chattered 发音
英:[ˈtʃætəd] 美:[ˈtʃætərd]
英: 美:
chattered 中文意思翻译
chattered 词性/词形变化,chattered变形
名词: chatterer |动词过去式: chattered |动词现在分词: chattering |动词过去分词: chattered |动词第三人称单数: chatters |
chattered 短语词组
1、chattered idly crossword ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的填字游戏
2、chattered synonyms ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休的同义词
chattered 常用词组
chatter vibration ─── 颤动
chattered 相似词语短语
1、battered ─── adj.破旧的;磨损的;弄垮的;受到虐待的;v.连续猛击;磨损(batter的过去分词)
2、chatterer ─── n.饶舌的人;喋喋不休的人
3、shattered ─── adj.破碎的;极度疲劳的;v.打碎;削弱;使心烦意乱(shatter的过去分词)
4、chartered ─── adj.受特许的;v.特许建立(charter的过去分词)
5、chatterers ─── n.饶舌的人;喋喋不休的人
6、chapterred ─── 查伯雷德
7、chittered ─── v.唧唧喳喳地叫;(苏格兰古语)冷得发抖;喋喋不休
8、cantered ─── n.慢跑;流浪汉;vi.慢跑;vt.使慢跑;n.(Canter)人名;(英)坎特;(西、意、瑞典)坎特尔
9、clattered ─── n.哗啦声;嘈杂的谈笑声;咔嗒声;vi.发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑;vt.使卡搭卡搭的响
chattered 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Companies Registry brand as "really beautiful chattered. ─── 公司注册品牌系“真美格格”。
2、She would listen to my chatter as if every word I spoke mattered. ─── 她会听我喋喋不休的讲话,彷佛我说的都是重要的事。
3、The chatter of voices gradually quietened. ─── 唧唧喳喳的声音渐渐地平静了。
4、The usual chatter of young mothers was unknown to her, and any discussions about children would be of a serious nature. ─── 她从来没有象一般年轻母亲那样叽叽喳喳地唠叨个没完。每当谈起孩子们时,她总是讲些严肃的事儿。
5、She was so cold her teeth chattered. ─── 她冻得连牙齿都格格作响。
6、Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chattered and flurried with their wings. ─── 在茅屋外面的霸王树丛中,一群小鸟一面嘁嘁喳喳地叫着,一面拍打着翅膀。
7、His teeth chattered,his hands were cold,violent nervous convulsions took possession of his entire body. ─── 他的牙齿格格作响,双手冰凉,全身的神经都在剧烈地颤动。
8、Nsa just intercepted some chatter identifying the summit as a target. ─── 国家安全局刚刚截获了一条消息表明 此次会见是某个行动的袭击目标
9、The boys were full of excitement and chatter, especially the younger one. ─── 兄弟两个兴奋不已、有说有笑,小的一个更是兴高采烈。
10、They just sat and chattered. ─── 他们只是坐着喋喋不休。
11、He is such a fool as to think his idle chatter can influence others. ─── 他是个笨蛋,竟然以为他那无稽之谈可以左右别人。
12、The more he had chattered, the more remote had Ruth seemed to him. ─── 他越是唠叨露丝就似乎离他越远。
13、Beside them, the creek chattered with snow melt. ─── 在他们的不远处,小溪潺潺流动,漂浮着融雪。
14、His teeth chattered uncontrollably because of the cold. ─── 他的牙齿冷得直打颤。
15、He was a great one for idle chatter, and often would say anything that came into his head. ─── 他向来说话“没正经”,老通宝是知道的;
16、If we listened to Him more, looked to Him in stillness more, and chattered less to Him, we would get the sense of His presence better. ─── 我们若更多地倾听祂,更多地在安静中仰望祂,而更少地向祂喋喋不休,我们将更多地感受到祂的同在。
17、To talk rapidly and noisily; chatter. ─── 喋喋不休快速、喧嚷地谈话;闲谈
18、He seemed very shy,and ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches. ─── 他显得很腼腆,只要了份黑咖啡。年青人你一句我一语地谈论在海滩上睡觉,而文戈却紧张不安地抽着烟。
19、I chattered cage, a film Zhujia laver, a bedspace apartments Pteria, a string Perna viridis, vibrant Crassostrea gigas. ─── 一格格养殖网箱,一片片紫菜竹架、一笼笼珍珠贝、一串串翡翠贻贝、太平洋牡蛎生机勃勃。
20、A round of chatter rose and subsided. ─── 喃喃私语声四起,继而又趋平息。
21、Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Royis saying. ─── 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。
22、Her constant chatter tired everyone . ─── 她不住地东拉西扯,弄得人人都厌烦了。
23、his teeth chattered, his hands were cold, violent nervous convulsions took possession of his entire body. ─── 他的牙齿格格作响,双手冰凉,全身的神经都在剧烈地颤动。
24、They chattered away happily for a while. ─── 他们高兴地闲扯了一会儿。
25、To speak or chatter glibly and rapidly. ─── 喋喋不休流利且快速地讲述或饶舌
26、Margie (chatter): I made some brown betty. I sent Floyd off the town with the boy. ─── (唠叨):我烤了水果蛋糕,我叫老公和孩子到镇上。
27、His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me. ─── 他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来。
28、He did not heed my gibes, and chattered on. ─── 他没有留心我的嘲笑,继续喋喋不休地说着。
29、Well, enough chatter, let's get our hands dirty! ─── 嗯,足够的颤振,让我们我们的手脏!
