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08-21 投稿


trilling 发音

英:[ˈtrɪlɪŋ]  美:[ˈtrɪlɪŋ]

英:  美:

trilling 中文意思翻译





trilling 短语词组

1、trilling hardware ─── 颤音硬件

2、trilling definition ─── 颤音定义

3、Lionel Trilling ─── [网络] 特里林;莱昂内尔·特里林;屈林

4、trilling cat meaning ─── 颤音猫的意思

5、trilling gif ─── 颤音gif

6、trilling r ─── 颤音r

7、trilling & fadel 2009 n. ─── 一胎三婴中的任何 ─── 一婴儿v.用抖动的声音说,用卷舌发音,发出抖动的声音( trill的现在分词 )

8、Nottingham University Trilling Corps ─── 诺丁汉大学训练团

9、trilling cat ─── 颤音猫

10、trilling hardware sheboygan ─── 特里林五金厂

trilling 词性/词形变化,trilling变形

现在分词:trilling 名词复数形式:trillings 原型:trill

trilling 相似词语短语

1、frilling ─── n.绉边,饰边材料;v.起边绉,褶成绉边(frill的现在分词形式)

2、trifling ─── adj.微不足道的;轻浮的;v.浪费,闲聊(trifle的现在分词)

3、Trilling ─── n.[晶体]三连晶;三胞胎中的一个孩子;v.用颤声说(trill的ing形式);n.(Trilling)人名;(英、德、俄)特里林

4、trialling ─── 试验

5、grilling ─── n.格栅;盘问,责问;追问,审问;v.(grill的现在分词形式)拷问;审问;盘问,责问;烧烤,炙烤;(尤指户外)烤,焙

6、thrilling ─── adj.毛骨悚然的;令人兴奋的;颤动的;v.使非常兴奋;使震颤;使非常激动(thrill的现在分词)

7、tilling ─── v.耕种(till的现在分词);耕耘;n.(Tilling)人名;(英、德、瑞典)蒂林

8、drilling ─── n.钻孔;训练,教练;演练;v.钻孔;训练(drill的ing形式)

9、prilling ─── n.造粒;造粒工艺;v.使变成颗粒状(prill的ing形式)

trilling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lionel Trilling ─── 特里林

2、And deep boughs trill with mango-birds, On the spring flood of last night's rain The ferry-boat moves as though someone were poling. ─── 独怜幽草涧边生上有黄鹂深树鸣春潮带雨晚来急。

3、The International Monetary Fund says choke total losses related to American subprime mortgages could reach almost one trilling trillion dollars. ─── 国际货币基金说所有损失与美国次级贷款有关,达到几乎1万亿美元。

4、Some birds trill their songs. ─── 有些鸟颤声鸣唱。

5、9. was loved for her blithe spirit; a merry blithesome nature; her lighthearted nature; trilling songs with a lightsome heart. ─── 她因为快乐的灵魂而被热爱;快乐的、无忧无虑的天性;她快乐的天性;心情愉快的婉转歌唱。收藏指正

6、was loved for her blithe spirit; a merry blithesome nature; her lighthearted nature; trilling songs with a lightsome heart. ─── 她因为快乐的灵魂而被热爱;快乐的、无忧无虑的天性;她快乐的天性;心情愉快的婉转歌唱。

7、But there was little to hear aside from the trilling hum of insects and frogs. ─── 但是除了昆虫和青蛙发出颤巍巍的嗡嗡声之外什么都听不到。

8、They are basically quiet cats in voice, however they do trill, chirp and click when delighted. ─── 在声音上它们基本算得上安静,然而高兴时它们会发颤音、唧唧声和短而轻的声音。

9、Her chirping does not have a canary's fancy trill, but she sings joyfully, and I can feel what she wants to communicate. ─── 原来,窗台上飞来的一只可爱的小麻雀,一面轻轻跳跃,一面唱个不停。

10、The birds were trilling in the trees. ─── 小鸟在树间呜啭。

11、glottal trill ─── 喉颤音

12、Even so, because of their trilling sound, Nick is including them in his wind section, which is already sounding quite melodious. ─── 但尽管如此,尼克还是把它们的声音加入了吹奏乐部分,这部分已经相当成型了。

13、"He was at pains to insist on the perspicuity of what he wrote" (Lionel Trilling) ─── “他努力坚持作品的清楚明晰”(赖恩内尔·特里林)

