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08-21 投稿


gasps 发音

英:[ɡɑːsps]  美:[ɡæsps]

英:  美:

gasps 中文意思翻译




gasps 常用词组

last gasp ─── 最终喘息;奄奄一息

gasp for breath ─── 呼吸十分困难, 上气不接下气

gasps 词性/词形变化,gasps变形

动词第三人称单数: gasps |动词现在分词: gasping |动词过去式: gasped |动词过去分词: gasped |

gasps 短语词组

1、gasps crossword ─── 喘息填字游戏

2、gasps ga ─── 喘息

3、gasps meme ─── 喘息迷因

4、gasps emoji ─── 表情符号

5、gasps def ─── 气喘吁吁地说

6、gasps mean ─── 喘息意味着

7、gasps cpr ─── 心肺复苏术

gasps 相似词语短语

1、Wasps ─── n.[昆]黄蜂;[昆]胡蜂(wasp的复数形式);马蜂

2、gamps ─── n.(卷叠不整齐的)大伞;n.(Gamp)人名;(德)甘普

3、gaspy ─── adj.喘息的

4、gasts ─── v.使惊讶;恐吓;n.(Gast)(美、德、法、荷、英、瑞)加斯特(人名)

5、gasp ─── vi.喘气;喘息;渴望;vt.气喘吁吁地说;喘着气说话;n.喘气

6、grasps ─── v.抓牢,握紧;试图抓住;理解,领悟;毫不犹豫地抓住(机会);n.抓,握;理解,领会;力所能及,把握;权力,控制

7、asps ─── abbr.美国整形外科医师协会(TheAmericanSocietyofPlasticSurgeons)

8、gases ─── n.气体;煤气;毒气;用毒气杀死;汽油

9、gaps ─── n.差异,缺口;缝隙;隔阂(gap的复数形式);v.裂开;使豁裂(gap的第三人称单数)

gasps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、she , lifting her head , was looking at him , flushing crimson , and visibly trying to control her breathing , which came in panting gasps. ─── 她抬起头来望着他,满面通红,显然她力图抑制急促的呼吸。

2、She managed to gasp (out) a few words. ─── 她喘著气好不容易才说出了几个字来。

3、There was gasp of horror from the spectator as he fell off the tightrope. ─── 他从拉紧的绳索上摔了下来,观众吓得直喘气。

4、There were gasps of horror from the spectators as he fell off the tightrope. ─── 他从紧的绳索上摔了下来,观众吓得直喘气

5、There were sighs of relief and gasps of elation. ─── 人们终于轻舒一口气,有的开始兴高采烈起来。

6、But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them; their hope will become a dying gasp. ─── 但恶人的眼目必要失明。他们无路可逃;他们的指望就是气绝。

7、GIBSON PRAISE gasps for breath. ─── 基普森普雷兹气喘吁吁。

8、The roar came again, and a massive, dark figure emerged from the shadows behind the pillar, causing Leon to gasp once again. ─── 咆哮再次响起,一个巨大黑影出现在柱子后的阴影中,使得雷恩再次倒吸一口凉气。

9、Hot money : money is the last gasps before rain or near collapse? ─── 作者:来源:楼王杂志发表时间:2006-06-18字号:大中小

10、There was a gasp and a thump behind him, and he received a violent kick on the ankle which nearly flung him off his balance. ─── 他背后有人深深地吸了一口气,接着猛的一声,他的脚踝给狠狠地踢了一下,使他几乎站不住脚。

11、But for watermelon, the winning bid drew a gasp even from veterans of the expensive-fruit market. ─── 但对西瓜,这次得标价仍使对昂贵水果市场早已见怪不怪的老手也不得不倒抽一口气。

12、Even though at their last gasp, the enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle. ─── 即使是奄奄一息,敌人也还是要作垂死挣扎的。

13、Just had tried 2-3 times, the girl is tired straight hurries to stop down gasps for breath. ─── 刚试了两三次,小姑娘累得赶紧停下来直喘气。

14、Jam was very gentle as he enters his friends back entrance and slofly drifts inside him while kokurou gasps and groans softly. ─── 亚格微笑著继续套弄著克狼的龙屌,或者吸吮或者用舌头把整个的龙屌轻舔。

