unproved 发音
英: 美:
unproved 中文意思翻译
unproved 反义词
unproved 同义词
untried | unproven
unproved 短语词组
1、unproved vs unproven ─── 未验证vs ─── 未验证
2、unproved assertion ─── 未经证实的断言
3、unproved reserves ─── 未探明储量
4、unproved object ─── 未验证的对象
5、unproved definition ─── 未经证实的定义
6、unproved utterance ─── 未经证实的话语
7、unproved news ─── 未经证实的消息
8、unproved theory ─── 未经证实的理论
unproved 相似词语短语
1、unapproved ─── adj.未经批准的;未经同意的;未经承认的
2、unprovided ─── adj.无供给的;未作准备的;无生活来源的
3、unprobed ─── 未固定
4、unprovoked ─── adj.无缘无故的;未受挑衅的
5、unreproved ─── 未经证实
6、unprovide ─── 取消提供
7、unpropped ─── 未映射
8、unproven ─── adj.未经检验的;未经证明的
9、unimproved ─── adj.未加改善的;未耕种的;未被利用的
unproved 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The mineral interests in unproved properties are tested annually for impairment. ─── 对于未探明矿区权益,每年进行一次减值测试。
2、China Mobile is using an unproved 3G mobile technology called TD-SCDMA. ─── 中国移动目前使用的TD-SCDMA技术是一种未经考验的3G移动技术。
3、Yet this technology remains unproved. ─── 而这一技术还没有得到验证。
4、There are enough proved cases to make this point without diluting our criticism with unproved charges. ─── 我们有足够的已经证实的案例说明这一点,不必用未经证实的指控削弱我们的批评。
5、But not everyone did this problem, and fewer did it completely correctly, and it relied on an unproved exercise.So it's worth repeating here. ─── 但是并不是每个人都做了这个习题,只有少数人做对了,而且这个习题还靠另一个没证明的习题做基础,所以值得再提一次。
6、The panel concluded that a growing number of the tests are being marketed with claims that are unproved, ambiguous, false or misleading. ─── 顾问小组认为在数量不断增长的基因测验中,有许多正在向消费者推广的基因检测是错误的、含糊不清的、引起误解的或者未经证明的。
7、Ningmai 9 had the best general comibining ability and unproved significantly the HI in its crossing progeny. ─── 结果表明:宁麦9号收获指数的一般配合力最好,能极显著地提高杂种后代的收获指数;
8、Many home remedies for burns are unproved, but honey seems to soothe small burns. ─── 很多治疗烧伤的家庭用药还未被证实,但是蜂蜜似乎可以缓解小的烧伤。
9、characterized by arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles. ─── 以对未经证实或者无法证实的原则的傲慢自大的维护为特点。
10、characterized by arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles ─── 以对未经证实或者无法证实的原则的大言不惭为特点
11、Participants must agree to be randomly assigned to either an experimental arm that receives the as yet unproved medication or to a control arm that does not receive it. ─── 参与者则必须同意随机分配至使用未核准药物的实验组,或不使用试验中药物的对照组。
12、A unproved mining area refers to a mining area in which no economically exploitable reserve has been proved yet. ─── 未探明矿区,是指未发现探明经济可采储量的矿区。
13、The depressive condition in 23 patients in Fluoxetine group were improved or cured, while 6 patients in control group were unproved. ─── 结果氟西汀治疗组抑郁好转或痊愈23例,安慰剂治疗组抑郁好转6例。
14、On the one hand are the heartrending emotional pleas of dying patients who are eager to try unproved experimental drugs. ─── 一方面,这是垂死病患锥心泣血的恳求,他们热切渴望尝试未经核准的试验中药物;
15、Fourth, education quality should be unproved by deepening education reform and advancing quality education. ─── 四是要不断深化教育教学改革,积极推进素质教育,全面提高教育教学质量。
16、After all, there are other scientists who say there's nothing to worry about, that the contentions are unproved, that the environment will heal itself. ─── 不管怎么说,也还有其他科学家声称并没有什么可担心的,争执问题并无定论,或者环境将自我修复。
17、Even though the U.S. is installing a missile defense system designed to defend against long-range strikes, the system is unproved and may never be able to fully protect the nation. ─── 虽然美国正在建构飞弹防御系统来防范长程攻击,但是系统本身并没有经过实战验证,而且很可能无法充份保护美国。
18、This assumption is simply an unproved claim. ─── 因此,这个假定只是一个未经证实的主张。
19、That said, the technique remains unproved. ─── 这也意味著,这项技术仍旧尚未得到证实。
20、unproved allegations; unproved assumptions. ─── 未经证实的主张;未被证实的设想。
21、But its ability to help Google expand in the mobile-ad market remains unproved. ─── 但Android能否帮助谷歌进军手机广告市场仍未可知。
22、Even unproved allegations of graft can damage the company’s reputation, share price and future business prospects. ─── 即使是有关未经证实的行贿的辩解,也将损害公司的声誉、股价和未来商业前景。
23、[or] an unproved assumption. ─── (或)尚未证实的假设。"
24、A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact. ─── 科学家从不预先假定未经证实的事实。
25、China and India are prepared to introduce these unproved, more expensive yet cleaner technologies if the U.S., Japan and Europe help to pay for them. ─── 如果美国、日本与欧洲愿意协助支付这笔费用,中国与印度随时可引入这些未经验证且较为昂贵、但也较为洁净的技术;
26、The wholesale houses are not openhanded with credit for unproved shops ─── 批发公司是不会放手赊帐给尚未经过考验的商店的。
27、China is rich in oil resource.Among unproved resource, commercial and sustainable exploration resource has a large percentage. ─── 我国石油资源比较丰富,尚未探明的石油资源中有经济性、可持续勘探的资源比例较大。
28、The stability of solution which contained organic additives was unproved by the addition of halide. ─── 加入卤酸盐后,可使含有机添加剂的镀铬溶液稳定性提高,并使阴极电流效率及沉积速度提高。
