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08-21 投稿


slink 发音

英:[slɪŋk]  美:[slɪŋk]

英:  美:

slink 中文意思翻译






slink 词性/词形变化,slink变形


slink 短语词组

1、to slink away ─── 溜走

2、slink johnson ─── 斯林克约翰逊

3、slink calf ─── 滑腿

4、slink lamb ─── 绵羔羊裘皮

5、slink etymology slink ─── 词源

6、slink jeans ─── 紧身牛仔裤

slink 相似词语短语

1、link ─── n.[计]链环,环节;联系,关系;vt.连接,连结;联合,结合;vi.连接起来;联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来;n.(Link)人名;(英、德、塞、捷、匈、瑞典)林克

2、slinks ─── vi.潜逃;溜走;vt.早产;潜逃;n.早产的动物;鬼鬼祟祟的人;adj.早产的

3、plink ─── n.叮铃声;vi.发出叮铃声;vt.使作叮铃声

4、sink ─── v.(在水或泥里)下沉;使(船只)沉没;倒下;渗透;完全被理解;使锋利物穿透表面;(物体)沉降;消失;降低;(声音)变小;挖掘;埋入;使消沉,压抑;接近死亡;隐藏;击球入洞;(非正式)猛喝;n.洗涤槽,水槽;洼地;污水坑;(技)汇,壑;贫困地区学校(或房产);巢,藏垢的场所;adj.位于社会条件差的贫穷地区的,贫民窟的;n.(Sink)(美、英、罗马尼亚)辛克(人名)

5、clink ─── n.叮当声;[建]劈楔;牢房;vi.发叮当声;vt.发出叮当声;n.(Clink)人名;(英)克林克

6、skink ─── n.[脊椎]石龙子;小蜥蜴

7、blink ─── vt.眨眼;使…闪烁;vi.眨眼;闪烁;n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光;n.(Blink)人名;(德)布林克

8、slank ─── v.偷偷摸摸地走;躲躲闪闪地走;悄悄地移动;溜;扭捏招摇地走路;(动物)早产(slink的过去式)

9、slinky ─── adj.(指女装)紧身的,线条优美的;鬼鬼祟祟的

slink 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am hoping that the cat will be disturbed by the elephants, slink away from them, and head toward me. ─── 我希望这只大型猫科动物会被象群惊醒,避开它们冲我跑过来。

2、Now that your feet are stuck in the mud, they slink away. ─── 见你双脚陷入泥淖,就转背逃遁。

3、Mysteries float in creeksriffles, crawl over their pebbled bottoms and slink under the roots of trees. ─── 小溪的神奇漂荡在涟漪之间,蔓生于布满鹅卵石的水底,潜行于树根之下。

4、Yet, the Tufts researchers point out, a caterpillar needs no postgraduate training before it begins to slink across a leaf. ─── 但塔虎脱大学这几位研究员指出,毛毛虫不需要后博士训练,也能爬过树叶。

5、John was trying to slink into the house by the back door. ─── 约翰想从后门溜进房子里。

6、and then slink off into obscurity, but apparently she had bigger plans. ─── 然后归于沉寂。但显然她有更大的雄心。

7、To slink quickly ─── 一溜烟

8、Had proved, uric road is affected especially pyelonephritis and abortion, slink, fetal deformation has particular concern. ─── 已经证明,尿路感染尤其肾盂肾炎与流产、早产、胎儿畸形有一定关系。

9、The junk drawer is a place where things 4)slink off to hide from us.A place for things that have moved well 5)off the beaten path. ─── 装废品的抽屉是那些从我们身边潜逃并躲藏起来的东西的栖身地,那些远离惯常轨迹的东西也聚首于此。

10、a slink calf ─── 早产的小牛

11、slink White fish, such as cod, with an unacceptably high water content. ─── 早产白肉鱼,如同鳕鱼,具有无法接受高水位的特性。

12、1.to move under water; 2.to move stealthily; to slink; to go secretly; to worm; to prow ─── 潜行

13、Yet, the Tufts researchers point out, a caterpillar needs no postgraduate training before it begins to slink across a leaf. Remove the hornworm's primitive brain, and it still trudges forward. ─── 但塔虎脱大学这几位研究员指出,毛毛虫不需要后博士训练,也能爬过树叶。即使拿掉蠕虫原始的大脑,牠依旧可以蠕蠕前行。

14、You slink home with your $100, having only the small consolation of knowing that at least you did the rational thing. ─── 你拿着$100溜回家,除了那一点点慰藉——自己至少做了理智的选择。

15、Another fulminated: “Traitors like this don't even love their own country. These people were only fake countrymen of ours. Let them slink off to other countries and die!” ─── 另一条评论则更为激烈:“像这样的叛徒根本不爱国。这种人根本算不上我们的同胞。随他们客死他乡吧!”