15、His breath came in short gasps. ─── 他急促地喘着气。

16、But you will gasp in recognition. This is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and is the most famous work of art in the world. ─── 但是你会倒吸一口气一眼认出来,这就是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的《蒙娜·丽莎》,世界上最最著名的艺术品。

17、His announcement produced gasps of amazement. ─── 他宣布的消息引起了一片惊叹声。

18、I was hoping to hear a few gasps at least . ─── 我(原本)以为至少会听到一些人抽冷气。

19、Minutes later, in a remote corner of her mind she subconsciously hears the sound of a door opening, followed by the strangled gasps of surprise. ─── 几分钟后,她隐约听到门开的声音,还有一声被咽下去的尖叫。

20、If I would just take slow, deep breaths instead of shallow, terrified gasps, I would be all right. ─── “不要胆怯,上帝为你开路,与你同在;他不会辜负你的期待,也不会抛弃你。”

21、Occasional gasps of respiration at a rate as low as 4 or 5 per minute may be the only clue that the patient is still alive. ─── 呼吸断断续续,每分钟呼吸频率低于4到5次,也能这是仅能证明病人还存活的唯一线索。

22、If you take someone's breath away, it means that you amaze them or surprise them so much that they gasp! ─── 令人大吃一惊,令人激动得喘不过气来,令人惊叹,叹为观止。

23、It was the sob of a woman, the muffled, strangling gasp of one who is torn by an uncontrollable sorrow. ─── 决不会弄错,是个妇女啜泣的声音,象是一个被按捺不住的悲痛折磨着的人所发出的强忍着的和哽噎的喘息。

24、So long as my lingering gasp lasts, I will never cease studying. ─── 只要我一息尚存,就要学习不止。

25、Raul heads off the crossbar to a collective gasp from the crowd. ─── 劳尔的头球高出横梁,皮球被从观众席上捡了回来。

26、At his last gasp, he murmured the name of the person who shot him. ─── 他于奄奄一息时低声说出向他开枪的人的名字。

27、He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps. ─── 他倚着栏杆,急促地喘气。

28、The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services.He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! ─── 另一个猎人赶快拿出手机拨通了急救电话,气喘吁吁的说:“我的朋友死了!

29、But once you stopped to look up in the firmament of stars, you'd gasp at the mystery of the world. ─── 但是一旦你停下来仰望星空,你便会震惊这个世界的神秘。

30、He was drenched in blood and sweat, and his breath came in short gasps, but he kept shoving. ─── 他浑身上下淋满了血与汗,气喘吁吁,但他还是尽力推着。

31、Now he ran eagerly forward, pushing his way through the foliage. He gave a gasp of relief. She was there, lying on the pine needles. ─── 他急不可待地跑上前,推开树叶,看到她在那里,躺在松叶上,心里松了一口气。

32、To choke or gasp,as in swallowing large amounts of liquid. ─── 呛住噎住或透不过气来,如在吞下大量液体的时候。

33、They all gasp and clutch each other. ─── 他们都噎住了。

34、And his father had worked to the last fading gasp;the horned growth on his hands must have been half an inch thick when he died. ─── 他的父亲是一直干到呼出最后一口微弱的气才死去的,死时手上的硬茧足有半英寸厚。

35、The only male taking part in a National Press Club panel discussion about the pay equity gap, Prof Wooden's remarks drew gasps from the mostly female audience. ─── 伍登教授,是参加澳大利亚全国新闻俱乐部专家组讨论的唯一男性,讨论的议题是(两性的)工资平衡差异。他的话引起与会大多数女性听众的诧异。

36、She managed to gasp a few words. ─── 她喘着气好不容易才说出了几个字来.

