brackishness 发音
英:[[b'rækɪʃnəs]] 美:[[b'rækɪʃnəs]]
英: 美:
brackishness 中文意思翻译
brackishness 词性/词形变化,brackishness变形
名词: brackishness |
brackishness 短语词组
1、brackishness definition ─── 苦咸度定义
2、brackishness means ─── 微咸意味着
brackishness 相似词语短语
1、prankishness ─── 恶作剧
2、brattishness ─── 神经质
3、trickishness ─── 诡计多端
4、blockishness ─── 块状
5、quackishness ─── n.胡吹;庸医
6、buckishness ─── 自负
7、blokishness ─── 块
8、rakishness ─── 轻盈;放荡
9、bearishness ─── n.笨拙;粗鲁
brackishness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"They are related to the Bowfin and date Back to the Eocene Epoch. Gars are confined chiefly to fresh water, though some species enter Brackish or salt water." ─── 与弓鳍鱼近缘,在始新世就生活于欧洲和北美。主要栖于淡水,但有的种可降入半咸水甚至咸水。
2、large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes ─── 大型有脚蹼的涉水鸟,颜色从粉红到深红,嘴向下弯;栖息在含盐的湖区
3、brackish lagoon ─── 咸水泻湖
4、Occasionally found in brackish waters. ─── 偶然地发现于半咸淡水域.
5、large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike ─── 北美洲热带海滨和半盐水域中的大型食用及猎用鱼;象狗鱼
6、any of various edible North American web-footed turtles living in fresh or brackish water. ─── 北美洲各种可食用蹼足龟,栖息在淡水或半盐水中。
7、large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes. ─── 大型有脚蹼的涉水鸟,颜色从粉红到深红,嘴向下弯;栖息在含盐的湖区。
9、The precusors of dinosteranes were dinoflagellate algae developed in the saline and brackish water environments. ─── 在这些环境中发育的甲藻类是甲藻甾烷的先质物。
10、brackish cooling water ─── 半咸冷却水
12、small order of macroscopic fresh and brackish water algae with a distinct axis: stoneworts. ─── 巨型的淡水或海水藻类的小目,有明显的轴;轮藻。
13、brackish water irrigation ─── 咸水灌溉
14、 双语使用场景
15、Sample: He found the only wells in the area were brackish; drinking the water made him nauseous. ─── 可厌的:厌恶=??(形容词及其动词的同义关系)
16、a brackish personality ─── 令人作呕的个性
17、The fort had two doorways, one facing the Arabian sea called the Khara Darwaza i. E. Brackish Gate and one facing the River Lyari called the Meetha Darwaza i. E. Sweet Gate. ─── 堡垒有二个门道入口,你面对阿拉伯海称Khara Darwaza即微咸的门和你面对河Lyari称Meetha Darwaza即甜门。
18、Although its brackish waters suggest it's now yesterday's flavour of the month,the lakelet had its heyday during Nantah days when it symbolised for many the heart of the university then. ─── 不再清澈的湖水告诉你南大湖已经不再风光,但它在南大时代却曾经有过一段黄金时期。对许多人来说,它象征着南大的心脏地带。
19、Keywords brackish water;irrigation;safety;amendment agent;underground water; ─── 微咸水;灌溉;安全性;改良剂;地下水;
20、Calculation of Supersaturation of Barium Sulfate, Strontium Sulfate and Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) in Brackish Water, Seawater and Brines ─── 微咸水、海水及盐水中硫酸钡、硫酸锶和无水硫酸钙(石膏)过饱和度的计算
21、You could cut the brackish winds with a knife / Here in Nantucket(Robert Lowell) ─── 你似乎可以用刀子割开这咸腥的海风在这南达克特(罗伯特 洛厄尔)
22、Seasonal rainfall affects the outflow of the Pearl River, the largest river in southern China, causing brackish waters to extend into areas which for most of the year experience clear oceanic waters. ─── 华南最大河流珠江所流出的河水,因受季节性的雨水影响,引致咸淡混合的水流,流入全年中大部分时间水质都是清澈的海洋。
23、In areas where brackishness or saturation is likely to take place, the governments shall take actions to control and lower the level of groundwater. ─── 在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。
24、desalination of brackish water ─── 咸水脱盐作用
25、brackish coling water ─── [机] 碱冷却水
