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08-27 投稿


foliation 发音

英:[ˌfoʊliˈeɪʃən]  美:[ˌfəʊlɪˈeɪʃən]

英:  美:

foliation 中文意思翻译



foliation 网络释义

n. 生叶,发叶;叶形装饰;绿叶的状态;编张数号

foliation 短语词组

1、bedding foliation ─── 层面叶理

2、secondary foliation ─── 次生叶理

3、foliation fissure ─── 叶理裂缝

4、foliation nlab ─── 叶理nlab

5、foliation structure ─── 叶理构造

6、foliation is ─── 叶理

7、foliation rocks ─── 叶理岩

8、foliation of gneiss ─── 片麻岩叶理

9、foliation law ─── 叶理规律

10、foliation math ─── 叶理数学

11、horizontal foliation ─── 水平叶理

12、foliation wiki ─── 叶理维基

13、foliation def ─── 叶面定义

14、penetrative foliation ─── 渗透叶理

foliation 词性/词形变化,foliation变形

动词过去分词: foliated |动词过去式: foliated |动词第三人称单数: foliates |动词现在分词: foliating |

foliation 相似词语短语

1、volitation ─── n.飞翔,飞行

2、filiations ─── n.父子关系;起源;私生子父亲之鉴定;分支

3、ciliation ─── n.具有睫毛;具有纤毛;睫毛

4、filiation ─── n.父子关系;起源;私生子父亲之鉴定;分支

5、defoliation ─── n.落叶,去叶;[植]脱叶

6、exfoliation ─── n.剥落;剥落物;表皮脱落

7、floriation ─── n.花饰

8、spoliation ─── n.强夺;毁弃

9、foliations ─── n.生叶,发叶;叶形装饰;绿叶的状态;编张数号

foliation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I think the foliation is resulted from deformation. The original composition of the foliated rock is granite. ─── 我认为岩石中的这些片理是由于岩石变形造成的,片理化岩石的原岩就是花岗岩。

2、The attitude of magnetic foliation, which clearly suggests the emplacement of the magma in different tectonic units, is consistent with rock shapes and distribution of rock units. ─── 磁面理的产状与岩体形态和岩石单元分布相吻合,清晰地反映了不同构造单元岩浆侵位方式;

3、interformational foliation ─── 层间面理

4、steep foliation belt ─── 陡倾叶理带

5、Foliaceous opposite, base form of spoon of shape of foliation long circle, whole reason, cauline foliation wraps around needle form. ─── 叶对生,基生叶长圆状匙形.全缘,茎生叶披针形。

6、The [001] shows a strong point maximum near the lineation, while [100] form girdles normal lineation with a relatively weaker maximum perpendicular to the foliation plane. ─── [001]轴极点形成平行面理的大圆环, 最大极密对应轴向近平行线理。

7、Riemannian foliation ─── 黎曼叶状结构

8、Base foliation is fascicular, cauline foliation each other is unripe, feather crack. ─── 基生叶丛生,茎生叶互生,羽裂。

9、In addition, the presence and absence of foliation are an other factor to classify fault rocks. ─── 除此之外,是否具有片理构造是划分断层岩的另一个因素。

10、If cherimoyas do not receive enough chilling, the trees will go dormant slowly and then experience delayed foliation . ─── 集散地,如果没有得到足够的严冬,将树木休眠去慢慢体会,然后延迟叶状结构。

11、The contact relationship of the two rock sections is structural foliation which have no upper and lower relationship in sequence. ─── 两个岩段之间没有层序上的上下关系,为构造面理接触。

12、Base foliation wraps around needle form provides long power, cauline foliation does not have form of handle, line. ─── 基生叶倒披针形具长柄,茎生叶无柄.线形。

13、All the rocks and strata in this zone are mylonitized and show steep foliation due to lower greenschist facies metamorphism and ductile strike-slip deformation. ─── 所有岩石均遭受糜棱岩化变质-变形作用,面理陡立。

14、On the surface of foliation there develops strong stretching lineation defined by alignment of elongated minerals. ─── 在片理面上发育有强烈的拉伸线理,这些线理则是由拉长的矿物定向展布而显示。

