eureka 发音
英:[juˈriːkə] 美:[juˈriːkə]
英: 美:
eureka 中文意思翻译
eureka 短语词组
1、Eureka Stockade Miners' Rebellion ─── 尤里卡栅栏矿工起义
2、Eureka Tower ─── 发现大楼
3、Eureka Seven ─── 尤里卡七号
4、eureka moments ─── 顿悟时刻
5、xiphias eureka ─── 欧洲锡菲亚斯
6、striker eureka ─── 前锋时间
7、Eureka (word) ─── 尤里卡(单词)
8、spring cloud eureka ─── 春云尤里卡
9、eureka coffee grinder ─── 尤里卡咖啡研磨机
10、Eureka (organization) ─── 尤里卡(组织)
11、eureka moment ─── 顿悟时刻
12、resolving eureka endpoints via ─── 通过解析eureka终结点
13、ferryboat eureka ─── 尤里卡渡船
eureka 相似词语短语
1、euro-ad ─── 欧洲广告
2、euryoky ─── n.广环境性
3、horoeka ─── 荷罗卡
4、Rijeka ─── n.里耶卡(南斯拉夫西北部一座港市)
5、euroky ─── n.广适性
6、Derek ─── n.德里克(男名)
7、neurula ─── n.神经轴胚
8、Cheka ─── n.(俄)契卡(前苏联秘密警察组织)
9、neuroma ─── n.[肿瘤]神经瘤
eureka 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A field trial was conducted to investigate the strategy for the correction of Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis in Eureka lemon (Citrus limon) grafted onto pummelo (C. grandis) rootstock. ─── 以两种铁源和供铁方式以及增加锌元素等,对缺铁黄叶的柚砧尤力克柠檬(Citrus Limon)进行复绿矫治研究。
2、provide reporters with that sine qua non of the entrepreneur's yarn, the eureka moment. ─── 你还是可以向记者提供企业家成功故事中不可缺少的戏剧性素材。
3、Probe and application of 3h production cycle option for eureka unit ─── 尤里卡装置3h生产周期方案探索与应用
5、"It was the eureka moment," says Bryant. ─── “这是一个令人狂喜的时刻”布赖恩特说。
6、And its discovery was a true eureka moment for excavators. ─── 对挖掘者来,它的发现说是真正的发现的喜悦。
7、Eureka! Why Analyst Should Invent Requirements ─── 找到了!为什么需求分析师应该自己发明需求
8、cv. Eureka) adventitious buds regeneration were investigated. ─── cv. Eureka)不定芽再生的主要因素。
9、Eureka lemon ─── 尤力克柠檬
10、cv. Eureka) were investigated. ─── cv. Eureka)上胚轴为材料,建立了高效的再生体系;
11、Eureka! With my experience I could discover the recipe Malibu Rum ! ─── 学会了基础动物训练技能,希望对于我的事业能有所帮助。
12、I have it at last! Eureka! Eureka! ─── 我终于明白了!我发现了!我发现了
13、So if you want to have a eureka moment, stop racking your brains and get your head down. ─── 只是一定要记好你自己设想的东西和次序。
14、Non-fall-dormancy variety Eureka (FD8) obtained higher yields over fall-dormancy variety Derby(FD5)only under high temperature and high humidity environmental conditions. ─── EUREKA品种与DERBY品种相比 ,突出的产量优势表现在高温高湿、高温干旱的不利气候条件期间 ;
15、The burst of mental clarity can be so powerful that, as legend would have it, Archimedes jumped out of his tub and ran naked through the streets, shouting to his startled neighbors: 'Eureka! ─── 智慧之光爆发出的力量是如此强大,以至于传说中阿基米德从浴缸中跳出来,一丝不挂地跑到街上,对着惊讶的邻居们大喊:“尤里卡!
