aureole 发音
英:[ˈɔːrioʊl] 美:[ˈɔːriəʊl]
英: 美:
aureole 中文意思翻译
aureole 网络释义
n. 光环;光轮;晕(等于aureola)vt. 以光圈围绕
aureole 短语词组
1、contactmetamorphic aureole ─── 接触变质光环
2、aureole restaurant ny ─── 纽约奥雷尔餐厅
3、aureole restaurant ─── 光环餐厅
4、metamorphic aureole ─── 变质圈, ─── 变质晕,接触 ─── 变质带
5、aureole osu ─── 光环
6、aureole def ─── 光环定义
7、diffusion aureole ─── 扩散晕
8、aureole tank ─── 光环罐
9、overlord aureole omega ─── 霸王奥雷奥欧米茄
10、aureole omega ─── 奥米茄
aureole 词性/词形变化,aureole变形
异体字: aureola |
aureole 相似词语短语
1、Creole ─── n.克里奥尔人;克里奥耳语;adj.克里奥尔人的;克里奥耳式法语的;克里奥尔语的
2、aureoles ─── n.光环;光轮;晕(等于aureola);vt.以光圈围绕
3、areole ─── n.网眼状空隙;[植]着生面
4、aureolas ─── n.光轮,光环;光晕;n.(Aureola)人名;(英)奥蕾奥拉
5、airhole ─── n.风眼;[矿业]通风联络孔
6、aureola ─── n.光轮,光环;光晕;n.(Aureola)人名;(英)奥蕾奥拉
7、alveole ─── n.肺胞;蜂窝状小窝
8、areolae ─── n.细隙;乳房晕;网隙(areola的复数形式)
9、areola ─── n.网隙;果脐;色晕;乳房晕;n.(Areola)人名;(尼日利)阿雷奥拉
aureole 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、diffusion aureole ─── 扩散晕
2、He's occulted with an aureole. ─── 他被人为地神化了。
3、You, will load the aureole of the hero forever. ─── 你,将永远承载英雄的光环。
4、At the expiration of a quarter of an hour, he rose, as though he were on the point of again beginning his march towards that bench which was surrounded by an aureole. ─── 坐了一刻钟,他站起来,仿佛又要向那条被宝光笼罩着的板凳走去。
5、After that, group the two layers of the aureole to keep your file organized. ─── 之后,将两个光环的图层打组,以保持图层文件层次整洁。
6、For a long time, Sunko nurtures the mind of Hakka people.Though there are no nobleness and aureole of palace music, it represents honesty and true feelings of Hakka people's natural disposition. ─── 长久以来,山歌一直是客家人最重要的精神食粮,虽然没有宫廷音乐的高贵与华美,但它却代表着客家人秉性的纯朴与真情。
7、Make another selection within the aureole and delete the selection. This way you will get something like that. ─── 在光环内部创建另外一个选区,并删除其中的部分。你会得到像这样的东西。
8、Now I suspect there are not many women out there who know a lesion or rash on the nipple or aureole can be breast cancer. ─── 我现在也怀疑有多少妇女知道乳头或乳晕上的痛疤或红疹会发展成骇人的癌症。
9、Father Aureole watched him mystified. ─── 澄光睁大了眼,不明他的用意。
10、But the present Abbot of Pure Coolness Monastery, Father Aureole, was a former Shaolin monk, and what could be more natural than that he should be replaced by a monk from the same monastery? ─── 众侍卫中也必有识得老皇帝的。由一个少林僧入主清凉寺,却十分寻常,以前清凉寺的住持澄光,本就是少林寺的十八罗汉之一。
11、Her name is Angel.You can see the aureole above her head ! ─── 佩恩 - 启发 - 棋 - 钧 的网上相簿 | all galleries >> 钧钧 >> kwan_fullmoon > My lover !
