mas 发音
英:[mɑːs] 美:[mɑ:]
英: 美:
mas 中文意思翻译
mas 短语词组
1、filix mas ─── [医] 绵马
2、x'mas n. 〈 ─── 非正式〉圣诞节 [网络] 圣诞气氛;圣诞节气球;圣诞节系列
3、critical mas ─── 关键mas
4、Ft. mas. div. in pil. ─── [医] 制成丸块再分割成丸子
5、Mas. pil. ─── [医] 丸块
6、fall mas ─── 秋季mas
7、MAS memory ─── [计] 金属氧化铝半导体存储器
8、mas practice mas ─── 实践
9、que signo zodiacal es el mas manipulador ─── 哪个星座是最具操纵性的
10、Incidentally discovered adrenal mas ─── 偶然发现肾上腺肿块
11、-mas na. ─── 后缀
12、Dryopteris filix-mas Schott ─── [医] ─── [欧]绵马
13、fetiches mas raros ─── 最奇怪的恋物癖
14、Dryopteris filix-mas un. ─── 绵马 [网络] 鳞毛蕨;欧洲鳞毛蕨;欧洲 ─── 绵马鳞毛蕨
15、peter mas ─── 彼得·马斯
16、Cornus mas ─── [网络] 欧洲山茱萸;欧亚山茱萸;大果山茱萸
17、Ft. mas. ─── [医] 制成丸块, 制成块剂
18、Nephrodium filix-mas ─── [医] 绵马
19、x-mas ─── [医] ─── [=Christmas(factor)]克里斯特马斯(因子),抗血友病因子B
mas 相似词语短语
1、maks ─── n.(Maks)人名;(俄、德)马克斯
2、mads ─── abbr.机器辅助制图系统(Machine-AidedDraftingSystem);导弹姿态判定系统(MissileAttitudeDeterminationSystem);n.(Mads)人名;(丹)马斯
3、macs ─── abbr.多元自控系统(MultiprojectAutomatedControlSystem);中高度通信卫星(MediumAlitiudeCommunicationSatellite)
4、mags ─── n.杂志(mag的复数,等于magazines)
5、maas ─── n.马斯酸奶,稠密的酸牛奶
6、Xmas ─── n.圣诞节(等于Christmas)
7、mams ─── abbr.媒体资产管理系统(MediaAssetManagementSystem);医学相关学科硕士(MasterofAssociatedMedicalSciences);明镜审讯监录控管理系统
8、-mas ─── n.狂欢节;狂欢节演奏乐队;n.(Mas)(西、法、美)马斯(人名)
9、amas ─── abbr.自动机动攻击系统(AutomatedManeuveringAttackSystem);游戏引擎电影艺术与科学学会(TheAcademyofMachinimaArts&Sciences);n.(Amas)人名;(西)阿马斯
mas 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、No, me guesta mas el pan. !Hombre! Come de acil. De veras tienes buen apetito. ─── 不,谢谢。我更喜欢面包。好家伙!你慢点吃。看起来你真是有好胃口啊。
2、All the regular troops under Hu Tsung-nan, Teng Pao-shan and the two Mas now total 34 brigades, including the units replenished after having been wiped out once or twice. ─── 以上胡、邓、马各部,全部正规军包括过去被歼一次至两次但又补充起来的部队在内,目前总共三十四个旅。
3、Por los momentos difciles yo entiendo que la flor mas bella sera siempre para mi. ─── (因着所有的挫折,终于我明白,那最美丽的花,是为自己而盛开的。
4、High-speed MAS solid-state NMR has been used to characterize the structural changes in fluoropolymers resulting from the irradiation. ─── 高速马航固态核磁共振已用于表征含氟聚合物结构变化所造成的照射。
5、Si usted llegara a cometer la menor imprudencia, seria aprehendido sin mas. ─── 如果您稍有不慎,就会立刻被抓起来。
6、To study problems of multi-Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) coordinated task problem, a multi-UAV coordinated task structure based on Multi-agent System (MAS) was proposed. ─── 对多无人机UAV(Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle)协同任务问题,提出了基于多智能体系统MAS(Multi-Agent System)的系统框架;
7、MAS learning is a domain intercrossed between MAS and machine learning. ─── 多智能体学习是多智能体系统和机器学习等研究领域的交叉。