15、These rocks are lack of foliation and resulted from the brittle fragmentation of mineral grains with rotation of grain fragments accompanied by fractional grain boundary sliding and dilatancy . ─── 这类岩石缺乏面理构造,是由于矿物颗粒的脆性碎裂,旋转以及颗粒边界的磨擦滑动和扩展而造成的。

16、foliation fissure ─── 叶理裂缝

17、In the north Dabieshan domain, early foliation and N-S-trending compressional lineation are deformed by N-verging folds coeval to the syn-exhumation ductile structures of the central Dabieshan domain. ─── 大别山北部为构造堆叠系统,早期的面理和南北向的挤压线理被轴面北倾的褶皱所改造,这种褶皱对应于大别山中部同折返期的韧性变形的隆升构造。

18、Mylonitic foliation ─── 糜棱面理

19、Foliated fault rocks are characterized by well-developed foliation which is resulted from the preferred orientation of mineral grains in the rock. ─── 理化断层岩石具有发育良好的面理构造,这些面理是岩石中矿物颗粒优选定向而造成的。

20、The extraction from plant image was difficult.Varying image characteristics caused by differing levels of foliation and fluctuating lighting conditions. ─── 为了克服自然状态植物图像提取困难,尤其是树图像在自然生长状态下背景非常复杂(天空、建筑物、植物等)的问题。

21、The latter two rock types have a slaty to schistose structure, they are green in fresh state and show a silvery lustre on foliation planes. ─── 后两种岩类有着从板状构造向片状构造的发展趋势,在清新状态下呈绿色,并在叶理面上显示一种银色光泽。

22、Keywords geology;Maoling gold deposit;Liaohe tectonic cycle;structural foliation;arsenopyrite;paleoproterozoic; ─── 地质学;猫岭金矿;辽河旋回;构造面理;毒砂;古元古代;

23、Base foliation is fascicular, provide a power; ─── 基生叶丛生,具柄;

24、Most metamorphic rocks show a layering called foliation which results from the parallel alignment of mineral grains. a few metamorphic rocks do not possess foliation. ─── 大多数变质岩都具有一种称之为面理的层,面理是由岩石中矿物的平行定向排列而显示,只有少数变质岩不具有面理构造。

25、1. Steep mylonite foliation in the earlier shear belts strikes NE-NNE, and dips NW or SE; its stretching lineation is gentle. ─── 早期剪切带糜棱面理走向NE-NNE,倾向NW或SE,面理倾角较陡,矿物拉伸线理水平或近水平;收藏指正

26、The oil shale on the surface show opening foliation, abundant pore volume and low density because of less overburden pressure. ─── 地表油页岩由于覆压减小等影响,页理张开、孔隙增加、密度减小。

27、segregation foliation ─── 分凝叶理

28、While, the sodium amphibolites in the later stage compatible with the present foliation, might be related to the structure deformation. ─── 晚期的钠质角闪石构成了现存片理,可能与后期构造变形有关。

29、If cherimoyas do not receive enough chilling, the trees will go dormant slowly and then experience delayed foliation. ─── 集散地,如果没有得到足够的严冬,将树木休眠去慢慢体会,然后延迟叶状结构.

30、But each new birth's high tech plant whitening product also surely has a complex research foliation, makes one feel its product precious and the implication high tech content. ─── 而每个新诞生的高科技植物美白产品也必定有一个复杂的研究提取过程,令人感受到其产品的珍贵和蕴含其中的高科技含量。

31、The foliated rock belt is over one hundred meters in width and the intensity of foliation in the center is stronger than that in the margin. ─── 这个片理化岩带有100多来宽,带中央岩石的片理化程度较之于带边缘岩石要强。

32、In addition, the presence and absence of foliation are an other factor to classify fault rocks. ─── 除此之外,是否具有片理构造是划分断层岩的另一个因素。

33、group foliation method ─── 群状结构法

34、There are neoformative foliation and lineation(stretching lineation) in the shear zone. ─── 剪切带以出现新生的面理和线理(拉伸线理)为特征。

