noteworthy 发音
英:[ˈnoʊtwɜːrði] 美:[ˈnəʊtwɜːði]
英: 美:
noteworthy 中文意思翻译
noteworthy 网络释义
adj. 值得注意的;显著的
noteworthy 短语词组
1、it is noteworthy that ─── 值得注意的是...
2、noteworthy sweets ─── 值得注意的糖果
3、noteworthy cd ─── 值得注意的cd
4、noteworthy composer ─── 著名作曲家
5、starring roles in noteworthy ─── 主演《值得注意的人物》
6、noteworthy font ─── 值得注意的字体
7、noteworthy cards ─── 值得注意的卡片
8、noteworthy gloria ─── 值得注意的格洛里亚
9、noteworthy films ─── 值得注意的电影
10、noteworthy records ─── 值得注意的记录
11、noteworthy thing ─── 值得注意的事情
noteworthy 词性/词形变化,noteworthy变形
副词: noteworthily |形容词比较级: noteworthier |形容词最高级: noteworthiest |名词: noteworthiness |
noteworthy 相似词语短语
1、roadworthy ─── adj.(车辆)适于行驶的,适合道路上使用的
2、noteworthily ─── adv.显著地;值得注意地
3、loveworthy ─── adj.值得爱的;可爱的
4、quoteworthy ─── adj.值得引用的
5、newsworthy ─── adj.有新闻价值的
6、net worth ─── [会计]净值;资本净值
7、battleworthy ─── 有战斗力。
8、nameworthy ─── 名副其实的
9、hateworthy ─── adj.可恶的;讨厌的(等于hateful)
noteworthy 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Monday indexes continued to be strong upside, it is noteworthy popular venture between the two cities share a large area limit-phenomenon occurs. ─── 周一股指继续强劲上攻,值得注意的是两市冷门创投股出现大面积涨停现象。
2、His sect is noteworthy because it stresses absolute obedience to the guru (teacher). ─── 他的教派值得注目,因为它强调绝对服从古鲁(导师)。
3、The apparent invulnerability of emerging economies to the US slowdown is noteworthy. ─── 值得一提的是,新兴经济体明显未受美国经济放缓的影响。
4、But the situation without trade is not a philosophically noteworthy benchmark under either libertarian or utilitarian perspectives. ─── 但是,无论是自由主义者还是功利主义者,不存在贸易的情形显然不是哲学意义上的思考出发点。
5、Some noteworthy events this quarter included both the German and the English editions reaching their 1000th news article. ─── 一些显著的事件是在这个季度德语和英语版都达到了1000条的新闻文章。
6、In my opinion, the most noteworthy is not who is on the xintaizi when the lead time, but that each student must stand for that xintaizi. ─── 在我看来,最值得注意的不是谁上了台子当领读,而是每个同学都必须站到的那个台子。
7、The Lakers were a noteworthy 20% above the league average for season-ticket renewals, which, for the Lakers, included tickets for two exhibition games taking place this weekend at Staples Center. ─── 值得注意的是,湖人的季票拥有率高于联盟平均水平20%之多,这球票包括在本周末主场进行的两场比赛。
8、In this article, the new and noteworthy features have been outlined, but we have barely scratched the surface of this new version of Groovy. ─── 这篇文章列出了Groovy1.5中引人注目的新特性,但是我们仅仅触及了Groovy这个新版本的皮毛。
9、The chemoselectivity of the reaction is noteworthy, as the presence of a halide (bromide or chloride) on the aromatic ring furnishes the triazole 5 as the sole reaction product. ─── 值得注意的化学反应的,作为一个在场的卤化物(溴化物或氯化物)的芳香环唑5作为唯一证据的反应产物.
