roselike 发音
英:[['rəʊzeɪlaɪk]] 美:[['roʊzeɪlaɪk]]
英: 美:
roselike 中文意思翻译
roselike 相似词语短语
1、proselike ─── 过程
2、ropelike ─── 绳子状
3、grouselike ─── 震级
4、frostlike ─── 霜状
5、horselike ─── 骑马的
6、hoselike ─── 公众的
7、mouselike ─── adj.胆小如鼠的;灰头灰脸的;老鼠的
8、noselike ─── 西开普省
9、cokelike ─── 可口可乐
roselike 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、European evergreen plant with white or purplish roselike winter-blooming flowers. ─── 欧洲的一种常绿植物,具有白色或微紫色花朵,冬天开花。
2、any of numerous varieties of helianthemums having small roselike yellow or white or reddish flowers. ─── 半日花属的任何一种植物,花类似玫瑰、黄色、白色或微红色。
4、 双语使用场景
5、Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Camellia native to eastern Asia, especially C. japonica, having shiny leaves and showy roselike flowers that are usually red, white, or pink. ─── 山茶一种山茶属的生长于亚洲东部的常绿灌木或小树,尤其是山茶树,长有闪光的叶子以及艳丽的常呈红色、白色或品红色的玫瑰般花朵
6、A colorless liquid, C10H20O, with a roselike odor, derived from any of several essential oils or made synthetically and used extensively in perfumery. ─── 香茅醇一种无色液体,C10H20O,具有玫瑰香味,从各种原油提取或人工制成,大量用于香水制造业
7、a colorless liquid,C10H20O,with a roselike odor,derived from any of several essential oils or made synthetically and used extensively in perfumery ─── 香茅醇;一种无色液体,C10H20O,具有玫瑰香味,从各种原油提取或人工制成,大量用于香水制造业
8、any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genus Camellia native to eastern Asia,especially C. japonica,having shiny leaves and showy roselike flowers that are usually red,white,or pink ─── 一种山茶属的生长于亚洲东部的常绿灌木或小树,尤其是山茶树,长有闪光的叶子以及艳丽的常呈红色、白色或品红色的玫瑰般花朵
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