capacitated 中文意思翻译
capacitated 词性/词形变化,capacitated变形
capacitated 同义词
capacitated 反义词
capacitated 短语词组
1、capacitated vrp ─── 电容式vrp
2、capacitated define ─── 电容定义
3、capacitated sperm ─── 获能精子
4、capacitated meaning ─── 容量限制意义
5、capacitated person ─── 有能力的人
6、capacitated means ─── 有能力的手段
7、capacitated def ─── 容量受限的def
8、capacitated me ─── 使我有能力
9、capacitated machine ─── 电容式 ─── 电机
10、capacitated transportation problem ─── [计] 限量运输问题
capacitated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Sperm must be capacitated before sperm ovum fusion. ─── 精卵融合之前精子必须获能。
2、Analyzing the model of the single level capacitated lot-sizing problem (SLCLSP), a new approach based on IGA (immune genetic algorithm) is proposed to solve the problem. ─── 摘要通过对单级多资源约束生产批量计划问题(SLCLSP)模型进行分析,提出了基于免疫遗传算法(IGA)求解该问题的方法。
3、Although multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem (MCLSP) is an NP-hard problem, the model appears to be easier to solve than MCLSP from a numerical point of view. ─── 实验结果表明,与分散策略相比,显著降低了计算量;
4、Study on Capacitated Minimum Cost Flow Problem with Genetic Algorithm ─── 遗传算法求解带容量限制的最小费用流问题
5、Zhou Hao, Zhu Hongbo,Mao Jianbo,et al.An artificialneural network model on NOx Emission property of a high capacit tangentially firing boiler[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2002,22(1): 33-37. ─── [3]周吴,朱洪波,茅建波,等.大型四角切圆燃烧锅炉NOx排放特性的神经网络模型[J].中国电机工程学报,2002,22(1):33-37.
6、A dynamic logistics nodes location model considering capacitated, multi-source and multi-level logistics nodes was presented. ─── 建立了一个具有容量约束、多源、多层次的动态物流节点规划模型。
7、A Capacitated Multi-commodity Network Design Problem with Side Constraints on Paths and Its Tabu Search Algorithm ─── 一种带路径约束的多商品流网络设计问题及其禁忌算法
8、Considering design parameter's fuzzy uncertainty, a fuzzy programming model was developed for optimal design of a single product, capacitated returned logistics network. ─── 摘要考虑设计参数的模糊不确定性,建立了单一产品、有处理能力限制的回收物流网络优化设计的模糊规划模型。
9、Keywords Aerostatic thrust bearing;Aerostatic guide way;Loading capacit y; ─── 空气静压止推轴承;空气静压导轨;承载能力;
10、capacitated transportation problem ─── [计] 限量运输问题
11、capacitated lot-sizing problem ─── 带有能力约束的批量问题
12、VMI strategy and its value of information in capacitated supply chain ─── 供应能力制约下的VMI策略及其信息价值研究
13、Research into the Computation of the Single Source Capacitated Plant Location Problem ─── 一类带单源约束的选址运输问题算法研究
14、complexity of the 2 -opt algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) was analyzed in this paper. ─── 分析了需求不可分割带能力约束的车辆路径问题(cvrp)的2 - OPT算法计算时间的平均复杂度。
15、The Capacitated Plant Location Problem (CPLP) is a NP problem and hard to get an optimal and satisfactory solution. ─── 容量受限的工厂选址问题属于NP难题,较难得到最优解和满意解。
16、YANG Jun,YANG Chao,MA Yun-feng.Flow interception problem with double capacitated service[J].China Journal of Highway and Transport,2004,17(4):85-88. ─── [8]杨珺,杨超,马云峰.带有双重容量限制的FIP问题研究[J].中国公路学报,2004,17(4):85-88.