26、The food, instead of being of high quality as promised, was too often rotten and the water was brackish. ─── 伙食没有承诺的那么好,还常常是腐烂的,水也有咸味。
27、Laboratory Study of Brackish Water Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation ─── 减压膜蒸馏淡化处理盐水的实验研究
28、Principal application of reverse osmosis has been in desalting brackish waters for domestic consumption ─── 反渗透主要应用于生活用含盐水的脱盐。
29、Feltail fishing nodes have been changed to Brackish Mixed Schools; they now produce mostly Golden Darters and some Feltail. ─── “魔尾鱼群”被改为“半咸水鱼群”,这种鱼群钓出的大多数是“金镖鱼”,少数是“魔尾鱼”。
30、holoeuryhaline Organisms that inhabit fresh, brackish and salt waters. ─── 全盐度生物居住于淡水、半咸淡水与盐水域的生物。
31、common water lily of eastern and central North America, having broad leaves and globe-shaped yellow flowers; in sluggish fresh or slightly brackish water. ─── 北美中部或东部的一种普通的睡莲,具有宽的叶子和黄色球形花朵;大量生长在缓流的淡水中或有时生在轻度的含盐淡水中。
32、Where drinking water is scarce, brackish, or even salt water, if available, may be used for domestic hygiene. ─── 在那些饮用水紧缺的地方,即使是含盐分的水或者咸水也可以用于家庭卫生的维持。
33、You could cut the brackish winds with a knife / Here in Nantucket(bRobert Lowell) ─── 你似乎可以用刀子割开这咸腥的海风在这南达克特(b罗伯特 洛厄尔)
34、long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons ─── 内陆的池塘和沼泽或含盐的礁湖地域生活的长腿、三趾、黑白色的涉水鸟
35、brackish water lake ─── 半咸水湖半咸湖
36、brackish water species ─── 半咸水种
37、Effects of brackish water and seawater on in vitro efficacy of antibacterial drugs used in aquaculture ─── 半咸水、海水对几种渔用抗菌药物体外活性的影响
38、brackish water animal ─── 半咸水动物
39、brackish water plankton ─── 半咸水浮游生物
40、Widespread in brackish waters, freshwater ponds, ditches, rivers and reservoirs. The fish is also cultivated in some local fish farms. ─── 广泛分布于咸淡水域、淡水池塘、水坑、河流和水塘,此外本港一些渔塘亦有养殖。
41、brackish wetland ─── 半咸水湿地
42、The pools of salt water created by the Dec. 26 tsunami have been diluted by seasonal rains into a brackish water that mosquitos love. ─── 专家警告,由于海啸和随之而来的暴雨,印尼等很多地区成了滋生蚊子的温床,其面积之广阔是前所未见的。
44、Noni plants growing in and around a beautiful inland tide pool in the Puna district of the Big Island of Hawaii. The water is very brackish. ─── Noni给了在一个在夏威夷州的大岛的贫瘠干冷高原地区中美丽内地的潮汐水池中和在周围长大。水是非常微咸的。
45、An international team examined cyanobacteria living in marine, brackish and freshwater environments throughout the world along with those living symbiotically with plants and lichens. ─── 一群跨国的研究团队,检视了世界各地的海水、半咸水和淡水环境中生长的蓝绿菌,以及与它们共生的植物和地衣。
46、Effects of brackish irrigation on fruit yield and quality of melon in sand culture ─── 不同生育期咸水灌溉对砂培甜瓜产量和品质的影响
47、The microbial properties of artificial soil mixed with brackish dredged sediment,caustic sludge and coal ash were studied,with coastal solonchak and Turbi-Anthric Primosol as the control. ─── 以滨海盐土、扰动人为新成土(客土)为对照,就利用海湾泥、碱渣和粉煤灰作为城市园林绿化种植基质的土壤微生物特性进行了研究。
48、The unhealthy nature of the site;the quantity and quality of the children's food;the brackish, fetid water used in its preparation; ─── 学校的地点不利于健康,孩子们的伙食量少质差,做饭用的水臭得使人恶心;
49、Are brackish with the salt of human tears! ─── 人类眼泪的盐分已使得你咸涩难尝!
50、Practice for Calculation of Supersaturation of Barium Sulfate, Strontium Sulfate, and Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines ─── 微咸水、海水及盐水中硫酸钡、硫酸锶和无水硫酸钙(石膏)超饱和度计算的实施规程
51、What is Brackish Water? ─── 什麽是汽水?
