relapse 发音
英:[rɪˈlæps] 美:[rɪˈlæps; ˈriːlæps]
英: 美:
relapse 中文意思翻译
relapse 词性/词形变化,relapse变形
relapse 短语词组
1、relapse definition ─── 复发定义
2、relapse prevention tips ─── 复发预防提示
3、relapse prevention plan ─── 复发预防计划
4、relapse meaning ─── 复发的意义
5、relapse records ─── 复发记录
6、relapse prevention ─── [医]复发的预防
7、relapse into ─── 复发, 陷入, 堕落为
8、rebound relapse ─── [医] 反跳式复发
9、lapse relapse ─── 复发
10、relapse prevention video ─── 预防复发视频
11、mucocutaneous relapse ─── [医] 皮肤粘膜 ─── [梅毒]疹复发
12、relapse records store ─── 复发记录存储
13、relapse into crime ─── [法] 重犯, 重新犯罪
14、relapse rate ─── 复发率
15、relapse records ins ─── 复发记录ins
16、intercurrent relapse ─── [医] 间歇性复发
17、relapse records inc ─── 复发记录公司
relapse 常用词组
relapse into ─── 复发;堕落为
relapse 相似词语短语
1、prolapse ─── n.(身体器官的)脱垂,下垂;v.(身体器官、部位)脱垂,下垂
2、elapse ─── vi.消逝;时间过去;n.流逝;时间的过去
3、delapse ─── 德拉普塞
4、relapser ─── 复发者
5、relapsed ─── 故态复萌
6、delapses ─── 德拉普塞斯
7、elapsed ─── v.(时间)消逝,过去(elapse的过去式和过去分词);adj.过去的,经过的
8、relapses ─── v.(病)复发,重新恶化;返回,退回原状,故态复萌;n.旧病复发,恶化;故态复萌,回复原状
9、delapsed ─── 德拉普塞斯
relapse 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Analysis of the relapse rate and risk factors in children with auto immune hemolytic anemia and Evans syndrome. ─── 儿童自身免疫性溶血性贫血和Evans综合征复发及其相关因素分析
2、Analyzing her relapse, she realized she needed to do something with her hands. ─── 分析了自己的旧病复发后,她意识到自己需要用双手做点什么。
3、A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse. ─── 多种令人情绪紧张的事情都可能引起旧病复发。
4、The high prevalence confirms the endemic situation, and the multi-infection and relapse make it more severe. ─── 二是感染的多重性和反复性,在一定程度上造成感染的进一步加深。
5、Anyhow, chronic pyelonephritis has a relapse instead, do not heal for a long time, finally should cause uremia. ─── 总之,慢性肾盂肾炎反复发作,长期不愈,最后是要引发尿毒症的。
6、MS patients and lower serum uric acid levels at relapse stage (P
7、Moreoer, infliximab use did not increase the proportion of patients who were able to taper their steroid dosages without relapse. ─── 另外,使用英夫利昔单抗不会增加减少类固醇用量而不复发的患者比率。
8、There shall be asylum for habitual teetotaler, but they will probably relapse into teetotalism as soon as they come out. ─── 应该有为习惯性绝对禁酒主义者而设的收容所,虽则他们在走出来之后不久,可能又会故态复萌。
9、For HBeAg negative patient, the relapse rate is quite high. ─── HBeAg阴性的患者复发率相当高。
10、He said that to blame the Asian Games for his relapse is unfair. ─── 他说把他再度受伤和亚运会扯在一起是不公平的。
11、Compared with patients with p-gp-/bcl-2 -,the p-gp+/blc-2 were characteristic of lower CR rate and higher early relapse rate. ─── P gp+ /Bcl 2 + 组早期复发率明显高于P gp-/Bcl 2 -组早期复发率。
12、Abnormality of T Cell Subgroup in brood and NK cell of CA patients,and also are the cause of relapse. ─── 尖锐湿疣;;T-淋巴细胞亚群;;综述;;免疫,细胞;;杀伤细胞,天然;;细胞因子类
13、Howeer, the majority of TRD patients relapse during the first year following response to ECT. ─── 但是,大多数顽固性抑郁患者在接受电惊厥治疗后的第一年内又出现复发。
14、"The relapse rate for the nonpregnant IBD women was 22.9%, which is not significantly different," said Dr. ─── 患有IBD的非怀孕妇女再发率为22.9%,这两组之间并没有统计上的差异;
15、"Women in the dietary interention group had a 24% lower risk of relapse than those in the control group," the authors write. ─── 作者写道:“饮食干涉组妇女的乳腺癌复发风险要比对照组妇女乳腺癌复发风险低24%。”
