freshens 发音
英:[ˈfreʃnz] 美:[ˈfreʃnz]
英: 美:
freshens 中文意思翻译
freshens 词性/词形变化,freshens变形
动词过去式: freshened |动词过去分词: freshened |动词现在分词: freshening |名词: freshener |动词第三人称单数: freshens |
freshens 常用词组
freshen up ─── 梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新
freshens 短语词组
1、freshens breath ─── 令口气清新
2、freshens up ─── 梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新
3、freshens 61 ─── 刷新61
4、freshens uw ─── 刷新uw
5、freshens dia ─── 刷新直径
6、freshens smoothie ─── 清新冰沙
7、freshens unc ─── 刷新unc
8、freshens 3 ─── 刷新3
9、freshens salem va ─── 我们经常出去
freshens 相似词语短语
1、freshers ─── n.(非正式)大学一年级新生;adj.(尤指食物)更新鲜的;更新的;(水)更淡的;(天气)清凉的;更洁净的;adv.更新鲜地;更新地;n.(Fresher)(美、俄、英)弗什尔(人名)
2、freshen ─── vi.变得新鲜;减少盐分;使自己精神饱满(常与up连用);vt.使清新;使新鲜;使精神焕发
3、freshes ─── adj.新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的;n.开始;新生;泛滥;adv.刚刚,才;最新地
4、freshness ─── n.新;新鲜;精神饱满
5、fresheners ─── 洁净爽肤水
6、freshener ─── 洁净爽肤水
7、freshened ─── vi.变得新鲜;减少盐分;使自己精神饱满(常与up连用);vt.使清新;使新鲜;使精神焕发
8、refreshens ─── vt.使精神振作;使精力恢复
9、freshets ─── n.洪水;淡水水流
freshens 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls. ─── 我不得不买些白色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。
2、The cool and refreshing mint flavour helps freshen breath. ─── 全新薄荷味道,令口腔保持清新怡人口气!
3、Once dry and all the missing bits have been painted on, freshen the manicure with a coat of clear polish over every nail. ─── 一旦指甲油干透,而且所有掉色的地方都补涂上了指甲油,用干净的上光剂让每一片指甲都重新焕发光彩。
4、Can I freshen up your drink, Dad? ─── 我可以梳理一下你的酒吗,爸爸?
5、I must just go and freshen up before tea ─── 喝茶前我得去梳洗打扮一下。
6、Go outside have a walk and freshen up, observe and analyze everything you see or encounter. ─── 出去走走,清理一下思想,注意观察和分析你看到和碰到的任何事情。
7、Using a mouthwash freshens the breath. ─── 使用漱口液可以使口气清新。
8、A good clean will really freshen (up) the house. ─── 好好收拾一下的确会使房子焕然一新。
9、“If Inter will leave San Siro, Milan will stay.The Milan successes are tied to San Siro, we feel it’s like our home.Usually I think that Italian stadiums need to freshen up. ─── “如果贝克汉姆要来米兰训练,我这是没什么问题的,夏季的时候我就答应过,即使他成为米兰的球员都没问题,不过最终没有成行。”
10、A good clean will really freshen the house. ─── 好好收拾一下的确会使房子焕然一新.
11、Can I freshen up your drink? ─── 我再给你加点饮料,怎么样?
12、He 's freshen up the house with a new coat of paint ─── 他给房子刷了层油漆,使它焕然一新
13、Flowing into streams , I've been flying spring stream and waterfall to freshen ridges and peaks up. mingling in rivers to be fleecy waves with songs for smiles of rocks along the side banks; ─── 我汇入泉源,化作飞泉瀑布,给峰峦梳洗打扮;我汇入江河,化作浪花朵朵,给岸边的岩石唱起动听的情歌;
14、Could you take a moment to freshen up first? You don't want to go into the meeting smelling like that! ─── 你可不可以先去清醒一会儿?我想,你也不希望带着这样一身气味去开会吧?