8、I even called home to ask my daughter Adeline to contact the MAS office in KL. ─── 己经幸苦,才联络上了昆明办事处,别告知我们应该马上迁出现在的酒店,搬到马航办事处坐落的樱花酒店。
9、Tu eres mi mas grande deseo y mi mas brillante sueno. ─── 你是我最大的愿望和最耀眼的梦想。
10、The MAS is the speed of the last level. ─── MAS就是最后阶段的速度。
11、On the X'mas night in 2009, use the digital camera to take. ─── 于二零零九年圣诞节,用数码相机拍摄。
12、Maybe we could try to inroduce more Chinese culture to our friends whe we're abroad,right?Merry X'MAS! ─── --------------------------------------------- 是因为在韩国啊,所以对韩国文化接触多,而我又喜欢甜食,当然不能错过提拉米苏哦。
13、The UG MAS consists of a standard UG Dial governor equipped with a special cover assembly and a separate electronic driver box. ─── 该UG的MAS的构成一个标准的UG的拨号总督配备了特别包括大会和一个单独的电子驱动器框。
14、Agent technology, and mostly the research and application of MAS, is one of the boiling points of DAI. ─── Agent技术,主要是多Agent系统的研究和应用是目前分布式人工智能领域的热点之一。
15、The metadata and DW are reviewed from history and practice.This research provides the thought of combining MAS and DW into GDSS. 4. ─── 3、综述了元数据和数据仓库的发展过程和研究现状,提出将Multi-Agent技术和数据仓库技术相结合,以实现GDSS中数据操作的智能化。
16、In Singapore, the MAS announced, a much expected, downward re-centring of the SGD policy band, while keeping a neutral policy stance and maintaining the width of the band. ─── 但是美国 有一系列的第一层数据要公布。
17、Mr Mas promises austerity. ─── 马斯先生承诺紧缩。
18、El cafe va a menguar? cuando si,quiero abonar mas. ─── 咖啡快缺货了吗?是的话,我想订多点.
19、Yes ah..nice to meet you too.Merry X'mas lol!!! ─── 个日玩得好开心, 好高兴见到你呢!!
20、Santa did come!Hurry up, open our X'mas presents! ─── 圣诞老人真的来了, 快打开我的礼物!
21、El reproductor multiformato referencia,aun mas completo。... ─── millones personas连合国reproductor 多媒体moderno 。
22、A mas without money is no man at all. ─── 一分钱难倒英雄汗。
23、MASAM adopts BDI model as the mental states model of agents, and divides MAS into computing agents, connecting agents and configuration module. ─── 其中,采用BDI模型描述Agent的心智状态,将MAS抽象为计算Agent、连接Agent和配置等三个单元;
24、The biological effects of Ang (1-7) are mainly mediated by its receptor, the G-protein-coupled receptor Mas. ─── Ang(1-7)主要通过其G-蛋白偶联受体Mas产生作用。
25、The balloon moves fast as it deflates, but Prof. Sun has his doubts about Mr. Mas theory. ─── 它意欲气球动作快,但他一直怀疑孙教授马先生的理论.
26、It will be helpful to analyze and design multi-agent systems(MAS) if we can explicitly model the environment that MAS is situated. ─── 对多Agent系统(MAS)的环境建模将有助于促进复杂MAS的分析和设计。
27、And, it compares Agent-oriented programming (AOP) with object-oriented Programming (OOP) and Multi-Agent (MAS) with traditional system. ─── 对面向Agent的程序设计方法(AOP)与面向对象的程序设计方法(OOP)以及多代理系统(MAS)与传统专家系统进行了比较。
28、Wish everyone a merry X'mas and happy new year!!! ─── 回中国一个多星期了,今天是圣诞节哦!
