predominates 发音
英:[prɪˈdɒmɪneɪts] 美:[prɪˈdɑːmɪneɪts]
英: 美:
predominates 中文意思翻译
predominates 常用词组
predominate over ─── 统治,支配;占优势
predominates 短语词组
1、predominates over ─── 统治,支配;占优势
2、predominates means ─── 支配手段
3、predominates define ─── 主导定义
4、predominates def ─── 主导def
predominates 词性/词形变化,predominates变形
动词过去分词: predominated |动词第三人称单数: predominates |名词: predomination |动词现在分词: predominating |副词: predominately |动词过去式: predominated |
predominates 相似词语短语
1、prenominates ─── 预先提到;预先命名
2、predominator ─── 支配者
3、prenominate ─── 预先提到;预先命名
4、predominancies ─── 优势
5、predominately ─── adv.占优势地;有影响力地;更大量地;占绝大多数地;主导性地;多数情况下(同predominantly)
6、predominate ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势
7、predominated ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势
8、renominates ─── vt.再任命;再提名
9、prenominated ─── 预先提到;预先命名
predominates 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、You scored as Water . Water is the element that predominates in your life. Water rules the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. ─── 测试我的元素,我记得曾经做过,就是这个结果,但是在中国八卦算命看来,我确是火
2、ABSTRACT: The city environment management system of the traditional government single predominates has many problems, it can抰 settle the more and more serious environment problems. ─── 摘要:传统的政府单一主导型城市环境管理体制本身存在诸多问题,无法应对越来越严重的环境问题。
3、In weave patterns such as sateens or wrap-faced twills, one set of yarns predominates on the fabric surface ─── 例如纬缎或经面斜纹组织,其中有一组纱线浮现在织物表面。
4、It may be emphasized that at a given temperature, atmosphere, and composition, the concentration of either an ionic or electronic defect predominates. ─── 需要重复强调的是:在给定温度、气氛和组成下,不管是离子缺陷的浓度还是电子缺陷的浓度,都是一定的。
5、Irish Catholicism: predominates in Ireland and Catholic religious practice is extremely high in Ireland. Ireland has supplied significant number of priests and missionaries to the outside world. ─── 天主教在爱尔兰占主导地位,爱尔兰也为其他国家提供大批重要牧师和传教士。
6、Friendship in which pleasure predominates over righteousness cannot last. ─── 追求欢乐多于追求道义的友谊不会持久。
7、a form of apatite in which fluorine predominates over chlorine. ─── 一种磷灰石,其中氟支配氯。
8、5)Irish Catholicism:predominates in Ireland and Catholic religious practice is extremely high in Ireland. Ireland has supplied significant number of priests and missionaries to the outside world. ─── 天主教在爱尔兰占主导地位,爱尔兰也为其他国家提供大批重要牧师和传教士。
9、In present-day business administration, rationality predominates and even spreads unchecked giving rise to various problems and finding itself in a difficult position. ─── 摘要目前的企业管理中,理性过于张扬以至泛滥引起了种种问题,理性管理遭遇了诸多现代困境。
10、The city environment management system of the traditional government single predominates has many problems, it can't settle the more and more serious environment problems. ─── 传统的政府单一主导型城市环境管理体制本身存在诸多问题,无法应对越来越严重的环境问题。
11、The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain. ─── 这座巨大的雕塑成为这座喷泉的主题。
12、Hard.Term applied to wine which is poorly balanced and in which acidity predominates. ─── 硬的,不协调的:用于描述葡萄酒的酒体平衡差,酸度居于主导地位。
13、13) O Arjuna, nescience, inertness, neglectfulness and also illusion; when these arise the mode of ignorance predominates. ─── 阿诸那啊,无知,消沉,疏忽和妄想,当所有这些一起呈现的时候,就是愚昧无知占了主导地位。
14、"The keto form predominates in many aldehydes and ketones, the enol form in phenols. Sugars (e.g., glucose) exhibit tautomerism Between open (chain) forms and closed (ring) forms. See also isomerism. " ─── 在许多醛和酮中酮基都是最主要的组分。烯醇基则组成酚。糖类(如葡萄糖)中有开放(链)式与闭合(环)式之间的互变异构。
15、Granite predominates in the west and north-west and in Counties Down and Wicklow on the east coast, while a basalt plateau covers much of the north-east of the country. ─── 西部和西北部地区以及东海岸德Counties Down和Wicklow主要分布的是花岗岩。而玄武岩高地则覆盖了国家东北部的大多数地区。
16、Family enterprises in the world, almost all the regions of the economy developed mostly predominates. ─── 家族企业在全世界几乎所有经济发达的地区中大都居于主导地位。
17、Of these, as the endless daily parade of desperation and diagnoses makes evident, it is pain whose presence predominates. ─── 如同平日无尽的绝望和诊断结果所证明的,疼痛在这三者中最为突出。
18、WIE: Do these complexes have a will of their own or do we, in the end, choose which complex predominates? ─── 这些情结是不是有它们自发的意志?或者我们最终可以选择让某些情结占优势?
