deified 发音
英:[ˈdeɪɪfaɪd] 美:[ˈdeɪɪfaɪd]
英: 美:
deified 中文意思翻译
deified 词性/词形变化,deified变形
名词: deifier |动词过去式: deified |动词过去分词: deified |动词第三人称单数: deifies |动词现在分词: deifying |
deified 反义词
swear | blaspheme | curse
deified 同义词
glorify | beatify | exalt | venerate | worship | adore | consecrate |dignify | idolize
deified 短语词组
1、deified mean ─── 神化的意味
2、deified human ─── 神化的人
3、deified definition ─── 神化定义
4、deified julius ─── 神化的朱利叶斯
5、deified define ─── 神化定义
deified 相似词语短语
1、densified ─── 致密(densify的过去式、过去分词)
2、aerified ─── v.充气于(液体);(使)气化,蒸发
3、undeified ─── undeified
4、verified ─── adj.已查清的;已证实的;v.证明;核实;证实(verify的过去式和过去分词)
5、lenified ─── 低
6、deifier ─── 去离子剂
7、defied ─── adj.受蔑视的;遭违抗的;v.违抗(defy的过去式)
8、reified ─── adj.具体化的;物体化的;vt.物体化;具体化
9、deifies ─── vt.把…奉若神明;把…神化;崇拜
deified 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Not I but God Himself deified it. ─── 但神化灵魂的是上帝本人。。
2、And he deified not, but confessed I am not the Christ. ─── 他没有奉为神,但是承认我不是基督。
3、1. Primitive peoples deified the sun. ─── 原始部落将太阳奉为神。
4、This text generalizes three kinds of Tibetan female images: patient female、 deified female、 independent female and mixed-up female by carding the Tibetan female writings. ─── 通过对其进行考察和分析,揭示出被放逐于历史和社会边缘的藏民族女性的生存状态和命运变迁。
5、There were a number of other minor priests from the Republic. In addition, there were colleges of priests established to see to the worship of the various deified emperors. ─── 共和时代以来还有其他诸多较低级的祭祀职务.此外还有专门为了奉祀诸位神圣的皇帝而组建的祭司团体.
6、Shih: A deified ancestor. Used to refer to the Wu Lung's Avatar. ─── 始:一个被神化了的先祖。也指巫龙的化身。
7、Fuxi is the craftsman of Tiegua, who was the symbol of that era and then was deified. ─── “伏羲氏”就是“贴瓜人”,代表了一个时代,后来将其神化了。
8、It was elevated to a divine status and Dhanvantari the practitioner of this art was deified as the God of Medicine. ─── 这也提升到一种神圣的地位,这种艺术的从业者也被神化为医神檀凡陀厘。
9、Pine and cypress is edible and can cure some disease, people deified them and made many stories like that someone eat pine or cypress and be a fairy. ─── 松柏基于其充饥、治病之效,为挣扎于灾荒中的平民所神化而创作出服食松柏成仙的故事,集中体现出服食成仙情节的现实背景。
10、A deified man. ─── 被神化的人
11、Who Has Deified Marco Polo? ─── 是谁神化了马可·波罗?
12、Of course, God made in the previous activity, do not exclude the possibility that some people are deified by Marx and Engels to deify himself. ─── 当然,在以往的造神活动中, 也不排除有些人是借神化马克思恩格斯来神化自己。
13、Of all deified personages, the two that were most universally glorified and revered were Confucius (Kong Qiu) and General Guan Yu the military hero. ─── 在祭祀被神化了的历史人物中,最荣耀的是孔夫子(孔丘)和关夫子(关羽)。
14、In later times, the descendants of these guards became the pyramid priests, by which Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, The Recorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. ─── 在以后的时间里,这些守卫的后裔成为金字塔牧师,透特被牧师奉为神智慧上帝,奉为靠它们他所通过的黑暗年代的记录机。
15、The deified dog, instigated by Erlang Shen, stole away the magic lotus lantern and had San Sheng Mu weighed down under the Huashan Mountain. ─── 哮天犬受二郎神的指使将“宝莲灯”盗走并捉拿三圣母,将她压在华山下。
16、Those who had written augury books deified and sacralized Confucius as "son of the Black Emperor", "the black sage", "the civil king" and "the authoritative code maker" of the Han Dynasty. ─── 纬书作者们则将孔丘神圣化为“黑帝子”、“玄圣”、“素王”与刘汉王朝的“制法主”。
17、An inferior deity, such as a deified hero. ─── 半神地位稍低的神,例如奉若神灵的英雄
18、The Tujia national minority witch culture is this national initial culture twilight state, deified one special cultural phenomenon. ─── 摘要土家族巫文化是本民族初始文化的朦胧状态,是神化了的一种特殊文化现象。