10、It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original August slot to July. ─── 该节目从最初的8月档移到7月值得关注。
11、It is noteworthy that only 15% of senior managers are women. ─── 值得注意的是只有 15% 的高级管理人员是女性。
12、It is noteworthy that close to 50% of its skilled manpower, including engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, come from Asia. ─── 值得注意的是,硅谷地区的专业人力资源,包括工程师、科学家和企业家,有将近一半来自亚洲。
13、A 42-18 mark is noteworthy, holds exciting promise. Is a terrific start. ─── 42胜18负是非常出色的战绩,仿佛一只脚已经跨进了总冠军争夺。但这只是个非常好的开始。
14、It is noteworthy that this Sohu brand advertizing's increased range reaches as high as 66%, surpasses, the second quarter increased range before obviously. ─── 值得注意的是,此次搜狐品牌广告的增幅高达66%,明显超过前二季度增幅。
15、It is noteworthy that the topic-specific PCK of specific teachers is the emphasis of future study. ─── 值得注意的是,特定教师群体的特定主题PCK是日后研究的生长点。
16、It is noteworthy that, following the public comments after the establishment of networks in 2003, also abroad a similar pattern, for example in 2004 the establishment of the YELP. ─── 值得注意的是,继大众点评网2003年成立之后,国外也出现了类似的模式比如2004年成立的YELP.
17、Most noteworthy of that era of the Heat was their heated (pun intended) rivalry with the New York Knickerbockers. ─── 在那些年代最值得注意的便是热队跟纽约尼克斯之间激烈的对碰了。
18、It is noteworthy that, last year's A shares enjoy the limelight, "the most individual cattle," Liu Fang is the first layout of Kim Tae * ST. ─── 中英文对照:值得关注的是,去年大出风头的A股“最牛散户”刘芳最先布局的也是*ST金泰。
19、His reign has never been considered particularly noteworthy. ─── 从没有人认为他统治的时期特别值得关注。
20、It mentions organizing the participation of middle school students and primary school graduates in the co-operative movement. This is especially noteworthy. ─── 其中提到组织中学生和高小毕业生参加合作化的工作,值得特别注意。
21、His stature wasn't all that noteworthy, but, in his mind, anything below what he had before was a mark of career failure. ─── 他的地位并非那么引人注目,但是,在他的脑子里,任何比他之前得到的要低的东西都是一场职业上的失败。
22、But the money being spent now is especially noteworthy since park gates have never recovered from the economic and security traumas of 2001. ─── 但是现在投入的资金数目是令人瞩目的,因为公园的门票收入还没有从2001年的经济和安全打击中恢复过来。
23、Among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and a museum of national history. ─── 他对社会的较重要的贡献都以他的名字命名。 这些贡献包括匹兹堡卡内基学校。 这个学校有一个图书馆、一个美术馆和一个国家历史博物馆;
24、Our team is made up of scholars and experts from CUC and other noteworthy specialists in the field of public relations and public opinion. ─── 中国传媒大学公关舆情研究所科研队伍主要由中国传媒大学及有关学术机构的专家学者组成。
25、Existing materials, including EVOH resin, were unable to meet the rising need for a retort material that retained gas impermeability following retort treatment; this property makes Kurarister particularly noteworthy. ─── 包括EVOH树脂在内的现有材料,皆无法满足对蒸馏材料越来越高的要求(蒸馏处理后仍保持阻气性能);该特性使Kurarister非常引人注目。
26、It is noteworthy that the Fund a quarterly show, which was增仓fund. ─── 但值得注意的是,基金一季报显示,该股被基金增仓。
27、It is noteworthy that the data extraction and storage parts of the program are forcibly separated. ─── 值得注意的是,程序的数据抽取和存储部分必须要分开。
28、In your case, what seems noteworthy about the process technologies in use? ─── 在此研究案例中,有无使用任何显著的作业流程?
