erecting 发音
英:[ɪˈrektɪŋ] 美:[ɪˈrektɪŋ]
英: 美:
erecting 中文意思翻译
erecting 词性/词形变化,erecting变形
副词: erectly |动词过去式: erected |动词第三人称单数: erects |名词: erectness |动词过去分词: erected |动词现在分词: erecting |形容词: erectable |
erecting 反义词
destroy | demolish | ruin |unerect
erecting 同义词
institute | found | tumid | upright | frame | put up | raise | plumb | initiate | rear | straight | create | manufacture | assemble | jack | uplift | establish | set up | stiff | rigid | vertical |construct | perpendicular | build | fabricate
erecting 短语词组
1、self-erecting ─── 自动装配
2、erecting act ─── 安装证书
3、Quick Erecting Antenna Mast ─── 快速竖立天线桅杆
4、erecting loop ─── 架设回路
5、re-erecting (re-erect ─── 的现在分词) vt. 再建造;重新竖立;重新架设
6、erecting lens ─── 正像透镜
7、erecting frame ─── 装配用构架
8、erecting bolt ─── 安装螺栓
9、erecting equipment ─── 安装设备
10、erecting crane ─── 装配吊车;安 ─── 装用起重机
11、erecting prism ─── 正像棱镜
12、erecting bed ─── [化] 安装现场
13、erecting bay ─── 装配车间
14、erecting shop ─── [机] 装配工厂
15、erecting arm ─── 安装臂
16、erecting bill ─── 装配次序表
17、erecting deck ─── 安装甲板
18、erecting device ─── 安装装置
19、erecting drawing ─── 安装图
erecting 相似词语短语
1、directing ─── v.导演(direct的ing形式);指引;adj.指导的;指向的;n.指导;导演
2、electing ─── 选择;选举;当选而尚未就职的
3、dejecting ─── v.使沮丧,使灰心;adj.沮丧的,情绪低落的
4、coerecting ─── 同向
5、eructing ─── vi.打嗝;喷出;vt.喷出;打嗝
6、ejecting ─── v.喷射(eject的ing形式)
7、detecting ─── v.发现;调查(罪行、罪犯);察觉(细微或不易发觉的东西)(detect的现在分词);n.侦查
8、defecting ─── n.缺点,缺陷;不足之处;vi.变节;叛变
9、perfecting ─── v.(使)完美,完善;(使)完全,完成;双面印完(一页纸);(使)合法转移(perfect的现在分词)
erecting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、TYPICAL USE: The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls. ─── 士兵们在山上这地点大兴泥土工程及设立木墙,以设立防御工事。
2、He's very tall and erect for his 78 years. ─── 他虽然已78岁了,但依然个头高,腰杆直。
3、Her mother was an erect, square-shouldered, defiant woman. ─── 她的妈妈是一位挺胸直立,双肩宽阔而顽强的女人。
4、Does he walk erect and confident or is he humbly stooped? ─── 他走起路来是昂首挺胸、满怀自信,还是弯腰曲背,卑微猥琐?
5、I tried to erect a facade of imperviousness and self-confidence. ─── 我竭力装出一幅不受外界干扰,十分自信的样子。
6、By erecting the proper stations in good time in our own country we could jam the beam. ─── 及时在我们国内建立适当的电台,我们就能干挠他们的射束。
7、Stems 60-90 cm, erect, white stellate dendroid tomentose. ─── 抑制60-90厘米,直立,白色星状被绒毛。
8、They'd erect your statue of you next to it with perfect hair. ─── 他们会用完美的头发帮你竖立你的形象。
9、Construction workers erecting an apartment complex thought he might have worked there. ─── 建筑工地的建筑工人也认为何文曾在那里工作过。
10、They are erecting an airport terminal bigger than all five at London's Heathrow Airport and about 110 hotels. ─── 另外,他们还要建成一座比伦敦希思罗机场五个航站楼加在一起还大的航站楼,以及约110家酒店。
11、He sat very erect, listening intently. ─── 他坐得笔直,专心地听 。
12、Herbs annual.Stems erect, dichotomously branched. ─── 一年生草本茎直立,二歧的分枝。
13、A monument is erect in front of the town hall. ─── 一座纪念碑在市政厅前建起。
14、Erecting expenses incurred at the site where the products are used. ─── 在产品使用地的安装费用。
15、The most prominent is China's "great firewall" . But China is by no means the only country erecting borders in cyberspace. ─── 最突出的是中国的“greatfirewall”,但中国决不是在虚拟空间设限的唯一国家。
16、The classical law of nature philosophers laid the foundation stones which were used in erecting the legal edifice of modern Western civilization. ─── 古典自然法学家奠定了现代西方文明法律大厦的基石。