12、Their radiant brows touched each other; one would have said that there were three heads in one aureole. ─── 她们的喜气洋洋的额头一个挨着一个,仿佛三个头同在一圈圆光里一样。
13、The aureole around him dazzled my eyes. ─── 耀眼的光环刺伤了眼睛。
14、' Father Aureole did not reply. ─── 澄光张口结舌,无法回答。
15、You are the public people, and you have the aureole which common people do not have. ─── 你们是公众人物,拥有普通人所没有的光环。
16、An aureole of romance plays about him. ─── 他身上闪耀着浪漫的光辉。
17、Father Aureole sat down respectfully on a prayer-mat at the side, lowering his gaze and bringing his hands together in a gesture of prayer. ─── 澄光打个手势,轻轻在旁边蒲团上坐下,低目双垂,双手合十。
18、His body is the color of purple-gold, and on the top of his head is a mound surrounded by an aureole with a radius of a hundred thousand yojanas, in which there are five hundred transformed Buddhas. ─── 一一化佛。无数化菩萨以为侍者。变现自在满十方界。臂如红莲花色。有八十亿微妙光明。以为璎珞。其璎珞中。
19、Father Aureole ducked to the right, but not quickly enough to escape the massive force of the Tibetan's assault. ─── 澄光向右避让,突觉劲风袭体,暗叫:“不好!”
20、Keywords gold deposit;geolectrochemical anomaly;new technique and method for mineral prospecting;mechanism for aureole formation; ─── 金矿床;地电化学晕;勘查新技术、新方法;成晕机制;
21、The fourth and last was swinging his sword through the air when Aureole flicked his sleeve and caught him by the wrist. ─── 便在这时,第四名喇嘛的钢刀也已砍至。
22、This shield-shaped aureole was a phenomena created by ionized radiation when the solar wind collided with a magnetic sail. ─── 这个罩形极光便是太阳风撞击到磁帆时,辐射线离子化的现象。
23、Is you it that bright aureole that dim? ─── 是那璀璨的光环暗淡了吗?
24、The important prospecting indications of the deposit type are abnormal zinc of watery sediment and dark red aureole which is formed by zinc ore eluviation in the surface of the upper rocks. ─── 水系沉积物锌异常、闪锌矿淋滤后在地表岩石表面所形成的暗红色锌晕等为该类矿床的重要找矿标志。
25、A halo, nimbus, or aureole. ─── 光环,光晕,荣光
26、You continue to carry on the back the aureole of the hero, exhausting of headway! ─── 你继续背负着英雄的光环,吃力的前进!
27、Having dismissed Huangfu, he sent for Father Aureole again.'We'll have to discuss all of this with a certain Very Important Person,' he declared.'Then we'll know what to do. ─── 他命人将皇甫阁带出后,又去请了澄光方丈来,道:“这件事如何了局,咱们得跟那位大人物商量商量。”
28、thermal aureole ─── 热晕轮
29、And in she give my those things, I am unique to want to abandon, be very heavy cover with on the head of that aureole, because of, even I abandon, that is shining also at gradually dreary descend. ─── 而在她给我的那些东西里,我唯一想抛弃掉的,就是沉甸甸笼罩在头上的那圈光环,因为,即使我不去抛弃,那光亮也在渐渐黯淡下去。
30、The image of DingTai, combined by a sturdy horse and an aureole, with golden yellow as its main tone, has demonstrated the bright, broad and smooth future of DingTai Corporation. ─── 翻译作品:标志图形为一匹骏马和光环组合而成,主色调为金黄色,向人们展示鼎泰企业金光大道、广阔前景。
31、That aureole around the grand Fork, ─── 那三叉戬上闪烁的,
32、The micromagnetic aureole exploration strategy of the article belongs to above-mentioned method, which we used to forecast oil and gas in EERDUOSI basin. ─── 本文所应用的环状磁异常探测法就是此类方法,并将其应用于鄂尔多斯盆地油气预测。
33、When the three of them were outside again, Father Aureole spoke to Trinket: The Venerable Yulin is an extremely distinguished and enlightened member of our order. ─── 三人来到庙外,澄光道:“玉林大师是得道高僧,已有明示。
34、He went out with his umbrella under his arm, and this umbrella long formed a part of his aureole. ─── 他出门时,胳膊下常夹着一把雨伞,这雨伞一直是他头顶上的光轮。
35、Supercilious is your aureole supporting prejudice is just as rail it seems to your apathy be constant truly from time immemorial ─── 高傲是你的光环象铁轨一样支持着偏见似乎你的冷淡真的洹古不变
36、The Application of A Method of Aureole Elimination in Foreground Segmentation ─── 一种光环消除方法在视频前景分割中的应用
37、Now I suspect therefore howmany womenoutthere who know a lesion or rash on the nipple or aureole can be breast cancer. ─── 我现在也怀疑有多少妇女知道乳头或乳晕上的痛疤或红疹会发展成骇人的癌症。
38、buried aureole ─── 埋藏晕
39、They laid down the crown, and retained no aureole. ─── 他们放下了冠冕,却没有保留光轮。
40、lunar aureole ─── 月晕月华
41、You continue to carry on the back the aureole of the hero, exhausting of headway! ─── 你继续背负着英雄的光环,吃力的前进!