16、Even when Bryant drilled one last 30-foot, end-of-the-clock dagger the Nuggets had ample time to drop their heads and slink to the locker room without incident. ─── 然后,科比一个30步远的精准投篮,在一个压哨彻底扑灭了掘金的气焰,湖人可以提前进入更衣室庆祝了。

17、He wavered, and started to slink away, but Tom seized him and said, "Aunt Polly, it ain't fair." ─── 他犹豫了一下,打算溜走,可是汤姆一把抓住他,说道:“波莉姨妈,这不公平。”

18、event slink ─── 事件宿

19、Apt-get is officially part of the packaging system starting with slink. ─── apt-get自slink开始将作为包装系统的正式部分。

20、Not for you, Class of 2000. You are a write_off, so I'll let you slink off to your pathetic $ 200, 000, a-year jobs. ─── 不过不是为你们,2000年的毕业生,你们已被一笔勾销,已经没有任何价值了,你们会去做那可怜的年薪20万美元的工作。

21、Slink away and disappear ─── 一溜烟儿

22、Yo age woman can have for many times the medical history such as overmuch, preeclampsia discovers slink, stillborn foetus, fetal deformation, gigantic baby, amniotic fluid this disease; ─── 育龄妇女可有多次早产、死胎、胎儿畸形、巨婴、羊水过多、先兆子痫等病史发现本病;

23、And all the while, during the interview, Ender and the TV guy would slink along smoothly in front of the cameraman, taking long, lithe strides. ─── 而且,在这采访的全过程,安德和这个电视台的人一直得在摄像机前行迈着轻盈的步子走。

24、To be safe, upgrade to the version in slink. ─── 想要安全,请升级到slink版本。

25、Gestation has semiotic pyelonephritis to be able to make slink rate increases 1 times, this may increase an uterus with the endotoxin of the bacterium after infection contractive force is concerned. ─── 妊娠期有症状的肾盂肾炎可使早产率增加1倍,这可能与感染后细菌的内毒素增加子宫收缩力有关。

26、Synonyms SNEAK, creep, gumshoe, lurk, pussyfoot, skulk, slink, slip, ─── 秘藏:守财奴::逃避:装病的人(人物及其特征动作)

27、He decided that he couldn't just slink away, so he went and sat next to his wife. ─── 他决定不能偷偷溜走,于是便走到妻子身边坐下了。

28、This dog would make even a dog like that slink nonchalantly be? hind the sofa and pretend to be extremely preoccupied with its rubber bone. ─── 这只狗甚至可以和其他狗那样懒洋洋地趴在舒适的沙发后面,假装对它塑胶狗骨头兴致盎然。

29、slink ink ─── "爬格子"

30、The grandson again threw away the books to slink outside to play. ─── 孙子又扔下书本,偷偷溜出去玩儿了。

31、No, it may slink back to the abyss it vomited forth from, it may lay in wait speaking to mortals through dreams of lost cities and beasts from beyond the stars, but it never truly dies. ─── 不,它可能会偷偷地回深渊呕吐,它从提出,它可以奠定在等待发言人间透过梦遗失城市和兽从超越恒星,但它从来没有真正死去。

32、You accept the challenge or you slink away. ─── 你需要接受挑战,或者你逃跑。

33、slink lamb ─── 绵羔羊裘皮

34、Below normal circumstance, fetal inside week of the number before be born these " foetal hair " can fall off, there still are these on the body when only those slink babies are born " foetal hair " . ─── 正常情况下,胎儿出生前数周内这些“胎毛”就会脱落,只有那些早产婴儿出生时身上还留着这些“胎毛”。

35、This meant that on some days when going downstairs for breakfast I could not find anywhere to sit, and was forced to slink back to my room to wait and try again later. ─── 这意味着有时候下楼来我找不到位子吃早餐,不得不返回房间等待,等下再来。

36、slink calf ─── 早产犊牛

37、This USB drive sits inside a watch which means that you can slink into your office with this handy contraption right under the nose of the nosey security guards. ─── 这款USB驱动器是被安装在手表里的,这就意味着你可以用这个便携装置在好管闲事的保卫人员的眼皮底下堂而皇之地进入你的办公室。