17、Monasteries are erecting new buildings. ─── 修道院也建了新楼。
18、My head swam as I stood erect. ─── 我站直身子的时候,我的头发晕。
19、Two sets of bottle nipping and annlar belt structure.Good effect for some bottles erecting unsteadily. ─── 两套夹瓶环带结构,使高瓶或站立不稳的瓶子也适应。
20、Corona lobes 5, erect, acuminate, fleshy, attached to gynostegium. ─── 副花冠裂片5,竖立,渐尖,肉质,着生。
21、Herbs, erect, viscid pubescent throughout. ─── 全部的草本,直立,黏的短柔毛。
22、Don't trample the insulation when erecting scaffolding. ─── 在搭设脚手架的过程中不可以踩踏保温结构;
23、We ladies of Barchester will erect for it a fitting receptacle. ─── 我们巴彻斯特的妇女会给它竖立起一个合适的座子的。
24、It might seem odd to be erecting skyscrapers when Britain's economy is still recovering from its nastiest shock since the 1930s. ─── 英国经济还处在20世纪30年代以来最大的创伤的恢复过程中,此时建摩天大厦似乎很奇怪。
25、He was tall with a neat, erect carriage. ─── 他个子高而腰背挺直。
26、Don't erect scaffold during thunder and fire-flag weather. ─── 打雷闪电天气不得进行脚手架搭设作业;
27、It takes only a few minutes to erect a tent . ─── 仅用几分钟时间就可搭个帐蓬。
28、Build or erect(a monument,statue,etc. ─── 建造或树立(纪念碑、雕像等)
29、They are going to erect a monument in memory of the dead. ─── 他们将立碑以纪念死者。
30、For a dog,an erect tail indicates aggression. ─── 对狗而言,竖立起来的尾巴表示进攻。
31、She held her head erect and her back straight. ─── 她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。
32、Cilia jackknifed erect, her dark eyes blazing. ─── Cilia站直身体,黑色的眼睛里流光溢彩。
33、A: Did you see the picture of those astronauts erecting a pair of wings on the space station? ─── 你有没有看到那张航天员把一双翅膀装在太空站上的图片?
34、Angry animals erect the mane. ─── 动物发怒时鬃毛会竖起。
35、There is a stone erecting on the boundary between the two countries. ─── 在两国的交界上,立着一块石碑。
36、Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect. ─── 手放两边,昂首站立。
37、She was naturally of exquisite figure, erect. ─── 她天生仪态万方,亭亭玉立。
38、It made her feel erect and proud again. ─── 她又感到扬眉吐气了。
39、Small trees, erect or scandent shrubs. ─── 小乔木,直立或攀缘灌木。
40、Erecting the dynamics of your success? ─── 你成功的动力是什莫?
41、He was rigid, erect, and impassive. ─── 他一动不动,笔直地站着,脸上毫无表情。
42、Six policemen started to erect a roadblock. ─── 六个警察着手建立一道路障。
43、But as well as erecting new bridges and roads, China is also quickening the build out of infrastructure for a modern digital economy. ─── 但在新建桥梁和道路之外,中国还在加快建设现代数字经济所需的基础设施。
44、Construction of the Monument to the People's Heroes started a movement of erecting sculpture in China. ─── 人民英雄纪念碑的建造,揭开了一大批城雕创作的序幕。
45、The individuals erecting the scaffold have been properly trained in its use. ─── 安装脚手架的人都已接受过关于脚手架用途的培训。
46、Erecting signs on the road aims to provide traffic rules. ─── 在公路上立标是为了使行驶的车辆有章可循。
47、Stems erect or ascending, often branched basally. ─── 基部的茎直立或上升,通常分枝。
48、The tail erecting test and the body shaking test were used to confirm the establishment of models. ─── 建立小鼠竖尾现象,大鼠呈湿狗样摇体反应的吸毒模型。然后使用生物制剂进行治疗并观察其疗效。
49、Carpels erect, free, stipitate, many ovuled. ─── 心皮直立,离生,,很多胚珠。
50、His tall figure sprang erect again with a start. ─── 他那高高的身体惊跳一下,又直了起来。
51、Plants xerophilous, 12-45 cm tall, erect. ─── 喜旱的植株,12-45厘米高,直立。
52、The count was erect and triumphant, like the Avenging Angel! ─── 只有伯爵笔挺地站着,面露胜利的神色,象是复仇的天使。
53、All social problems erect their interrogation point around this chopping-knife. ─── 所有的社会问题都在那把板斧的四周举起了它们的问号。