29、"Mas a, " he said, having cleared his throat several times. ─── "玛莎,"他清了几个嗓子后说道。
30、Therefore, it's very important to know the difference between them and mas... ─── 因此,认识英语和美语的差异、掌握其规律是非常重要的。
31、The fecundity of female adults on M. AAA Group Cavendish Hongxiangjiao was the lowest (324.5 granules) while that on M. AA Group Pisong mas was the highest (1 319.2 granules). ─── 产卵量以红香蕉最低(324.5粒),贡蕉最高(1319.2粒);
32、Ft. mas. ─── [医] 制成丸块,制成块剂
33、Ele tem um telefone, mas ele n?o pode falar. ─── 他 有 电 话 , 但 不 能 说 话。
34、Multigent system(MAS) is a typical instance of Distributed Artificial Intelligent (DAI). ─── 多智能体系统(Multi-Agent System,MAS)是分布式人工智能系统(Distributed Artificial Intelligent,DAI)的一个典型例子。
35、Segundo quisiera saber mas sobre el tipo de material que utilizan natural o plastico. ─── 其次我们还需要更进一步的了解您们所使用的原材料的类型,是天然的还是塑料的。
36、This paper uses IEC61850 and MAS to solve upper problem. ─── 就上述情况,本论文引入了IEC61850和MAS对问题进行解决。
37、Upon completing preliminary training and mas tering all necessary basic work knowledge, successful interns can be our empl oyee. ─── 在完成各初级培训和掌握各项必须的基本工作知识的实习生均有望成为公司的正式员工。
38、MAS reckons it has built the world's first carbon-neutral clothes factory. ─── MAS把该厂视为世界上第一个碳排放量为零的服装厂。
39、In 1935, C.F.Paolo Aloisi was assigned to the command of the Ia Flottiglia MAS with C.G.N.Teseo Tesei and C.C.Carlo Teppati in charge of training and technical development. ─── 1935年,参看保罗阿洛伊西被分配到的指挥监督Flottiglia马航与肾炎特塞奥Tesei和CC卡罗Teppati负责培训和技术发展。
40、JADE(Java Agent DEvelopment framework) is a widely-used platform for developing MAS, JADE fully acts upon FIPA specifications. ─── JADE(Java Agent DEvelopment framework)是应用较广、完全遵守FIPA规范的MAS开发平台。
41、Molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) provides a very efficient tool for backcross breeding because it can offer rapid and precise selection of the targeted gene. ─── 分子标记辅助选择技术以其对目标基因快速而精确的选择为回交育种提供了非常有效的工具。
42、Being affected by the wind of the Spanish, Pierre Mas was obliged to tack away and look for clean wind on the right side of the course. ─── 之后被非常接近的西班牙队占住上风,Pierre Mas不得以选择了转向去找风。
43、Researches on Agent and MultiAgent System(MAS) have became the hotspot in the field of Distributed Artificial Intelligence(DAI). ─── Agent和多Agent系统的研究已经成为分布式人工智能(DAI)的一个热点。
44、"MAs of any description are vital for the work place. You will find that once you have done a masters degree it separates you from the pack," he said. ─── 他说:“任何一类文学硕士对工作都很重要。你会发现当你取得硕士学位后,你的世界就与众不同了。”(实习编辑:顾萍)
45、Media hora mas tarde de semejante carga emocional,Nunez llego a las Islas Malvinas. ─── 半个小时之后,怀着和当时同样激动的心情,Nunez到达了马尔维纳斯半岛。
46、the higher or lower mAs has no effect on the image resolution capacity, but it had effect on image noise. ─── 一定范围内管电量的大小对影像分辨率没有影响,但对影像噪声有影响。
47、Llegan a la casa de a dos o de a tres, pero nunca de a mas. ─── 他们两人一批或三人一批到那所房子去,但每批绝不超过三人。
48、The research on Multi-Agent System (MAS) has become the focus at present within the domain of computer science and artificial intelligence. ─── 对多智能体系统(Multi-Agent System,MAS)的研究已经成为计算机科学和人工智能研究的热点。
49、Multi-Agent System (MAS) is a hot problem in artificial intelligence reaseach, and it is an importance branch in Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI). ─── 多智能体系统(MAS)是当前人工智能研究的热点问题,是分布式人工智能(DAI)中的重要分支。
50、A bus full of passengers is advancing rapidly along the downhill path , one mas behind the bus is catching up with it tightly . ─── 一辆载满乘客的公共汽车沿着下坡路快速前进着,有一个人在后面紧紧追赶着这辆车子。
51、Jiang Jianguo, Gao Jun, Bao Jie etal. Research on Distributed Control Based on MAS. ─── 基于多智能体分布式控制研究。
52、Developing on opponent model, recognizing intentions and plans are necessary for effective communication in MAS. ─── MAS中建立对手模型,并进行意图和规划识别是有效交互的必要条件.
