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philanthropist 发音

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philanthropist 中文意思翻译



philanthropist 词性/词形变化,philanthropist变形


philanthropist 短语词组

1、philanthropist synonym ─── 慈善家同义词

2、philanthropist wallace crossword ─── 慈善家华莱士纵横填字游戏

3、philanthropist khan ─── 慈善家汗

4、philanthropist prince khan ─── 慈善家汗王子

5、philanthropist in spanish ─── 西班牙慈善家

6、philanthropist in a sentence ─── 一句话中的慈善家

7、philanthropist definition ─── 慈善家的定义

8、philanthropist meaning ─── 慈善家的意义

philanthropist 相似词语短语

1、psilanthropism ─── n.耶稣凡夫论

2、philanthropize ─── vt.使有善心,以仁爱相待;vi.从事慈善事业,行善

3、philanthropists ─── n.慈善家,博爱主义者;乐善好施的人

4、philanthropic ─── adj.博爱的;仁慈的

5、philanthropies ─── n.博爱,慈善;慈善事业

6、psilanthropist ─── 精神病学家

7、philanthropistic ─── 博爱的

8、philanthropical ─── 博爱的;慈善的

9、psilanthropists ─── 精神病学家

philanthropist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her accomplishments as a global media leader and philanthropist have established her as one of the most respected and admired public figures today. ─── “有些人让事情发生,有些人看着事情发生,有些人连发生什么事情都不知道。”

2、American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University(1868)with Andrew D.White. ─── 康奈尔,以斯拉1807-1874美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁 D 怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)

3、Media reports also say the protests began after the death in police custody of a wealthy Uighur jade trader and philanthropist. ─── 媒体还报导说,在一个富有的U玉石商人和慈善家在警方囚禁期间死亡后,发生了抗议活动。

4、Jane Seymour Fonda, Academy Award-winning American actress, model, writer, producer, activist and philanthropist was born on December 21. ─── 1937年12月21日,奥斯卡奖美国女演员、模特、作家、电影制作人、社会活动家和慈善家简·方达诞生。

5、She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. ─── 她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。

6、Bill Gates is now a respectable businessman and philanthropist, and is no longer a computer whiz kid. ─── 比尔.盖茨现在是受人尊敬的企业家和慈善家,也不再是当年那个电脑神童了。

7、Some philanthropist put their money into some medical researches or some scientific researches to help more people. ─── 有的慈善家将钱捐给医疗及科学研究机构.以便帮助更多的人.

8、But you have to understand: he is not a philanthropist, he is a businessman. ─── 但是你得明白:他不是慈善家,他是商人。

9、Mr Pro-Chancellor, I have the honor to presentto you, on behalf of the University, Dr Lee Shau Kee, global businessleader, real property baron and philanthropist, for the degree ofDoctor of Business Administration honoris causa. ─── 副监督先生,本人谨代表香港科技大学,恭请阁下颁授工商管理学荣誉博士学位予世界商业领袖,地产界翘楚及慈善家李兆基博士。

10、When I get big, I want to be a great philanthropist! ─── 当我长大了,我要成为一个伟大的慈善家!

11、I just learned that a famous, colorful and charming American philanthropist is dead. ─── 我刚刚得知,一个著名的、风趣而富有人格魅力的美国慈善家去世了。

12、Founder of Wing Lung Bank Limited, Dr. Wu Yee Sun was a philanthropist who gave generously to education and charitable work in the community. ─── 伍宜孙博士为永隆银行创办人,热心支持教育和慈善公益事业,深受各界景仰。

13、Goo Kim Fui (1835-1908) was a prosperous and influential Chinese merchant, community leader, and philanthropist. ─── 古今辉(1835年-1908年)他是一位很有声望的商人,也是一位民间领袖和慈善家。

14、American cleric and philanthropist who left his library and half his estate to the college in Cambridge,Massachusetts,that now bears his name. ─── 哈佛山位于美国科罗拉多州中部落矶山脉撒瓦其山脉上的一座海拔4,398。1米(14,420英尺)的山峰

15、He too titled Mr. B a philanthropist. ─── 他也?B男士是位慈善家。

16、Cornell. Ezra (1807-1874); American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University (1868) with Andrew D. White ─── 康奈尔.以斯拉(1807-1874年);美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁·D·怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)

17、a. He was a beggar for 8 years (before he met the philanthropist). ─── ‘他(遇到这个慈善家之前)当了八年乞丐。’

18、An author and philanthropist, she faced criticism for giving what some found to be vague or inarticulate answers in media interviews. ─── 不仅如此,克里在初选首战艾奥瓦州之前,是由肯尼迪的弟弟爱德华引介出场,声势上就已占了先机。

19、He was a good-looking philanthropist with a French wife and held the first pilot's licence to be issued in India. ─── D塔塔仪表堂堂、乐善好施,有一个法国妻子,还执有印度第一张飞行执照。

