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08-29 投稿


cooperage 发音

英:[['ku:pərɪdʒ]]  美:[['ku:pərɪdʒ]]

英:  美:

cooperage 中文意思翻译



cooperage 短语词组

1、cooperage inn baiting hollow ─── 合作客栈诱饵洞

2、cooperage lafayette ca ─── 加利福尼亚拉斐特合作社

3、cooperage definition ─── 合作定义

4、cooperage barrels ─── 合作桶

5、cooperage inc ─── 合作公司

6、cooperage inn riverhead ─── 河畔合作酒店

7、cooperage restaurant abq ─── 合作餐厅

cooperage 词性/词形变化,cooperage变形


cooperage 相似词语短语

1、cooperated ─── 合作;配合;协作

2、cooperative ─── adj.合作的;合作社的;n.合作社

3、cooperator ─── n.合作者;合作社社员

4、coverage ─── n.覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道;保险范围

5、amperage ─── n.[电磁]安培数

6、cooperate ─── vi.合作,配合;协力

7、cooperates ─── 配合;协作;合作

8、cooperages ─── n.桶;制桶工场;制桶业

9、brokerage ─── n.佣金;回扣;中间人业务

cooperage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"They might be in heaven ." said Mrs. Cooper with a benevolent grin. ─── “他们也许在天堂。”古柏太太带着一付慈祥的笑容回答说。

2、Cooper, Bloom, and Roth. "Serotonin and Histamine." Chap. 10 in The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology. 7th ed. ─── 《神经药理学之生化基础》第十章〈羟色胺和组织胺〉第七版。

3、"The danger now became too pressing to admit of longer delay" (James Fenimore Cooper). ─── “危险是如此的迫在眉睫以至于不容许任何耽搁” (詹姆士·费尼莫尔·库柏)。

4、James Cooper was one of the first American writers who enjoyed international fames. ─── 库柏是最早赢得国际声誉的美国作家之一。

5、"No, Jimmy hasn't been back for a couple of nights." said Mrs Cooper soothingly after a drink of wine. ─── “不,詹姆真是两晚没回家了。”库柏太太喝了一杯酒后温和地说。

6、Why is Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea? ─── 为什么库柏先生这么疲倦?你怎么想?

7、Cooper training T&D is committed to provide the best training to Cooper employees. ─── 库柏培训团队立志为库柏中国的员工提供最具实效的培训。

8、I now ask this jury to decide whether Troy Cooper is guilty or innocent,@ said the Judge. ─── “现在我问陪审团对于是否判卓伊?库珀有罪有没有决定下来,”法官说道。

9、No, I don't know who this Troy Cooper is. ─── “不,我不知道你所说的这位卓伊?库珀是谁。”

10、"You're not actually physically putting the DNA together, and I can't see any way of doing that feasibly," Cooper said. ─── 他说:“你并不是把DNA拼起来,所以我看不出这种方法有丁点的可行性。”

11、Cooper inspires your initiative to manage your career and make continuous improvement. ─── 库柏主张员工主动地管理自己的职业道路,并不断进步。

12、Cooperage Company of Chicago (pickle manufacturer amongst other things) built this two-story barrel-shaped cottage for their head pickle AD illustrator, William Donahey. ─── 芝加哥箍桶公司(以及腌菜等生产商)为他们的广告插图画家William Donahey建造了这个2层木桶式小屋。

13、Friend, Mini Cooper is a very nice car! are you really intent to perchase it? AMITABHA! ─── 修福完全在布施,财布施得财富,你的财富永远享不尽;法布施,得聪明智慧;无畏布施,得健康长寿。

14、Cooper was certainly on all accounts one of the most successful. ─── 从各种角度而言,库柏都是最成功的人之一。

15、In China, Cooper (China) also takes the excellent tradition of considering talents the great asset of the company. ─── 在中国,库柏在寻找新的市场和客户的同时,也保持了我们卓越的传统。

16、Yet, after all, it is equally possible that away from Saumur the worthy Cooper would have but a poor figure. ─── 但也说不定一离开索漠,库珀只是一个毫无出息的可怜虫。

17、Cooper Shanghai Power Capacitor Co., Ltd. ─── 上海库柏电力电容器有限公司。

18、Alice Cooper America's singing ghoul was ending his act. ─── 他表演的最后一幕是假装在断头台上结束自己的生命。

19、Is this Troy Cooper?@ asked the guard. ─── “他是卓伊?库珀吗?”守卫的蚂蚁问道。

20、Cooper ponderously limped out into the garden. ─── 但是,那片含羞草树林、朦胧的星光、兴奋和激情、甜美和痛楚一直留在我的心里。

21、"Muskrat Castle, as the house had been facetiously named by some waggish officer" (James Fenimore Cooper). ─── “马斯克拉特城堡,是一些机智幽默的军官给这所房子所起的滑稽的名字” (詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)。

22、Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the redundancies. ─── 库伯负责宣布裁员这个不讨好的任务。

23、A story WCF ran in March depicted a conceptual MINI Cooper S Clubman pulling an Airstream caravan. ─── 周转基金的故事描写了3月在一个概念的MINICooper县花花公子拉力车队的气流。

24、He is several years junior to Mrs Cooper. ─── 他比库珀太太小几岁.

