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obstetrician 发音

英:[,ɒbstə'trɪʃ(ə)n]  美:['ɑbstə'trɪʃən]

英:  美:

obstetrician 中文意思翻译



obstetrician 词性/词形变化,obstetrician变形

异体字: obstetrical |副词: obstetrically |

obstetrician 短语词组

1、obstetrician's hand ─── [医]助产士手:手强直挛缩,腕屈曲,掌指关节屈曲但指间关节伸直,拇指强烈弯向掌心,似助产士检查阴道时的姿势

2、obstetrician definition ─── 产科定义

3、obstetrician and gynaecologist ─── 妇产科医生

4、obstetrician def ─── 产科医生

5、obstetrician in spanish translation ─── 西班牙语翻译中的产科医生

6、obstetrician and gynecologist ─── 妇产科医师 ─── 妇产科医生

7、obstetrician-gynaecologist ─── 妇产科医师

8、obstetrician define ─── 产科医师定义

9、obstetrician / gynecologist n. ─── 妇科医生

10、obstetrician m ─── 产科医师m

11、obstetrician and gynecologist salary ─── 妇产科医生工资

12、obstetrician hand ─── [医] 助产(士)手

13、obstetrician md ─── 产科医师

obstetrician 相似词语短语

1、obstetrics ─── n.产科学,助产术

2、obstetric ─── adj.产科的;生产的,分娩的

3、obstetrical ─── adj.产科的;助产的

4、biometrician ─── 生物统计学家

5、Cistercian ─── n.西多会的修士(修女);adj.西多会(天主教隐修院修会之一)的

6、obstetricians ─── n.产科医师

7、aesthetician ─── n.审美学家(等于esthetician)

8、dosimetrician ─── n.剂量学;放射量测定(dosimetry的变形)

9、obstetrically ─── 产科

obstetrician 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The nearest obstetrician was in Soroti town, 20 miles away.The nearest doctor of any sort, in fact.That's why Florence Ayupo died. ─── 最近的产科医生也在20公里外的索里提镇,实际上也是离这里最近的医生,不管是什么科的医生。

2、However, at the critical 12-week stage, I had a haemorrhage and was informed by an obstetrician that the foetal heart had stopped beating. ─── 但我在关键的第十二周发生了一次内出血,一位产科医生告诉我胎心停跳了。

3、She was the best obstetrician in town in Xiamen city in her time. ─── 穿着医生白大褂,在鼓浪屿医院。

4、If pregnant, take an iron supplement, as recommended by an obstetrician or other health care provider. ─── 如怀孕,要在妇产医生的指导下食用补铁的食物。

5、Delbanco SF,Mauldon J,Smith MD.Little knowledge and limited practice:emergency Contrace ptivepills, the public, and the obstetrician gynecologist[J]. Obstet Gynecol,1997,89(6):1006. ─── 陈军玲,童传良,江东,等.上海市育龄妇女紧急避孕知识和意识调查[J].中国计划生育学杂志,1999,8:350.

6、The obstetrician delivered the child ─── 产科医生替这个孩子接生。

7、The risk is further reduced by informing the obstetrician and performing testing during pregnancy. ─── 为进一步减少风险告知妇产科及表演测试怀孕。

8、obstetrician's hand ─── 助产士手助产手

9、This is the exciting part of being an opertrision, and obstetrician that every delivery is very special. ─── 作为产科大夫这可以说是最刺激的部分了。

10、Be in gravid and inchoate , whether is physician combination judgement continued by obstetrician and heart gravid, point out a note. ─── 在妊娠早期,由产科医生及心内科医生联合判断是否继续妊娠,并指出注意事项。

11、Her obstetrician could not be present at the birth. ─── 产科医生不能前来为她接生。

12、If you prefer to bottle-feed, be sure to register with the formula company for free samples or ask your obstetrician for samples. ─── 如果你喜欢用奶瓶喂奶,请确保向婴儿食品公司登记,以获得免费样品或者向你的产科医生索要样品。

13、Keywords China;Rural area;Obstetrician;Pediatrician;Equity; ─── 中国;农村地区;妇产科医师;儿科医师;公平性;

14、This is the exciting part of being /// an obstetrician that every delivery is very special, each one is quite unique, and . ─── 这是作为一个产科医师最激动的一刻。每次接生都是那么的特别,每次都是不一样。