30、Erica was friendly and chattered about Andrew's children. ─── 埃丽卡很友好并絮叨起安德鲁的孩子们。
31、Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying. ─── 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。
32、In the countryside the only sound she could hear was the chatter of birds. ─── 在乡下她能听到唯一的声音就是鸟儿的啁啾声。
33、Those sitting behind whispered and chattered all the time. ─── 坐在后面的人一直叽叽喳喳说个没完.
34、Uncle James might just as well have lain on his back in the garden and chattered to the lilac tree about the habits of caterpillars. ─── 现在,J姑父也许正仰卧在花园里与丁香树探讨毛毛虫的生活习性呢。
35、Girls have a stronger tendency to chatter than boys. ─── 女孩子较男孩子性好饶舌。
36、His silly chatter would vex you. ─── 他那无聊的闲扯会使你烦恼。
37、He fed me up with his chatter. ─── 他喋喋不休,使我厌烦极了。
38、Both peeped and criticized and chattered till they felt like old acquaintances. ─── 他们俩又是探头偷觑,又是评短论长,又是侃侃而谈,简直就象两个老知交。
39、To talk idly and at length; chatter. ─── 唠叨,空谈没完没了地闲谈;闲聊
40、NSA intercepted some chatter identifying the summit as a target. ─── 国家安全局刚刚截获情报 表明某首脑人物被列为攻击目标
41、But underneath its tranquil facade, it buzzes with biochemical chatter. ─── 不过在平静的表面以下,它的生化分子在吵吵哄哄.
42、The other travelers chattered together,but he rode on in silence. ─── 其他的旅客在一起交谈,但是他默默地骑马前进。
43、She answered him in monosyllables, but he chattered away, delighted at having driven a good bargain with a man in Blackstable. ─── 她只是用些单音节的词来回答他的话,他还是喋喋不休地说下去,为在布莱克斯达布尔跟一个人成交了一笔赚钱的生意而感到高兴。
44、His continuous chatter vexes me. ─── 他唠叨不休,真烦死我了。
45、Can't you see that I'm in a hurry, and I have not got time to saunter along and chatter about the buttercups? ─── 你没有看见我很忙,没时间闲逛或是喋喋不休地跟你谈论什么毛茛属植物吗?
