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09-10 投稿


pith 发音

英:[pɪθ]  美:[pɪθ]

英:  美:

pith 中文意思翻译



pith 短语词组

1、chambered pith definition ─── 室髓定义

2、a man of pith ─── 精髓的人

3、chambered pith ─── 分隔髓部

4、elder pith ─── [医] 接骨木髓

5、pith hat ─── [网络] 蓪草帽

6、pith cavity ─── 髓腔

7、pith meaning ─── 髓意

8、pith material ─── 髓材

9、pith helmet n. ( ─── 木髓制的)太阳帽

10、pith plant ─── 木髓植物

11、boxed pith ─── 函髓材

12、sassafras pith ─── [医] 洋檫木髓

13、pith ball ─── 木髓球

14、mucilage of sassafras pith ─── [医] 洋擦木髓胶浆

15、pith ray ─── 髓射线; ─── 髓线

16、pith wood ─── 髓心材

pith 词性/词形变化,pith变形

动词第三人称单数: piths |动词过去分词: pithed |动词过去式: pithed |动词现在分词: pithing |

pith 习惯用语

1、the pith and marrow of sth. ─── 某事物的精华

2、of pith and moment ─── 重要的, 意义重大的

pith 特殊用法

1、mixed pith ─── 混合髓

2、chambered pith ─── 分隔髓部

3、bagasse pith ─── 蔗髓

4、horn pith ─── 角髓

5、lamellated pith ─── 层状髓心

6、hollow pith ─── 髓腔

pith 相似词语短语

1、path ─── n.道路;小路;轨道

2、kith ─── n.朋友;邻居

3、Lith ─── n.利斯片(超薄感光图层摄影胶片);abbr.平板印刷术(lithography);n.(Lith)利特(人名)

4、pitch ─── n.运动场地;程度;音高;推销行话;倾斜度;沥青;投球;街头摆摊处;颠簸;螺距;v.投掷;投(球);触地;击高球;重跌;颠簸;使倾斜;确定标准;定音高;投标,推销;搭帐篷;用沥青涂;用石头铺(路);给(麦芽汁)加酵母

5、piths ─── n.精髓;核心;木髓;要旨;vt.杀死;使瘫痪;除去…中的髓

6、pit ─── n.矿井;深坑;陷阱;(物体或人体表面上的)凹陷;(英国剧场的)正厅后排;正厅后排的观众;vt.使竞争;窖藏;使凹下;去…之核;使留疤痕;vi.凹陷;起凹点;n.(Pit)人名;(东南亚国家华语)必

7、pich ─── abbr.寻呼指示信道(PageIndicationChannel);n.(Pich)人名;(柬)比;(德)皮希;(捷)皮赫

8、pithy ─── adj.有髓的,多髓的;精练的;简洁有力的

9、pish ─── int.嘘(表轻蔑、不耐烦);v.发出“嘘”声

pith 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education. ─── 他演讲的精华着重于教育的重要性。

2、Abstract: The Tianjin Speech which disseminated and carried out the spirit of the Second Session of the Seventh Conference, contains the pith and marrow of Liu Shao-qi' s thoughts. ─── 文摘:以宣传和贯彻党的七届二中全会精神为中心的“天津讲话”,蕴涵着刘少奇思想的精华。

3、As the pith of Chinese traditional culture heritage, Confucius's learning view is what we should still preserve and develop today. ─── 孔子关于学习的观点作为中国传统文化宝库中的精髓,是我们今天仍需要坚持和发扬光大的。

4、In many parts of the world, common rushes are woven into chair bottoms, mats, and basketwork, while rush pith serves as wicks in open oil lamps and tallow candles (rushlights). ─── 普通灯心草在世界许多地方供织椅垫、席和编成篮子。髓部则作开放式油灯的灯心或灯心草蜡烛用。