29、Also, list those who are responsible for noteworthy club projects that you may be interested in expanding to the district level. ─── 同时,也请列出那些考虑将推扩为地区层级显著的扶轮社计划负责人的姓名。
30、A biographical essay presenting the subject's most noteworthy characteristics and achievements. ─── 人物概评表现主要人物最值得注意的特点和成就的传记性的文章
31、Another noteworthy Viennese note-taker, Sigmund Freud, is honored at a museum devoted to his life and work as the father of psychotherapy. ─── 另一个令人瞩目的维也纳文化的记录者,就是被称为心理疗法之父的弗洛伊德,展示其生平业绩的博物馆受到人们的瞻仰。
32、The most noteworthy feature of the list is that there are no women on it. ─── 该名单最值得关注的是上面没有女性。
33、While more focused job seekers zero in on their most noteworthy professional achievements, Off-Topic Tom highlights his credit score, birthdate, and bowling average. ─── 在简历中没有提到求职者最应该关注的在工作上取得的专业成就,离题的汤姆反而重点突出了他的信用分数,生日以及保龄球水平。
34、It was heartening to note that three sessions of the IIM had generated some noteworthy proposals, on what could constitute a development agenda of WIPO. ─── 令人鼓舞的是,IIM的三届会议已经就如何制定WIPO发展议程而递交了一个有价值的提案。
35、One for the books A noteworthy act or occurrence. ─── 不寻常的事:一件值得记住的行动或事件。
36、A noteworthy or spectacular success. ─── 丰功伟绩非凡的成功,杰出的成就
37、A noteworthy act or occurrence. ─── 不寻常的事一件值得记住的行动或事件
38、It is noteworthy that, the company developing anti-HIV drugs "zidovudine" great success, the future market a broad space for development. ─── 二级市场,该股近期蓄势整理充分,上攻形态保持良好,后市一旦突破上升空间有望打开,投资者可重点关注。
39、The Party's leadership on this front -- including literature and art -- has achieved noteworthy success. This should be affirmed. ─── 党对思想战线和文艺战线的领导是有显著成绩的,这要肯定。
40、There is one noteworthy exception, however, and that is motorcyclists. ─── 不过,也有一个值得注意的例外,那就是乘车人。
41、It is noteworthy that small as atoms are, they contain vast amounts of energy. ─── 值得注意的是原子随小,却具有很大的能量。
42、How in this case to display the financial derivation imperial dangerous function, prevents excessively congenially, also becomes the question which is noteworthy. ─── 在这种情况下怎样发挥金融衍生品的御险功能,防止过度投机,也就成为一个值得注意的问题。”
43、Military men have produced, or diverged in, noteworthy epicures. ─── 军人中已经产生了,或者说分化出了引人注目的享乐主义者。
44、Another noteworthy feature is that the inhomogeneous oxidation of as-deposited HfN film is examined and transferred into the homogeneous HfOxNy film after thermal annealing. ─── 另一个值得注意的现象是对于刚沉积的氮化铪薄膜中,即已经出现了不均匀的氧化,但经过后续的高温制程处理将转变成为均匀的氮氧化铪薄膜。
45、It is noteworthy that the fund assets scale's shrinkage not redeems causes. ─── 值得注意的是,基金资产规模的缩水并不是赎回所导致的。
46、He said: What is most noteworthy is that Beijing over the thick smoke. ─── 他说:最令人关注的就是北京上空厚厚的烟雾。
47、Further more, the SST warming twice in one year in the northern Indian Ocean, the mixed layer deepening in the central Arabian Sea during summer, as well as the equator jet occurred only in transient seasons are all noteworthy. ─── 不仅如此,北印度洋SST在一年有两次增暖、夏季风期间阿拉伯海中部混合层的加深,以及季风转换其间赤道急流的存在等也是季节变化尺度上引人注目的现象。
48、Noteworthy applications spaces have included mapping and graphing. ─── 其中值得注意的应用范围包括地图与图形。
49、A noteworthy advance in cancer research. ─── 在癌症研究方面引人注意的进步
50、But keep in mind that any achievement you cite should be truly noteworthy, relevant to your current career goals and relatively recent. ─── 但是要注意,你引用的任何“成就”都必须是真实的、和你当前的职业目标相关的、并且是最近才发生的事情。
51、It is noteworthy that in all of the cases reported, the piece of food found to be blocking the pharynx was of very large size. ─── 值得注意的是,所有报告的病例中,发现阻塞咽部的食物块全是很大的。