19、The system of industrial technology predominates in the society of industry,and whether it is reasonable will rule the science and continuous development of manufacturing and living. ─── 产业技术体系在工业社会中占据着支配的地位,它的合理与否决定着人类生产活动和生存方式的科学性、可持续性。
20、Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. ─── 在爱统辖的领域,不会有权力的要求;在权力支配的领域,不会有爱。
21、a colour scheme in which red predominates ─── 以红色为主的色彩组合
22、Which of the two predominates depends on how a particular economy works. ─── 不过,希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙的私人部门及经常帐户赤字同样也很高。
23、When love rules,there is no will power;and where power predominates,there love is lacking. The one is shadow of the other. ─── 当爱支配一切时,权力就不存在了;当权力支配一切时,爱就消失了.两者互为对方的影子.
24、The female sphinx reappears around 750 BC, as communications reopen with the east, and by the 7th century the winged female sphinx predominates. ─── 女性的斯芬克斯在公元前750年左右出现,作为与东方重新沟通一样,而到7世纪有翼的女性斯芬克斯占据统治地位。
25、The view of value education predominates the graduates?ethic education, and characterizes practical as well as secularization orientation. ─── 研究生价值观教育是研究生德育工作的一个重要内容。当前我国研究生价值观的现状就是价值追求呈现出实用化、世俗化趋势。
26、Traditional Chinese medicine has certain effects on diabetic peripheral neuropathy and predominates in the integral medication of multi-factorial,multi-target action,et al. ─── 中药治疗糖尿病周围神经病变疗效肯定,具有多靶点、多途径等整体治疗优势。
27、The wavelength of the blue light scatters better than the rest,predominates over the other colors in the light spectrum,and makes the sky appear blue to us. ─── 蓝色光波的波长散射情况比其他颜色的光波都好些,在光谱中,它处于主导地位,因此它使天空呈现蓝色。
28、The fact that artistic language predominates over scientific language means humanity features the Chinese language course in middle schools. ─── 由于艺术语言的大量存在,使语文学科具有了人文性的特点,也有了不同于其他学科的独特的美。
29、Now it is the "Left" tendency that predominates in the country as a whole, although a Right tendency is to be found in some areas, too. ─── 今天,从全国范围来说,主要的倾向是“左”,也有右的倾向,但不是主要的。
30、When yin predominates,yang will be diseased;when yang predominates, yin will be diseased. ─── 阴在内,阳之首也;阳在外,阴之始也。
31、When the signal is very strong, the photon noise predominates, signal to noise ratio is not directly proportional to signal level, and care must be exercised in deriving NEP and D * from signal to noise ratio. ─── 当信号很强时 ,光子噪声占主导地位 ,信噪比 (SNR)与信号水平不成正比 ,此时由信噪比导出噪声等效功率 (NEP)和D 时应格外小心。
32、For the time being, Morgan's division may be summarized thus: Savagery -- the period in which man's appropriation of products in their natural state predominates; ─── 现在我们可以把摩尔根的分期概括如下:蒙昧时代是以采集现成的天然产物为主的时期;
33、When ICP is increased to 50-70 mmHg the slow wave predominates. ─── 颅内压升高至50-70毫米汞柱时,以慢波占优势。
34、For account carpets, where dry soil repellency predominates, polysiloxanes offer a good and cost effective alternative. ─── 对于以防干沾污占主导的公用地毯,聚硅氧烷则提供了优良而又经济的替代。
35、Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected;for, being a vice which terminates in itself, it may be enjoyed without injury to others; ─── 懒散这种恶习仅限于个人人可以懒散却不会伤害到别人,也因此,它在不觉中主宰着许多人的生活。
36、northern region of India where Hinduism predominates. ─── 印度北部的被印度教控制的区域。
37、Those who think skill predominates also point to the fact that some players excel at the game while others don't. ─── 技巧主导论者还指出另一个事实:有些玩家精于此道,而其他人则并非如此。