52、brackish culture ─── 咸淡水养殖
53、Freshwater and brackish water fish are cultured in fish ponds covering some 1060 hectares, most of which are located in the north-western New Territories where they form part of the wetland system of conservation interest. ─── 养殖淡水鱼和咸淡水鱼的鱼塘占地约1060公顷,主要集中在新界西北部,成为具存护价值的湿地系统的一部分。
54、"You could cut the brackish winds with a knife/Here in Nantucket" (Robert Lowell) ─── “你似乎可以用刀子割开这咸腥的海风在这南达克特”(罗伯特·洛厄尔)
55、Any of numerous small fishes of the family Cyprinodontidae, including the guppy and mosquito fish, inhabiting chiefly fresh and brackish waters in warm regions. ─── 鳉鱼属于鳉科的许多种小型鱼,包括虹鳉和蚊鱼,主要栖居在温暖地带的淡水和咸水中
56、small order of macroscopic fresh and brackish water algae with a distinct axis: stoneworts ─── 巨型的淡水或海水藻类的小目,有明显的轴;轮藻
57、brackish water organism ─── 半咸水生物
58、A device and method for preventing fouling and/or corrosion of the exposed surfaces of a structure which is in contact with seawater, brackish water, fresh water, or a combination of these. ─── 一种防止结构与海水、微咸水、淡水或它们的组合物接触的暴露表面结污和/或腐蚀的装置和方法。
59、A brackish lake ─── 咸水湖
60、long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons. ─── 内陆的池塘和沼泽或含盐的礁湖地域生活的长腿、三趾、黑白色的涉水鸟。
61、He nods while he pours me a pint of brackish ale. ─── 他一边点头一边给我倒了一杯啤酒。
62、brackish water meadow ─── 咸水草甸
63、Toray Film Products Group, began in the semiconductor industry, ultrapure water production, desalination now, mainly of brackish water desalination. ─── 东丽膜产品事业,开始于半导产业的超纯水制造,现在以海水淡化、苦咸水淡化为主。
64、Guandu Nature Park consists of a mosaic of freshwater and brackish ponds, mudflats, marsh, rice paddies, and woodland. ─── 官渡自然公园构成的马赛克淡水和咸水池塘,泥滩,沼泽,稻田,和林地。
65、submerged aquatic plant having narrow leaves and small flowers; of fresh or brackish water. ─── 一种沉水水生植物,具有窄的叶子和小花;生长在淡水或微咸的淡水中。
66、Study on the Test of RO Desalinating Brackish Water with High Contains of Fluorine ─── 反渗透淡化高氟苦咸水试验研究
67、large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike. ─── 北美洲热带海滨和半盐水域中的大型食用及猎用鱼;象狗鱼。
68、brackish lakes/lagoons/marshes ─── 咸水湖/泻湖/沼泽
69、Study of Effect on Using Natural Minerals to Improve Soil in Irrigating Brackish Water ─── 天然矿物改良剂在微咸水灌溉土壤中应用效果的研究
71、Effect of Brackish Water Irrigation on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Protective Enzyme Activities in Melon Leaves of Various Developmental Stages ─── 不同生育期咸水灌溉对甜瓜叶片膜脂过氧化及保护酶活性的影响
72、common water lily of eastern and central North America,having broad leaves and globe-shaped yellow flowers; in sluggish fresh or slightly brackish water ─── 北美中部或东部的一种普通的睡莲,具有宽的叶子和黄色球形花朵;大量生长在缓流的淡水中或有时生在轻度的含盐淡水中
73、brackish water swamp ─── 半咸沼泽
74、Irrigation4.0g /L below brackish water had a certain wash salt con-tribution to the soil. ─── 0g/L微咸水灌溉对土壤具有一定的脱盐作用;
76、Infiltration characteristics of brackish water by one dimensional algebraic model ─── 利用一维代数模型分析微咸水入渗特征
77、He chewed the fruit gently because his teeth were aching and his gums sore and tender, then sipped water from the wine skin.It tasted brackish. ─── 布莱克松的牙齿现在也很痛,上下牙床都觉得酸痛松软,他慢慢地啃完苹果,从皮酒囊里吸了小口水,水很难喝。
78、brackish water aquaculture ─── 半咸水养殖
79、Occurs in estuaries and tidal zone of rivers. Prefers fresh water, rarely found in brackish water. Feeds on small fishes and invertebrates, including mosquito larvae (Ref. 12693). ─── 出现于河口与河的潮间带。偏爱淡水,很少地发现于半淡咸水。吃小鱼与无脊椎动物,包括蚊虫幼生。(参考文献12693
80、Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Brackish Water, Seawater and Brines ─── 微咸水、海水和盐水中硫酸盐离子的试验方法
81、Although its brackish waters suggest it's now yesterday's flavour of the month, the lakelet had its heyday during Nantah days when it symbolised for many the heart of the university then. ─── 不再清澈的湖水告诉你南大湖已经不再风光,但它在南大时代却曾经有过一段黄金时期,对许多人来说,它象征着南大的心脏地带。
82、A study of feeding grass carp in brackish water to improve meat quality Li Xin-xin, Liu Xian-min, Leng Xiang-jun ─── 半咸水暂养草鱼改善其肉质的研究
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