53、Ela pode ver, mas ela n?o pode falar. ─── 她 能 看 , 但 不 能 说。
54、In recent years, Mas Amiel is the most famous and fashionable brand in France. ─── 在最近几年中,马萨米尔已成为在法国最脍炙人口,最时尚的葡萄酒品牌。
55、Uncle David took lots of pictures for us again in front of the X'mas tree (which was left in the living room from last yr! ─── ). 在圣诞树前排了很多照片(爸妈没把去年的圣诞树拆下...已放了在那儿一年啦!
56、It's X'mas again, wish you all have a happy, healthy life. Glod Bless You All! ─── 又是一年圣诞时,衷心祝愿各位快乐、健康!
57、Can you feel the X'mas atmosphere at my home? ─── 你能感觉到我家的圣诞气氛吗?
58、The maturity of the Agent theory and the advent of MAS(Multi-Agent System)have provided a new model for development and applications of open distributed systems. ─── Agent理论的日益成熟及多Agent系统MAS(MultiAgentSystem)的出现,为开放式分布系统的开发和应用,提供了新的模式。
59、When you run at MAS, you reach your maximum heart rate. ─── 当你在MAS下跑,你将达到图表中最大心率。
60、Description: Mas Apac International Co.,Ltd ---- Professional air tools,auto service equipment,hand tools,cordless tools. ─── ------气动工具、充电式工具、维修设备、手工具及汽修工具。
61、But in recent years there has been a building boom on the island, leading to fears that a direct hit from a large hurricane could result in another mas sive tragedy. ─── 但是近年来在岛上大兴土木引起了人们的担心,害怕一个大飓风直接袭击本地会导致另一重大灾难.
62、On the whole, American poetry of the late 20th century is multi-cultural but lacks a mas... ─── 20世纪后期的美国诗歌充分体现了多元文化的特色,但没有像艾略特那样的权威和大师。
63、For this reason, a debate on the relationship between MAS and company life cycle and on the consistency between organization and MAS design is opportune. ─── 出于这个原因,辩论马航之间的关系和公司的生命周期和组织之间的一致性和MAS设计是适时的。
64、And now, we're only a couple of days away from X'Mas and the market appears to be tired but yet reverse its course of action. ─── 现在﹐我们离圣诞节只有两三天﹐并且市场看上去是有些疲乏但尚未扭转趋势。
65、Research on trust in MAS should take on responsibility of finding the general law of trust among computational entities. ─── MAS中信任研究应担负起发现计算实体之间信任的一般规律的重任。
66、He remembered too well the first time he had entered this Chamber, the first time he had stood within a ring of Jedi Mas ters gathered to sit in judgment upon his fate. ─── 他仍然十分清楚地记得,他第一次进入这间会议室时的情景,他第一次站在环坐成一圈的绝地大师们面前,看着他们聚集在一起,凌驾于他的命运之上端坐在公正的席位中。
67、Todo o time sofreu demais com isso, mas tivemos pelo menos a sorte de marcar 6 pontos com o Button. ─── 不需要道歉因为最终最大的原因正是所研发出来的车子一生下来就很烂,而且这一年都很烂没有变过.