42、the aureole was coming straight towards him. ─── 那团宝光直向他这面来了。
43、This product is applicable to protect pearl-color paint and can form a hard wax coat after use.It will not have any aureole when washing again later. ─── 本品适合珍珠漆漆面护理,用后能形成硬度较高的蜡膜,再次洗车时,不会产生光环。
44、"creation of peak, aureole reflect" I peak enterprising spirit of Chinese, we inherit long-term service customer, Innovative policy of development, pursue customer's satisfied smile, create beautiful tomorrow constantly! ─── “峰之创造,华美体现”是我峰华人的企业精神,我们将秉承长远服务客户,不断创新发展的方针,追求客户满意的微笑,共创美好的明天!
45、'It really doesn't matter if we do find one or two nice-looking wenches on the premises,' Huangfu put in, seeing Father Aureole pause. ─── 皇甫阁见他沉吟不语,笑道:“就算清凉寺中真有几位美貌娘子,让大伙瞻仰瞻仰,那也是眼福不浅哪。”
46、metamorphic aureole ─── 接触变质带变质圈变质晕
47、The girl presented in 165 cm either her talk or her every act and every move was so restrained, humble, and well-cultivated, no one can see any dazzling aureole on her at all. ─── 眼前这个身高一米六五左右的女孩儿,无论说话还是举手投足,都那么内敛、谦和,富有教养,一点儿看不出存在任何耀眼的光环。
48、micromagnetic aureole abnomality ─── 微磁环状异常
49、After wake up what I see is 1, I have never seen of old and green head, his brain empress have the aureole Shan of green move. ─── 醒过来后我见到的是一个我从未见过的老绿头,他的脑后有绿色的光环闪动。
50、Father Aureole shook his head.'He absolutely refuses to set eyes on any outsider. ─── 澄光摇头道:“他是决计不见外人的。”
51、Now we need to create the inner of the aureole. ─── 现在我们需要创建光环的内部了。
52、altered aureole ─── 蚀变晕
53、Products have skin thin American vivid, fragrant and sweet and tasty, pack the characteristics, such as aureole,etc. color and luster fillings. ─── 产品具有皮薄馅美、色泽鲜亮、香甜可口、包装华美等特点。
54、Their radiant brows touched each other, one would have said that there were three heads in one aureole. ─── 她们的喜气洋洋的额头一个挨着一个,仿佛三个头同在一圈圆光里一样。
56、Products have skin thin American vivid, fragrant andsweetandtasty, packthecharacteristics, such as aureole, etc. color and luster fillings. ─── 产品具有皮薄馅美,色泽鲜亮,香甜可口,包装华美等特点。
57、Father Aureole rose to his feet, retreated to the door, and bowed to Yulin. ─── 澄光站起身来,打个手势,退了出去,走到门边,向玉林躬身行礼。
cosmos 宇宙 world 世界 milky way 银河 solar system 太阳系 interplanetary 行星际的 sky 天 zenith 天顶 fixed star 恒星 planet 行星 asteroid 小行星 satellite 卫星 shooting star 流星 mercury 水星 venus 金星 earth 地球 mars 火星 jupiter 木星 saturn 土星 uranus 天王星 neptune 海王星 morning star 晨星 evening star 昏星 aureole 光环 eclipse 食 astronaut 宇航员 shuttle 航天飞机 northeast 东北 northwest 西北 southeast 东南\r
[词典] aura; aureole; corona; a ring of light; [宗] halo;
You're talking about halos and wings
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