52、It is only made in the best vintage years and is a noteworthy exception in the otherwise Pinot Noir dominated range of Philipponnat wines. ─── 只在最好的年份才以贝露娃葡萄酿造,这对于都用雪当利酿酒的菲丽宝娜酒厂来说可算是非常特别。
53、He said consumer spending was particularly noteworthy since it has increased over the last six months. ─── 他说,特别值得一提的是消费者支出,它在过去六个月里持续增长。
54、"Contrary to their attempt to position this report as something new and scientifically noteworthy, there is nothing revelatory or scientifically objective in it," said Dr. ─── “该组织希望将报告中所提出的情况作为新问题和值得科学关注的话题引起人们的注意,而事实与他们的企图相反,该报告没有任何具有启示性或科学客观的内容。”
55、Events are random, haphazard, and unforeseen occurrences.It is their very novelty and unexpectedness that make events noteworthy. ─── 事件的发生总是任意、偶然和无法预料的,因其新奇性与难以预料,使得事件更有价值。
56、A noteworthy feature of the torch relay in Hong Kong is the Olympic torchbearers who will be taking a dragon boat. ─── 为了让更多的市民了解更多关于火炬接力活动,香港特区政府将推行一项火炬接力的网站。
57、Not long ago, the Japanese IT industry faces two noteworthy trend is that Government to promote the integration of the electronic and paper media by NTT, driven appliance network. ─── 不久前,日本IT业出现了两个值得关注的动向,那就是产官学一体推动的纸媒体电子化和由NTT等公司推动的家电网络化。
58、It is noteworthy that selenium is an integral part of GSH peroxidase, the enzyme that mediates antioxidation by glutathione. ─── 值得注意的是,硒是谷胱甘肽过氧化酶整体运作的一部份,此酶经由谷胱甘肽来调节抗氧化作用。
59、It is noteworthy that country An Neige scores point is unexpectedly middle the counter-attack the match defense line fault help, the luck ingredient is self-evident. ─── 值得注意的是,国安那个进球竟然是反击当中对手防线失误帮忙,运气的成分不言而喻。
60、The layered structure of JGP-7 isconstructed from CSC chains and Ga(2)2F4(H2O)2 dimers, in which CSC chain isisostructural to CSC chain of JGP-2. It is noteworthy that JGP-7 exhibits chiralenantiomers of the structure between layers. ─── JGP-2 和 JGP-7 的结构相互关联,它们共同含有CSC链,且JGP-7是通过JGP-2的CSC链与Ga(2)2F4(H2O)2二聚体共顶点连接组成的。
61、A biographical essay presents the subject's most noteworthy characteristics and achievements. ─── 传记性文章表现主要人物最值得注意的特点和成就。
62、He did nothing noteworthy during his tenure. ─── 他在任职期间毫无建树。
63、Mr Mikesell's old age brought with it a noteworthy achievement. ─── 迈克塞尔的高龄同时带来了显著的成绩。
64、What is noteworthy is that the recent controversy related to real estate profits, lingering. ─── 值得关注的是,最近有关房地产利润的争论,不绝于耳。
65、More noteworthy, for the young man who is a big fan of obscure English TV comedy shows, in Indianapolis this year, he became the youngest points scorer in F1 history. ─── 值得注意的是,对于这个热衷看晦涩的英国喜剧电视的年轻人而言,今年在印第安纳波利斯的表现使他自己成为F1历史上最年轻的积分获得者。
66、It seems there is nothing new with this fact, it's quite a routine for him, but this time the event is really noteworthy. ─── 这一点看上去对于他来说并不算什么新闻,仅仅只是稀松平常,但是这个成就的确值得记录。
67、It is noteworthy that these normal CT findings should not be misdiagnosed as neonatal intracranial disease. ─── 在新生儿颅脑疾病的CT诊断中,要避免将这些特殊的正常影像误诊为异常。
68、It is noteworthy that bacteremia due to A. baumannii managed with inappropriate therapy is associated with increased mortality (4-7). ─── 值得注意的是治疗由鲍氏不动杆菌引起的菌血症时,方法不当会增加死亡率。
69、They arbitrarily chose 11 and presented them "not in order of importance, but in rough chronologic order according to the first noteworthy step taken in a given area. ─── 他们任意的选择了11项,将它们以“不是按照重要性排序,而是粗略的以在给定的领域迈出显著一步的年代顺序”予以公布。
70、It is noteworthy that they found pleasure in many mathematical problems. ─── 值得注意的是他们对许多数学问题兴趣很浓。