15、To expose so that air can dry, cool, or freshen; ventilate. ─── 使风干暴露在空气中使干燥、凉爽或新鲜;通风
16、Freshens colour and improves the gloss ─── 使色泽更加鲜亮
17、Freshens up colours, prevents greying and sediments on the fabric ─── 增色,并且防止衣服发灰、防止沉淀物积沉在纤维上
18、Ra: There is a proper flow of your atmosphere which, though small, freshens the whole of the structure. ─── 我是拉。这是为了让空气适当地流动,在这里,虽然小,却能使整栋建筑有清新的空气。
19、Glister Toothpaste offers multifunction performance to clean safely, remove plaque, fight cavities, whiten teeth and freshen breath all in one go! ─── 一次过达到清洁牙齿、去除牙垢、预防蛀牙、洁白牙齿和保持口气清新等全部功能。
20、Cools and freshens skin with soothing herbs and vitamins in a sparkling mineral water and aloe base. ─── 含洁净效果的维他命和芦荟精华的喷雾,让肌肤冰凉清新舒缓。
21、We must use the fellowship of Society to freshen, and never to obscure, “the recollection of the grandeur of our destiny. ─── 我们必须用自己的社会关系来重新激发“对我们命运庄严性的回忆”,决不让它成为这种回忆的障碍。
22、The taste is a little strong for some people yet others chaw on parsley to freshen their breath. ─── 对有些人来说,荷兰芹的味道有点重,但是其他人咀嚼荷兰芹可以使口气清新。
23、In the bathroom I light a Natural Magic “tranquillity” candle and freshen up with some “intense mineral destress body polish”. ─── 在浴室里,我点燃了一支蜡烛,它具有使环境安静的自然魔力,我涂了点减压的紧致矿物质护肤霜,使自己精神焕发。
24、“We're using Ben and Tomasz quite a bit now and that allows us to freshen up Edwin for the other really important games. ─── “我们现在让他们有了不少上场机会,这样我们就能让范德萨得到休整来准备更重要的比赛。
25、Why do not we freshen up with a hot bath? ─── 我们干吗不洗个热水澡提提神呢?
26、A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.-Irving, Washington ─── 善良的心是快乐之源,使周围的一切生机盎然,喜笑颜开。--欧文
27、Pop a dissolvable breath strip. The latest versions have added caffeine but even the ones intended to just freshen your breath are so strong you can expect a pick-me-up. ─── 做深呼吸。最新的方法是多喝咖啡,但即使你想通过喝咖啡以确保呼吸顺畅,你也可以通过深呼吸以进行自我调整。
28、After the long trip they all wanted to freshen up by taking a bath. ─── 在长途旅行之后,他们都想洗个澡来提提神。
29、You would probably like to freshen up after your trip, so let me show you where the washroom is. ─── 您旅行后可能想清洗一下,我来告诉您洗手间在哪里。
30、I'm going to freshen up. ─── 我去洗一洗。
31、A coat of paint will freshen this room up. ─── 刷一层油漆会使房间焕然一新。
32、We freshen up before going to the party. ─── 参加聚会之前清醒一下。
33、Now, his hair and his suits more classically cut, he has become a public face, conducting weekly White House-style briefings in an effort to freshen up crusty presidential communication. ─── 如今,他成为了一位公众人物,发型与衣着也更加讲究,每周也模范美国白宫的方式进行简报会议以在总统内阁会议的火爆气氛下理清头绪。
34、I must just go and freshen myself up before tea. ─── 吃茶点之前我必须先去梳洗一番。
35、Kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. ─── 善良的心是快乐的源泉,使近旁的一切都绽开笑容。
36、Can also be used as a room freshener or to freshen one's sheets or pillows before retiring for sleep. ─── 也能用于房间清新剂,或在你睡前去清洁你的床单和枕头。
37、Freshen your complexion in an instant with this handy combined blusher and brush, for a sweep of sunshine colour all year round. ─── 先不用打开盖子,顺时针方向轻轻旋转刷子的地步,然后打开,掸掉刷头部分多余的粉末,然后轻轻地涂抹到面颊上,自然健康的腮红就完成了!