20、He successfully transitioned from cocky college dropout to brass-knuckle negotiator to seasoned captain of industry, eventually becoming the richest man in the world and a model philanthropist. ─── 他已经成功地从当年那个桀骜不羁的哈佛辍学生蜕变成为一名成熟的谈判者,继而转变为经验丰富的企业领导,最终成为世界首富和慈善家中的楷模。

21、the philanthropist David Rockefeller Jr. ─── 慈善家小戴维·洛克菲勒;

22、Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry and donated millions of dollars for the benefit of the public. ─── 卡内基,戴尔1888-1955美国教育家,因著有一本自我修养的书如何赢得朋友及影响人民(1936年)而闻名

23、You think about your organisation, what you need. You don't stop and think about the philanthropist's point of view. ─── 你只想到自己的机构和需求而不是停下来想想行善者的观点。

24、The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own castoff griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy. ─── 慈善家经常记着他要用自己散发出来的那种颓唐悲戚的气氛,来绕住人类,美其名曰同情心。

25、I’m no philanthropist. ─── 我又不是慈善家。

26、I tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist, that I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong. ─── 我告诉你们,愚蠢的慈善家们,我不会施舍一元,一角,一分给这些本就不属于我的人们,同样我也不属于他们。

27、Chen Guangbiao, Chairman of Jiangsu Huangpu Recycle Resources Use Co., Ltd., won the highest award on the list, and was given the title of "China's Most Charismatic Philanthropist. ─── 江苏黄埔再生资源利用有限公司董事长陈光标荣获“中国慈善排行榜”最高奖项“中华慈善奖”,并被授予“最具号召力的中国慈善家”称号;

28、He said one philanthropist felt that slapping her name on a large gift during times of crisis would seem 'unseemly and gauche.' ─── 他说一位慈善家在危机时刻把她的名字贴在一个大礼物上看起来不体面和愚蠢的。

29、Leblanc with a fresh outburst of frenzy:--"And listen to this also, Mister philanthropist! ─── 你也还应该懂得这一点:我不是一个来历不明的人,我!

30、Then drawing himself up and leaning against the chimney-piece:--"Now," said he, "we can receive the philanthropist. ─── 然后他站起来,背靠在壁炉上说:“现在我们可以接待那位慈善家了。”

31、” This includes establishing and staffing foundations, bringing in subject-area experts or even helping the novice philanthropist figure out what he or she actually wants to do. ─── 对波特曼来说,小额贷款是女性权力的一个传说。她说:“当那些女人们和我聊天,她们都说自我感觉好极了。

32、They were also each given a piece of chalk so that they could draw nice pictures or write convincing stories on the pavement to attract the occasional philanthropist. ─── 他们也各得一枝白粉笔,好让他们在路面画点画或写些字,吸引路人发慈悲。

33、One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms;a philanthropist. ─── 人道主义者献身于人类福利的提高和社会改革的进步的人;慈善家

34、Iranian philanthropist Dr.David Khalili, a man bought a house in 1992.He spent a total of an estimated 40 million pounds for the repair and renovation of houses. ─── 伊朗慈善家戴维?哈利里博士1992年买下了这栋房子,估计他总共花费了4000万英镑对房子进行了修缮和装修。

35、ZhangKesi is a renowned calligraphy performing artist, social activists and philanthropist. ─── 张克思著名的书法表演艺术家、社会活动家和慈善家。

36、After retiring in 1901 at the age of 66 as the world's richest man, Andrew Carnegie wanted to become a philanthropist, a person who gives money to good causes. ─── 1901年,现年66岁且为世上首富的安德鲁卡内基自工作岗位上退休后,想要成为一位慈善家,一位因好的理想而捐赠金钱的人。

37、It found that in 2005 mainland China philanthropist list, Wong Kwong Yu did not name. ─── 人们发现,在2005年中国大陆慈善家榜单中,并没有黄光裕的名字。

38、Octavia Hill was a philanthropist, a female environmentalist as well as a brilliant housing reformer in the 19th century Britain. ─── 奥克塔维亚·希尔是 1 9世纪英国的慈善家和女性环境主义者 ,更是一位杰出的住房改革家。

39、American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University(1868) with Andrew D. White. ─── 康奈尔,以斯拉1807-1874美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁·d·怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)

40、Be worth what we learn is, western philanthropist shows the identical wisdom when accumulating wealth at the outset with them when pursueing commonweal career. ─── 值得我们学习的是,西方慈善家在从事公益事业时表现出与他们当初在积累财富时相同的聪明。

41、I would not be the artist, performer, and philanthropist I am today without the influence of Michael. ─── 没有迈克尔对我的影响,我今天就不会成为艺术家、表演者和慈善人士。