25、Going up against the Mini Cooper S John Cooper Works edition, the MiTo just might make it to North America. ─── 上升的迷你库伯县约翰库珀工程版,水户只是可能会使北美.

26、Mr. Cooper is occupied at the moment. ─── 库柏先生现在很忙。

27、By Alan Cooper, one of the best books on user interface - make that one of the best books on computer science. ─── 一书,这是关于用户界面的最佳图书之一,也是最棒的计算机科学图书之一。

28、Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper's telephone number? ─── 你可知道库柏先生的电话号码?

29、White oaks are used for architectural interiors, paneling, furniture、flooring、tight cooperage, pallets, and veneer. ─── 主要产于维吉尼亚肥沃的丘陵地带。

30、Gary Cooper was one of the few who were noticed. ─── 加里?库珀就是为了数不多的几个受人注意的人之一。

31、In eastern Europe, and looking for: cooper cable FTP class5e and UTP CLASS 5E....100km.if price is acceptable. ─── 东欧,寻找:屏蔽5类和非屏蔽双绞线5类各100公里。如果价格合理,也请报出4、8、12、24、48内芯的视

32、Cooper M R.The progressive development of a failure surface in overconsolidated clay at Selborne,UK. ─── 另外如果有关于土体渐进破坏方面的资料请大家帮忙上传。谢谢。

33、Martin came on as a substitute for Cooper only ten minutes before the end of the game. ─── 在比赛结束前十分钟,马丁才接替库珀上场。

34、If James Fenimore Cooper were here today he would surely have to change his tune. ─── 如果今天柯柏还在世地话,他就得改变他地论调了;

35、The final oak barrel is not just a function of the tree and its location but also the characteristics used to make the barrel, such as seasoning toasting and the cooperage style. ─── 最后的橡木桶不仅仅是一个功能的树,它的位置也用于桶特点,如调味烤和工钱的风格。

36、Cooper of the Loyola Stritch School of Medicine, Jay S. ─── Cooper)、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的考夫曼(JayS.

37、"A place where the three grand requisites of water, fuel and fodder were to be obtained"(James Fenimore Cooper). ─── “三种主要必需品,水、燃料和草料都具备的地方”(吉姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)

38、In the studio we have Helen Cooper, a journalist, and a very enthusiastic shopper. ─── 在节目的录制现场,我们请到了一名记者海伦·珀,她是一位热衷购物者。

39、Mr. Cooper failed to reach the green through underclub. ─── 库柏先生因为使用射距过短的球杆而未能打到果岭。

40、I'm sorry. I must reschedule my appointment with Mr. Cooper on Wednesday. ─── 对不起,我必须重新安排周三与库柏先生的会面。

41、Mr. Cooper is a stateman. He's running for governor. ─── 库柏先生是位政治家,他正在竞选州长。

42、John and Cooper attempted hiking up Silver Peak earlier...negatory! ─── / John跟Cooper刚刚尝试著去爬银峯...不可能!

43、JAGUAR? mini cooper? burberry? wedgwood? ─── 哈利波特? 还是viviennewestwood呢?

44、An innovative Over-Issued CRL model is developed based on the original one that is proposed by David A. Cooper. ─── Cooper提出的over-issued CRL模型的深入分析,提出了一种改进型over-issued CRL模型。

45、Cooper wants to get a dagger for her! ─── 准备短剑,为她设想的哥哥?!

46、Hello! Guys! Let me introduce Thomas cooper ,he is a new teacher from America. ─── 喂!朋友们,我给大家介绍托马斯.库柏先生,他是一为从美国来的新教师。

47、The MINI Cooper has a 1.6 l engine, with 85 kW (115 hp) and a top speed of 200 km/h. ─── MINI Cooper的发动机为1.6升,85千瓦(115马力),最高速度为200千米/小时。

48、Cooper China Lighting Design Center (LDC) is a crucial part in this global development effort. ─── 库柏中国照明设计中心(LDC)在这个全球化的产品开发中起著重要的作用。

49、Mr Cooper is convinced that Ms Pelosi does not have the votes in her own party necessary to pass the bill as it stands. ─── 库伯先生确信照现在的情况来看,佩洛西女士在其党派内部没有足以让法案通过的足够票数。

50、"No, Jimmy hasn't been back for a couple of nights," said Mrs. Cooper soothingly after a drink of wine. ─── “不,詹姆真是两晚没回家了。”库柏太太喝了一杯酒后温和地说。

51、The Cooper Industries name is synonymous with manufacturing excellence and market-leading products. ─── 库柏这个名字在业内意味着卓越生产和领先的市场品牌。

52、This was not your first offence, Troy Cooper. ─── “卓伊?库珀,这并不是你第一次犯罪了。”

53、In spite of his low voice and careful and discreet behaviour his speech and habits were those of cooper. ─── 尽管他声音柔和,态度持重,仍不免露出箍桶匠的谈吐与习惯。

54、Cooper DeBakey, Dr. DeBakey's wife. They had been married 35 years. ─── 但是幾年前,他和六位同事嘗試以他們的專業去搶救一個病人,郤失敗了。

55、Cooper, himself a landlord of sorts, was convinced that a basic principle of property was at stake. ─── 作为地主,库珀认为这种举动危及财产所有权的根本原则。

56、Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick? ─── 你是否讨厌阿里斯·库柏,是否也认为他是病态?