38、Can I freshen your drink? ─── 我再给你添些酒好吗?
39、The wind will freshen tonight. ─── 今夜风力将加大,气温下降。
40、To make cool, clean, or moist; freshen up. ─── 使新鲜使凉爽、清洁或湿润;使新鲜
41、9.Your highball is almost gone. May I freshen your drink? ─── 你的威士忌快喝光了,我再给你一杯好吗?
42、3.Keep a bottle of water or a rehydrating freshener on your desk at work.Use it to freshen you up during the long day. ─── 3.工作时,在办公桌上放一瓶水或一瓶再化合清凉剂,用于提神。
43、A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. ─── 善良的心是快乐之源,使周围的一切生机盎然,喜形于色。
44、Q14: How do you freshen yourself up during filming? ─── 你怎么让自己拍戏的时候保持新鲜?
45、He soaked the towel in a basin of hot water and rubbed his face with it to freshen himself up ─── 他把毛巾浸在一盆热水里,然后用它擦擦脸,使精神爽快了起来。
46、Soh says VW Group, which includes VW, Audi, and Skoda, will add or freshen 20 models in China by late 2011. ─── 他表示,包括大众、奥迪、斯柯达公司在内的大众集团将于2011年末在中国市场推出20款新车型。
47、Ve been a lot freshen up lately. ─── 例如说你最近看起来很容光焕发啊。
48、It's always best to freshen up before you meet somebody or before a meal. ─── 在与别人会面或吃饭前最好打扮自己一下。
49、Last year, 855, 000 Americans had Botox injections to freshen up their faces. ─── 去年就有85. 5万名美国人注射了肉毒杆菌以期使他们的脸蛋变得更年轻。
50、Freshens the breath leaving your mouth feeling clean and refreshed. ─── 帮助消除口气,保持口腔卫生及口气清新。
51、Elaine went to the powder room to freshen up. ─── 伊莱恩去女盟洗室重新梳妆了。
52、The coffee is freshly made. It can freshen you up. ─── 咖啡是刚调好的,可以使你精神饱满。
53、They returned to their hotel to freshen up. ─── 他们回旅馆梳洗了一下。
54、freshen the ballast ─── 压载水舱换水
55、“We are using Ben and Tomasz quite a bit now, which allows us to freshen Edwin up for the really important games. ─── “现在的很多比赛都让福斯特和库兹扎克上场,这样我们就能让范德萨保持体力去应付重要的比赛。”
56、I must just go and freshen myself up before dinner. ─── 吃晚饭之前我必须先去梳洗一番。
57、I took a shower to freshen up . ─── 我冲个淋浴,醒醒神。
58、You'll meet new people with new ideas, plus the effort will freshen your spirit. ─── 你将用新的视角看待新遇见的人,你的努力将净化你的灵魂。
59、They went back to the hotel to freshen themselves up. ─── 他们回到旅馆去梳洗打扮一番。
60、Directions: Clean and freshen the skin. Evenly spread suitable amount over the face and gently massage till a good absorption. ─── 使用方法:洁面、爽肤后取适量本品均涂于面部,轻轻按摩至完全吸收即可。
61、We all need solitude so as to freshen ourselves up. ─── 人人都需要一些独处的时间,好能更新自己。
62、When the monsoon rains arrive, between June and September, a verdant carpet freshens tilled fields and pastures (at right. ) ─── 当季风带来的降雨来临的六月至九月间,田野铺上了一层生机盎然的翠绿地毯(右)。
63、I love what you've done with this room. Those curtains really freshen up the room. ─── 我喜欢你这样布置这房间。那些窗帘确实使这房间有了生气。
64、Hydrates,freshens, soothes and tones your skin at any time of the day or night. ─── 具抗敏及补水的调理胶,用后清爽以及平衡皮肤.