35、Steep mylonite foliation in the earlier shear belts strikes NE-NNE, and dips NW or SE; its stretching lineation is gentle. ─── 早期剪切带糜棱面理走向NE-NNE,倾向NW或SE,面理倾角较陡,矿物拉伸线理水平或近水平;

36、cleavage foliation ─── 剥裂成片解理状剥离

37、transposition foliation ─── 置换剥理

38、foliation structure ─── [地质]叶理[层]构造

39、The latter two rock types have a slaty to schistose structure, they are green in fresh state and show a silvery lustre on foliation planes. ─── 后两种岩类有着从板状构造向片状构造的发展趋势,在清新状态下呈绿色,并在叶理面上显示一种银色光泽。

40、Look at this exposure. The rock has well-developed foliation defined by elongated quartz and feldspar parallel to each other. ─── 快看这个露头,这个露头上的岩石具有很发育的片理,片理是由拉长的石英和长石相互平行排列而成,

41、The properties of a riemannian foliation with parallel mean curvature on a Riemannian manifold ─── 常曲率空间中具有相同常平均曲率的黎曼叶状结构的一些性质

42、foliation, bloom, and production became erratic ─── 萌芽、开花和结果变得很不正常。

43、bedding foliation ─── 顺层面理

44、The oil shale on the surface show opening foliation , abundant pore volume and low density because of less overburden pressure. ─── 地表油页岩由于覆压减小等影响,页理张开、孔隙增加、密度减小。

45、Keywords Machaoying;mineralizing fluid;mylonitic foliation;tectonic dynamometamorphic water; ─── 马超营;成矿流体;糜棱面理;构造动力变质水;

46、without foliation ─── 无页码

47、linear foliation ─── 线状叶理

48、Strong foliation, stretching lineation, a-type folds, sheath folds and mylonite, these structural characteristics only reflect macroscopic evidence. ─── 强烈的片理、拉伸线理、a型褶皱、鞘褶皱以及糜棱岩,这些构造特征仅仅反映出宏观的证据。

49、In particular, the space is characterized by horizontal distribution of projective sphere bundle to have flat foliation. ─── 特别地,这个空间可以由摄影球丛具有平坦的叶状结构的水平分布来刻划。

50、Let us keep walking perpendicular to the trend of foliation to get more details. ─── 我们垂直这些片理化岩石的走向穿越一段并作详细观察。

51、There are neoformative foliation and lineation(stretching lineation) in the shear zone. ─── 剪切带以出现新生的面理和线理(拉伸线理)为特征。

52、axial plane foliation ─── 轴面叶理构造轴面叶理

53、whereas foliation attitude of gneiss type exerts a relatively weak role in controlling attitude of miniature faults in gneiss type rocks. ─── 而片麻岩类岩石叶理产状对发育于该类岩石内的微断层产状控制作用相对较弱。

54、Foliated fault rocks are characterized by well-developed foliation which is resulted from the preferred orientation of mineral grains in the rock. ─── 片理化断层岩石具有发育良好的面理构造,这些面理是岩石中矿物颗粒优选定向而造成的。

55、discernible foliation trend ─── 可辨别叶理走向

56、Character foliation ─── 文字源流

57、a sheath fold looks like a scabbard or human's tongue. Its fold axial plane or flattened plane is parallel to the foliation and there is strong stretching lineation on the sheath fold. ─── 鞘褶皱看起来像一把鞘或是像人的舌头,它的褶皱轴面或压扁面是平行岩石中的片理面的,鞘褶皱上有强烈的拉伸线理。

58、The magnetic foliation (F) of almost all of the samples is higher than the magnetic lineation (L) and the degree of AMS (P) is correlative with F more effectively, and the shape parameter of the AMS ellipsoid is oblate. ─── 几乎所有样品的磁面理值F都大于磁线理值L,各向异性度P与磁面理值F相关性较高,磁化率椭球体表现为压扁状。

59、In phlogistic summer not Chinese flowering crabapple of the foliation, tulip that does not blossom, fuchsia, sowbread, geranium, the four seasons, asphodel should little water; ─── 在炎夏不发叶、不开花的郁金香、倒挂金钟、仙客来、天竺葵、四季海棠、水仙等要少浇水;

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