19、Visits by government officials to a shrine that has deified war criminals violates both the letter and the spirit of the Peace Treaty. ─── 政府官员参拜供奉战争罪犯神社的行为,违反了该和约的条文和精神。
20、The mystery and allusion of the deified monarchal tomb ─── 金字塔:神化王陵的谜与典
21、As soon as hopes him to get rid the match then to fall to the ground a piece, that was we deified Li Xiaolong accidentally. ─── 希望他一出手对手便倒地一片,那是我们无意中神化了李小龙。
22、There were three kinds of styles of human sexual ethics in human history, which were styles of deified sexual ethics,of evil and instrumental sexual ethics,and of hedonic sexual ethics. ─── 在人类性发展的历史中,主要出现过三种性伦理模式:神化的性伦理模式、罪恶化、工具化的性伦理模式、快乐主义性伦理模式。
23、It is, however, likely they come from one of two now lost triumphal arches erected by Commodus in honour of his deified father Marcus Aurelius. ─── 这些嵌板为马可奥里略或他儿子康茂德的时期的作品,但浮雕的出处已不可考。
24、I know what you're thinking, you're saying “but wait a minute, Craig, in Ancient Greece they deified youth.” No they didn't. They deified beauty. Different. ─── (我知道你们在想什麽,你想说“主持人,等一下,古希腊社会亦是赞颂青春的”.其实不然,古希腊人赞颂的是美,不是青春)
25、Local villagers' attitude and rational toward the environment, though more or less deified, expresses the effects of human action on the environment. ─── 当地村民对环境的态度和猜想虽然多少有些被神话,但也反映出在全球气候变暖中人类责任的重大。
26、Visits by government officials to a shrine that has deified war criminals violates both the letter and the spirit of the Peace Treaty. ─── 政府官员参拜供奉战争罪犯神社的行为,违反了该和约的条文和精神。
27、Deified Monarchial Power ─── 君权神化
28、Many deified heroes who bravely pursued freedom and tried to bring people out of the pit of misery with indomitable fortitude have produced a far-reaching effect on Chinese culture and psychology. ─── 其中众多的神性英雄,以其百折不挠的顽强意志,向往自由的追求意识和救世济民的殉道精神,对中华民族的文化心理产生深远的影响。
29、Although the "Maritime Code" has deified the concept of the maritime lien, it has not specified the legal nature of maritime lien. ─── 我国《海商法》虽然对船舶优先权作了定义,但是没有明确规定船舶优先权属于何种性质的权利。
30、About 4000 years ago, the deified Emperor Shun died on his southern progress here. ─── 四千多年前,舜帝“南巡狩,崩于苍梧之野”。
31、The deified dog, instigated by Erlang Shen, stole away the magic lotus lantern and had San Sheng Mu weighed down under the Huashan Mountain. ─── 哮天犬受二郎神的指使将"宝莲灯"盗走并捉拿三圣母,将她压在华山下。
32、"an inferior deity, such as a deified hero." ─── "地位稍低的神,例如奉若神灵的英雄."
33、His parents were deified at his command, and even his parents'friends, after their death, he honoured with statues. ─── 他的父母被他的下令奉为神,甚至他父母的朋友,在他们死后,他竖像来荣耀他们。
34、San Sheng Mu's long silk gown, Liu Yanchang's long sleeves, the God of Thunder's horsetail whisk (a Taoist instrument), as well as the body movements of Erlang Shen and the deified dog. ─── 如三圣母的长绸,刘彦昌的水袖,沉香的剑,霹雳大仙的拂尘以及二郎神及哮天犬的身法技艺均
35、A deified woman. ─── 女性偶像被奉若神灵的女人
36、main supporting male roles: Sun Tianlu as Erlang Shen [a legendary deity], Chen Hua as Xiao Tian Quan [a deified dog], Fang Bonian as The God of Thunder. ─── 主要男配角;孙天录饰二郎神;陈华饰哮天犬;方伯年饰霹雳大仙。
37、Dragon A kind of fictitious, deified animal, is symbolizing auspicious, omnipotent ability and the loftiest power. ─── 龙一种虚构的、神化了的动物,象征着祥瑞、无所不能的能力和至高无上的权力。
38、Deified mortals are revered in recognition of their feats. ─── 有些本属凡人的神明,因曾立下大功而受人崇拜。
39、Lao-tzu became deified as a revealer of sacred texts and a savior, and techniques of spiritual attainment became fully elaborated. ─── 老子被神化成一个神圣文献的启示者和救世主,达成的精神技巧变得充分地详细描述。