5、Hydrogen peroxide solution with sodium metasilicate and magnesium sulfate had an enhanced effect on bleaching activity,whitening and softening luffa pith. ─── 在漂白液中加入硅酸钠和硫酸镁; 可以增大双氧水的漂白活性,提高丝瓜络的白度,经edta溶液浸泡过的作品不易返黄。

6、The pith instructions of the supreme teacher like an excellent staircase. are the path for ascending into the palace of liberation. ─── 上师的教诫是通向解脱宫殿的道路。如美好的阶梯。

7、The pith paper plant is a speciality in the mountain areas of north in Taiwan, with hsin-chu as its main distribution area. ─── 摘要?草是一种作为人造花材料与药材使用的植物,其所制造出的主要产品为蓬草纸,在日治时期为新竹地区的特产之一,也是当地妇女十分重要的家庭副业。

8、Enterprise market crisis warning is one of the competitive intelligence system's pith functions. ─── 构建企业市场危机预警系统是竞争情报应用研究中亟急待解决的问题。

9、(3) the pith and resins canals are absent in the toots; ─── (2)根中无髓和树脂道;

10、Branchlet pith without vascular strands, pubescent. ─── 小枝的髓没有维管束,被短柔毛。

11、South African cycad; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food. ─── 南非苏铁;含淀粉的果实可以作为食物。

12、And enterprises of great pith and moment, With this regard their Currants ture away, And loose the name of Action. ─── 伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。

13、Himalayan stachyurus stem pith ─── 小通草

14、Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into 4mm slices. ─── 鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。

15、If the borer has been properly located and drilled into the pith, a record of growth and age is obtainable for that position on the tree. ─── 如果生长锥放的位置适当,钻入木髓即可得到树木那个部位的生长记录和年龄。

16、In March of this year, a well-known magazine ran a photo-montage front page of a man wearing a pith helmet, riding on a camel and carrying China's national flag. ─── 为此,也有不少市民提过意见:放来放去就是这几首老歌,听得实在腻味死了,干吗不换几首放放呢?流行的、民族的、西洋的,都行啊。

17、Ferreous mesua is qualitative firm and heavy, duramen is damask, pith line fine beauty, make furniture with its, wear well. ─── 木质坚而沉重,心材淡红色,髓线细美,用其制作家具,经久耐用。

18、the pith and marrow of an essay; ─── 一篇散文的精髓;

19、South African cycad; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food ─── 南非苏铁;含淀粉的果实可以作为食物

20、Drogmi Lotsawa transmitted the general tantra explanations and the pith instructions to his disciples separately. ─── 卓弥译师的传法方式是分别传一般续部的解释与窍诀。

21、Also, Tao Yuan ming's family love knot which brought positive influence to afterworld is one importance pith of his rural spirit. ─── 陶渊明的家庭情结也是其田园精神的一个重要组成部分,对后世产生了积极的影响。

22、Law belief: the pith and marrow of law lies in how to combine and use it. ─── 个人法律信念:法律的精髓在于如何组合和运用!

23、Strengthen system building is the pith of modern political civilization. ─── 加强制度建设,是现代政治文明的精髓所在。

24、Don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white, stringy stuff. ─── 不用把全部的果皮都吃掉,只留住中果皮就可以了,就是果皮中白白的那层。

25、Not since we gave up pith helmets and waxed moustaches and ruling the world ─── 其一,英国人不再说这样的话了:在我们放弃太阳帽和涂蜡胡子和统治世界以前

26、Keywords Luffa pith;Bleaching;Hydrogen peroxide; ─── 丝瓜络;双氧水;漂白;

27、The inmost,choicest,or essential part;the pith. ─── 实质,精华,精髓最深层、最紧要或最必要的部分;精华

28、Who knows what this kind of disease compares authority to hospital of domestic where home treats pith scabbard? ─── 有谁知道国内哪家医院治疗脱髓鞘这种病比较权威的么?