65、Would you like to freshen up? The bathroom is upstairs. ─── 你要不要洗一下?浴室在楼上。
66、"I would've liked to freshen up the midfield after the miles we have covered there against Chelsea, Sunderland and now West Ham but injuries meant I couldn't do that. ─── “我本来想在打完切尔西、桑德兰和西汉姆联这三场比赛之后重新调整一下中场线,但现在由于球员伤病,也办不到了。”
67、Why do not we freshen up with a hot bath ? ─── 我们干吗不洗个热水澡提提神呢?
68、With the friends there are always laughs and shared happy moments, the friends are like the small drops of water of the morning dew, where the heart is it and freshens up. ─── 总是能与朋友一齐笑和分享快乐时光的朋友,就像心里面一小滴清晨的露水,可以使人精神饱满。
69、He's freshen up the house with a new coat of paint. ─── 他给房子刷了层油漆,使它焕然一新。
70、I'd love a quick shower to freshen myself up ─── 我喜欢很快地洗个淋浴,解解乏。
71、3.Keep a bottle of water or a rehydrating freshener on your desk at work.Use it to freshen you up during the long day. ─── 3.工作时,在办公桌上放一瓶水或一瓶再化合清凉剂,用于提神。
72、Melting ice in Greenland freshens the seas near the Arctic and contributes to rising sea levels around the world. ─── 格陵兰岛融化的冰进入北极附近的海洋,从而会导致全世界海平面上升。
73、freshen one's way ─── 增加航速
74、She coolly asked the agents to let her freshen her makeup before the police filmed her transfer to jail. ─── 在警方拍摄记录她被移送监狱的影片前,她冷静地要求探员让她补妆。
75、A 75 per cent appearance rate whilst Sir Alex Ferguson constantly rotates and freshens his quintuple chasing squad is excellent going by anybody’s standards. ─── 在追求五冠王的路上,弗格森一直不断的轮换着阵容,因此75%的出场率放在任何人身上都已经很不错了。
76、When he takes a shower, the steam "freshens [the jeans] up a little bit," he says. ─── 他说,当他淋浴时,蒸汽会使牛仔裤清亮起来。
77、A: Would you like to freshen up? ─── 你想上洗手间吗?
78、Set includes a FREE Rosewater Balancing Mist (15ml) to freshen and hydrate your skin. ─── 免费附送一支玫瑰水平衡喷雾(15毫升),让皮肤回复光采和保持湿润。
79、Your highball is almost gone. May I freshen your drink? ─── 你的威士忌快喝光了,我再给你一杯好吗?
80、The new design freshens the old, somewhat drab appearance of the current homepage and adds small icons for Yahoo services on the left hand side of the page. ─── 众所周知,对话是提高口语能力最有效的方法,所以应该抓住一切机会和讲英语的人士对话。如果找不到和你进行对话的合适人选,你可以采取以下几种方法:第一、模仿。
81、Otherwise, use air purifiers and natural aromatherapies to lift spirits and freshen the air. ─── 否则,用空气清新剂和自然香物改善心情、新鲜空气。
82、Keep a bottle of water or a rehydrating freshener on your desk at work. Use it to freshen you up during the long day. ─── 工作时,在办公桌上放一瓶水或一瓶再化合清凉剂,用于提神。
83、Let me freshen your drink . ─── 我来给我添酒。
84、We must use the fellowship of Society to freshen, and never to obscure,“the recollection of the grandeur of our destiny. ─── 我们必须让“友伴”的情谊焕发而非暗淡“我们高贵命运的记忆”。
85、Freshens up colours, prevents greying and sediments on the fabric ─── 增色,并且防止衣服发灰、防止沉淀物积沉在纤维上
86、3. Keep a bottle of water or a rehydrating freshener on your desk at work. Use it to freshen you up during the long day. ─── 工作时,在办公桌上放一瓶水或一瓶再化合清凉剂,用于提神。
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