37、She gave a gasp of surprise. ─── 她惊讶得屏住了气。

38、Our football team are at their last gasp when the whistle went. ─── 哨声响起时我们的足球队正在做最后的挣扎//拼搏。

39、If I wouldtake slow, deep breaths instead of shallow, terrified gasps, I would be all right. ─── 只要慢慢地深呼吸,而不是气急败坏地喘个不停,就不会出事。

40、Here's where you gasp, look upon me with pitying eyes and assume that I musthate my father. ─── 可能你会感到震惊,然后用可怜的目光看着我,而且认为我肯定恨死父亲了。

41、These crude efforts to stop the onsweep of a mighty social force with the bodies of their womenfolk were the dying gasps of the andlords. ─── 地主们妄图牺牲自己女眷的肉体来阻挡这股强大的社会力量的奔腾向前,这种卑劣的手段是他们的垂死挣扎。

42、In St Petersburg the sun's outer corona appeared, to gasps of amazement from onlookers. "You just feel part of nature," said one. "This is so rare". ─── 在圣*彼得堡,太阳的外冕出现了,观看的人们惊愕得屏住呼吸。“你只是在感受自然,这真是罕见。”

43、There is gasp of horror from the spectator as he fall off the tightrope. ─── 他从紧的绳索上摔了下来, 观众吓得直喘气。

44、You feel a sense of grandness and awe, your breath is coming in short tight gasps from witnessing this alien phenomenon as it starts to overwhelm you. ─── 你感受到一股强大与敬畏的力量,你的气息因为目睹了这一切异世界的现象逐渐紧促,感觉被这一切淹没。

45、The final gasp of his short lifewas sickly with despair.Whoever thought that you could diefrom breathing outdoor air? ─── 他生命中最后的喘息,是微弱而绝望的,有谁会认为自己会因呼吸室外空气而死亡吗?

46、She lets out gasp and puts her hands to the sides of her head. ─── 她惊叫一声,用双手捂住头的两侧。

47、The paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough. ─── 哮咳百日咳的突发性喘息

48、His breath came in short gasps. ─── 他急促地喘着气。

49、"Thank you, sir," she gasps. ─── “谢谢您,先生,“她吸着气说道。

50、Ancient fane and civilian house ancient building group wait for modelling distinctive, dimensions is grand, your person gasps in admiration. ─── 古寺院及民居古建筑群等造型独特,规模壮观,令人赞叹。

51、People gasp with admiration at his firm, and resolute style of work. ─── 他果决的作风很让人赞赏。

52、If I teacher, I will certainly not assign a lot of homework, pigeonhole student gasp for breath. ─── 假如我是老师,我一定不会布置一大堆作业,压得学生喘不过气来。

53、"Of course." I tried not to gasp. ─── “当然!”我试着不让自己窒息。

54、"Harry," Draco gasps, and Potter lifts his head and smiles beatifically. ─── "Harry," Draco喘息道,Potter抬起了头来,露出了幸福的微笑。

55、Enjoy the simple things. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. ─── 享受简单的小事情,经常长时间的放声大笑,一直笑到无法呼吸。

56、The soldiers fought to the last gasp. ─── 士兵们战斗到最后一口气。

57、Her breath came in convulsive gasps. ─── 她的呼吸变得突然喘不过气来。

58、"That's just such a wonderful bird, " gasps one of the watchers. ─── 一位鸟类观察者气喘吁吁地说:“真是一只了不起的鸟。”

59、All is well, a propertied Taliban spokesman has told the Reuters news agency the insurgent group will quote "Resist till the last gasp". ─── 一切尚好,一个蒙面的塔利班发言人告诉路透社新闻机构,他们的武装团体将"坚持到最后时刻"。

60、To choke or gasp, as in swallowing large amounts of liquid. ─── 噎住,呛住噎住或透不过气来,如在吞下大量液体的时候

61、"Me, an Olympic torchbearer?" the 80-something grandmother gasps, still tickled by the news she got last summer. ─── 去年夏天,当她得知自己当选火炬传递者时,这位80来岁的老祖母气喘吁吁地说:“我? 奥运会火炬传递?

