foresighted 发音
英:[ˈfɔːrsaɪtɪd] 美:[fɔːˈsaɪtɪd]
英: 美:
foresighted 中文意思翻译
foresighted 反义词
foresighted 词性/词形变化,foresighted变形
形容词: foresighted |名词: foresightedness |副词: foresightedly |
foresighted 短语词组
1、foresighted define ─── 前瞻性定义
2、foresighted synonym ─── 预见同义词
3、foresighted def ─── 预见性def
4、foresighted people ─── 有远见的人
5、foresighted meaning ─── 预见意义
6、foresighted antonym ─── 预见反义词
foresighted 同义词
anticipation | precaution | foreknowledge | insurance | knowledge | premonition | prudence |prophecy | insight | hindsight | prevision | prescience | foresightfulness | farsightedness | forethought | sagacity | perception | intuition | foresightedness
foresighted 相似词语短语
1、shortsighted ─── adj.目光短浅的;近视的
2、farsighted ─── adj.有远见的;能看到远处的
3、foresightless ─── 无远见的
4、foresight ─── n.先见,远见;预见;深谋远虑
5、foresightedly ─── 高瞻远瞩
6、far-sighted ─── adj.有远见的;能看到远处的
7、foresightful ─── 有远见的
8、resighted ─── 辞职
9、freighted ─── vbl.运输
foresighted 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At the crucial moment, he showed great foresight and turned back the powers of darkness. ─── 力挽狂澜。
2、Several foresighted assumptive ideas and proposals to plant and utilize each variety of camellia oleifera are put forward. ─── 提出一些前瞻性的设想和建议,对当前种植和开展油茶的综合利用有指导意义。
3、During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries. ─── 在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。
4、In the preceding year, Wellington, with the sagacity of foresight, had examined it as the possible seat of a great battle. ─── 一年以前,威灵顿便早有先见,已经考察过这地方,作了进行大战的准备。
5、Although Otlet spent his entire working life in the age before computers, he possessed remarkable foresight into the possibilities of electronic media. ─── 奥特雷在世时,电脑虽然尚未问世,他却能洞烛机先,看出电子媒介前途不可限量。
6、The decision they made is a lamentable lack of foresight. ─── 他们做的决定实在缺乏远见。
7、Hindsight is always better than foresight. ─── 后见之明总胜于先见之明。
8、Finally, this dissertation comes to the conclusion that Keats is a unique and foresighted poet of Romanticism. ─── 论文最后得出济慈是一位独特而又超前的浪漫主义诗人的结论。
9、China's one child policy seems draconian but it was a necessary and foresighted move. ─── 中国的一个子女政策似乎是很严厉的,但也是必需的,并且是有先见之明的提议。
10、"But you are a man of foresight and prudence, therefore you sent your luggage on before you. ─── “但您是一个谨慎又有远见的人,所以您事先派人把您的行李运来。
11、During the blizzard I am glad I'd have the foresight to buy enough grocery. ─── 在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。
12、With some foresight the business executives at SI realized that they needed to address this e-sourcing requirement if they were to win the business. ─── SI具有长远目光的商业主管意识到如果他们想要赢得商机,就需要满足资源电子化需求。
13、Use the navigation keys to move Hugo*s foresight around. Fire you snowballs by pressing the left soft key. To pause the game press the right soft key. ─── 冬天大雪分飞之际女巫婆西利亚正准备捉晓高的妻子晓高莲娜.晓高为了保护妻子的子女,便利用雪球掷向西利亚并把西利亚从飞天扫把打到地上.