38、Entering into Samadhi, the self-nature predominates you body; out of Samadhi, consciousness takes over and then the self-nature retreats into tranquilness. There is no obvious threshold between them. ─── 你一入三昧,自性就开始主导;一出三昧,意识就接手,自性就退回沉静的状态。这中间没有明显的门坎。
39、In order to study the management of water environment in small watershed, the SWAT model is used to study Hufu watershed of Yixing city where the non-point output predominates. ─── 摘要为了进行小流域水环境管理研究,使用SWAT模型对以面源输出为主的宜兴市湖滏流域进行研究。
40、Light coloration predominates such as fawn, white with patches, and this dog has a shorter coat. ─── 浅色诸如浅棕色,浅灰色,和有斑块的白色主导着这种犬的色系。
41、To the degree the playing field is not level, the leader's view of the task often predominates, while employees feel obligated to show deference. ─── 竞争环境不公平,领导人对任务的看法往往占主导地位,而雇员又觉得有义务听从。
42、3. O Arjuna, nescience, inertness, neglectfulness and also illusion; when these arise the mode of ignorance predominates. ─── 阿诸那啊,无知,消沉,疏忽和妄想,当所有这些一起呈现的时候,就是愚昧无知占了主导地位。收藏指正
43、Enterprise Group in India, the family business in predominates in India's largest 500 enterprises, more than 75% are made up of family control. ─── 在印度企业群体中,家族企业占主导地位,在印度最大的500家企业中,超过75%都由家族控制。
44、In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. ─── 在他眼中,她是个日蚀和主导她整个性的人。
45、Now it is the "Left" tendency that predominates in the country as a whole, although a Right tendency is to be found in some areas, too. ─── 今天,从全国范围来说,主要的倾向是“左”,也有右的倾向,但不是主要的。
46、Fuel NOX predominates the NOX formed and emitted from combustion of pulverized coal. The volatile N is the main source of fuel NOX rather than coke N. ─── 煤粉燃烧生成的NO_x主要是燃料NO_x,与焦碳N(不挥发性N)相比,挥发性N是转化成燃料NO_x的主要部分。
47、Instead, they seem keener to divide and rule, especially the powerful Hawiye clan which predominates in Mogadishu. ─── 相反,他们似乎更倾向分而治之,特别是在首都占有绝对优势的哈维耶部落。
48、The results show that the distribution of S100-IR cells varies in cerebellar layers, where it predominates in PC layer as compared to either the granular layer or the medulla. ─── 结果显示,颗粒层和髓质中S100-IR细胞密度较小、分布均匀,PC层阳性细胞相对密集,分子层未见阳性反应;
49、Traditional Chinese medicine has certain effects on diabetic peripheral neuropathy and predominates in the integral medication of multi-factorial, multi-target action, et al. ─── 中药治疗糖尿病周围神经病变疗效肯定,具有多靶点、多途径等整体治疗优势。
50、But unfortunately the passion of the moment predominates, in the Frail Sex, over every other consideration. ─── 可不幸的是,女人这个脆弱的性别,常常被她们瞬间的情感控制了所有其他的思维。
51、But Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected; ─── 懒散主宰了许多人的生活,而不为人所知;
52、In this autoimmune disease the action of TSI's predominates over that of TGI's. ─── 在这类自身免疫病中,甲状腺刺激免疫球蛋白(TSI)的作用远强于甲状腺生长刺激免疫球蛋白(TGI)的作用。
53、Good predominates over evil in many works of literature. ─── 在许多文学作品中正义战胜邪恶。
54、Of these, as the endless daily parade of desperation and diagnoses makes evident, it is pain whose presence predominates. ─── 如同平日无尽的绝望和诊断结果所证明的,疼痛在这三者中最为突出。
55、I also see that pleasure brings with it pain, but the pleasure predominates over the pain, so I don't mind. ─── 我也明白那快乐带来了痛苦,但是快乐压倒了痛苦,所以我不介意。
56、What secondary structure predominates in this Fab fragment? ─── 片段中的主要二级结构是什么?
