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09-08 投稿


betook 发音

英:[bɪˈtʊk]  美:[bɪˈtʊk]

英:  美:

betook 中文意思翻译



betook 词性/词形变化,betook变形

名词复数: betonies |

betook 短语词组

1、betook define ─── 定义

2、betook def ─── 介于

3、betook definition betook ─── 定义

4、betook synonym ─── 同义词之间

5、betook meaning ─── 意义

betook 相似词语短语

1、bettor ─── n.赌徒;打赌者

2、betoss ─── vt.猛烈地投;摇晃

3、betoil ─── 槟榔

4、retook ─── v.再拿;重考;重新占领;取回(遗失或失去的东西);重拍(retake的过去式)

5、netbook ─── n.上网本

6、betrod ─── 可信的

7、blook ─── n.博客书;网志书

8、-took ─── v.拿;取;接受(take的过去式)

9、betony ─── n.[植]水苏属植物

betook 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and throwing off other sarcastic sparks from the whirling grindstone of his indignation, Mr. Cruncher betook himself to his boot-cleaning and his general preparation for business. ─── 说时从他那飞速旋转的憎恶的磨盘上飞溅出尖刻讥讽的火花,同时擦着靴子做上班的准备。

2、They came therefore to a decision, betook themselves in a body to the king, and begged for their dismissal. ─── 因此,他们作出了一个决定,一起去见国王,请求集体辞职。

3、She betook herself to fasting. ─── 她虔诚地斋戒。

4、Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers. ─── 近九点钟时,两位妇女退到楼上自己的房间去,

5、They betook themselves towards the town. ─── 他们朝城里走去。

6、And Josaphat being seized with fear betook himself wholly to pray to the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Juda. ─── 约沙法特害了怕,一面恳求上主,一面宣布全犹大禁食。

7、They betook themselves towards the town. ─── 他们朝城里走去。

8、Marius betook himself to the Luxembourg. ─── 马吕斯又进了卢森堡公园。

9、Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers. ─── 近九点钟时,两位妇女退到楼上自己的房间去

10、So, after their example, these two holy men betook themselves to prayer, beseeching God with all their hearts to provide a remedy for their distress; ─── 所以,照着圣人们的样子,这两个人开始祷告,全心恳求上帝为他们的苦难提供解救;

11、His boastful throat soon grew hoarse with thirst, and he betook himself to prayer. ─── 不久,那夸口的喉咙因乾渴而沙哑,他开始祈求。

12、Helen betook herself to her studies. ─── 海伦专心致志于学业。

13、Failing to obtain food among the Doves, he betook himself again to the Jackdaws. ─── 它既然无法在白鸽当中得到食物,只得再回到穴乌群里去。

14、From the town-hall he betook himself to the extremity of the town, to a Fleming named Master Scaufflaer, French Scaufflaire, who let out "horses and cabriolets as desired." ─── 从市政府出来,他走到城尽头一个佛兰德人的家里,那人叫斯戈弗拉爱,变成法文便是斯戈弗莱尔,他有马匹出租,车子也可以随意租用。

15、He betook himself to hard study ─── 他专心苦读。

16、They betook themselves to a debate. ─── 他们加入了一场辩论。

17、He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? ─── 他说:“你告诉我吧,当我们到达那座磐石下休息的时候,(我究竟是怎样的呢?)

18、His boastful throat soon grew hoarse with thirst, and he betook himself to prayer. ─── 不久,那夸口的喉咙因乾渴而沙哑,他开始祈求。

19、wherefore, when night came on, they took shelter in a ruined and deserted church, and there laid them down to rest.Now, while his companions slept, St Francis betook himself to prayer; ─── 所以,当夜晚来临时,他们在一个荒废的,没有人烟的教堂避身,在那里休息.这时,当方济各的同伴们睡着了,圣方济各开始作祷告;

20、The remaining Greeks then betook themselves to their ships and sailed away, as if for a final departure. ─── 留在特洛伊城外的希腊人纷纷登上船只,扬帆出海,彷佛一去永不复返。

21、He betook himself to his own kingdom. ─── 他到自己的王国去了。

22、So the malicious shoemaker betook himself for the fourth time to the King, and said, "Lord King, the tailor has not given up his arrogance. ─── 卑鄙的鞋匠借此机会第四次在国王面前使坏,说:“国王陛下,裁缝实在是本性难移呀。

23、The minister betook himself to the palace to see the King. ─── 这位大臣到皇宫去晋谒国王。

24、He betook himself to his room. ─── 他进了自己的房间。

25、The problem of the Gerhardt family and its relationship to himself comparatively settled, Kane betook himself to Cincinnati and to his business duties. ─── 雷斯脱把葛哈德家庭的问题以及跟他自己的关系粗粗想定了之后,就回到辛辛那提去料理业务去了。

26、The remaining Greeks then betook themselves to their ships and sailed away, as if for a final departure. ─── 留在特洛伊城外的希腊人纷纷登上船只,扬帆出海,彷佛一去永不复返。

27、Behold, the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said, "Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!" ─── 当时,有几个青年避居山洞中,他们说:“我们的主啊!求你把你那里的恩惠赏赐我们,求你使我们的事业完全端正。”

28、1. The fox betook herself to the thicket. ─── 那只孤狸逃进了灌木丛。

29、Thither Marius betook himself. ─── 马吕斯向那里走去。

30、Then he betook himself to his seat, rested his elbows on his desk and his jaws in his hands, and stared at the wall with the stony stare of suffering that has reached the limit and can no further go. ─── 之后,他走到位子上坐下来,两手托腮放在桌子上,一副痛苦的样子,目不转睛地盯着墙直发愣。

31、He betook himself to town. ─── 他进城去了。

32、Then these children of the open air, whom even excess of alcohol could scarce injure permanently, betook themselves to the field-path; ─── 长期以来,苔丝都没有参加这些每星期一次的豪饮活动。

33、Then these children of the open air, whom even excess of alcohol could scarce injure permanently, betook themselves to the field-path; ─── 接着,这些露天生活的女儿们又走上了田间的小路,她们即便喝酒过量,也不会永久不醒;

34、It developed into an important shipping-center of Shanghai after the American settlement was set up in 1848, and native and foreign owned docks were successively built and betook. ─── 1848年美租界开辟,中外轮船码头相继修造并投入使用后,提篮桥发展成为上海重要的航运中心。

35、Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers on the first floor, leaving him alone until morning on the ground floor. ─── 近九点钟时,两位妇女退到楼上自己的房间去,让他独自留在楼下,直到天明。

36、The queen betook herself to her residence in Scotland. ─── 女王赴苏格兰御邸。

37、When the sun rose, the poor man betook himself in safety to his home, and in the same manner the second night passed quietly by. ─── 第二天晚上,一切都如昨天一般。

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