16、Since the establishment of community mental control agencies, the relapse rate of schizophrenia was more visible in the fall. ─── 建立社区精神病防治机构以来,精神分裂症的复发率有较明显的下降。
17、She should have written to me when she had the relapse. If she had told me the truth, perhaps there was something that could be done then. ─── 发作了,她应该写信来告诉我,很坦白地说清楚了,那麽即使她病又发作了,或者当时还可以想办法。
18、You are well now, but mind you don't have a relapse. ─── 你的病虽然好了, 可要防止反复。
19、That was the story Giovanni told me when he was coming out of that relapse. ─── 这是乔凡尼从再次堕落中走出来时给我讲的故事。
20、At CAMH to reduce the risk of relapse. ─── 减少复发。
21、If relapse,mensurable education is electronegative, the existence that can think road of inanimation sex make water is affected. ─── 如果反复定量培养都是阴性,则可认为无活动性尿路感染的存在。
22、The total relapse rate of these AIHA and Evans syndrome patients was 57.7%, and the median remission duration to the first relapse was 9 months. ─── 总复发率为 5 7.7% ; 首次复发中位时间为缓解后 9个月 ;
23、B2 year the person that above has a relapse, can begin to take drug in a certain time of a year that of recrudesce. ─── b 二年以上复发一次者,可在复发的那一年的某个时间开始服药。
24、If, by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days, to be followed by a relapse into darkness, I should divide the period into three parts. ─── 如果由某种奇迹,我获得了能看见东西的3天,随后又沉陷于一片黑暗之中,我该将这段时间分为3个部分。
25、Regardless of what triggers a relapse, the Obama administration won't stand idly by, Banc of America's Rosenberg said. ─── 不管是什么触发了再度衰退,奥巴马政府不会袖手旁观,美国银行的罗森博格说。
26、If you disregard the doctor's orders, a relapse will follow. ─── 如果你不听从医嘱,病痛就会复发。
27、Chronic cystitis criterion illness defer or relapse acute fit, amalgamative hematuria person scarcer. ─── 慢性膀胱炎则病情迁延或反复急性发作,合并尿血者较少见。
28、While 12/52 children(23%) were Dexamethasone poor responders(DPR) with 5 children relapse(42%) and 3 still in CCR(25%). ─── 52例患儿中对地塞米松诱导试验不敏感(DPR)者为12例,占23%,其中5例早期复发,占42%,3例持续缓解,占25%。
29、Relapse and metastasis are the main causes responsible for failure of surgical operation in treating malignant tumors. ─── 复发和转移是恶性肿瘤手术治疗失败的主要原因。
30、Fidel Castro ? Cuba has a new relapse in his health and he run the risk of life. ─── 古巴卡斯楚特罗有一个新病的复发,会危及他的健康状况和生命。
31、We know that stressful life events make it more likely that someone who has had depression in the past will relapse. ─── 我们知道,有压力的生活更容易使曾患抑郁症的人旧病复发。
32、Bunbury from me to be kind enough not to have a relapse on Saturday for I rely on you to arrange my music for me. ─── 一般译者但知顺译(即依原文次序),而不知有时逆译(即将原文倒装)才像中文,才顿挫有力。
33、The magistrate decided to keep him in custody to avoid a risk of relapse or tampering with evidence. ─── 裁判官决定继续拘留他,以避免复发或篡改证据的风险。
34、Just now as you said the relapse rate so high, then what should we pay attention to in order to reduce the relapse rate? ─── 您看您刚才说复发率这么高,那在生活中能不能稍为注意一点的地方,以降低复发率?
35、Can mammary gland fibroma have a relapse after art? Can you treat a root? ─── 乳腺纤维瘤术后会复发吗?可以治根吗?
36、Under the blink of an eye on the relapse into absolute exclusiveness. ─── 下一瞬间就重新陷入绝对的孤独中。
37、Z: Nothing important.I just wonder whether my illness will relapse? Or will affect my future life? ─── 张:唉!也什么大事。我只是想,毛病是好了些,但是这种病会不会复发?会不会影响今后的生活?