29、Wash eggplants. Cut off both ends. Cut into half horizontally. Remove the seeds and pith. ─── 制法:1.茄子以清水洗净,切去头部及尾部,纵切为二,去瓢。

30、Constitutionalism is the life of constitution while rule by law is the pith and marrow of constitutionalism. ─── 宪法之生命在于宪政,而宪政之精髓则在于法治,惟法治之精神方可葆宪政生命之树长青。

31、And enterprizes of great pith and moment, With this regard their Currants turne away, And loose the name of Action. ─── 伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。

32、There is a pith cavity on center of vascular bundle in O. minor, O. matsumuranus, O. marginatus and O. americanus.Some species have sclerotic cell or stone cell. ─── 小叶月桂、牛矢果、厚边木犀、美洲木犀叶柄中央具髓腔,部分种叶柄有硬化细胞或石细胞存在。

33、The color, texture, and patterning of the twig bark is also important, as is the thickness and nature of any pith of the twig. ─── 小枝外皮的颜色、纹理(质地)和图案也很重要,另外还有小枝的髓的密度和性质也同样需要注意。

34、Heartwood is the mature wood, which is often darker, extending from the sapwood to the pith. ─── 心材通常是成熟的木材部分,通常色泽较暗,范围从边材一直到髓心。

35、They are the pith and marrow of a language, from which they are abstracted by constant use and formed into fixed phrases and short sentences. ─── 习语是语言的浓缩和精华,是人们在长时间的使用中不断经过提炼而成的固定词组和短句。

36、lock up with the medullary pith inner nail ─── 带锁髓内钉

37、And enterprises of great pith and moment ─── 本来雄视阔步的事业

38、Especially, the transformers that are used in telecom and wideband networks act as an important part and become a pith of parts. ─── 通讯及宽带网络用宽带脉冲变压器也担当起“重任”,成为宽带网络产品的核心元件之一。

39、The idea of Secularity and Afterworld is an important segment of Teachings of Islam, which is also the pith and soul of Islam. ─── “两世”思想是伊斯兰教教义的重要组成部分,是伊斯兰教的基本精神和灵魂。

40、The strength properties of 35-year-old Taiwan incense-cedar wood were studied to investigate the effects of pruning, tree height, and distance from the pith. ─── 摘要本研究针对35年生肖楠造林木,探讨修枝、树高、及离髓心距对其强度性质之影响。

41、Drawing Pith From Broad Culture--A study of traditional Chinese literature ─── 在大文化语境中提升学养--中国古代文学教研之我见

42、Research of Adaptive Fuzzy Control System for Controllable Pith Propeller ─── 可调螺距螺旋桨的自适应模糊控制系统研究

43、the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food. ─── 含淀粉的果实可以作为食物。

44、Pith The white fibrous skin between fresh and the rind of citrus fruit. ─── 就是在表皮和肉中间的部分,白色的。一般吃橙子,都会扔掉的部分,居然有用的。-_-

45、In fact, either assimilation or adaptation is transformation, and transformation is the pith &core of mathematics method of thinking. ─── 无论同化还是顺应,实质上就是转化,而转化是数学思想方法的核心和精髓。

46、A charged pith ball may be used as a test body to determine whether or not a second body is charged. ─── 一个带电的木髓球可当作一个检验物体,去确定另一个物体是否带电。

47、For example, the cytokinins were discovered through work on tobacco pith tissue culture. ─── 例如:细胞分裂素就是在进行烟草髓部组织的组织培养过程中发现的。

48、The Digtal DownConverter is one pith of the software radio. ─── 数字数字下变频技术是软件无线电的核心技术之一。

49、The pith of sunflowers is a kind of natural cellular material. ─── 向日葵髓芯是一种天然的高分子泡沫材料。

50、The paper designed aerodynamic control system of pith and yaw channels and roll angle stabilization system, by using unsteady-state error follow-up control theory and state observation station theory in modern control theory. ─── 本文使用现代控制理论中的无静差跟踪控制系统理论与状态观测器理论,设计了俯仰、偏航两个通道的气动力控制系统和滚转角稳定系统。

51、The inmost, choicest, or essential part; the pith. ─── 实质,精华,精髓最深层、最紧要或最必要的部分;精华