46、Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience. ─── 听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验。
47、She answered him in monosyllables, but he chattered away, delighted at having driven a good bargain with a man in Blackstable. ─── 她只是用些单音节的词来回答他的话,他还是喋喋不休地说下去,为在布莱克斯达布尔跟一个人成交了一笔赚钱的生意而感到高兴。
48、While he worked, Jacob chattered happily, needing only the lightest of nudges from me to keep the conversation rolling. ─── 在工作的时候,雅革总是滔滔不绝乐此不疲,我不费吹灰之力就能打开他的话夹子。
49、She was a very ugly old woman, with red rims round her eyes, and a mouth that mumbled and chattered of itself when she was not speaking. ─── 她是一位很丑陋的老太婆,眼睛周围有一道道红圈;当她不说话的时候,她闭着嘴,用牙根咀嚼着,牙齿发出卡嗒卡嗒的响声。
50、EX: She chattered on and on about her recent trip. ─── 例:她喋喋不休地谈她最近的旅行。
51、Stop your chatter and listen to what Tom is saying. ─── 停止你那喋喋不休的说话,听汤姆在说什么。
52、Yes, the onset of a disease rigor cause my teeth to chatter. ─── 发病开始冷得我牙齿大战。
53、You mustn't chatter nonsense on serious diplomatic occasions. ─── 在严肃的外交场合你可不能唠唠叨叨地胡说一气。
54、She chattered on and on about her recent trip. ─── 她喋喋不休地谈她最近的旅行。
55、To chatter thoughtlessly or at length. ─── 唠叨,喋喋不休缺少考虑地或冗长地说话
56、You can chatter with your friends after class. ─── 你可以在下课后和你的朋友闲聊。
57、Thoughtless, prolonged talk; chatter. ─── 喋喋不休愚蠢的、冗长的谈话;唠叨
58、Magpies used to perch in the branches and wake us early in the morning with their chatter. ─── 一清早就有喜鹊在树上叫,把我们早早叫起来。
59、He feeds me up with his chatter. ─── 他喋喋不休,使我厌烦极了。
60、Cut the chatter and get on with your work! ─── 别唠唠叨叨了,继续工作吧。
61、The bitter north wind made the soldiers teeth chatter. ─── 刺骨的北风冻得战士们牙齿直打战。
62、The black shapes of crows chattered and cawed in the uppermost branches and welcomed me to the allotment. ─── 大群的乌鸦站在树枝的最高处呱呱乱叫,喋喋不休,欢迎我来到这里。
63、That is whu I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words. ─── 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言后面。
64、Don't get involved in idle chatter that will hurt your position. ─── 不要参与闲言碎语,这可能会不利于你的工作职位。
65、The noisy chatter of apes from the shores followed us all the way. ─── 两岸猿声啼不住
66、"Linton is just six months younger than I am," she chattered. ─── “林顿比我才小六个月,”她喋喋不休地说。
67、That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words. ─── 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面。
68、Everybody is fed up with his endless chatter. ─── 他老是絮叨个没完,所以大家都烦他。
69、It pleased her to listen to his chatter and to look into his green eyes. ─── 听着他闲聊,看着他那双绿色的眼睛,她感到悦耳愉目。
70、That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behing words. ─── 因此我轻松的说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面。
71、Their chatter was nothing but froth! ─── 他们聊天儿没别的,全是废话!
72、They were evidently in high state of excitement, and they chattered to one another with much indiscretion. ─── 他们显然非常兴奋,并且无所顾忌地互相谈论。
73、Her constant chatter tired everyone. ─── 她不住地东拉西扯,弄得人人都厌烦了。
74、Continuous: They chattered continuously for an hour. ─── 他们唠唠叨叨足有一个小时。
75、But that won't stop the rumors and Internet chatter this summer. ─── 但是这不会停止这个夏天的流言和网上的谈论。
76、Would you please put a lid on all that chatter, I'm trying to work. ─── 可不可以请你不要讲话了,我在工作。注意
77、You chatter like a flock of magpies. Stop talking and do your work. ─── 你们叽叽喳喳真吵死人。停止说话,做你们的工作。
78、The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptians language, which he had learnt from his mother. ─── 一只鹳悠闲地迈着它红色的长腿,说着从母亲那里学来的埃及语言。
79、The monotony of his chatter sent me to sleep. ─── 他的喋喋不休使我昏昏欲睡。
80、Accompanied by bicker and chatter of the river, the mountain hug us, we went to sleep. ─── 在孱孱的河流声中,在群山的怀抱中,驴儿们进入了梦乡。
81、It is not decent to chatter in class. ─── 在课堂上聊天是不适当的。
82、He turned a deaf ear to his mother rs chatter. ─── 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。
83、His teeth chattered with cold. ─── 他的牙齿因冷而震颤发声。
84、Her silly chatter would vex a saint. ─── 她喋喋不休的话会使圣人恼烦。
85、His silly chatter would vex a saint. ─── 他说的话很无聊,多有涵养的人也得气得发火。
86、IT bearrived quite animated, and chattered away to him. ─── 她兴致勃勃地和乔治攀谈起来。
87、At this, Clyde's teeth fairly chattered. ─── 听到这里,克莱德的牙齿直打颤。
88、She could understand nothing but love-making and chatter. ─── 她却只会谈情说爱,聊天闲扯,别的什么也不懂。
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