57、If James Fenimore Cooper were here today, he would surely have to change his tune. ─── 今天的基督教音乐包含了各式的乐风--从乡村、到爵士、到通俗、到摇滚、再到饶舌歌。

58、Customer and COOPER BANK agree that punitive or exemplary damages shall be unavailable in any arbitration between them. ─── 客户和库银同意,双方之间的任何仲裁均不应裁定任何惩罚性或惩戒性违约损害赔偿。

59、For unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns. ─── 他与GaryCooper和Johnwayne不一样,只演西部影片的角色。

60、"He then fell, like an inanimate log, to the earth" (James Fenimore Cooper). ─── “然后他像一条死狗一样,倒在了地上” (詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)

61、Troy Cooper, at last. Now you're where you belong. ─── “卓伊?库珀,现在你就是这里的了。

62、Talent is the 1st asset of Cooper. ─── 人才是库柏最大的财富。

63、It is, however,essential that the error is corrected, if only your selfrespect, says professor Cooper. ─── 不过,库珀教授说,要是单从你自尊方面考虑,错误得以纠正是绝对必要的。

64、Mrs. Cooper? This is Dr. Ashby's nurse. ─── 库柏太太吗?我是艾诗比大夫的护士。

65、"The time it takes a chip to [process a function] is about a microsecond," says Cooper. ─── cooper说:"该芯片[完成一个功能]只需一微秒。

66、Speciality: Product structure: tinning cooper etc. ─── 产品构造:由镀锡铜等成分构成。

67、Why Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea? ─── 先生这么累?你知道吗?

68、Talent Development It's Cooper's culture and value to develop internal employee to meet company 's growth. ─── 人才发展库柏重视培养内部员工来满足不断增长的业务需求。

69、Cooper:(Shakes Emmas hand). Nice to meet you, Miss Lin. Please sit down. ─── 库伯:(与爱玛握手)林小姐,幸会。请坐。

70、They are the Ashley and the Cooper rivers. ─── 它们就是阿什利河和库珀河。

71、Cooper, R. G. &Kleinschmidt, E. J., New Product: the Key Factors in Success, American Marketing Association, 1990. ─── 中文翻译:巫宗融,新产品完全开发手册-如何在新产品战争中胜出,远流出版事业股份有限公司,2000年

72、The MINI Cooper Cabrio has a 1.6 l engine, with 85 kW (115 hp) and a top speed of 193 km/h. ─── MINI Cooper Cabrio的发动机1.6升,85千瓦(115马力),最高速度为193千米/小时。

73、Is Troy Cooper a danger to the insect community? ─── 对于卓伊?库珀是危害昆虫界的罪人这一罪名是否成立。

74、The two diplomatists shook hands, and then the cooper showed the banker the door. ─── 两位军师握了握手,老箍桶匠把银行家一直送到大门。

75、By courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, Eng.; photograph, A. C. Cooper Ltd. ─── 《邱吉尔舰长》,袖珍珐琅肖像,约1705年由博伊特完成;现藏英国格林威治的国家海事博物馆。

76、CNN's Anderson Cooper sits down with the embattled actor to discuss life and work. ─── 安德森与备受争议的导演兼演员梅尔.吉普森谈论他的生活和工作.

77、Kitty: Sorry. Mr. Cooper is occupied at the moment. ─── 凯蒂:对不起,库柏先生现在很忙。

78、To be frank, pick up Cooper as my first hirer through several offers is a gamble for me that time. ─── 同事们都很好相处,帮助我们很快地适应生活,他们也乐于分享他们的所学所知。

79、Almost a decade ago, Cooper started the Red Hat Society to celebrate women 50 and oer. ─── 大约十年前,Cooper开创红帽子协会来祝贺50岁及超过50岁的妇女。

80、Cooper cut Culver’s copper-colored clover. ─── 库柏将考尔伯的铜色苜蓿砍了。

81、With more than RMB100 million annual sales, Huahai has three departments in charging of cooperage, refrigeration and trade. ─── 产品为不少知名厂商使用并获得良好的口碑。

82、The Cooper Bussmann team works everyday to provide you with innovative protection from it. ─── CooperBussmann团队每日所做的工作就是为您提供革新性的过载保护案。

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