52、Idiom is the pith and the marrow of the language development.English-Chinese idioms contain different culture information and reflect different culture features. ─── 摘要习语是语言发展的结晶,英汉习语都蕴含着各自不同的文化信息和体现着不同民族的文化特色。

53、Branchlets with chambered pith. ─── 小枝有分室的髓;

54、With the different development degree of the stem, the distributions of anthraquinone compounds showed different characteristics in the epidermis, cortex, vascular bundle and pith rays. ─── [结论]蒽醌类化合物在茎中的分布是多位点的,随着茎发育程度的不同,其表皮、皮层、维管束和位射线中蒽醌类化合物的分布表现出不同的特点。

55、Ground meristem The central region of the apical meristem from which the ground tissues of pith, cortex, medullary rays, and mesophyll differentiate. In root meristem it is also called periblem. ─── 基本分生组织:位于顶端分生组织的中部,髓、皮层、髓射线以及叶肉这些基本组织均是由基本分生组织分化而成。根部分生组织也称为皮层原。

56、From pith outward, ring width becomes narrower gradually, and no significant relationship between ring width and cambium age is found. ─── 年轮宽度由髓心向外逐渐变窄,但年轮宽度与树木年龄回归显著性不高,相关系数均小于0.5。

57、The author thinks that to guide the students' scientific thinking is the basis and pith of research study. ─── 本文认为在教学中引导学生科学思维是研究性学习的基础,是精髓。课堂教学是主渠道。

58、Branchlet pith without vascular strands. ─── 小枝髓没有维管束。

59、Branchlets with solid pith. ─── 小枝有实心的髓。

60、He's gonna need a smaller pith helmet. ─── 他需要一顶小太阳帽。

61、Refined tortoise and turtle tonic paste prepared from a-hundred-year-old pith and marrow is a superfine product promoting longevity. ─── 提炼百年精髓而制成的龟鳖精补膏,实为长寿精品。

62、The process of pith browning showed no difference from the moving process of Bx in the branches, the distribution of Bx preceded the pith browning. ─── 松枝髓部褐变过程和松材线虫在松枝中扩散过程相一致,松材线虫扩散分布先行于髓部褐变;

63、Compare with photograph of spinal cord radiography, pith nucleus radiography is tall apparently to the requirement of the operation much, this increased the possibility that its fail. ─── 与脊髓造影相比,髓核造影对操作的要求显然是高得多,这就加大了其失败的可能性。

64、The pathogenic bacterium penetrated through the interior of the seaweed by decomposing the epidermic cell walls.There were more pathogens in the pith than those in the cortex. ─── 两种发病藻体病理变化基本一致,细菌通过分解表皮细胞壁后侵入藻体内部,表皮和皮层细胞内细菌数量较少,髓部较多。

65、Bilateral (symmetrical) form of shuttle of tibial middle bone adds crus thick, pith antrum narrow, high density spends a reflection. ─── 双侧(相称)小腿骨头中段骨质梭型增厚,髓腔变窄,高细蜜影.

66、The expansion and radial spread of cortex and pith cells are very strong after the mid-dle stage. ─── 中期以后直至成熟,皮层和髓细胞强烈扩大、径向伸长。

67、Braised abalone with bamboo pith and broccoli, this a bit normal. ─── 如意吉祥年,鲍鱼片西兰花,这个味道普通,没有甚麽特别.

