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08-21 投稿


devolving 发音

英:[dɪˈvɒlvɪŋ]  美:[dɪˈvɑːlvɪŋ]

英:  美:

devolving 中文意思翻译




devolving 词性/词形变化,devolving变形

动词第三人称单数: devolves |名词: devolvement |动词现在分词: devolving |动词过去式: devolved |动词过去分词: devolved |

devolving 常用词组

devolve on ─── 移交

devolving 短语词组

1、devolving into anarchy ─── 陷入无政府状态

2、devolving defined ─── 转移定义

3、devolving serial killer ─── 堕落连环杀手

4、devolving relationship ─── 权力下放关系

5、devolving def ─── 释放def

6、devolving means ─── 转移手段

7、devolving define ─── 下放定义

8、devolving darwin ─── 达尔文的退化

9、devolving definition ─── 转移定义

10、devolving into ─── 退化为

11、devolving story ─── 权力下放的故事

12、devolving meme ─── 退化模因

13、devolving swags ─── 返回Swag

devolving 相似词语短语

1、devilling ─── 刻槽

2、evolving ─── v.(使)逐渐发展;进化;释放气体(或热量)(evolve的现在分词)

3、deviling ─── n.魔鬼;撒旦;家伙;恶棍;淘气鬼;冒失鬼;vt.虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮

4、devaluing ─── v.(使)货币贬值;贬低,降低……的价值(或重要性)(devalue的现在分词)

5、-volving ─── 旋转

6、delving ─── v.(在手提包、容器等中)翻找;探索,钻研;挖掘(delve的现在分词);n.(Delve)(美)德尔夫(人名)

7、coevolving ─── vi.共同进化(发生于两种或多种生物)

8、devalling ─── 贬值

9、revolving ─── adj.旋转的;v.旋转(revolve的ing形式)

devolving 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、read: The Devolving universe. ─── 阅读:衰落的宇宙。

2、Such a move would be risky, because it would mean devolving power from the state to the grassroots, with unknown political ramifications. ─── 这样的举动存在风险,因为它意味着政府把权力下放给草根阶层,有可能造成未知的政治影响。

3、Prince Rainier III of Monaco revises the principality's constitution, devolving some of his power to advisory and legislative councils. ─── 年,摩纳哥的雷尼尔三世王子修正了公国宪法,将他的一些权力移交给咨询和立法委员会。

4、Devolving authority to the localities and the people, which in the countryside means the peasants, is the height of democracy. ─── 把权力下放给基层和人民,在农村就是下放给农民,这就是最大的民主。

5、Prince Rainier III of Monaco revises the principality's constitution, devolving some of his power to advisory and legislative councils. ─── 年,摩纳哥的雷尼尔三世王子修正了公国宪法,将他的一些权力移交给咨询和立法委员会。

6、Devolving power to Scotland, especially, pushed it downward. ─── 将权力转交,尤其是下放权力给苏格兰。

7、Many companies pride themselves on devolving power to front-line workers. ─── 许多公司为他们把权力移交给一线的职工而自豪。

8、But in a new book , two noted University of washington astrobiologists say the planet already has begun the long process of devolving into a burned-out cinder, eventually to be swallowed by the sun. ─── 但是在最近一本书中,华盛顿大学两位声望卓著的天体生物学家称:这个星球已经走出漫长退化路途的第一步,它将燃为灰烬,最终被太阳吞没。

9、The coalition government sees this as a way of devolving power and strengthening localism. ─── 联合政府认为这是一种可以权利交接以及加强本土化管理模式的方法。

10、Though it's only a short time since the intelligence theory has been applied into the criminal science and technology, it's been devolving very fast. ─── 摘要智能理论在刑事科学技术中的应用虽时间很短,但发展迅速。

11、Above all he should launch a reform of the constitution, devolving some of his over-centralised powers to parliament, and to provincial and district governors. ─── 最总要的是,他应该开展体制改革,将他过于集中的全力下放给议会、省级和区级长官。

12、They have better and more radical policies than the other parties for devolving power to local councils. ─── 在权力移交地方议会的问题上,自民党也提出了比其它党派更合适更彻底的政策。

13、1962 - Prince Rainier III of Monaco revises the principality's constitution, devolving some of his power to advisory and legislative councils. ─── 1962年,摩纳哥的雷尼尔三世王子修正了公国宪法,将他的一些权力移交给咨询和立法委员会。

14、Devolving power to Scotland, especially, pushed it downward. ─── 尤其是下放权力给苏格兰。

15、The party made clear that it was not against devolving the powers in principle, only against devolving them now. ─── 北爱尔兰统一党从原则上并不反对权力移交,而是认为时机未到。

16、Sheldon: Please don't tell me that your hopeless infatuation is devolving into pointless jealousy. ─── 别告诉我你不可救药的迷恋,发展成了无意义的嫉妒。

17、At its most basic, it means devolving decision-making from central to local government. ─── 最简单的说法是,这意味着将决策权从中央转移到地方政府。

18、And rather than being centrally run from Tokyo, Kikkoman is known for devolving power to the bosses of its foreign subsidiaries. ─── 作为东京地区首屈一指的中心公司,龟甲万却下放了自己的权力,成为了外国子公司的统领者。

19、Both could be addressed with a single move: by devolving more power to the central bank. ─── 这两个问题可以通过一个举动同时解决:赋予央行更大的权力。

20、In implementing the Accountability System, the Chief Executive will be devolving further his authority to the 14 Principal Officials. ─── 推行问责制,行政长官会进一步向14位主要官员下放权力。

21、hence the necessity devolving on the responsible leader, of examining the most insignificant clump of trees, and of studying deeply the slightest relief in the ground. ─── 因此,负责的主帅必须细致深入地察遍每一丛小树和每一处有轻微起伏的地形。

22、Our R &D is specialize in devolving new products and gibing shape to concepts. ─── 我们的研发人员特别擅长开发新产品, 将理念付诸于实践。

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