38、This Qi fellow had it all worked out, ' thought Trinket.'He deliberately made Lang lose face so that he'd want to slink away while no one was looking. ─── 韦小宝心道:“这姓齐的做事周到之极,先让那姓郎的丢个大脸,逼得他非悄悄溜走不可。

39、He wavered, and started to slink away, but Tom seized him and said: "Aunt Polly, it ain't fair. ─── 而可怜的哈克却站在那里,窘迫不安,很不自在,不知道该如何是好,也不知道逃到哪里才能躲开这些不表示欢迎自己的眼光。

40、While friends huddled collegiately around a teapot and shared a few moments of communality, I, an inveterate teabag user, would slink quietly back to my desk with my selfish mug for one. ─── 当朋友们围在茶壶边上进行简短的交流时,我,一个顽固的使用茶包者,端着自私的大茶杯,静静的逃回办公桌。

41、ll let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your checks will be signed by former classmates who dropped out two years ago. ─── 我想,你们就偷偷摸摸去干那年薪20万的可怜工作吧,在那里,工资单是由你两年前辍学的同班同学签字开出来的。

42、John: You're right. I guess I'll slink to her room and apologize. ─── 约翰:妳说的对。我想我会溜去她的房间跟她道歉。

43、He slink the way into the night. ─── 偷偷地在黑夜里跑掉了。

44、He wavered, and started to slink away, but Tom seized him and said: ─── 他犹豫了一下,正打算溜走,可是汤姆抓住他,说道:

45、3 Their slain shall be cast forth, and out of their carcasses shall rise a slink: the mountains shall be melted with their blood. ─── 他们的被杀者被弃于外,他们尸体的腥臭浮浮上腾,他们的血溶化了诸山。

46、I give her a Mona Lisa smile to indicate I get her gist, although I do not, then sheepishly pay for my lunch and slink to a table. ─── 我给了她一个蒙娜丽莎般的微笑,表示我明白了她的意思,然后有些困窘地付了饭钱,悄悄地溜到座位上。

47、so I'll let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, ─── 我想,你们就偷偷摸摸去干那年薪20万的可怜工作吧,

48、The defeat army slink back to its stronghold in the mountain ─── 被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里

49、sneak away; slink off [away; by] ─── 溜之乎也

50、Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves. ─── 然后狐狸会越过野猪,把它的右耳和尾巴抓破,潜逃,隐藏在山洞。

51、I walked back to the car to pump the gas, trying not to slink or skulk. ─── 我回到车旁去加油,尽量表现得堂堂正正。

52、I choke through a cloud of deodorant as I slink out and I'm sure I detect a couple of disapproving glances at my rather worn jeans and less than perfectly ironed shirt. ─── 从那里溜走的时候,空气中弥漫的除臭剂的味道熏得我几乎窒息。我确信,有人对我身上的旧仔服和没有仔细熨过的衬衫投来了不以为然的目光。

53、Occasionally, a dog would slink by, shivering, its tail between its legs. It might stop and shake itself violently to dislodge the snow thickly matting its fur. Then, with tail drooping again, the dog would go on its way. ─── 偶尔有一条狗垂着尾巴走过,抖一抖身体,摇落了厚积在毛上的那些雪,就又悄悄地夹着尾巴走了。

54、Its cover stares at me every time I slink past the corner candystore. ─── 每次我悄悄走过街角的糖果铺时代杂志的封面总在瞪着我。

55、You are a write-off, so I'll let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your checks will be signed by former classmates who dropped out two years ago. ─── 我想,你们就偷偷摸摸的去干那年薪200000的可怜工作吧,在那里,工资单是由你两年前辍学的同班同学签字开出来的。

56、1. Don't slink away without apologizing. ─── 不要不道歉就偷偷溜走。

57、"Confound the fellow," said Edmund. "What on earth did he want to slink away like this for?" ─── “可恶的家伙,”爱德蒙叫着,“他到底为什么要这样偷偷摸摸溜走?”

58、to slink out of the door ─── 偷偷溜出了门

59、the rest will either sink or sulk, or slink back to the world. ─── 其馀的人不是随流失去,就是回到旧路。

60、slink away ─── 溜走

61、At the office, they slink into hallways, bathrooms, and stairwells. ─── 在写字楼里,他们灰溜溜躲进过道、洗手间、楼梯井。

62、Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it. ─── 所以即便对于小恶也不能开门,因为门外潜伏着更多的大恶。

63、Its cover stares at me every time I slink past the corner candystore. ─── 每当我蹑足走过那街角的糖果店时它的封面凝视着我。

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