42、Dr Lee Shau Kee, tycoon and philanthropist, isa towering figure in property development in Hong Kong and, indeed,in the region as a whole. ─── 李兆基博士在香港以至亚太地区地产界具有举足轻重的地位,他既是地产奇才,也是慈善家。

43、He is also famous for his unpretentious and frugal lifestyle,what's more he is a notable philanthropist. ─── 他也因自己毫不张扬的作风和节俭的生活方式而著名,另外,他还是一位著名的慈善家。

44、Jie mother will make him buried on the mountain instead of Mianshan named Jie-shan, "I had to mark and Stachyurus philanthropist. ─── 他让人将介子推母子葬于山岭之上,改绵山之名为介山,“以志吾过,且旌善人”。

45、He was known as a great scholar, educator, writer, and philanthropist. ─── 他被认为是一位伟大的学者、教育家、作者和慈善家。

46、Merry automotive company is cosponsored by several MBA graduates from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business funded by billionaire philanthropist Mr. ─── 安美瑞汽车用品有限公司是由香港李嘉诚(海外)基金会捐资创办的长江商学院数名MBA校友共同筹资创办。

47、WSJ: Would you prefer to be remembered as a philosopher than as a successful speculator or philanthropist? ─── 华:你是否比较向往被人称为哲学家,而不是成功的投机家或者慈善主义者?

48、One who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist. ─── 人道主义者献身于人类福利的提高和社会改革的进步的人;慈善家

49、In supporting it,therefore,we support all that is dear to the freeman and the philanthropist. ─── 因此,支持联邦,我们就支持了自由人和博爱主义者所珍视的一切。

50、I want to be a great philanthropist with someone else's money! ─── 我想用别人的钱来做伟大的慈善家。

51、The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own castoff griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy. ─── 慈善家经常记着他要用自己散发出来的那种颓唐悲戚的气氛,来绕住人类,美其名曰同情心。

52、Li a “true philanthropist” and noted Mr.Li’s support of English enhancement programs for youngsters in China, particularly the impact of Shantou University’s English Language Center (ELC). ─── 他认为李先生在提升中国内地英语水平方面贡献良多,特别是在汕头大学成立了英语语言中心,令更多年青人能接受系统化的英语教育。

53、Turner is the 63-year-old multibillionaire founder of CNN,former champion sailor,Rhett Butler lookalike and record-breaking philanthropist. ─── 特纳是位拥有数十亿家财的63岁富翁、美国有线新闻电视公司(CNN)的创始人、从前的出色水手、面容酷似白瑞德而且还是一个打破捐资记录的慈善家。

54、He be one of those wise philanthropist who, in a time of famine, will vote for nothing but a supply of toothpick . ─── 他是当饥荒之际,只会建议供应牙签的那一类聪明的慈善家之一。

55、The lucky individual and latest to get their hands on one of the popular Roadsters is a philanthropist by the name of Martin Tuchman. ─── 幸运的个人和最新为了获得一种常用的跑车是一个慈善家的名字叫马丁塔奇曼.

56、A philanthropist is someone who donates to charity.So Harper was admitting that he views "the environment" as a charity case. ─── 慈善家是一些热衷于慈善事业的人,因此,哈珀算是承认他认为“保护环境”是一项慈善事业。

57、He is the only philanthropist I can think of who gave away his fortune with absolutely no strings binding its use. ─── 他是我唯一能想到的把自己的钱财送人绝不附带任何条件的慈善家。

58、So if you aim to be a truly philanthropic philanthropist, spend your money fast: do as much good as you can when you're alive, and let posterity go hang. ─── 所以,如果你的目标是一个真正博爱的慈善家,就爽快地捐赠你的钱,在你的有生之年尽所能得做好一切,让子孙后代们自生自灭去吧!

59、No philanthropist is an island. ─── 没有一位慈善家是孤立的。

60、He is much more than a successful business man. Hes a well-known philanthropist whose wit and wisdom has touched the lives of many. ─── 他不仅是一位成功的商人,他更是一位慈善家,他的智慧触摸了不少生命。

61、What do we make of Bill Gates, the Great Acquisitor, who, as a philanthropist, is now arguably the greatest individual force for good around the world? ─── 作为博爱主义者,这个现今有争议性的世界大富豪是否是全球最伟大的善的个人力量?

62、He is an singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, actor, entertainer and philanthropist. ─── 他既是歌手,也是词曲作者、唱片制作人、演员、娱乐人物和慈善家。

63、No other philanthropist targets conservation to this extent. ─── 没有任何慈善家做保育工作做到这种程度。

64、”Well, Bill is just part of a long tradition in American life: the self-made man who becomes a philanthropist. ─── 嗯,条例草案仅仅是一部分,具有悠久的传统,在美国的生活:自制的人谁当选慈善家。

65、Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, a perennial Davos participant, says corporations have a large role to play in eliminating poverty. ─── 微软公司创始人和慈善家比尔.盖茨几乎每年都参加世界经济论坛。他在达沃斯说,企业在消除贫困方面能发挥重要作用。

66、He also called Mr. B a philanthropist. ─── 他也称B先生是位慈善家。

67、he cried, "so I've found you again at last, Mister philanthropist!Mister threadbare millionnaire! ─── 我到底找着你了,慈善家先生,穿破烂的百万富翁!