14、He is without foresight, also understand the product far from, if you take him, that is waiting to have bad luck together. ─── 他毫无远见,也对产品根本不了解,如果你带上他,那就等着一起倒霉吧。
15、A monarch or any other leader must be a person with foresight, a kind heart, and courage. ─── 一个国君必须具有远见和仁慈的心及勇气。
16、Sun, however, failed to capitalise on its foresight. ─── 不过,太阳公司未能利用自己的远见。
17、The couple have the foresight to plan their retirement wisely. ─── 他们夫妇很有远见,精心安排了退休後的生活。
18、A puzzle game that requ ires foresight and skill. ─── 一款需要你有远见与技巧的益智游戏。
19、Care or preparation in advance; foresight. ─── 先见,提前考虑或准备; 远见
20、If you had had more foresight you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble. ─── 如果你当时深谋远虑你就不会有那么多麻烦了。
21、She had the foresight to realize that once the ugly rumor had begun to circulate, only the truth could put it to rest. ─── 她早就明白,一旦恶毒的谣言开始流传,只有真相才能使之平息。
22、A person of foresight is repected reversely when he leaves his homeland. ─── 先知不在其故土反而受尊重。
23、And Ms. Warren was among the foresighted few. ─── 沃伦女士之有先见之明的少数人之一。
24、Did they have the foresight to predict how strong this nation would become?My early forebears were simple farmers. ─── 他们是否有远见预知这个国家将变得何等强大?我早期的祖先们是淳朴的农民。
25、The ex-prime minister is an acknowledged foresighted politician. ─── 前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。
26、Preparedness goes a long way, and a little foresight will ensure that, while a computer might be an inconvenience, you will not be defeated. ─── 大有防备,有点远见将确保,而可能是电脑的不便你会不会失败.
27、He has a keen political foresight. ─── 他很有政治眼光。
28、The move turned out to be foresighted. ─── 这一举动被证明是有先见之明的。
29、She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident. ─── 她有先见之明,经济上作了准备以防万一发生事故。
30、The couple had the foresight to plan their retirement wisely. ─── 他们夫妇很有远见,精心安排了退休后的生活。
31、Foresight is better than hindsight. ─── 前瞻比后顾好。
32、Ezekiel was a well known poet of foresight of Israel in the middle ancient times recorded in Bible. ─── 以西结是《圣经》中古代以色列的著名先知诗人。
33、Whether by chance of foresight her parents had named her Grace. The years had proved it a happy choice. ─── 不知道是碰巧还是有先见之明,她父母给她取名为格雷斯。多年来证明这个名字取得好。
34、But it was in the home context that I realised my grandfather's foresight and wisdom. ─── 但是它在我了解我祖父的远见和智能的家上下文。
35、A general who is righteous, has great foresight, courageous and fights a good battle, he is then, capable of leading a thousand-men group. ─── 为人正直而又深谋远虑,勇敢善战,这样的将领择食千夫之将领。
36、In beauty millenarian, doleful seaside of millenarian cloud dragon bay, do not have a person to be able to understand his aspiration and foresight. ─── 在美丽了一千年,寂寞了一千年的云龙湾海边,没有人能读懂他的抱负与远见。
37、It required a statesman's foresight and sagacity to make the decision. ─── 作出这个决定需要政治家的远见卓识。
38、Foresight Analytics, a research firm, reckons that $594 billion of commercial mortgages will mature in America alone between 2009 and 2011. ─── 一家研究机构ForesightAnalytics估计,美国在2009年到2011年间将有5940亿美元商务抵押贷款到期。
39、We were scolded for not having the foresight of the clever Japanese . ─── 他们训斥我们没有聪明的日本人的那种远见。
40、The Honda Research Institute Europe is one of three basic research units Honda inaugurated in a bold and foresighted move in 2003. ─── 本田研究所欧洲本田大胆和有远见的举措在2003年落成的三个基本研究单位之一。
41、For we exercise foresight for what is honorable not only in the sight of the Lord but also in the sight of men. ─── 21因为我们留心作善美可敬的事,不但在主面前,也在人面前。
42、For example, the spell foresight provides a +2 insight bonus to AC. ─── 举例来说,"预警术"这道法术可以给你的AC带来+2的洞察加值。
43、This was followed by Sun Yue in the preseason period, the storm was the news out to be "decentralized" This is basically the Lakers foresight. ─── 其次孙悦在季前赛时期,就被暴出消息要被“下放”,这种情况很基本上是湖人的深谋远虑。
44、Only the wisest of leaders have the foresight to look at a distant objective and in its name stand up against all pressures. ─── 只有最明智的领导人才具有远见卓识,可以高瞻远瞩,并为了遥远的目标而抗拒一切压力。
45、Did they have the foresight to predict how strong this nation would become? ─── 他们是否有远见预知这个国家将变得何等强大?