15、The obstetrician opted for Cesarean section in order to avoid stress during vaginal delivery. ─── 在接续的剖腹生产中,维持血行动力学的稳定,对避免颅内出血及其他并发症的产生十分重要。

16、An obstetrician with her own practice ─── 是位产科医师

17、Be in gravid and inchoate, whether is physician combination judgement continued by obstetrician and heart gravid, point out a note. ─── 在妊娠早期,由产科医生及心内科医生联合判断是否继续妊娠,并指出注意事项。

18、It becomes very important to make a correct decision of medical treatment for obstetrician when they manage various preterm neonates. ─── 如何针对不同情况的早产,选用有效的药物治疗,是产科医生经常要面对的问题。

19、Please consult your gynaecologist or obstetrician before planning your trip. ─── 请在您计划旅行前,咨询您的妇科或产科医生。

20、Most people’s business cards include their name and a single line underneath describing what they do, such as:attorney at law, obstetrician, or interior designer. ─── 大多数人的名片上都包括他们的名字,名字下面一行是他们的职业,比如说:律师,产科医生或者装潢设计。

21、Based on the information supplied by the consultant and obstetrician,this consultative system uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to give out the best suggestion for choosing contraceptive method. ─── 基于咨询者具体情况,结合妇产科临床,运用模糊综合评判理论确定其最佳避孕方法,同时提供各种避孕措施的查询。

22、Camp out at an obstetrician’s and you’ll see that women of all shapes (not just Barbie’s) become pregnant. ─── 如果你有机会在妇产科外兜一圈儿,你能看见各种各样体态的孕妇(不光是芭碧娃娃形体的)。

23、Jason: Damn! This baby's coming in an half an hour. You tell your Captain Kirk, he's either got to land this plane, or beam me up an obstetrician. ─── 杰森:该死,过半小时孩子就要出生了,请你去告诉柯克机长,要么立刻着陆,要么变出一个产科医生来。

24、He taught many pupils, including the famous surgeon and obstetrician William Hunter. ─── 他还传教了许多弟子,包括著名的外科和产科医生威廉·亨特。

25、an obstetrician with her own practice. ─── 专业是产科医师

26、1.As Coronis lay on her funeral pyre, Hermes played the obstetrician (virtually his only medical act) and delivered the infant Aesculapius from her womb. ─── 当克洛尼斯被安置在火葬木堆上时,赫尔墨斯担任产科医生(事实上这是他唯一一次从事医生职业),从她的子宫里取出婴儿伊斯蔻雷皮亚斯。

27、The infant pointed his little fingers and blatantly mocked the obstetrician's mangled stethoscope. ─── 这个婴儿用他的小指指著妇产科医生那只残旧变形的听诊器公然大声嘲笑。

28、OB/GYN: obstetrician and gynecologist. ─── 产科妇科一般算一起的。

29、obstetrician rs hand ─── 助产士手

30、Lily is pregnant. She is going to see her obstetrician to make sure the baby is healthy. ─── 莉莉怀孕了。她要去看产科医师,以确保宝宝的健康。

31、2.An obstetrician (OB) is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and recuperation from delivery. About 8 in 10 pregnant women choose obstetricians. ─── 产科医生:他们可以为您提供在怀孕,生小孩,产后护理方面专业的服务。大概8/10的孕妇选择产科医生。

32、obstetrician --- ─── 产科医师.

33、Her obstetrician could not be present at the birth ─── 产科医生不能前来为她接生.

34、At my obstetrician visit afterward, my doctor asked when I'd be having the next one. ─── 过后做孕检的时候,医生问我什么时候想怀下一胎。

35、They joined up with a pediatrician, a family practitioner, and an obstetrician. ─── 他们和一个儿科医生、一个家族从业人员和一个产科医生一起参加。

36、This is the exciting part of being in the operation an obstetrician that every delivery is very special, each one quite unique. ─── 这也是作为一名妇产科医生的激动之处,每一次分娩都很特别。

37、Based on the information supplied by the consultant and obstetrician, this consultative system uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to give out the best suggestion for choosing contraceptive method. ─── 摘要基于咨询者具体情况,结合妇产科临床,运用模糊综合评判理论确定其最佳避孕方法,同时提供各种避孕措施的查询。

