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08-21 投稿


pretentiousness 发音

英:[[prɪ'tenʃəsnəs]]  美:[[prɪˈtɛnʃəsnɪs]]

英:  美:

pretentiousness 中文意思翻译



pretentiousness 词性/词形变化,pretentiousness变形

名词: pretentiousness |副词: preten-tiously |

pretentiousness 同义词

vanity | puffiness | ostentatiousness | pretense | splashiness | ostentation | pretension | inflation | snobbery | pomposity | pompousness | largeness

pretentiousness 反义词


pretentiousness 短语词组

1、pretentiousness define ─── 自命不凡

2、pretentiousness mean ─── 自命不凡

3、pretentiousness meaning ─── 自命不凡的意思

4、pretentiousness game ─── 自命不凡的游戏

5、pretentiousness definition ─── 自命不凡的定义

6、pretentiousness examples ─── 自命不凡的例子

7、pretentiousness antonym ─── 自命不凡的反义词

pretentiousness 相似词语短语

1、precariousness ─── n.不安全;不稳定

2、preciousness ─── n.珍贵;过分讲究

3、plenteousness ─── 丰盛

4、portentousness ─── n.凶兆;预兆;自负

5、contentiousness ─── 争论

6、unpretentiousness ─── 不招摇;不装腔作势;不炫耀

7、preconsciousness ─── 前意识

8、licentiousness ─── n.放荡;放肆

9、sententiousness ─── n.简洁

pretentiousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lack of pretentiousness;simplicity. ─── 诚实不虚伪;质朴

2、In another word, being against pretentiousness is like to expose oneself in a buff, naked without any cover. ─── 啊呀,我才知道,我所谓的谦卑实在是不谦卑,因为我 还是看到了别人的不对。

3、He greatly disliked what he perceived as the artificiality and pretentiousness of academic life. ─── 他很讨厌他所体会到的不自然的和自命不凡的学院生活。

4、She is very critical of Fleur's pretentiousness , calls her Phlegm, and does a humorous imitation of her mannerisms (HBP5). ─── 她对芙蓉的做作非常不满,叫她黏痰,而且幽默地模仿她的矫揉造作。

5、Simple stresses absence of complexity, artifice, pretentiousness, or dissimulation; ─── Simple强调不复杂、无巧饰、不伪装或不掩饰;

6、His moral confusion and pretentiousness are reflected in his over-elaborate speech and style of writing. ─── 他过于修饰的写作风格及学说,反映出他混淆道德又自命不凡。

7、Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity. ─── 诚实不虚伪;质朴

8、Needless to say, the idea of attaining fame and position for oneself by pretentiousness is even more contemptible ─── 至于以装腔作势来达到名誉和地位的目的,那更是卑劣的念头,不待说的了。

9、I hope I can find a man who possesses a high degree of culture, hold a situation and a moderate income, honest and kind-hearted, lack of pretentiousness, reasonable, at least 175cm in height. ─── 我希望找一个有文化素养,气质好,有稳定职业和稳定收入的,诚实善良有爱心的男人,不虚伪,不撒谎,通情达理会做人,身高一米七以上的。

10、The setting for love affects your mood, but you are disinclined to pretentiousness. ─── 在恋爱中的状态将影响你的情绪,并讨厌那些虚伪做作的感情。

11、He greatly disliked what he perceived as the artificiality and pretentiousness of academic life. ─── 他很讨厌他所体会到的不自然的和自命不凡的学院生活。

12、Actually, her blogs are boring.People like her because she is candid and doesn't have the pretentiousness that is typical of many other actresses. ─── 其实,她的博客没有太大意思,我猜人们喜欢她是因为她率真,没有女演员的矫情。

13、Such pretentiousness cannot reflect truth but is an obstacle to truth ─── 这种装腔作势的东西,不能反映真理,而是妨害真理的。

14、I came to Milwaukee because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only what was essential in life away from the pretentiousness of the east coast and the frenzy of the west. ─── 我来到密尔沃基是因为我故意的想要远离自命不凡的东海岸和狂躁的西部,而去直面生活中那些最基本的东西。

15、simple but grandiose architecture;it often suggests pretentiousness,affectation,or pompousness ─── 简洁但巨大的建筑;其常暗指自以为是,虚假或自傲

16、This is not your exclusive unrivalled skill. What do you base your pretentiousness on? ─── 这又不是你的独家绝活儿,你凭什么拿糖呀?

17、Ostentatious display;pretentiousness. ─── 炫耀地显示;做作,夸耀

18、Ostentatious display; pretentiousness. ─── 炫耀地显示;做作,夸耀

19、His personality determines“pretentiousness” in his humor which is a projection or reflection of his subtle relationship with modern Chinese revolution. ─── 老舍的幽默,实际是他与中国现代革命复杂微妙关系的折射或投影。

20、Actually, her blogs are boring. People like her because she is candid and doesn't have the pretentiousness that is typical of many other actresses. ─── 其实,她的博客没有太大意思,我猜人们喜欢她是因为她率真,没有女演员的矫情。

21、simple but grandiose architecture; it often suggests pretentiousness, affectation, or pompousness ─── 简洁但巨大的建筑;其常暗指自以为是,虚假或自傲

22、After a similar type of exploration, Sprite was able to play to Gen Y's cynicism and sense of irony by running ads mocking the pretentiousness of celebrity endorsement with the tag “Image is nothing. ─── 而通过新类型调研后,雪碧则可以运用广告模仿自命不凡的名人赞同“形象一无是处,服从你的渴望。”

23、Mahimacharan and Pratap Hazra were two devotees outstanding for their pretentiousness and idiosyncrasies. ─── 玛希玛切兰和帕拉塔普哈扎拉两位奉献者以自命不凡的特性而闻名。

24、lack of pretentiousness ─── 不虚伪

25、The world will be able to feed on it for a thousand years to come. It is colossal in its pretentiousness. The thought of it almost shatters me. ─── 世界将在未来一千年内依靠我们的书生存,它洋洋洒洒、无所不容,其思想差点儿叫我们茫然不知所措。

26、Not that I am better than most of the people -- I am not alluding everyone else tends to be pretentious or, under any circumstance, regard pretentiousness as inferior; ─── 我想我自己还是很谦卑的,只是我自己的意见是正确的,别人来听我的就是好 的。

27、the source of biggest communication barrier is probably the existence of human emotions such as arrogance, pretentiousness, prejudice and nervousness. ─── 交流障碍最大的源泉,可能是因为傲慢、自负、偏见和紧张等人类情绪的存在。

28、But Siao had different criteria - no posing, no pretentiousness and no fake smiles. ─── 但是叶华有不同标准——不摆姿势,不装腔作势,不假笑。

29、Needless to say, the idea of attaining fame and position for oneself by pretentiousness is even more contemptible. ─── 至于以装腔作势来达到名誉和地位的目的,那更是卑劣的念头,不待说的了。

30、She is very critical of Fleur's pretentiousness, calls her Phlegm, and does a humorous imitation of her mannerisms (HBP5). ─── 她对芙蓉的做作非常不满,叫她黏痰,而且幽默地模仿她的矫揉造作。

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