54、Soldiers are trained to stand erect. ─── 士兵们训练站得笔直。
55、They decide to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erect a statue. ─── 他们为永远纪念那位领袖决定建一座雕像。
56、A group of men are erecting a monstrous copper edifice. ─── 一群人正在建造一座巨大的铜色建筑。
57、Don't mix the different standard scaffolding material when erecting scaffolding. ─── 不可以混用英标和国标的脚手架材料;
58、The secondary reason was vertical erecting way of reboiler. ─── 再沸器的立式安装方式导致振动。
59、The soldier was ordered to stand erect. ─── 士兵被命令笔直地站着。
60、Used as a command to assume an erect military posture. ─── (口令)立正用作要求军人立正姿势的口令
61、Saint-Simon, ignored, was erecting his sublime dream. ─── 不闻名的圣西门正计划他的好梦。
62、He walked away erect and stiff, like a man angrily drunk. ─── 他僵挺挺地走开了,像个喝得烂醉的人。
63、The body must have been erect when this chest wound was inflicted. ─── 当他遭受这一胸伤时,他的身体一定是挺直的。
64、Building a power plant on the Volga river and erecting a bay in Samara are just a few examples. ─── 伏尔加河上建起的电站,萨马拉河岸筑起的港湾,在众多的工程建设项目里也只是冰山一角。
65、Any and all costs for erecting the production line shall be on the Buyer's account. ─── 与生产线安装有关的一切费用都由买方承担。
66、Herbs, annual, shrubby, erect to 1 m tall. ─── 一年生草本,灌木状,直立达1米高的。
67、He was erect in attitude, and quiet in demeanour. ─── 他器宇轩昂,举止文静。
68、Herbs, annual, erect to 1 m tall, often tinged red. ─── 一年生草本,直立达1米高,通常微染红色。
69、Follicles 2, cylindric-fusiform, erect. ─── 蓇葖果2,圆筒状,直立。
70、"It had to be somebody," she said to the erect, austere missionary. ─── “总要有人来做,”她对坐得笔挺的严肃的传教士说。
71、A basal or subterranean shoot which is more or less erect. ─── 多少直立的基生的或地下的枝条。从地下长出的枝条。
72、He is a man of erect and soldierly bearing. ─── 他是一个身子挺直、具有军人风度的男子。
73、Its importance as a tourist attraction was another reason to consider erecting a new stadium. ─── 建造新洋基体育馆另一个原因是它是一个重要的旅游景点。
74、They plan to erect an apartment house on that property. ─── 他们计划在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼。
75、And do not erect a sacred stone, for these the LORD your God hates. ─── 也不可为自己设立柱像。这是耶和华你神所恨恶的。
76、The act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position. ─── 假定或维持一种直而垂的动作。
77、The art and science of designing and erecting buildings. ─── 建筑学设计和建筑物建造的艺术与科学
78、Ovary erect, fusiform, ca. 2.2 mm. ─── 子房直立,纺锤形,约2.2毫米。
79、She held herself erect [upright] and was grave in manner. ─── 她挺直着身子,态度很严肃。
80、The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls. ─── 士兵们在山岗上修建土木工事并竖起木墙以巩固阵地。
81、He confronted his visitor in an erect attitude. ─── 他直着身子面对来客。
82、Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside. ─── 几棵青松挺立在山坡上。
83、A monument to the national hero is erect here after the war. ─── 战後在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。
84、But China is by no means the only country erecting borders in cyberspace. ─── 但中国远远不是唯一在网络空间里垒边境墙的国家。
85、Two Chinese players erect a double block. ─── 两名中国队员双人拦网。
86、Constructing this Palace of Buddhism is extraordinarily fast, like a miracle: erecting suddenly. ─── 奇迹般从天而降的灵山梵宫,建设速度惊人地快。
87、Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America. ─── 日本业主们正在全美国构建复杂的政治影响力网络。
88、An erect spine was found to need the least spending of energy. ─── 人们发现直立的脊背用的能量最少。
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