵领主,率领33个古尸骑兵,为法师指定的省份造成混乱。
50、The Stargate can only be open for 38 minutes at a time, at which point the Wraith would have to redial. ─── 星门一次只能被开启38分钟,之后幽灵族就不得不重新拨号。
51、The Wraith Lord is the spirit of an ancient lord given physical form. ─── 死灵领主是一位远古领主的灵体,在死后重新获得了物理形态。
52、The Wraith cannot be harmed while phased, but also cannot attack or use special abilities. ─── 不在物质世界内时不受伤害,但是也不能攻击或使用技能.
53、but during the Wraith feeding process, the victim is injected with a special enzyme. ─── 但在他们猎食的过程中 受害者会被注射一种特殊的酶
54、It can even sometimes just power right through base defenses which really the wraith couldn't have handled in the original game. ─── 有时候它们甚至能直接干掉敌人基地的防御,而这是以前的幽灵战机无法做到的。
55、Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition; spectral. ─── 幽灵的幽灵的,有关鬼或幽灵的;鬼的
56、Every inhabited world I have encountered in this galaxy has been ravaged by the Wraith. ─── 在这个星系中, 所有我访问过的星球 都曾经遭受过幽灵的蹂躏
57、My only question right now involves the wraith. ─── 我现在唯一的问题是关于幽灵的。
58、Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition;spectral. ─── 幽灵的幽灵的,有关鬼或幽灵的;
59、Detective John Sheppard and FBI Agent Richard Woolsey are involved with the investigation of several killings apparently of Wraith origin in Las Vegas, Nevada. ─── 约翰谢帕德侦探和理查德伍尔希FBI探员在内华达州拉斯维加斯调查几件谋杀案件,这些案件表面上看来很像幽灵人所为。
61、I suppose the first time I encountered the word "wraith" was in the 70's when I read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. ─── 我第一次读到wraith(鬼魂)这个词应该是在70年代,它当时出现在JRR·托尔金的《指环王》中。
62、Wraith is invulnerable while shifted but can do no damage and cannot use abilities. ─── 生魂是被改变但是能没做损失而且不能够使用能力的不会受伤害的一会儿。
63、Weir: You heard our message. The Wraith are at our doorstep. ─── 你听到我们的信息了,鬼魂就在我们的门外。
64、Why didn't the wraith blow them to pieces in the38 mins they were sitting in orbit? ─── 为什么当他们(险队)在轨道上的星门里时,幻影族不(战机)他们轰成碎片呢?
65、"This is your last chance to turn back Lifebaene. After I complete tihs ritual, you will be a wraith until the end of your existence." ─── 这是最后可以后悔的机会,我完成这个仪式后,你将会一直以灵魂的方式存在。
66、John Wraith, head of sterling rates product development at RBC Capital Markets, said: “The world is a different place now. ─── 加拿大皇家银行资本市场分析(RBCCapitalMarkets)英镑利率产品开发主管JohnWraith表示:“目前的世界与过去不一样。
67、Weir: I am offering you the chance to test your weapon on a Wraith Hive ship, at no risk to your own people, and still have enough to build dozens more. ─── 我提供给你用鬼魂飞船来做测试的机会,对你的人毫无风险,并且仍然有足够的分量来造几十个。那么,如果你不是太骄傲或是太蠢,。。。。
68、There's an unidentified craft, about the size of a Wraith dart, heading for the city. ─── 有一艘不明飞船, 大小近似于幽灵的梭镖飞船 正向城市飞来
69、The Wraith Lord is a master of Death magic. ─── 死灵领主也是死亡魔法的大师。
70、The Defiant One Sheppard learns to use Wraith hand grenades in about a minute, even though (we suppose) he had never seen one before. ─── Sheppard在一分钟内就学会了如何使用幽灵族的手雷,但他应该在这之前从未见过这种武器(厉害,厉害)。
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