68、Ground meristem The central region of the apical meristem from which the ground tissues of pith, cortex, medullary rays, and mesophyll differentiate. ─── 基本分生组织:位于顶端分生组织的中部,髓、皮层、髓射线以及叶肉这些基本组织均是由基本分生组织分化而成。

69、It is the unspeakable misery of a life so false as his, that it steals the pith and substance out of whatever realities there are around us, and which were meant by Heaven to be the spirit's joy and nutriment. ─── 像他过的这种虚假的生活,实在有难言的痛苦,因为我们周围的无论什么现实,原是由上天注定赐给我们的精神上的喜悦和营养,但对他来说,其精髓和实质却被窃取一空。

70、The pith instructions of the supreme teacher like an excellent staircase. are the path for ascending into the palace of liberation. ─── 依上帅教诫:上师的教诫是通向解脱宫殿的道路。如美好的阶梯。

71、the soft pith forming the contents of the stem of a plant ─── 木髓构成植物茎的柔软的木髓

72、Taiwania plantation woods of 4 age groups were studied to investigate the effects of age, tree height and distance from pith on their strength properties. ─── 摘要本研究针对四个龄级之台湾杉造林木,探讨树龄、树高、及不同髓心距对其强度及性质之影响。

73、Virupa had many general followers as well as Mahayana followers, but Krishnapa and Dombipa were the two main followers of his esoteric, pith instruction. ─── 尊者有无数的显宗弟子和一般弟子,但克利什那巴和东毕巴是尊者极密窍诀的主要传人。

74、On medicine, according to the origin of haemal cell, haemal tumour cent is lymphatic sex tumour and pith sex tumour. ─── 在医学上,根据血液细胞的来源,将血液肿瘤分为淋巴性肿瘤和髓性肿瘤。

75、If cannot solve other pathological change at the same time,be in in the operation, excise pith nucleus purely to remove however oppressive, clinical symptom often cannot get completely alleviating. ─── 在手术中如不能同时解决其他病变,而是单纯地摘除髓核解除压迫,临床症状往往不能完全得到缓解。

76、The pith in the stems or roots of certain plants. ─── 木髓某些植物茎或根中之髓质

77、A subsequent wet depithing serves to remove soluble and strongly adhering pith. ─── 后续的除髓工序可以继续除去可溶解的和粘附牢固的蔗髓。

78、Branchlets with solid pith; male spikes in clusters of 3 or 5-8; drupelike nuts with a 4-9-valved, dehiscent husk. ─── 有固体的木髓的小枝;在3或5-8的簇生里的雄性穗状花序;有4-9瓣裂,开裂的壳的核果状的坚果。(4

79、The Tianjin Speech which disseminated and carried out the spirit of the Second Session of the Seventh Conference, contains the pith and marrow of Liu Shao-qi' s thoughts. ─── 以宣传和贯彻党的七届二中全会精神为中心的“天津讲话”,蕴涵着刘少奇思想的精华。

80、The more business he got, the greater his power seemed to grow of getting at its pith and marrow; ─── 他到手的业务越多,他抓住精髓的能力也似乎越强。

81、cavity filled with lamellate or spongy pith; ─── 充满片状的或海绵状的髓的洞;

82、fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago. ─── 印度到马来半岛出产的鱼尾状棕榈,;树汁出产一种红糖(棕榈粗),树干的木髓出产西谷米。

83、A charged pith ball may be used as a test body to determine whether or not a second body is charged. ─── 一个带电的木髓球可当作一个检验物体,去确定另一个物体是否带电。

84、Inquiry the ways of upgrading the pith competition ability of medium and miniature-sized enterprises crowds ─── 提升中小企业群核心竞争力的途径探索

85、After be born, these fiber composition are the main source that pith nucleus grows. ─── 在生后,这些纤维成分是髓核生长的主要来源。

86、Elderberry stalks contain pith of a fibrous consistency. The chemical composition of elderberry pith is very similar to. ─── 接骨木茎的木髓含有成束的纤维。接骨木木髓的化学成分和棉花类似。

87、He received many teachings of Mahamudra, including all the oral pith instructions from the 16th Karmapa. ─── 他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教,包含了所有的口诀心要。

88、Execution is the foundation of being existence for the company.Link up the employee、the tactic and the management perfectly is the pith of execution. ─── 执行力是企业生存之本,执行力的精髓在于企业内将人员、战略、运营三个流程完美结合。

89、To remove the pith from(a plant stem). ─── 去髓从(植物茎)中提取髓

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