14、They came running, crying out joyously in trilling girlish voices. ─── 她们边跑边喊,那少女的颤音好不欢快。

15、In media commentaries, people questioned how music teachers, themselves untrained in Peking Opera, would educate students in the complex gestures and trilling vocals that characterise the art. ─── 媒体评论说:人们质疑,音乐教师本身没有接受过京剧教育,如何能够教授学生复杂的身段和抑扬顿挫的唱腔呢?而这些都是京剧的特色。

16、Larks sprang up trilling one after another in the fields, like bubbles rising to the surface of water. ─── 云雀唱着嘹亮的歌,像泉水的泡珠似的一个接一个,扑棱棱地从田野里腾空而起。

17、during the time of the operation,I counld not get myself under control,because I kept trilling,and then,apparently,the pain was raised until the nurse was flustered too. ─── 在手术期间,我无法控制自己,因为我一直在颤抖,很明显,疼痛因此放大直到护士也被吓到了。

18、The steady melodious trill of birds, the voice reading English, and my footsteps on the path are the only sound. ─── 傍晚的曦园显得色彩斑斓:橘红色的天空、浅黄色的报春花、嫩绿色的柳条、还有各种不知名的野花;

19、The sweet trilling of a murmuring stream and the melodious notes of nightingales formed altogether the most enchanting harmony. ─── 悦耳的潺潺流水和夜莺的婉转娇啼,奏出令人神往的和谐曲调。

20、The Cicada Drunk with fresh dew, your trill will flow From 'mid the sparse parasol trees. Rising high, far your voice will go, Not on the wings of autumn breeze. ─── 流响出疏桐居高声自远非是藉秋风。

21、whan the haly bugles trill Lat me wauken up richt here.! ─── 当神圣的号角响起, 就让我在片土地上醒来!”

22、Larks sprang up trilling one after another in the fields, like bubbles rising to the surface of water. ─── 云雀唱着嘹亮的歌,像泉水的泡珠似的一个接一个,扑棱棱地从田野里腾空而起。

23、I devised a complicated scheme to take over The New York Review of Books, but it meant I had to pass for Lionel Trilling. ─── 我订了个接手《纽约书评》的复杂计划,但是这意味着我要冒充莱昂内尔·特里林。

24、The findings in this aspect include Trilling's critical manners, critical plot, paradoxical and unsystematic features of his critical discourse. ─── 特里林文化批评的话语特征体现在批评风度、批评的情节以及批评话语的悖论性、零散性等三个方面。

25、vibratory trill ─── 振动颤音

26、To articulate(a sound) with a trill. ─── 带颤音发出(声音)

27、Players often play this trill as a mordent and in most cases even this is not done properly. ─── 演奏者们常常把颤音演奏成波音,在绝大多数情况下波音也不能完整的演奏好。

28、Based on this new perspective, this article makes new analysis and conclusions with regard to trill training methods. ─── 基于此种新视角,笔者对指颤音训练方法进行了新的分析归纳。

29、A harsh, trilling sound, such as that made by crickets ─── 唧唧声一种如蟋蟀所发出的刺耳的颤音

30、A fortissimo trill leaps at the listener announcing the energy that prevails throughout the movement, then slowly calms itself a little, finding its way down to a mezzoforte. ─── 一段最强音的颤音向听众宣布了贯穿整个乐章的能量,接着,慢慢地音乐平静了一些,之后转变为中强音。

31、The bassoon achieves its effect by a series of techniques, including leaping periods and trilling. ─── 大管特有的演奏技法如涮音、跨五音、打音、颤音等,借此得到了充分的发挥。

32、Every day we hear birds chattering, chirping, squawking, trilling, and cheeping everywhere. Bird songs and calls can be a source of great enjoyment, brightening up an otherwise dull day. ─── 每天,到处都可听到鸟儿婉转的歌声,唧唧喳喳、啁啁啾啾,给世界带来一片生机,让本来枯燥乏味的一天充满了乐趣。

33、Critics like Lionel Trilling and F. R. Leavis have ranked him with the greatest of the English Novelists. ─── 象利·特里林和利维斯那样的批评家都把他和最伟大的英国小说家并列。

34、I have not felt to warble and trill, however sweetly, ─── 我没有感觉到颤抖,婉转,或者是甜蜜,

35、The canary was trilling away in its cage. ─── 那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啾。