16、Eureka Stockade ─── 尤里卡栅栏事件
18、Carol takes some garments to the Dry Cleaning King in Eureka , California. ─── 卡罗尔拿了些衣服去加州尤里卡镇的“干洗大王”清洗。
19、Working from the comfort of our homes may be convenient, therefore, but it seems we need the company of others to achieve our finest "eureka" moments. ─── 因此,在家中舒适地工作可能很方便,但我们似乎需要别人的陪伴以达到我们最好的“顿悟”时刻。
20、Then the paper says some thing about the Eureka 147 DAB system and the current situation in Europe. ─── 接着,文章介绍了受欢迎的尤里卡-147DAB系统及欧洲等一些国家的发展动态。
21、Produced by the "Yongsheng" card magnetic diesel heater, the State Department of proprietary products, and won the "Eureka" World Expo Gold inventors. ─── 所生产的“永胜”牌柴油磁化加热器,系国家专利产品,并荣获“尤里卡”世界发明家博览会金奖。
22、Besides,it has acquired three technical patents and Eureka invents gold award . ─── 公司内部设有实验室,拥有先进试验仪器及中试装置。
23、High-rate rabbit hair yarn and its series products made by our company won the silver medal in the 37th Eureka World Invention Fair at Brussels in 1988 . ─── 在1988年12月3日至12月11日比利时首都布鲁塞尔举办的“第37届布鲁塞尔尤里卡世界发明博览会”上,我公司的高比例兔毛纱及其系列产品获得银奖。
24、After the Eureka Stockade uprising a Royal Commission was appointed to examine the miner’s grievances. ─── 尤里卡栅栏起义后,成立了一个皇家委员会调查矿工的不满情绪。
25、We picture the lonely figure experiencing a eureka moment and, from nothing, creating something completely and utterly new. ─── 我们想象这样一个孤单的人物:他经历了恍然大悟那个时刻,并从零开始,创造某种全新的东西。
26、Eureka The Museum for Children ─── 尤里卡儿童博物馆
27、Eureka, a city of northwest california ─── 加州西北部的一个城市
28、EUREKA Technological Capabilities Directory ─── 尤里卡技术能力名录
29、eureka experience ─── 学生探索得的经验
30、Investigation on Eureka pitch-softened-point measuring by artificial intelligent method ─── 尤里卡沥青软化点人工智能软测量技术探索
31、Gas composition of mathematical simulation for Eureka pitch gasification ─── 数学模拟硬质沥青气化的气体成分
32、The Eureka research base on Canada's far-northern Ellesmere Island is often called the world's coldest inhabited place. ─── 加拿大埃尔斯米岛远北部的尤里卡科考站通常被称作世界上有人居住的最寒冷的地方。
33、"It seems there isn't a person in Melbourne who doesn't have an opinion on Eureka Tower and all the feedback is positive," he said. ─── 似乎墨尔本没有人不对它表达看法,但大多数的反馈意见都是积极的。
34、So far, no one knows why problems sometimes trigger an insight or what makes us more inclined to the Eureka experience at some moments but not at others. ─── 到目前为止,还没人知道为什么问题有时会引发顿悟,以及为什么顿悟有些时候更容易产生。
35、Contrast that reply with this reply: “I experienced a eureka moment when we decided to put all of our packers on an I-shaped line instead of U-shaped line. ─── 对比答复这个答复: “我经历了尤里卡时刻,我们决定把我们所有的包装上的I形线而不是U型线” 。
36、San Francisco based John Lum Architects contributed their design skills to this contemporary home renovation in the Eureka Valley area of San Francisco. ─── 在旧金山的尤里卡山谷地区,旧金山的约翰卢姆建筑师,对当代住宅改革的设计技巧作出了贡献。
37、Eureka! I've got it!" ─── 找到了!我找到了!”
38、ET; Guide to Stardardization for Companies involved in EUREKA Projects; ─── 参与尤里卡项目公司标准化指南;
39、Eureka!: Scientific Breakthroughs that Changed the World ─── 改变世界的科学突破
40、One day, while sitting outside in his lawn chair, Larry had his eureka moment. ─── 他看到喷气机从头顶飞过,就想到可以用气象探测气球来飞行。
41、Many people experience inspirational serendipity upon waking up.Is Fukuda about to say "Eureka"? ─── 很多人都有睡个觉后,新点子就灵光一闪冒出来,阿福也快要有新点子了吗?
42、"There were no eureka moments, " White told me sternly, later, when he was able to talk more freely about the skeleton. ─── “那还不是最令人兴奋的时刻,”当我们聊得越来越深入时,怀特口气坚定的告诉我说。
43、He appears to have had a Eureka moment. ─── 他似乎有了一个重大的发现。
44、Fowering and Bearing Characteristics of Eureka Lemon and Its Bagging for Pomoting the Maturing Technique ─── 尤力克柠檬花果特性及套袋促熟技术
45、"When else, I thought, would I have an opportunity to stay with a socialite and a nationally known R. & B. star? " he said. Eureka! ─── 他说,“我猜想在其它某个地方,我可能与社会名流或是乡村音乐明星住在一起。”真的找到了啊!