68、Living a humble live, he is a philanthropist who had distributed most of his wealth to charity. ─── 他将他大多数的财富捐献给慈善事业,过着简陋的生活。

69、Another exhibition, “Handel the Philanthropist”, is already running at London's Foundling Hospital, one of Handel's favourite charities. ─── 另一个名为“大慈善家韩德尔”的展出已经在伦敦的育婴院上演,那里也是他最喜欢做善事的地方。

70、His father was a philanthropist. ─── 他的父亲是一个慈善家。

71、American philanthropist who founded(1795) the Philadelphia House of Industry, the first charitable institution for women in the United States. ─── 帕里什,塞莱斯蒂娅·苏姗娜1853-1918美国教育家,因其对增加妇女受大学教育的机会和提高质量所作出的努力而闻名

72、American cleric and philanthropist who left his library and half his estate to the college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that now bears his name. ─── 哈佛山位于美国科罗拉多州中部落矶山脉撒瓦其山脉上的一座海拔4,398。1米(14,420英尺)的山峰

73、Linus: Is he a world-class philanthropist, or what? ─── 他是世界级的慈善家,还是什么?

74、The notion of the Citizen Philanthropist (CP) is not new. ─── 平民慈善家这个概念并不新鲜。

75、If the old fellow is a philanthropist, what is that to you? ─── 假使那老头儿是个慈善家,那和你有什么相干?

76、He also called Mr. Ba philanthropist. ─── 他也?B先生是位慈善家。

77、He who gives himself entirely to his fellowman appears to them useless & selfish; but he who gives himself partially to them is pronounced a benefactor & philanthropist. ─── 一个人如果将自己毫不保留地奉献给别人,那么在他们的眼中他常显得无用甚或自私,而如果他只奉献一部分的话,他们倒觉得他慷慨大方、乐善好施。

78、Turner is the 63-year-old multibillionaire founder of CNN,former champion sailor,Rhett Butler lookalike and record-breaking philanthropist. ─── 特纳是位拥有数十亿家财的63岁富翁、美国有线新闻电视公司(CNN)的创始人、从前的出色水手、面容酷似白瑞德而且还是一个打破捐资记录的慈善家。

79、While Yao's gift might have a few critics, in the past he's been hailed as a philanthropist for his financial contributions and charity work. ─── 姚的小份捐赠确是受到了一些批评,但是我们看看他过去,他一直为慈善工作做着贡献,也因此赢得了慈善家的美名。

80、His sentiment was not that of the humanist or philanthropist. ─── 他的情操并不仅仅是人道主义者或慈善家。

81、He said one philanthropist felt that slapping her name on a large gift during times of crisis would seem 'unseemly and gauche. ' ─── 他说一位慈善家在危机时刻把她的名字贴在一个大礼物上看起来不体面和愚蠢的。

82、American financier and philanthropist who gained his nickname because of his attraction to diamonds and his extravagant lifestyle. ─── 布拉德利,詹姆斯·布坎南1856-1917美国金融家和慈善家,因为其酷爱钻石和挥霍无度的生活方式而获得其绰号

83、" And he flung into his wife's apron the five-franc piece which the "philanthropist" had left with him. ─── 同时他把“慈善家”留给他的那枚当五法郎的钱扔在女人的围裙兜里。

84、Walter Elias Disney was a multiple Academy Award-winning American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. ─── 沃尔特?迪士尼是一个多次摘取奥斯卡奖的美国电影制片人、导演、编剧、配音大师、动画家、企业家以及慈善家。

85、Cornell:american businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University (1868) with andrew D. White. ─── 康奈尔:美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁·D·怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年).

86、Brady:american financier and philanthropist who gained his nickname because of his attraction to diamonds and his extravagant lifestyle. ─── 布拉德利:美国金融家和慈善家,因为其酷爱钻石和挥霍无度的生活方式而获得其绰号。

87、The smile of a philanthropist may be truthful. ─── 慈善家的笑或许是真诚的。

88、He became a yellow smiley-based philanthropist. ─── 他成了黄色笑脸的慈善家。

89、JING Yuan-shan is not only a famous entrepreneur and philanthropist in China modem history, but also is an active initiator and practice man for modem eduction. ─── 摘要经元善是中国近代著名企业家、慈善活动家,也是近代新式教育的积极倡导者和实践者。

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