46、He put the oblong of the foresight, onto the centre of the man's chest and squeezed the trigger gently. ─── 他把长方形准星对准那人的胸膛中央,轻轻地扣动了扳机。
47、If only foresight could be as accurate as the backward view! ─── 先见要是与后见一样准确无误该多好!
48、The policies governing the international systems that link us all so closely together need to be more foresighted. ─── 控制使我们所有人那么紧密联系起来的国际体系的政策需要有更敏锐的先见之明。
49、Today, we must show greater vision and foresight and bring about new achievements in Asia-Europe cooperation to the benefit of all our people. ─── 今天,我们必须表现出更大的理想和远见,并带来新的成果,亚欧合作,以造福我们所有的人。
50、One shrewd thing he did, which indicated the foresight and subtlety of the man. ─── 他干的那件精明事,表现了这个家伙的深谋远虑和巧妙干炼。
51、It requires foresighted concept, innovative practices and visionary personnel. ─── 在日趋激烈的市场竞争中。
52、But Eric had the foresight to see the new mood of optimism that was starting to sweep the country. ─── 但是埃里克却预见到,一种新的乐观情绪正在开始感染全国。
53、However, Sun Chuanfang, as a feudal warlord, he is conservative and parochial, selfish and narrow, and lack of military foresight and strategy. ─── 但作为封建军阀,孙传芳思想保守僵化,自私狭隘,又缺乏军事远见和谋略,故难免出现联军内部矛盾重重、分崩离析的局面,更难抵挡北伐军锐利的攻势。
54、Some of the Chinese foresighted enterprisers begin to care and use the strategy of CIS. ─── 一些有远见的中国企业家已开始关注和运用CIS即现代企业形象战略。
55、But the Middle East never fail to teach one the limits of human foresight. ─── 但中东问题复杂多变,人们很难加以预料。
56、On the type of function, compared with the technology foresight, technology roadmap goes into details. It has much more pertinence and maneuverability. ─── 在活动类型上,与技术预见相比较,技术路线图更加细化了,更具有针对性和可操作性。
57、Business is a continual dealing with the future. A continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight. ─── 商务是不断地处理有关未来的事务、不断地计算和本能地预测未来。
58、The company shows great foresight to produce feedstuff and develop series products, such as premixed feed, concentrated feed, formula feed, and so on. ─── 公司根据国内外最新养殖技术,结合国内现阶段养殖现状,推出了各种畜、禽及水产预混料、蛋白浓缩饲料、 配合饲料等系列产品。
59、I have to be very detail and foresighted . ─── 我必须十分的细心和有预见性。
60、The foresight research on its development implicates to some deeper and sensible issues. ─── 关于党内民主发展的前瞻性研究,涉及到一些深层次和比较敏感的问题。
61、Banerji contends that Roubini’s apparent foresight is nothing more than an unhappy coincidence of events. ─── 他不苟言笑,而当他发笑时,在一头蓬乱的棕色头发的映衬下,更像是在做鬼脸。
62、They can be men of foresight in that they have much knowledge and recognize that they need more. ─── 他们之所以先知先觉,是因为他们知识渊博,同时还认识到自己的不足。
63、Colleges and universities with foresight have begun to recognize the importance of bringing seniors onto their campuses. ─── 一些有远见的高等院校已经开始认识到将老年人请进校园的重要性。
64、The history has proved the correctness and foresight of the author. ─── 历史证明了作者思想的正确性和预见性。
65、But airline holds different view, they think this is a kind of foresighted layout. ─── 但是航空公司则持不同看法,他们认为这是一种深谋远虑的布局。
66、His incisive and fore sighted view indicated his foresight and sagacity as a vocational revolutionist. ─── 他对二次大战的认识甚为精辟,而且很有预见性,显示了其职业革命家的远见和卓识。
67、In this thesis, shortening the encryption time of general CPU or internet processor by foresighted secure module chip and personal trust device are proposed. ─── 因此在此篇论文中,设计出具前瞻性的安全模组晶片来加速一般CPU或网路处理器对加密资料的处理,并提出个人信赖装置的概念。
68、He had struck out unaided for himself, and his success was due solely to his own intelligence, industry, and foresight. ─── 他单枪匹马地给自己打天下,他的成就完全得归功于他自己的聪敏、努力和远见。
69、BAS Plus - the new brake assist system with foresighted radar technology. As standard in the Mercedes-Benz S-Class. ─── BAS制动辅助系统全新升级,拥有前瞻性路况侦测科技。梅赛德斯-宾士S级轿车标准配置。
70、"Sir, my father is a man of great foresight and prudence. ─── “阁下,家父是一个极有先见之明和非常审慎的人。
71、But Celeborn, like Elrond before him, engages in a bit of foresight. ─── 但凯勒鹏也象前面的那一位埃尔隆一样,有一定的预见能力。
72、Death is a part of our cosmic economy. Death is predestined and designed into our cosmos according to the Creator's foreknowledge and foresight. ─── 亚当、夏娃吃园中的果子,是否说死亡已在世界上存在了(果子被吃了,死了)?