46、You can still provide reporters with that sine qua non of the entrepreneur's yarn. the eureka moment. ─── 你还是可以向记者提供企业家成功故事中不可缺少的戏剧性素材.
47、This study will contribute to the storage of Eureka pitch and exploitation of the pitch resources. ─── 尤里卡沥青性质的研究对其储存和开发等实际工作有参考价值。
48、Eureka a job at last! ─── 我找到了--终于找到工作了!
49、Guide to Stardardization for Companies involved in EUREKA Projects ─── 参与尤里卡项目公司标准化指南
50、he ran through the streets to the king's palace shouting, @Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! ─── 他就跑过大街直奔国王的宫殿,沿路大喊:“尤里卡!尤里卡!尤里卡
51、Put 31 of these plots on the walls of a museum and - Eureka! -you have an exhibition of colorful, exquisitely crafted designs that hold their own with many abstract paintings. ─── 把31张这种构造图挂在博物馆墙上,然后-有了!-就成了一次多彩多姿、手工精美的设计展,和许多抽象画挂在一起毫不逊色。
52、The actual record attempt will be held on a closed track in Eureka, California some time within the next few months. ─── 实际纪录将于封闭赛道尤里卡,加州一些时间在未来几个月内。该纪录是认可和公认的国际人权动力汽车协会,谁制定规则和监督活动。
53、We gassed up at Eureka for a measly $3.21 and actually felt good. ─── 我们在优瑞珈加足了油,还为$3.21的价格沾沾自喜。
54、Xu, Hanqiu, 2000. Application of geoinformation technology in monitoring of urban environmental changes. Workshop Abstracts, EUREKA meets ASIA, May 2000, Macau. ─── 徐涵秋,涂平,肖桂荣.基于“3S”技术的县级土地资源遥感动态监测技术系统.遥感技术与应用,2000,15(1),22-27,中科院遥感联合中心等主办刊物,科学出版社出版
55、EUREKA Audiovisua ─── 尤里卡视听组织
56、"It was one of those 'Eureka! ' moments. " ─── 博伦说,“这就是突然‘我发现了!’的一瞬间。”
57、"Whatever the fate of Eureka, it should have some positive effects, even if modest in comparison to its political noise, for the technological cooperation of European firms" (Foreign Affairs) ─── “无论欧雷卡的命运如何,都将带来正面的影响,纵然这比与它在政治上引起的骚动小得多,因为它导致欧洲各公司间的技术合作”(外交事务)
58、Algonguin, Eureka and Derby had the characteristics of good adaptability,high yield,strong regeneration,high ecological and economic value and so on,which was favorable in planting on large areas. ─── 2 在供试苜蓿品种中,‘Derby’、‘Algonguin’和‘Eureka’紫花苜蓿产草量较高,品质佳,适口性好,再生性强。
59、Eureka black shale ─── 尤里卡黑页岩
60、Most eureka moments come as a result of fatigue after a lot of hard work. ─── 大多数尤里卡时刻来,由于疲劳后,许多艰苦的工作。
61、Fufang Tianxian Jiaonang is the first product invented by Professor Wang Zhenguo.It has won “Top Individual Study Prize of World Invention” in the 38th EUREKA World Invention Fairs and Exhibitions. ─── 复方天仙胶囊是王振国教授发明的首个产品,并因此荣获第38届尤里卡世界发明博览会“世界发明最高个人研究奖”。
62、Darwin himself, in his autobiography, tells the story of coming up with the idea for natural selection as a classic "eureka! " moment. ─── 在他的自传里,达尔文讲述了自然选择的产生,作为一个典型的“发现!”