38、Probably no, if that abortion was properly done by reliable obstetrician. ─── 可能性很多,下次看医生医生时顺便问一下吧。

39、Planning for a summer delivery for your child? You might want to choose an ophthalmologist along with an obstetrician. ─── 是否计划在夏天生个小孩?除了需要一位产科医生外,你可能还需要一位眼科医生。

40、Early involvement of an available obstetrician is important to evaluate both maternal and fetal well-being. ─── 联系紧密的产科医生早期介入,检查评估母婴双方健康状况是非常重要的。

41、When those methods fail to stop bleeding, the obstetrician often considers a cesarean hysterectomy. ─── 对于结扎血管无效者或运行上有困难者大部份的医师会考虑切除子宫。

42、Gary Steinman, an obstetrician and specialist in multiple-birth pregnancies, found the results by comparing the twinning rates of pregnant women on vegan diets and those who ate animal products. ─── 研究人员指出,造成这一现象的原因可能与人们喂养奶牛时添加的生长激素有关。

43、The multi-regression analysis with the SPSS 10.0 showed that the sequence of social factors influencing lying-in women to select caesarean birth is:mother,obstetrician,friends,media and husband(P

44、The identical triplets were born at North Shore University Hospital on Long Island, New York - an event so rare that an obstetrician estimated it might happen just once in 200 million births. ─── 这组同卵三胞胎诞生于美国纽约长岛的北岸大学附属医院,这种情况实在太罕见了,产科医师估计发生机率只有两亿分之一。

45、Obstetrician: Will the father be present during the birth? ─── 产科医师:生孩子的时候孩子的父亲会在旁边吗?

46、Please consult your gynaecologist or obstetrician before planning your trip. We will accept passengers with. ─── 我们建议您于计划旅程前,先与您的妇科医生商讨。

47、" This is just the beginning, " said Dr.Ida M.Campagna, the obstetrician who attended the birth at Sisters Hospital in Buffalo, and who has already received inquiries form families around the world. " They're coming out of the woodwork." ─── “这不过才开始,”在布法罗城姊妹医院接生的坎帕纳医生说。她已接到世界各地的家庭的询问。“这些家庭不再躲躲藏藏了。”

48、Dr.Abutaleb Sarem, a western-trained specialist obstetrician and medical director at Sarem hospital, is urging patients to bring in husbands for health and psychological reasons. ─── 受过西方专业训练的妇产科医师萨瑞姆,同时也身兼萨瑞姆医院医疗负责人,正以促进健康与心理因素为由,大力呼吁产妇让丈夫进入产房。

49、If you become pregnant, you may want to seek care from a specialist familiar with Marfan syndrome or an obstetrician who specializes in high-risk pregnancies if a Marfan specialist is not available. ─── 对于已经怀孕的女性,如果找不到马凡氏症专家,可能会希望熟悉马凡氏症的医生或了解怀孕风险的产科医师进行护理。

50、Her obstetrician could not be present at the birth . ─── 登记出生或死亡的手续很简单.

51、obstetrician obstetrist ─── 产科医师

52、The pelvic measurements were done in the 7th moth of pregnancy and all in normal limit. Fetal head as engaged at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Vaginal delivery was suggested by the obstetrician. ─── 胎头于妊娠36周入盆。产科医生建议阴道分娩。

53、"For sextuplets to get to 25 weeks is -- it is a good start," explains Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre obstetrician Dr.Jon Barrett."Many babies as sextuplets will be lost before then. ─── “对于六胞胎能存活25周是一个好的开始,”Sunnybrook卫生科学中学的产科医生JonBarrett博士解释道,“许多六胞胎在那时都死亡。”

54、Dr. Pius Okong is an obstetrician from Uganda. ─── 纰佑·欧康医生是乌干达的产科医生。

55、This article reviewed the latest research progress about the administration of tocolytic agents in order to give clinical obstetrician some advice on the management of preterm neonate. ─── 近年来,国外在这方面做了大量的临床实验对各种药物的作用效果加以比较,以期指导临床用药,本文在此加以综述。

56、obstetrician hand ─── [医] 助产(士)手

57、How to become an excellent obstetrician ─── 如何做一名优秀的产科医师

58、gynecologist and obstetrician ─── 妇产科医师

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