36、The Original Four Seasons And The Devil's Trill Sonata ─── 四季迷情

37、"The poet is in command of his fantasy, while it is exactly the mark of the neurotic that he is possessed by his fantasy" (Lionel Trilling). ─── “该诗是在他幻想的驱使下作出来的,但同时也表明他确实是被幻想控制住的神经怪异的人” (莱昂内尔·特里林)

38、But I find that one would commit a grave mistake by searching for useless details regarding the way in which Mozart might have played a certain trill or grupetto. ─── 但我发现,若是人们一味追求那些无意义的细枝末节,比如:莫扎特曾经用过的某个颤音或是装饰音,那么就可能犯大错。

39、"the practical, workaday world, of . . . ordinary undistinguished things" (Lionel Trilling) ─── “普通平凡事物的实际而世俗的世界”(赖恩内尔·特里林)

40、It includes trilling on specialty knowledge, a variety of teaching modes and working exercise.The purpose is to improve the practical ability to adapt the development of the society. ─── 加强学生的专业基础,引入多种教学形式增强教学效果,注重通过实习培养学生实践能力,以适应社会发展的需要。

41、To Research of the Relationship between the Trill and Formant of Voice in the Singing 于善英, ─── 歌声中“颤音”和“嗓音共振峰”相互关系的声学研究

42、You may perhaps have some pleaseant,trilling glorious hours,even in a poor-house. ─── 有时候你会感觉你的生活很舒适,即使在一个破旧的屋子了,你会享受到每一分每一秒的欣喜。

43、The Devil's Trill Add a comment ─── 恶魔的颤音

44、When the sun in the morning peeps over the hill, and kisses the roses round my window sill, then my heart fills with gladness when I hear the trill of the birds in the treetops on Mockingbird Hill. ─── 啁啾的叫声叫醒了我使我感到心神振奋。啁啾的叫声充满着和平及友好的感觉。你就像反舌鸟山上的花儿一样受欢迎。

45、Keywords Trilling, cultural criticism, New York Intellectuals; ─── 特里林;文化批评;纽约知识分子;

46、To press My cheek to A trill ─── 我的脸颊发出颤音

47、A woman said that toddlers raised alongside a trilling insect were not easily startled by noise. ─── 一个妇女说,在鸣叫的昆虫边长大的小孩子不易被噪音吓倒。

48、trilling songs with a lightsome heart. ─── 心情愉快的婉转歌唱。

49、The lark,his lay who trill'd all day, ─── 整日吟唱的云雀已无声,

50、Then a flush, and the trill of water climbing up to refill the toilet tank. ─── 接着就是一阵冲水的声音,然后就是厕所蓄水的声音。

51、Will peepers be trilling, fish jumping, tree leafing, deer drinking, baby birds chirping? ─── 唧唧叫的小动物会用颤音唱歌吗?鱼会跳吗?树会长叶子吗?鹿会饮水吗?小鸟会吱喳叫吗?

52、The canary was trilling away happily. ─── 那只金丝雀唧唧啾啾地欢唱个不停。

53、Trilling Cisticola ─── n. 颤声扇尾莺

54、pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme . ─── 发音素r时用抖动发出。

55、As soon as the volume steadies itself, the trill begins to descend chromatically, never resting. ─── 当音量稳定下来后,富有色彩的颤音时不时出现,从未停止。

56、To make a harsh, trilling sound. ─── 发出刺耳的颤音

57、One has to decide whether to practise this trill very hard or to refrain from playing the piece. ─── 一个人不得不决定是要非常努力的去练习演奏颤音,或是避免演奏这段曲子。

58、Can you trill the sound as in Spanish ─── 你能以颤音发出西班牙语中的音吗?