29、Calumny, unproved accusations and distortion of the facts should never be permitted. ─── 无论如何,也不能诽谤和诬蔑,没有证据地责难,扭曲事实。
30、Affronts all the world demand of quality and the need of going out, Chinese medicine is demanded to be planted standardization, that is to control the growth of Chinese medicine, to unproved the quality and stability of Chinese medicine. ─── 面对世界各国对天然药物质量的要求和中药走向世界的需要,要求通过中草药的规范化种植,即从天然药物生产的源头抓起,以提高中药材的质量与稳定性。
31、In the end, I pointed out the problems that need to be unproved and given further studies, for which I am striving. ─── 本文还就高中英语五步阅读教学中的教学原则和教学策略等作了阐释,最后指出需要进一步研究的问题,为今后的研究确定了方向。
32、Even unproved allegations of graft can damage the company's reputation, share price and future business prospects. ─── 即使是有关未经证实的行贿的辩解,也将损害公司的声誉、股价和未来商业前景。
33、Three of these four objects have possible, but unproved, associations with young supernova remnants. ─── 这四颗星体中的三颗,可能都和年轻超新星的残骸在一起,但这一点还尚待确定。
34、It remains unproved that fish is the best brain food. ─── 鱼是否为最佳益脑食品有待证明。
35、Evolution teaches that life evolved from _K__ matter millions of years ago.This belief in not scientific because it is unproved;it has __F_ been observed in nature or _L__ in a laboratory. ─── 进化论告诉我们生命是数百万年前的____进化过来的,这种说法是没有科学根据的,因为科学无法证明此论点.并且此进化在自然界中____发现,而且科学实验也没____这个结论.
36、and allegations, as yet largely unproved, of systematic electoral fraud on behalf of Mr Karzai. ─── 以及有人指控卡尔扎伊阵营全面性的作票舞弊,但尚未被证实。
37、Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles. ─── 武断的以权威式的、傲慢的方式对不能证明或未被证明的原理做出论断为特征的
38、The rights and interests of the unproved mining areas shall be tested on impairment at least once a year. ─── 对于未探明矿区权益,应当至少每年进行一次减值测试。?。
39、To the unproved Raeder, who had spent 16 years in such jobs as writing thoughtful screeds for the German naval journal, Marine Rundschau, it was a job that led on to destiny. ─── 斯卡帕湾则是指一战德国海军在英国自沉的地点。
40、Three of these four objects have possible, but unproved , associations with young supernova remnants. ─── 这四颗星体中的三颗,可能都和年轻超新星的残骸在一起,但这一点还尚待确定。
41、they cannot be attributed to the actions of mysterious creative intelligences whose existence, in scientific terms, is unproved. ─── 但是,那些力量必须是自然的,不可用科学无法证明的神秘创造智慧来推诿。
42、A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret; a quack remedy. ─── 秘方药效未被证明且成份通常是秘密的药;庸医治疗法
43、characterized by an authoritative,arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles ─── 以权威式的、傲慢的方式对不能证明或未被证明的原理做出论断为特征的
44、Utilizing the super function of the calculation processing and the self-contained on chip peripherals of the DSP chip , the performance of the control system can be unproved prominently . ─── 利用DSP芯片强大的运算处理功能以及完备的片内外围设备,使得控制系统的性能得到了极大的提高。
45、On Construction of Auxiliary Function Method on the Basis of Unproved Conclusion ─── 待证结论构造辅助函数法
46、There are enough proved cases to make this point without diluting our criticism with unproved charges. ─── 我们有足够的已经证实的案例说明这一点,不必用未经证实的指控削弱我们的批评。
47、The carrying amount of the mineral interests in unproved properties is reduced to the fair value when their fair value is lower than their carrying amount (Note 4(14)). ─── 未探明矿区权益的公允价值低于账面价值时,账面价值减记至公允价值(附注四(14))。
48、Although it is better to keep an open mind on the subject, it is true that the power of dreams to predict future events still remains unproved. ─── 尽管对这个问题最好不抱成见,但是梦能否预言未来,这一点仍有待验证。
49、Chapter 2 discusses the classical model and the unproved model of organizational learning, then analyzes the disability of the organizational learning; ─── 第二章论述了组织学习的经典模型和改进模型,从这个模型出发,总结了组织学习能力的两大构件,并分析了组织学习主要的障碍因素;
50、A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret;a quack remedy. ─── 秘方药效未被证明且成份通常是秘密的药;
51、This approach left unproved the underlying hypothesis that some kind of coding scheme emerges from the simultaneous activity of many neurons distributed across multiple cortical areas. ─── 该假说是:从分散在多个皮质区的许多神经元同时产生的活性中,会出现某种编码系统。
52、A medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose ingredients are usually secret; a quack remedy. ─── 秘方药效未被证明且成份通常是秘密的药;
53、According to present situation that financial reports have to be unproved, the author suggests that we should improve financial accomplishment reports and pursue "comprehensive benefit reports". ─── 针对目前的改进财务业绩报告势在必行的情况下,笔者提出我国也应该进财务业绩报告,并建议推行“全面收益报告”。
54、unproved reservoirs ─── 未探明油藏
55、So for more than 30 years, the runner's high remained an unproved hypothesis. ─── 所以30多年来,跑步者兴奋一直作为一项未经证明的假说。
56、an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument. ─── 在争论中作为前提提出的未经证明的陈述。
57、it was both unproved and unprovable. ─── 它未经证实也不可证实。
58、an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument ─── 在争论中作为前提提出的未经证明的陈述
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