63、The out of band noises of Eureka 147 DAB (digital audio broadcasting) signals produced by HPA (high power amplifier) nonlinearities were analyzed to reduce the interference to adjacent channels. ─── 为更好地抑制带外噪声 ,减小信道间的干扰 ,在对Eureka 147DAB(数字音频广播 )信号调制过程进行介绍后 ,从频谱扩展的角度分析了 HPA (高功率放大器 )对 DAB信号的影响。
64、Eureka, the painting is coming off and I can read the numbers? ─── 有了,油漆掉落了,我能读这些数字了。
65、I was studying yesterday evening when he papped in and cried"Eureka". ─── 昨天晚上我正在学习,他突然跑进来,喊着“找到了”。
66、EUREKA Annual Progress Report ─── 尤里卡年度进展报告
67、The primary influences of the program to the western Europe are technological, under the influences, western Europe countries initiated the "Eureka program". ─── “星球大战”计划对西欧国家的影响主要是技术层面上的,在它的影响下,西欧国家联合发起了“尤里卡”计划。
68、TT Eureka VC8000SWA ─── TT尤利卡机箱
69、Dial's eureka moment came after learning that partridges and their fellow ground birds routinely abandon terra firma in favor of trees and other elevated spots for safety. ─── 戴尔灵光闪现的那一刻,是他发现了鹧鸪等地栖鸟儿有个习惯,就是放弃坚实大地,到树上或其他高处寻求安全的栖身之处。
70、EUREKA Organization ─── 尤里卡组织
71、Nanhua Company used hard Eureka asphalt as the feed of Texaco quenching gasifier for the first time, the two times of commissioning both got succeeded,operating 20h and 28h respectively, with the asphalt as the sole feed. ─── 南化公司首次用硬质尤里卡沥青作为德士古激冷气化炉的原料,2次投料成功,全沥青运行分别为20h和28h。
72、The Silver Medal have obtained in BRUSSELS EUREKA world Fair for Invention. ─── 在布鲁塞尔尤里卡世界发明博览会获得银质奖章。
73、Eureka! Let's place what I抳e got next to the plaque. ─── 有了!把我刚弄到的放到牌匾上。
74、My second "eureka" moment was the realisation that iron particles have a long and stable life once ignited. ─── 我的第二个"尤里卡"时刻了解到,铁粒子有一个长期和稳定的生活,一旦点燃了。
75、Keywords Eureka asphalt;gasifier;summary on commissioning; ─── 尤里卡沥青;气化炉;试车总结;
76、Rebecca Eureka Beacon ─── 利贝卡·尤里卡信标(飞机询问地面应答器导航系统)(英)
77、Running status analysis of desulfuration system of EUREKA device ─── 尤里卡装置脱硫系统运行状况浅析
78、“Whatever the fate of Eureka, it should have some positive effects, even if modest in comparison to its political noise, for the technological cooperation of European firms”( Foreign Affairs ─── “无论欧雷卡的命运如何,都将带来正面的影响,纵然这比与它在政治上引起的骚动小得多,因为它导致欧洲各公司间的技术合作”(外交事务
79、In present research work, various factors that affected the adventitious buds regeneration from cold sensitive "Eureka" lemon (C. limon (L.) ─── 本实验以冷敏感的尤力克柠檬(Citrus limon(L.)
80、Professor Rick Shine won the Eureka Prize for Biodiversity Research and Associate Professor Alex Barratt won the Eureka Prize for Health and Medical Research Journalism. ─── 悉尼大学两名学者获得了十万美元的尤里卡奖奖金同时另两名学者从近几年的获奖者中作为决赛选手脱颖而出。
81、The Eureka research base on Canada's far-northern Ellesmere Island is often called the world's coldest inhabited place. ─── 加拿大的尤里卡研究基地位于最北方的艾利斯摩尔岛上,常被人称为世界上最冷的居住地。
83、Plant Regeneration from Small Seed of Eureka Lemon ─── 尤力克柠檬小种子离体培养研究
84、I directly run to my home office, sit at my computer, I type in the ideas, I sketch things out, and I keep a database of ideas. ─── (Eureka阿基米德发现浮力后喊道的)我直接跑到书房去,坐在计算机旁边,输入下我的点子,我勾画出来的东西,我有一个点子数据库。
86、Eureka cotton ─── 尤里卡棉
87、The development work of the Eureka 147 DAB technology has ended basically. Now the expansive experiments are practising for network planning. ─── 尤里卡/147的DAB的技术开发巳基本结束,目前正在进行扩大实验,以期确定网路规划上的问题。
88、Whatever the fate of Eureka, it should have some positive effects, even if modest in comparison to its political noise, for the technological cooperation of European firms(Foreign Affairs) ─── 无论欧雷卡的命运如何,都将带来正面的影响,纵然这比与它在政治上引起的骚动小得多,因为它导致欧洲各公司间的技术合作(外交事务)
89、Our company's main business is to sell and promote Hogget Creek Shiraz Dry Red wine, which is from the Australian company World Wide Direct Pty Ltd's Eureka winery. ─── 公司主要致力于推广销售澳大利亚环球商业快捷公司金轩酒庄出品的澳卡帕林卡系列设拉子干红葡萄酒。
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