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09-06 投稿


bestride 发音

英:[bɪˈstraɪd]  美:[bɪˈstraɪd]

英:  美:

bestride 中文意思翻译



bestride 词性/词形变化,bestride变形


bestride 短语词组

1、bestride medication ─── 百思得药物

2、bestride meaning ─── 跨越意义

3、bestride definition ─── 最佳骑乘定义

4、bestride crossword ─── 最佳纵横字谜

5、bestride synonym bestride ─── 同义词

6、bestride define bestride ─── 定义

7、bestride used cars ─── 骑二手车

bestride 相似词语短语

1、bestridden ─── 骑;跨越(bestride的过去分词)

2、bus ride ─── 乘公共汽车

3、astride ─── prep.跨(或骑)在……上;(跨越)在……上;在(河、路等的)两边;adv.(人的两腿)分开地;跨着;骑着

4、bestrid ─── bestride的过去分词

5、bestrides ─── vt.跨骑

6、bestrode ─── vt.跨骑(bestride的过去式)

7、beside ─── prep.在旁边;与……相比;紧靠;除……以外(还);除……以外(不再);adv.在附近;况且,此外

8、estridge ─── 固执的

9、bestie ─── 野兽

bestride 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They even bestride the carriage lamps. ─── 他们甚至骑在马车的灯笼上。

2、To open it, to scale the frame, to bestride it, was the work of a second only. ─── 开窗,跳上窗台,跨出窗外,那只是一秒钟的事。

3、However, although Benfica continued to bestride the European stage they lost in three finals. ─── 然而,尽管本菲卡继续驰骋于欧洲赛场,他们却在三场欧冠决赛中败北。

4、bestride v. ─── 跨骑 [ bestridan] betimes ad.早;及时;不久;

5、whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and lives by the fruit of their labor, ─── 也不论它是出自一个一心想骑在本国人民头上、依赖他们的劳动果实生活的帝王之口,

6、12 In wrath you bestride the earth, in fury you trample the nations. ─── 你怀怒踏遍大地,含恨蹂躏了万邦。

7、mount (or bestride) a war-horse ─── 跨上战马

8、You face him, bestride is on his body, bend one's knees. ─── 你面向他,跨坐在他身上,屈膝。

9、Sarkozy has a further reason for wanting to bestride the world again. ─── 萨科齐先生想再次驾驭世界还有深层次的原因。

10、Beijing Bestride International Club is designed according to the standard of 5 star hotels and famous club in the world. ─── 北京佳程格伟国际休闲俱乐部是根据五星级酒店和国际著名的俱乐部设计规范标准进行的设计和装饰。

11、Your bestride is among him, north is extended to his both hands touching a desktop to lend strength, double foot is hanged in sky. ─── 你跨坐在他中间,北向他双手伸出触着桌面借力,双脚悬于空中。

12、Three in particular: innovation in offerings, a greater role for private insurers, and a narrower focus for some of the public insurers that used to bestride the field. ─── 在三个方面比较突出表现,承保项目的创新、私人保险公司的异军突起和曾经风光一时的公立保险公司耀眼光芒的逐渐褪去。

13、They do not bestride the world; they are, like Atlas, holding it up. ─── 它们并没有主宰世界;与擎天之神阿特拉斯(Atlas)一样,政府在支撑着世界。

14、Americans are not omnipotent, not all virtuous, they should remind themselves, they do not bestride the world ─── 美国人应该提醒自己,他们不是万能的,也不是尽善尽美的,他们并不主宰全世界。

15、He gets on your bestride personally, face his leg, palmar touchdown is propped up with making. ─── 你跨坐他身上,面向他的腿,手掌着地以作支撑。

16、A train,with 96km/h,need at least 48h to bestride the US. ─── 一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上.

17、America's media companies bestride the globe. ─── 美国的传媒公司主宰了全球。

18、Even those who bestride an epoch are eventually reduced to a couple of salient features. ─── 甚至是那些曾主宰了一个时代的领导人,最终留下的也只是几个突出事迹。

19、He held himself ready to bestride the animal at a moment's notice, should flight become necessary ─── 象童本人做好准备,假使必要的话,他就立刻跳上大象逃走。

20、play an outstanding role in the literary world; bestride the literary stage ─── 驰骋文坛

21、Mr Sarkozy has a further reason for wanting to bestride the world again. ─── 萨科齐先生想再次驾驭世界还有深层次的原因。

22、A lover may bestride the gossamer that idles in the wanton summer air, and yet not fall. ─── 恋爱中人可以踩在夏空中迎风飘荡的蛛丝上,而不致摔落.

23、Americans are not omnipotent, not all virtuous, they should remind themselves, they do not bestride the world. ─── 美国人不是全知全能,也并非道德完满,他们必须提示自己不能跨坐在这个世界之上。

24、Even those who bestride an epoch are eventually reduced to a couple of salient features. ─── 甚至是那些曾主宰了一个时代的领导人,最终留下的也只是几个突出事迹。

25、Beijing Bestride International Club is managed by Dellisart America Hotels &Resorts, whose headoffice is located in America. ─── 北京佳程格伟国际休闲俱乐部是由美国德利萨特酒店集团管理的豪华俱乐部。






跨 kuà 


(1) (形声。从足,夸声。本义:迈步,越过)

(2) 同本义 [step;stride]




(3) 又如:跨进大门;跨过小沟;跨蹑(跨踏;跨步);跨巽(跨到或达到“巽”的方位);跨火(跨过火堆。为一种民俗);跨踪(跨越)

(4) 超过 [go beyond]

乃览秦制,跨 周法。—— 张衡《西京赋》

(5) 又如:跨灶(比喻儿子胜过父亲);跨俗(超越世俗);跨年(从旧年底到新年初的时间)

(6) 骑 [bestride]

(7) 又如:跨战马去草原;跨鹤(乘鹤。比喻成仙);跨青牛(相传老子骑青牛出函谷关仙去)

(8) 横于上 [span]


(9) 又如:跨街楼(联结街道两旁楼房而横跨在街道上空的楼。又称过街楼);跨所(跨院,正院旁边的院子);跨虹(喻指拱形桥)

(10) 挎 [carry on the arm]


(11) 又如:跨菜篮子;跨刀(挎着腰刀)

(12) 占据 [occupy]


(13) 又


(14) 又如:跨蹈(占有);跨据(据有);跨有(据有)

(15) 兼有 [have both]。如:跨州连郡(指占有数个州、郡的意思);跨蹑(兼有其地);跨边(兼有边境两方的藉贯)


◎ 跨 kuà 


(1) 指两腿之间。通“胯” [hip]


(2) 又如:跨下之辱(从他人胯下爬过去的屈辱。比喻胸怀大志的人,能忍辱负重);跨下(两腿之间)

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