38、Because puncture does not relapse when this inject, increase thorn to destroy hemal opportunity. ─── 因此注射时不要反复穿刺,增加刺破血管的机会。
39、Expression of c-erbB-2 is a signal of cells become malignant and is relevant to relapse in squamous cell carcinoma. ─── c-erbB-2表达是细胞恶性变的标志,宫颈鳞癌中过表达与复发有关。
40、Only control virus does not have a relapse, can damage courage otherwise dirty. ─── 只有控制病毒不复发,不然会损害肝胆脏的。
41、Even in relapse there will be times when the patient's general condition improves. ─── 即便在复发期间,病人仍会有好转的时候。
42、After making some progress, he suffered a relapse. ─── 他的病好了一点,又复发了。
43、Combination of BCG-PSN and electric cauterization can reduce the relapse rate of CA. BCG-PSN is safe and effective. ─── BCG-PSN联合电灼术治疗CA可降低其复发率,且安全性高。
44、Unfortunately, most of them relapse to alcohol abuse. ─── 不幸的是,他们中的大多数人故态复萌,又纵酒了。
45、In two of these five cases, a monoclonal pattern recurred at relapse. ─── 在5人中有2人当疾病复发时,则又回复了单源性之表现。
46、The DFS and probability of relapse at 5 years were 6 7.8%and 16.8%respectively for all patients. ─── 全组患者5年无病生存率及复发率分别为67.8%及16.8%。
47、After several relapse into business absorption, M. Lorry had become Doctor's friend. ─── 在多次深入业务关系之后,劳雷先生已经变为医生的朋友。
48、He'd be better for a while and then have a relapse. ─── 他的病一时好一时坏。
49、She stopped to blush and laugh at her own relapse. ─── 她停下来,不禁脸红,笑她自己的旧病复发。
50、After convalescence he had a relapse. ─── 他于痊愈之后,病又发作了一次。
51、I can't be seen how i except your relapse, but i should wait silentlty your relapse! ─── 唔可以被你睇到我有几渴望等待你既问候而又要默默地等待你既问候!
52、He have sware that he would not thieve things anymore,but he have a relapse that take to crime again not long ago. ─── 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。
53、What is horsebean disease? How can ability prevent? Can you cure thoroughly? Can you have a relapse? ─── 什么是蚕豆病?怎么才能预防?能彻底治好吗?会复发吗?
54、Relapse for many times, make its suit stage by stage finally, in order to eliminate. ─── 反复多次,最终使其逐步适应,以消除。
55、Z:Nothing important.I just wonder whether my illness will relapse? or will affect my future life? ─── 张:唉!也什么大事。我只是想,毛病是好了些,但是这种病会不会复发?会不会影响今后的生活?
56、Especially of the schizophrenia have a relapse for many times, the mind that causes a patient extremely easily ebbs, till gawkish. ─── 尤其是精神分裂症的多次复发,极易导致患者的精神衰退,直至痴呆。
57、A patient who just recovered will suffer a relapse if letting down his guard; a strong person may die suddenly because of neglect. ─── 大病初愈者,常因放松警惕而造成复发;身体强壮者,反而因疏忽大意而导致猝亡。
58、The total relapse rate after one year for the omeprazole group was 5.2%(1/19),while that for the ranitidine group was 16.6%(3/16). ─── 奥美拉唑组1年内累计复发率为5.2%(1/19),雷尼替丁组为16.6%(3/16)。
59、An oncologist told me that statistically my cancer would relapse within a year after I stopped chemotherapy. ─── 一位肿瘤学家告诉我,根据统计数字,停止化疗一年内,我的癌症会复发。
60、He was born silly and had a relapse. ─── 他生来就笨,而且还会旧病复发。
61、"Alas," murmured Edmond to himself, "this is a terrible relapse! ─── “糟糕
62、In five years probably relapse rate is above 30%. ─── 五年内的复发率大概在30%以上。
63、He can't return to work because he's had a relapse. ─── 他不能回去工作,因为旧病复发了。
64、After a median follow-up period of 33 weeks, no patients experienced clinical or microbiological relapse. ─── 在平均进行了33周随访后,无患者出现临床症状或微生物学检测上的复发。
65、He handed in his resignation at once-and that night the Judge suffered a relapse and died. ─── 于是他马上申请退会--偏巧在那天晚上,法官忽然因旧病复发而死。
66、STAT3 Decoy ON could inhibit abdomino-plantation and relapse of gastric cancer in tumor-bearing nude mice. ─── STAT3诱饵寡核苷酸对人胃癌裸鼠腹腔种植有明显的抑制作用。
67、She stoped to blush and laugh at her own relapse. ─── 她停下来,不禁脸红,笑她自己的旧病复发。
68、The average amount of MRD was 0.239% in relapse group (3 patients) and 0.004% in nonrelapse group (20 patients) (?P?