17、At the same time, capacitated spermatozoa also had lower exogenous DNA uptake(P
18、Lagrangean relaxation was used to decompose the capacitated problem into a set of simple uncapacitated sub-problems. ─── 给出了基于拉格朗日松驰的启发式算法,把原问题转换成若干个单产品无能力受限批量与定价协调问题。
19、capacitated constraint ─── 能力约束
20、Keywords WT5”BZ] Human sperm;Chemotaxis;Egg;Follicular fluid;Capacitated spermatozoa; ─── 人类精子;趋化性;卵子;卵泡液;获能;
21、The dynamic prices as the decision variables were introduced into multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem with backlogging. ─── 制造商处于垄断地位,具有定价主导权。
22、The single source capacitated plant location problem(SSCPLP)is the capacitated plant location problem(CPLP)with single source constraints where clients must be served by a single plant. ─── 带单源约束的选址运输问题是在经典的选址运输问题基础上考虑每个顾客需求的产品仅由一家工厂供应的情况。
23、capacitated lot sizing problem ─── 能力约束批量计划
24、A general integrating lot-sizing and scheduling problem(GLSP)for a multi-level capacitated flexible flow-line is formulated. ─── 针对多级、多资源约束的柔性生产线,建立了一种分批与调度集成的通用模型(GLSP)。
25、article proposes a new heuristic algorithm for capacitated P-median problem. ─── 问题的特点,提出了一种新的启发式算法。
26、This paper considers the capacitated lot sizing problem (CLSP) with setup carry-over. ─── 考虑能力约束及准备费用延用条件下的多部件批量问题。
27、The Capacitated Open Vehicle Routing Problem and Its Tabu Search Algorithm ─── 带装载能力约束的开放式车辆路径问题及其禁忌搜索算法研究
28、complicated Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) ─── 复杂容量限制弦路径车辆行驶问题
29、Based on the research of former, a general integrating lot sizing and scheduling problem(GLSP) for a capacitated flexible flow line is formulated. ─── 在总结前人研究的基础上,建立了多级多资源的柔性生产线的分批与调度 集成模型( GLSP)。
30、Immune Genetic Algorithm for the Single Level Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem ─── 求解单级多资源约束生产批量计划问题的免疫遗传算法
31、The Newton method with the new gradient is combined with the interior penalty method to obtain the capacitated network flow solution. ─── 利用新梯度的特征,并结合惩罚函数方法,可以获得容量制约下的交通网络流的解。
32、The Company currently has 120 employees, of whom 30 of them are engineers, and has an annual production capacit of 10000 Tons. ─── 公司现有员工120人,其中专业技术人员30人,年设计生产能力10000吨。
33、Capacitated P-median problem ─── 约束P-中位问题
34、Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Single Level Capacitated Dynamic Lot-sizing Problem ─── 基于改进粒子群算法求解单级多资源约束生产批量计划问题
35、capacitated facility location problem (CFLP) ─── 固定容量设备选址问题
36、temperature compensating ceramic capacit ─── 温度补偿陶瓷电容器
37、Our investigation has developed a new framework and idea to solve and optimal lot sizing problem with fuzzy capacitated constrains. ─── 本文方法为模糊环境下的分批计划问题的求解和优化提供了一种 新的思路和框架。
38、A hybrid algorithm of ant colony &genetic algorithms was proposed to solve the flexible Job Shop scheduling problem capacitated constraints. ─── 摘要提出一种主、从递阶结构的蚁群遗传求解算法。
39、If filings of iron, sulphur and water be mixed together, these bodies thus capacitated to act on each other, are heated by degrees, and ultimately produce a violent combustion. ─── 如果铁屑、硫磺和水混合在一起,并加热,它们立即互相作用,最终形成剧烈的燃烧。
40、The Newton method with the new gradient is combined with the interior penalty method to obtain the capacitated network flow solution. ─── 利用新梯度的特征,并结合惩罚函数方法,可以获得容量制约下的交通网络流的解。
41、This paper presents a very large scale neighborhood (VLSN) search algorithm for the capacitated facility location problem with single-source constraints. ─── 摘要 近年来,由于科技的进步与经济的发展,让人们享受著舒适便利的生活,但相对也制造了大量的废弃物。
42、The Capacitated Plant Location Problem (CPLP) is a NP problem and hard to get an optimal and satisfactory solution. ─── 摘要容量受限的工厂选址问题属于NP难题,较难得到最优解和满意解。