40、He then held a state funeral, with an effigy of Pertinax, and consecrated him as one of the deified emperors, adding a flamen and a Helvian sodales, who had previously been Marcian. ─── 他于是为佩提尼纳克斯举行了国葬,葬礼上展示了佩提尼纳克斯的塑像;
41、Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans. ─── 华伦天奴实际上被女性粉丝团神化了。
42、So, playing on the army's liking of Caracalla, he deified the very emperor he'd had assassinated. ─── 因为军队热爱着卡拉卡拉,他就将他亲自策划杀害的皇帝封为“神圣的安东尼乌斯”。
43、Dragon is a deified animal worshipped by the Chinese people from the time immemorial. But what is it? No one knows. ─── 龙是中华民族自上古以来一直崇尚的神异动物。但是,它到底是什么呢?至今没人能解释清楚。
44、A local legend relates that the Chia-ch'ing emperor of the Ching dynasty once rested under it during his tour of Taiwan.The tree has been deified under the title of Parasol Tree King. ─── 当地人附会嘉庆君游台时,曾在此树下休息,并按其树形封为凉伞树王,也称为树王公。
45、It is an appropriation by early Christians of a day on which the birth of several pagan gods, Osiris, Jupiter, and Plutus, or the ancient deified leader Nimrod, was celebrated. ─── 早期基督徒是挪用了好几位异教神的出生日子作为圣诞庆祝:欧西里斯、朱庇特和普路托斯,或者是远古时候被神化了的狩猎带领者。
46、He denies the possibility of reforming the world with fantasies, and believes that a new Utopian world can only be built upon creative deified love. ─── 他希冀用具有创造功能的神性之爱去开辟新的天地,构建心目中的乌托邦。
47、On the death of his wife Faustina, in the third year of his reign, the senate deified her,43 and voted her games and a temple44 and priestesses and statues of silver and of gold. ─── 他的妻子福斯蒂娜死于他执政的第三年,元老院奉她为神(43),而且表决设立她的赛会和一座庙宇(44),女祭司,金银的雕像。
48、He was deified by the senate, while all men vied with one another to give him honour, and all extolled his devoutness, his mercy, his intelligence, and his righteousness. ─── 他被元老院奉为神,而所有人争相荣耀他,称赞他的虔诚、仁慈、智慧和公正。
49、he deified not, but confessed I am not the Christ. ─── 他没有奉为神,但是承认我不是基督。
50、Primitive peoples deified the sun. ─── 原始部落将太阳奉为神。
51、a deified hero worshiped as an incarnation of Vishnu ─── 神化了的一位英雄,被作为比湿奴的化身供奉
52、For quite some time, people have thought highly of the French Revolution.However, many side effects of the Revolution have been neglected.In reality, the French Revolution is a deified revolution. ─── 摘要长期以来我们给了法国大革命很多溢美之词,忽视了法国大革命所带来的许多负面效应,其实法国大革命是一场被神化了的革命。
53、During the Late Dynastic Period when the captial of Egypt was moved to Sais, Imhotep was fully deified. ─── 室一探毕竟,你得先找到金字塔的入口,然后深入地底,走过层层迷宫才干到达。
54、A deified hero worshiped as an incarnation of Vishnu. ─── 拉玛神化了的一位英雄,被作为比湿奴的化身供奉
55、Osiris then returned to Egypt, loaded with gifts from "every country, " and was deified after his death. ─── 欧西里斯然后回到埃及,装载了来自“每一个国家”的礼物,在他死后被奉若神明。
56、According to polytheistic religions, deities, deified natural phenomena and great figures in history play their own specialized roles in nature or on earth. ─── 在多神论的宗教里,诸神或是自然现象或是历史伟人的神化,在自然界和人间各有专司。
57、His parents were deified at his command, and even his parents' friends, after their death, he honoured with statues. ─── 他的父母被他的下令奉为神,甚至他父母的朋友,在他们死后,他竖像来荣耀他们。
58、Aesthetic Explanation of Deified Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells of the Shang Dynasty ─── 甲骨文字神性化的美学诠释
59、Western Philosophy ideological tendency will be summarized in two basic forms: "deified Philosophy" and "Poetic Philosophy. ─── 将哲学的思想倾向概括为两种基本形态:“神化哲学”和“诗化哲学”。
60、In North Korea, he and his father are deified, considered saviors of the whole universe. ─── 在朝鲜,他和他老爹都被神化,奉为宇宙间的救世主。
61、C.Vedic Aryans in fact deified the Sun, Stars and Comets. ─── 事实上,吠陀的雅利安语是用作神化太阳,星辰和慧星。
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