69、She was looking quite healthy on Friday, but she suffered a relapse over the weekend and was taken back into intensive care. ─── 星期五她看上去很健康,但周末旧病复发,被送回去进行特别护理。
70、You say you like a hedgehog. In self-counfidence and self-humiliation between, relapse infinite. So, when you show your love? ─── 你说你像刺猬,在自信和自卑之间反复无限。那爱何以得现?
71、All the patients were cured without relapse during 1-7 year follow-up. ─── 122例颈淋巴结结核全部治愈,随访1-7年无复发。
72、The main concern with IBD is to avoid a relapse, he pointed out, especially during pregnancy, when a relapse is risky for both the woman and the fetus. ─── 他指出,IBD治疗主要重点在于预防其再发,特别是在怀孕时,再发对于妇女与胎儿都是有风险的;
73、None of the 11 cases hand relapse, with no major complications. ─── 11例病例经随访6个月~6年无复发,无严重并发症发生。
74、So in order to prevent from relapse, there are different prevention measures. ─── 所以在预防复发上,不同的肿瘤的预防措施都不一样。
75、How did acuteness wet wart have a relapse to want to treat? ─── 尖锐湿疣复发了要怎么治疗?
76、One/seven patient was still mixed chimera after receiving DLI for 3 times and died of leukemia relapse. ─── 1例的嵌合体持续为MC,虽经3次DLI,但无效,患者死于白血病复发。
77、Her large shapely body seemed to relapse naturally into stillness. ─── 她的体态动人的高大身子似乎自然而然地陷于静止了。
78、Tell me, how does this relapse come about? ─── 告诉我,这种病为什么会犯?
79、Conclusions The 1990s Brucellosis has a tendency to relapse,to strengthen prevention and increase income are tasks which brooks no delay. ─── 中小城镇疫情活跃。 结论90年代内蒙布氏菌病疫情抬头,增加投入和加大防治力度刻不容缓
80、Can mammary gland fibroma have a relapse after art? ─── 乳腺纤维瘤术后会复发吗?
81、Her pectoral seeper always has a relapse, must smoke ceaselessly, and her heart also has serious problem two this years. ─── 她的胸积水总是复发,得不断的抽,而且她的心脏这两年来也有严重的问题。
82、We must continue having follow up because the relapse rate is very high. ─── 一直要坚持复查,因为它的复发率是很高的?
83、Pro.McCaughan: Different, yeah, higher end of treatment responses with PEGSYS, I think, but more relapse. ─── McCaughan教授:是有些不同,应用派罗欣组的治疗应答要高一些,但复发率也要高一些。
84、I got dry chamfer disease, seemed to have a relapse now. . Be urgent! ! ─── 我得了干槽症,现在好象复发了..急!!
85、Moreover, infliximab use did not increase the proportion of patients who were able to taper their steroid dosages without relapse. ─── 另外,使用英夫利昔单抗不会增加减少类固醇用量而不复发的患者比率。
86、It is extremely important to quantify the amount of hemorrhage,predict the relapse hemorrhage and evaluate the constant hemorrhage of BEV. ─── 判断BEV失血量,预测持续出血及再出血十分重要。
87、The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery. ─── 该治疗通常用于术后复发可能性高的女性。
88、But cutting by only 25bp in October prompted a relapse, as US stocks fell and credit tightened once more. ─── 不过,这种猜测正在渐渐降温:期货价格显示市场预计降息25个基点、而非50个基点。
89、In 90 percent of cases the patient will relapse within six months. ─── 的病人会在6个月内旧病复发。
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