decoying 发音
英:[dɪˈkɔɪɪŋ] 美:[dɪˈkɔɪɪŋ]
英: 美:
decoying 中文意思翻译
decoying 词性/词形变化,decoying变形
动词第三人称单数: decoys |名词: decoyer |动词现在分词: decoying |动词过去式: decoyed |动词过去分词: decoyed |
decoying 短语词组
1、decoying deer ─── 诱捕鹿
2、decoying hsp ─── 诱骗热休克蛋白
3、decoying tactics ─── 引诱战术
4、decoying meaning ─── 诱骗意义
5、decoying pigeon ─── 诱鸽
6、decoying ducks ─── 诱惑物; ─── 诱捕野鸭的假鸭
7、decoying bucks ─── 诱骗美元
8、decoying turkeys ─── 诱捕火鸡
9、decoying definition ─── 诱饵定义
10、decoying doves ─── 诱饵鸽子
decoying 相似词语短语
1、decocting ─── vt.煎;熬
2、recopying ─── vt.再抄写;再复制
3、decaying ─── adj.腐烂的;衰减的,衰落的;v.腐烂;衰退(decay的现在分词)
4、decoding ─── n.[通信]解码;[计][通信]译码;v.破译;译解(decode的ing形式)
5、decoking ─── n.除焦;去焦;脱焦;v.给…除焦(decoke的ing形式)
6、decrying ─── vt.责难,谴责;诽谤
7、deploying ─── v.部署(deploy的现在分词);配置;展开;n.分发
8、accoying ─── 会计
9、decodings ─── n.[通信]解码;[计][通信]译码;v.破译;译解(decode的ing形式)
decoying 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Performance Analysis of the Dual-Source Decoying Technique Against Passive Radar Seeker ─── 两点源诱偏被动雷达导引头性能分析
2、He succeeded in decoying enemy troops into the valley. ─── 他成功地把把敌军诱到山谷里。
3、Anti-radiation missile and decoying countermeasures technology of ground-radar ─── 反辐射导弹及地面雷达的诱饵对抗技术
4、Abstract: Decoying technology is effective means that deal with the anti- radiation weapon . ─── 摘 要 :诱偏技术是对付反辐射武器的有效手段。
5、decoying tactics ─── 引诱战术
6、Performance Analysis of the Dual-Source Decoying Technique Against Passive Radar Seeker ─── 两点源诱偏被动雷达导引头性能分析
7、dual - source decoying ─── 两点源诱骗
8、dual sources decoying system ─── 两点源诱偏系统
9、Study on Effects of ARM Technical Property on Decoying Performances of Active Decoying System ─── 反辐射导弹技术参数对诱偏系统性能的影响研究
10、Decoying technology is an effective manner to self-protection in electronic countermeasures. ─── 诱偏技术是电子对抗中自我保护的有效方法。
11、1. He succeeded in decoying the ducks toward his blind. ─── 他成功地把野鸭引诱到他的隐藏处。
12、He succeeded in decoying the ducks toward his blind [hide]. ─── 他成功地把野鸭引诱到他的隐藏处。
13、Research on Efficacy Evaluation Models of Dual Sources Decoying Anti-radiation Missile ─── 两点源诱骗反辐射导弹的效能评估模型研究
14、Analysis of The Test Route and Data Processing Method of The Anti-decoying Performance of ARW ─── 反辐射武器抗诱偏性能试验航线及数据处理方法分析
15、For the current ARMs, the decoying system has a high survival probability. ─── 对现有ARM来说,这种诱偏系统的生存概率是很可观的。
16、noncoherent decoying ─── 非相干诱偏
17、coherent decoying ─── 相干诱偏
18、Active decoying ─── 有源诱偏
19、And finally this paper concludes coherent and noncoherent decoying are different theoretically while get the same effectiveness in practice. ─── 同时,验证了相干诱偏和非相干诱偏的分法只有理论意义,在实际应用中两者的效果是基本一致的。
20、Decoying technology is effective means that deal with the anti-radiation weapon. ─── 摘要诱偏技术是对付反辐射武器的有效手段;
21、Emulation of the Anti-Radiation Missile With Dual-Point Source Decoying ─── 雷达组网中的两点源反辐射导弹诱骗仿真
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