43、The data support the presence of a tyrosine-phosphorylated CTCF in the capacitated mouse sperm. ─── 这些结果均证明在获能反应后的小鼠精子内有酪胺酸磷酸化CTCF蛋白的存在。
44、capacitated dynamic lot--sizing problem ─── 有能力约束的生产批量计划
45、Optimal method of capacitated lot sizing planning in manufacturing systems ─── 制造系统中能力约束下的生产批量计划优化方法
46、functional residual capacit ─── 功能残气量
47、capacitated vehicle routing problem ─── 车辆路径问题
48、A tabu search algorithm for the capacitated open vehicle routing problem is proposed. ─── 提出了一种用于求解带装载能力约束的开放式车辆路径问题的禁忌搜索算法。
49、So it is a good option for this algorithm to solve small-scale single source capacitated plant location problems. ─── 由此得出结论:对规模较小的带单源约束的选址运输问题,本文提出的算法是简便且行之有效的。
50、At the same time,the electrochemical behavior of nanometer ZnO had been studied,our experimental results showed that nanometer ZnO has better cyclic performance,but cyclic capacit. ─── 结果表明,与常规颗粒的氧化锌相比较,纳米氧化锌具有较高的初始容量和循环性能,但是它的初始容量衰减很快。
51、He is already eighteen years old and is capacitated to vote. ─── 他已18周岁,已具有合法的选举权。
52、Fabricio Olivetti de Franca,Fernando J Von Zuben,Leandro Nunes de Castro.A max min ant system applied to the capacitated clustering problem[J]. ─── 万旭,林健良,杨晓伟.改进的最大_最小蚂蚁算法在有时间窗车辆路径问题中的应用[J].计算机集成制造系统,2005,11(4):572-576.
53、This paper presents the capacitated lot sizing and scheduling problem of multiple process routines production with limited buffers. ─── 考虑多工艺路线且库容受限的能力批量计划问题。
54、Capacitated Arc Routing Problem(CARP) ─── 容量限制弦路径车辆行驶问题
55、Fig.3 Sperm capacitated with BWW.Acrosome has lost and IAM is heavy labeled while PM of PA(*)is not. ─── 图3BWW获能组精子,顶体已失,顶体区IAM见大量金颗粒标记,顶体后区(*)质膜则无。
56、This paper studied the capacitated lot sizing problem for a supply chain of cooperated multi-location plants. ─── 摘要研究了分散式多工厂协作生产的供应链的约束批量计画问题。
57、A hybrid genetic algorithm with 2-OPT sub-routes optimization was presented for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) in the logistics distribution optimization area. ─── 针对物流配送中具有容量限制的车辆路径问题,设计了一种结合2-OPT子路径优化的混合遗传算法。在该算法中,提出了一种新的双层染色体编码方案。
58、In this paper existing underground gas storages in the world were investigated in detail and the capacit. ─── 地下储气库是世界范围内广泛采用的主要储气调峰方式之一。
59、This paper presents the capacitated lot sizing and scheduling problem of multiple process routines production with limited buffers. ─── 摘要考虑多工艺路线且库容受限的能力批量计划问题。
60、The practice of tutorship in the development of young teachers aims to help the young teachers behave well on the platform and ensure they step up on the smooth road and become capacitated teachers. ─── 青年教师专业发展导师制,旨在帮助新手教师站稳讲台,确保他们走上健康发展的轨道,经过锤炼成为胜任教育教学的教师。
61、In this paper, we research the capacitated fixed facility location problem as manufactures in scale of economy. ─── 摘要研究了企业在规模经济时带建站费用、有容量约束的工厂选址问题。
62、sintered type solid electrolytic capacit ─── 烧结型固体电解质电容
63、Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem(CVRP) is discussed, and an efficient hybrid genetic algorithm is designed. ─── 讨论了具有容量限制的车辆路径安排问题,设计了一个高效混合遗传算法。
64、Application of Two-Level Enhanced Genetic Algorithm to Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem of Three-Level Supply Chain with Quantity Discount ─── 两级强化遗传算法在带有数量打折的三级供应链批量计划问题中的应用
65、Considering design parameter s fuzzy uncertainty,a fuzzy programming model was developed for optimal design of a single product,capacitated returned logistics network. ─── 考虑设计参数的模糊不确定性,建立了单一产品、有处理能力限制的回收物流网络优化设计的模糊规划模型。
66、The results of four cycle experiments of sulfidation and regeneration showed that the sulfur capacit... ─── 最佳条件下多次硫化-再生循环后硫容仅有微小降低。
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