68、MAS Capital Group Signed Exclusive Agreement with a Pachinko Machine Recycling Company to Act as Its Financial Advisor. ─── 名资国际金融集团和日式弹球盘游乐机回收公司签署排他性协议,成为其金融顾问。
69、The day went very well and we are anxious to start Monday's competition", declared Pierre Mas at the end of the day. ─── Pierre Mas在训练结束后说:“一天的航行进行得非常顺利,我们已经迫不及待地想参加星期一的比赛”
70、Por los momentos dificilies, ya entendi que la flor mas bella, seria sienpre para mi. ─── 因着所有的挫折, 终于的明白, 那最美丽的花朵,是为自己而盛开的...
71、My parents accompany me to "X'mas Party" in New City Garden Hotel, hold by Lover Baby Center. ─── 今天爸爸妈妈陪我到新城花园酒店去参加东方爱婴举办的“圣诞嘉年华”活动!
72、"Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away. ─── "又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。
73、An urban mas terplan was created, entitled Ever Rising Sun On The Grass Land. ─── 一个城市规划方案出台,题名为“草地上永远的旭日”。
74、The operational plan as well as the arrangement of march to the South were formulated by MAS. ─── 南昌起义的作战计划及南下广东的行军安排,均由参谋团拟定。
75、Under the multi-agent system (MAS) circumstances, the concurrent behaviors widely exist and turn out to be very important. ─── 在多Agent系统(MAS)环境下,并发行为广泛存在而且尤为重要。
76、We did this because we were defined as "not vulnerable investors" and did not meet the settlement criteria recommended by MAS . ─── 我们这么做是因为我们被定义为“非弱型的投资者”,且不符合MAS建议采用的解决标准。
77、Agent and MAS (Multi-Agent Systems) are catching the research attention as important technologies in the application of AI and intelligent software in distributed computing. ─── Agent和多Agent系统(Multi-Agent Systems,简称MAS)是正在崛起为人工智能研究实用化和分布计算环境下软件智能化的重要技术。
78、The modified samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, BET, DTA and MAS NMR analyses. ─── 使用BET比表面、DTA、XRD衍射和MAS NMR对样品进行表征。
79、Mr Sulistyanto hopes Sinar Mas's biosphere in Riau may yet bring the firm some income from an initiative known as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). ─── Sulistyanto希望,金光集团的廖内生物圈能为集团从毁林和水土流失减排机制(ReducedEmissionsfromDeforestationandDegradation,简称REDD)这一规划中获得收入。
80、Pero senti que su mirada me llegaba a lo mas profundo del alma. ─── 可是我觉得他的目光一直看到我心灵的最深处。
81、Indonesian companies such as Sinar Mas, a big palm-oil exporter, say the central bank has sounded them out on their readiness to do so. ─── 大型棕榈油出口商SinarMas等印尼企业声称中央银行已经试探过他们是否为此准备妥当。
82、Hoje na minha coluna nao farei o meu relato de sempre contando como foi o final de semana da corrida, mas farei um desabafo. ─── 今天在我的留言板,我不会像一直做的那样对周末的比赛做一个总结,而是发一些抱怨.
83、Mas 174 leaves at 9:40,so check - In be at about half past eight . ─── mas174号班机9点40分起飞,大约在八点半检票。
84、Merry X's MAs To My World. I miss you all a lot. ─── 一个月以后可以相见啦!这种心情未尝不好,怕自己长大了,很久都不会想起老朋友。
85、Mas Oyama opened his first "Dojo" in Mejiro, Tokyo. ─── 因此,奠定另外空手道等.
86、Otro loco mas,"said the barman and turned away. ─── 又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。
87、RoboCup (Robot World Cup) is a typical Multi-agent System.It is a domain that fits all the characteristics of MAS. ─── RoboCup即机器人世界杯足球赛,是一个典型的Multi-agent系统,它具有MAS的所有特性。
88、The QTL analysis of multiple phenotypic traits provides the basis for marker assisted selection (MAS) of important agronomic characters. ─── 多表型性状的数量性状分析,为重要的农艺性状标记辅助选择(MAS)提供基础。
89、The robotic soccer is enjoyable and exciting too.It can demonstrate the research achievement of MAS. ─── 同时,机器人足球具有观赏性和刺激性,可以很好的展示Multi-agent系统的研究成果。
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