73、A leader in an enterprise has to show great foresight. ─── 作为一个企业的领导,一定要有超前意识。
74、"The environmentalists I know are China's most foresighted people," with "a pure and resolute heroism", writes Feng Yongfeng in Environmentalism in China. ─── “我认识的环保主义者,是中国最先知先觉的人......他们身上都有一股纯洁而坚毅的英雄气概,"冯永锋在他的有关中国环保者一书中写道。
75、At the same time the coordiration with aboveground planning, development strategy and foresight is discussed. ─── 同时还论述了与地面规划的协调、与开发策略的协调和与前瞻性的协调。
76、What accuracy, what minuteness, what knowledge of the locality, what foresight of every possibility, every condition, of every minutest detail! ─── 多么精细,多么周密,对地形多么熟悉,对一切可能性,一切条件,一切详情细节都要有先见之明啊!
77、In our personal lives, we all want to have foresight and not hindsight. ─── 在个人生活中,我们总希望自己有先见而不是后知。
78、Before the war they had had the foresight to construct a considerable underground office in Piccadily. ─── 他们在战前就有远见,在匹克迪里大街建造了一个相当大的地下办公室。
79、China's one child policy seems draconian but it was a necessary and foresighted move. ─── 中国的一个子女政策似乎是很严厉的,但也是必需的,并且是有先见之明的提议。
80、Care or preparation in advance;foresight. ─── 先见,提前考虑或准备;远见
81、With macro and strategic foresight, professional, responsibility, exploration innovation and enterprising spirit. ─── 具有宏观和战略眼光,强烈的专业心,责任感,开拓创新意识和积极进取精神。
82、Denis Loveridge,Luke Georghiou and Maria Nedeva.The UK Technology Foresight Programme-Delphi Survey [ R ],http://www.foresight.gov.uk/. ─── 国家技术前瞻研究组.中国技术前瞻报告2004[M].北京:科学技术文献出版社,2005,3.
83、Of orchid foresighted make this phyletic be able to multiply, expand, down to does not take care " modest self-disciplined gentleman " made the number one place in plant kingdom. ─── 兰花的深谋远虑使这个种族得以繁衍、壮大,以至一不小心“谦谦君子”便成就了在植物界的霸主地位。
84、As an owner, if wants to win the checkerboard to win, under each step wants to understand clearly, rich foresight. ─── 作为一个业主,要想赢得棋盘大胜,每个步骤都要下得清楚明白,富有远见。
85、Can go up in ABAC peak, ma Yun (right) describing he and Sun Zhengyi (left) two Internet " maniac " foresight. ─── 在ABAC峰会上,马云(右)描述着他与孙正义(左)两位互联网“狂人”的远见。
86、Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the Internet . ─── 《联合早报》高瞻远瞩,不失时机地上了网际网络。
87、The following domains are transfering, welcome the foresight, charismatic person or entity contact to purchase or joint development of! ─── 以下域名正在转让,欢迎有远见有魄力的人士或者单位联系购买或联合开发!
88、The first brake that reads the street.BAS Plus - the new brake assist system with foresighted radar technology. ─── BAS系统升级服务-新的制动辅助系统与前瞻雷达技术。
89、With the certainty of his prophetic foresight, Ezekiel spoke as though the events represented in this allegory had already happened. ─── 以西结因确定所预见的必定发生,其描述的语气常宛如已经发生了。
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