62、His last gasp translates into one excellent game every two weeks, one good game every week and a host of near-invisible non-appearances. ─── 他最后时刻的疲软已经转化为每两周会打出一场出色的比赛,每周一场很好的比赛,以及每场主场比赛近乎无形的亮相。

63、She gasps as they calm down. ─── 她在喘气,他们冷静下来。)

64、harsh, as if it hurts to talk. He speaks in short gasps. ─── 他停下,喘了口气。

65、His inclusion of Theo Walcott, Aaron Lennon and Stewart Downing in his 23-man World Cup squad provoked gasps of surprise when the names were unveiled. ─── 他把沃尔科特、伦农和唐宁选入了他的23人世界杯名单,这些名字被公布时,大家因为惊讶而张大了嘴巴。

66、Qin Zhong lying back on his pillow was as pale as wax; his eyes were closed and his breath was coming in gasps. ─── "秦钟面如白蜡,合目呼吸于枕上"

67、To make the paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough. ─── 哮咳使发出百日咳般的突发性喘息

68、He's told his story so many times it comes in gasps out of order, almost by rote. ─── 他反覆述说他的故事无数次,上气不接下气,语无伦次,几乎是机械式的反应。

69、He emitted a startled gasp, his hand darting down to find another hand moving up his thigh. ─── 他大吃一惊,霍地往下一摸,发现有一只手顺着他的大腿摸了上来。

70、He heard a snuffle behind him - a half-choking gasp or cough. ─── 他听到背后有一阵吸鼻子的声音--仿佛喘不出气或者咳嗽的声音。

71、There was the same red glare as far as eye could reach, and small waves were lapping the hot sand in little, flurried gasps. ─── 到处依然是一片火爆的阳光。大海憋得急速地喘气,把它细小的浪头吹到沙滩上。

72、Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. ─── 多笑,开怀大笑。上气不接下气地笑。

73、"Harry," Tonks gasps, "were you sleeping with him? ─── " “Harry,“Tonks倒抽一口气,“你和他睡过了吗?

74、Katy: (Gasps) Three hundred?! ─── 凯蒂:(倒吸一口气)三百?!

75、Occasional gasps of respiration at a rate as low as 4 or 5 per minute may be the only clue that the patient is still alive. ─── 呼吸断断续续,每分钟呼吸频率低于4到5次,也能这是仅能证明病人还存活的唯一线索。

76、The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911.He gasps to the operator, "Bubba is dead! ─── 免责申明:酷酷英语网转载信息,其目的在于传播更多信息,并不意味着赞同其中的观点、描述和立场。

77、They are legal tender in the next world.The money crumples into black balls of ash as the fire flickers and gasps. ─── 三舅是外婆家的长子也是唯一的儿子,一般是他带头点上香火纸钱,然后向祖先跪拜或行礼。

78、He waits for the offending insect to settle on his left hand, raises his right and then swats it to gasps of admiration from onlookers. ─── 他等待着这只烦人的虫子停在他的左手上,然后举起右手拍死了它,旁观者们随即发出了含有赞赏意味的喘息声。

79、A gasp rippled through the crowd. ─── 人群中传出一片惊诧之声。

80、"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause. ─── “邓不多是同性恋”,作者在一片惊愕和掌声中回答。

81、"Me, an Olympic torchbearer ?" the 80-something grandmother gasps, still tickled by the news she got last summer. ─── 去年夏天,当她得知自己当选火炬传递者时,这位80来岁的老祖母气喘吁吁地说:“我?奥运会火炬传递?

82、And yet, Stephen -- always the soul of courage -- has promised to provide for our needs even as he gasps for air on his convalescent bed. ─── 然而,史蒂芬--总是勇气的真谛--已经许诺为我们的需要作准备就在他在他的恢复期床上热望空气时。

83、Take someone's breath away If you take someone's breath away, it means that you amaze them or surprise them so much that they gasp! ─── 令人大吃一惊,令人激动得喘不过气来,令人惊叹,叹为观止。

84、A short, labored breath; a gasp. ─── 喘气,喘息短促而费力的呼吸;大口喘气

85、The doctor murmured inarticulately, gave a long gasp or two and was still. ─── 医生咕咕哝哝地讲了些什么话,长长地喘了一两声气,然后就安静地死去了。

86、One cannot easily make a bargain at the last gasp . ─── 人在快要死亡的时候,是很难讨价还价的。

87、He defeated his rival at the last gasp. ─── 他在最后一刻击败了对手。

88、To breathe rapidly in short gasps, as after exertion. ─── 喘气急促地呼吸,如在用力之后

89、The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention. ─── 这部电影在民主党大会上的放映使与会者欢天喜地。

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