71、Gall, in Switzerland.Arriving in Italy, Columban met with a benevolent reception at the Lombard royal court, but he soon was faced with noteworthy difficulties. ─── 到达意大利之后,高隆邦在伦巴第族的皇家宫廷里受到了友善的礼遇,但是接踵而至的是令他无法想像的困难。
72、The equally noteworthy is the prototypical approach toward transforming inherited typologies while still remaining sensitive to the values of local culture. ─── 在将类型学转化为原型方法的同时,力求保持对地域文化价值的关注。
73、One of the most noteworthy is the Light Rail Xizhimen station. ─── 其中最值得一提的就是轻轨西直门站。
74、It is noteworthy that other than the cost of iron ore rose not be underestimated. ─── 值得注意的是,铁矿石之外的其他费用的上涨不容小觑。
75、I did have best results with the Silversmith, Argento, and my reference, Dynamic Design cables but also got noteworthy performance using the Element Signature and Atlas Mavros cables as well. ─── 同时也让我真切的感到录音是技术,也是艺术,只是许多音响器材不能展现出它的美妙罢了。
76、For those living in a new environment and a different social network, how to make use of leisure is a noteworthy issue. ─── 在新环境及不同的社交网络下生活,怎样善用闲暇是值得注意的问题。
77、It is noteworthy that the DMH-induced colon tumors are regarded as being similar to those found in humans [see Figure 1 caption in article by Bounous (2)]. ─── 值得注意的是,DMH所引发的小鼠结肠癌被视为和人体得到的很类似(参见研究2所附图1)。
78、I found nothing particularly noteworthy to report. ─── 我没什么特别值得关注的事情可报告。
79、His noteworthy achievement has brought him much fame. ─── 他那显着的成就给他带来了名声。
80、It is noteworthy that Australia's share of global inward foreign direct investment has fallen from 4.1 per cent in 1990, to 2.1 per cent in 2005. ─── 值得一提的是,澳大利亚在1990年吸引的直接外资占全球外资总额的4.1%,这个比例在2005年下跌到了2.1%。
81、It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date. ─── 因为这年的流星雨成为迄今为止最为壮观的。
82、It is noteworthy that close to 50% of its skilled manpower, including engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs, come from Asia. Prominent among them are Indians and Chinese, and not a few Singaporeans. ─── 值得注意的是,硅谷地区的专业人力资源,包括工程师、科学家和企业家,有将近一半来自亚洲,尤其是印度和中国,也有不少来自新加坡。
83、So artistic charm of oil painting has direct connection with use and expression of light and as an important plastic element, light has noteworthy effects on style and form of oil painting. ─── 因此,油画的艺术魅力与光线的运用和表现有着直接的联系。 光线作为重要的造型元素对油画的表现风格和形式有着不容忽视的影响。
84、In test tube experiments and in animal studies, the spice led to a noteworthy increase in the processing of glucose. ─── 在试管实验与动物研究中,这种香料导致葡萄糖的分解显著增强。
85、What is most noteworthy, however, is the new type of ideological education movement in the army, which was carried out for more than two months last winter by the methods of pouring out grievances and the three check-ups. ─── 但是最值得注意的,是在冬季两个多月中用诉苦和三查方法进行了新式的整军运动。
86、It is a noteworthy fact, however, that the jury is not now and has never been required to be used in equity cases. ─── 值得注意的是,陪审团制度已不再成为趋势,而且也不能适用于衡平法中。
87、It is noteworthy that precious little progress has been made in tackling this issue in the context of preferential trade agreements. ─── 在特惠贸易协定签署的前提下,解决服务贸易争端仍然难以取得进展,这就很值得引起我们的重视了。
88、Review of the vitals is noteworthy for a progressive increasing pulse and respiratory rate during the night. ─── 住院医生迅速复查了这名患者,先是肺部听诊,然后检查患者咽喉部。
89、What is noteworthy is that their thinking on the organization of the legislature both underwent transformation and manifested the characteristics typical of their time period. ─── 值得注意的是,他们的国会组织思想均经历了前后相异的演变,呈现出与时代特征相类似的流变不居的特点。
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