59、I know golden orioles trill in the trees, their melody reaching the clouds. ─── 我也知道树上有高鸣的黄鹂,唱著入云的高调。

60、Finally, the Devil Trill Sonata is aptly dramatic. ─── 最后,魔鬼鸣啭奏鸣曲倒是非常贴切戏剧性。

61、Trilling Tapaculo ─── n. 颤音窜鸟

62、because I cannot pronounce the eccentri -c trill sound no matter how hard I try. ─── 因为我怎么也发不出那古 怪的颤音

63、However, there is an evident accent in Singaporian English, which they call "Singlish"; and Indian English is more difficult for us to understand because they always pronounce with a trill. ─── 可新加坡人的英语也带有明显的口音??他们自称为“Singlish”;印度人的英语在咱们听来更难听,舌头直打嘟噜。

64、They came running crying out joyously in trilling girlish voices. ─── 她们边跑边喊,那少女的颤音好不欢快。

65、to produce a trill on an instrument or with the voice ─── 在乐器上奏出颤音或以颤音演唱

66、roulade | trill ─── 急奏

67、Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money,it lies in the joy of achievement,in the trill of creative effort. ─── 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。

68、But there was little to hear aside from the trilling hum of insects and frogs. ─── 但是除了昆虫和青蛙发出颤巍巍的嗡嗡声之外什么都听不到。

69、The Forming Reason and Effect Analysis of Trill Foreign Exchange Reserves in Our Country ─── 我国万亿外汇储备的形成原因与效应分析

70、To produce a trill on an instrument or with the voice. ─── 发颤声在乐器上奏出颤音或以颤音演唱

71、Plays, operas, ballets and films in Russia are routinely punctuated by the trilling of mobile phones and many patrons are unashamed about chatting in defiance of terse warnings to turn phones off at the start of the evening. ─── 剧院中上演的戏剧、歌剧、芭蕾舞、电影等时不时被观众的电话铃声打扰;很多观众不顾将电话关掉的警告,在晚上节目上演期间肆无忌惮的讲电话。

72、To utter or sing in a trilling voice. ─── 以颤抖的声音说或唱

73、“Oh, I’m just changing for supper,” I trill brightly, rootling through my underwear drawer. ─── 我一边从内衣抽屉里找衣服,一边响亮而又激动地回答。

74、As the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hickory before my door, so had I my chuckle or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest. ─── 正像那麻雀,蹲在我门前的山核桃树上,啁啾地叫着,我也窃窃笑着,或抑制了我的啁啾之声,怕它也许从我的巢中听到了。

75、Ex.: Can you trill the sound as in Spanish? ─── 你能以颤音发出西班牙语中的音吗?

76、among them the "Devil's Trill" in reference to "the master's dream, in which he saw the devil seated at the foot of his bed, playing the trill from the final movement of this sonata. ─── 其中,"魔鬼的颤音"这首曲子是因为"大师的梦,在梦中,他看见魔鬼坐在他的床尾,演奏著如鸟语般悠悠啼转的这首奏鸣曲的最后乐章.

77、You may have some pleasant, trilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. ─── 甚至在破旧的房子里,你也会有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。

78、The canary was trilling away in its cage . ─── 仓鼠从其笼子前部的栅栏处钻出去了.

79、"Sorry, Charlie," Alice's trilling voice responded. "How's that?" ─── “抱歉,查理,”艾丽丝颤着音回答道,“严重吗?”

80、He was at pains to insist on the perspicuity of what he wrote(Lionel Trilling) ─── 他努力坚持作品的清楚明晰(赖恩内尔·特里林)

81、How the sun rose above the granite and concrete. How the pigeon flew above you, the whistle around its tail feathers trilling. ─── 太阳是如何的从花岗岩和水泥建筑上升起来的,鸽子如何的从身边飞过,尾部的哨音在回响。

82、7. a large number of techniques are used when playing these wind instruments, such as tapping, appogiatura, tremolo , legato, "flower tongue,"augment, glide, trill, overtone and prong. ─── 演奏时运用了大量的技巧,如震音、连奏、花舌音、垛音、滑音、颤音、泛音、叉口等。

83、pronounce with a trill; trill ─── 打嘟噜儿

84、The birds were twittering and trilling in the tall leafy boughs of oak and elm ─── 小鸟们在高大的橡树和榆树的绿叶垂垂的枝头上啾啾地叫着或颤声唱歌。

85、doctrine of trilling behind at a snail rs pace ─── 爬行主义

86、Use your index and ring fingers for the trill keys instead of the middle finger. ─── 使用你的食指和无名指在抖音键,代替中指的使用。

87、Outside I scanned a redbud tree and spied the almond-shaped silhouette of the trilling bird. ─── 我仔细查看了一棵紫荆树,窥探到一只颤声鸣叫的杏仁状的鸟儿。

88、to be sounded in a trilling or quavering manner ─── 用震颤的方式发音

89、It gives a more even trill. ─── 它会产生更明显的抖音。

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