57、In Hindu Tantra, practice is graded into three types, corresponding to three classes of devotees: the animal, i.e., those in whom the guna, or quality, of tamas (darkness) predominates; ─── 在印度教坦陀罗,练习被分成三种类型,与三种级别的皈依者相对应:动物,那些在黑暗之中,或者等同于黑暗支配的人;
58、Hard. Term applied to wine which is poorly balanced and in which acidity predominates. ─── 硬的、不协调的:用于描述葡萄酒的酒体平衡差,酸度居于主导地位。
59、Seventy-five years later, English predominates, while Esperanto speakers number two to four million. ─── 75年后,英文成为主要语言,而说世界语的人口有200到400万。
60、1. Fully understands and predominates operation procedure, EHS regulations and quality control procedure with respect to defined operation jobs of unit in process. ─── 完全理解和掌握与指定工艺单元操作任务相关的操作规程,环境、健康和安全规程以及质量控制规程。
61、of and easily disappointed in themselves. Kids with low self-esteem see temporary setbacks as permanent, intolerable conditions, and a sense of pessimism predominates. ─── 低自尊的孩子夸大自己的失败,常把暂时的困境看成是永久性的,很难在困境中承受住压力,悲观的想法油然而生。
62、"The keto form predominates in many aldehydes and ketones, the enol form in ph enol s. ─── 在许多醛和酮中酮基都是最主要的组分。
63、But in the clear, sunlit waters of coral reefs, light abounds, vision predominates, and animals drape themselves in blazing color. ─── 但在清澈干净,阳光照耀的珊瑚礁水域中,则有著充足的光线,视觉占主导地位,生活在这里的动物都有著鲜艳的颜色。
64、In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates. ─── 而美国大部分的州政府亦有相同的宪制架构。
65、It is a non-discursive observation of our life in all its aspects.In those moments when thinking predominates, mindfulness is the clear and silent awareness that we are thinking. ─── 正念是不散乱的观察我们全面的生活,当思虑掌控我们心的时候,正念就是清明寂静(不加评断)地觉知到:我们正在思虑。
66、With the destruction of the family the spiritual traditions of the family perish forever; when spiritual values are destroyed then unrighteousness predominates the entire society. ─── 伴随着家族的毁灭,家族的灵性传承就会永远消亡;当灵性价值被摧毁时,邪恶就统治了整个社会。
67、The wavelength of the blue light scatters better than the rest, predominates over the other colors in the light spectrum, and makes the sky appear blue to us. ─── 蓝色光波的波长散射情况比其他颜色的光波都好些,在光谱中,它处于主导地位,因此它使天空呈现蓝色。
68、In the dry weather, which predominates in the desert country, the aborigines sleep on the ground, with a small fire on either side, and a windbreak of boughs at their heads as protection. ─── 沙漠里多的是干旱天气,每当这时,土著人便席地而睡,并在身体的两边生上一小堆火,在头的前方用树枝架起一个挡风屏障。
69、The genetic mechanism includes capillary condensation and mixed water dolomitization, of which the latter one predominates in the study area. ─── 羌塘盆地白云岩的成因与毛细管浓缩作用和混合水白云化作用有关。
70、But with each other, indeed with everyone of student age, du predominates. ─── 但在学生之间,事实上是在每个年轻人之间,“你”这个称呼是居统治地位的。
71、and the divine, those in whom sattva (goodness) predominates (see Hindu philosophy). ─── 和神性,那些有良好支配的人(看看印度哲学)。
72、Environmental Protection Predominates in the Design of The Project of Jinggangshan Linking -up Road ─── 井冈山连接线工程的环保设计
73、When through the perceptual senses of the body illuminating knowledge manifests, know that certainly the mode of goodness predominates. ─── 在通过肉体的感觉器官,照亮心性的知识得以展现的时候,你要知道一定是善性的知觉觉知占了主导地位。
74、Results Intrahepatic cholelithiasis predominates in the cholelithiasis of Guangxi district.Among 1 857 cases suffering from intrahepatic cholelithiasis peasants were in the majority (71%). ─── 结果肝内胆管结石在广西地区胆石病中占重要地位,1857例肝内胆管结石中71%(1319/1857)是农民。
75、Do these complexes have a will of their own or do we, in the end, choose which complex predominates? ─── 这些情结是不是有它们自发的意志?或者我们最终可以选择让某些情结占优势?
76、When love rules, there is no will power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is shadow of the other. ─── 当爱支配一切时,权力就不存在了;当权力主宰一切时,爱就消失了。两者互为对方的影子。
77、More secondary phloem than secondary xylem in carrot Parenchyma predominates in vascular tissues. ─── 在胡萝卜根,薄壁细胞在维管组织中占主导地位,次生韧皮部比次生木质部更发达。
78、SSSS predominates in infants and children under the age of 5 years Skin lesions are caused by a provisional toxemia. The early treatment with effective antibiotics is the key to cure the patients. ─── 葡萄球菌烫伤样皮肤综合征好发于5岁以下儿童,皮损主要由毒血症所致,早期采用足量有效的抗生素是治疗成功的关键。
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