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08-21 投稿


drover 发音

英:['drəʊvə]  美:['drovɚ]

英:  美:

drover 中文意思翻译



drover 网络释义

n. 把家畜赶到市集的人;家畜商人;牲畜贩子

drover 短语词组

1、drover definition drover ─── 定义

2、drover dog ─── 牧犬

3、drover cattle magazine ─── 牧牛杂志

4、drover ai ─── 开放给

5、drover omaha ─── 罗弗奥马哈

drover 词性/词形变化,drover变形

动词第三人称单数: drives |名词: drivability |动词现在分词: driving |动词过去分词: driven |动词过去式: drove |形容词: drivable |

drover 相似词语短语

1、drovers ─── n.把家畜赶到市集的人;家畜商人;牲畜贩子

2、droved ─── n.(被驱赶的)畜群;一批相似的东西;(做着相同事的)人群;v.把(牛等牲畜)赶到市场上去;v.驾驶;(机动车)被驾驶;会开车;驾车送人;拥有……汽车;驱动;驱使;迫使;驱赶;推动;敲;挖掘;猛击;冲;急速驱进;驱逐;将……逼得;迫使……过度工作;(使)发生;带(球)前进(drive的过去式)

3、do over ─── 重做;粉刷

4、doover ─── 涂鸦

5、prover ─── n.证人;校准仪

6、Grover ─── n.格鲁佛氏;调弦系统;卷弦器

7、trover ─── n.取得;追索侵占物诉讼

8、drove ─── n.(被驱赶的)畜群;一批相似的东西;(做着相同事的)人群;v.把(牛等牲畜)赶到市场上去;v.驾驶;(机动车)被驾驶;会开车;驾车送人;拥有……汽车;驱动;驱使;迫使;驱赶;推动;敲;挖掘;猛击;冲;急速驱进;驱逐;将……逼得;迫使……过度工作;(使)发生;带(球)前进(drive的过去式)

9、droves ─── n.一群人;畜群(drove的复数);v.买卖;驱赶(drove的三单形式)

drover 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Drover: Oh. Right.You mean the breeding. Yeah. ─── 哦。对.你的意思是育种。是啊。

2、The property is in the north of Australia and she embarks on an African Queen type journey accompanied by a rough hewn cattle drover (Hugh Jackman). ─── 除了这些主要元素,从影片中可以看到澳洲的大陆风光,还有最重要的是白人对当年欺压原住民的反思以及价值观的重建。

3、I decide while I am standing in that shop that I am starting a new life as a cattle drover and must buy everything. ─── 我站在店里时已经决定开始牧牛人的新生活,所以想买下店里所有的东西。

4、Drover: You've thought about it, too, haven't you? ─── 您想过这件事情,也没有吧?

5、Drover: Oh. Right. You mean the breeding. Yeah. ─── 哦。对。你的意思是育种。是啊。

6、Drover: There's no place like it. ─── 牛仔:再也没有比家更好的地方。

7、and she must work out her insecurities in her relationship to his half-brother, an experienced drover, who helps her on the drive. ─── 另一方面,她必须改善她和半亲兄弟之间的不信任关系,这点极为重要,因为这位位老练的放牛者,将会帮助她驱赶牛只。

8、Drover: I wouldn't have it on with you if you were the only tart left in Australia. ─── 我也不会上你的,即使你是留在澳大利亚的唯一的妓女。

9、drover rs car ─── 押运车

10、The drover: It"s narrowly used to one. ─── 牛仔:一个人用起来是有些狭小。

11、2) On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, anunfamiliar queerness had silted up;a cat wove itself in and out ofrailings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover's return. ─── 走在一度熟习的小巷上,便像在一条没有人走功的途径上一样,她口外充斥了自已有过的新颖.一只猫在栏杆这女绕来绕往,但是出有人留心特罗弗太太归来.(在;

12、On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, an unfamiliar queerness had silted up. a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover s return. ─── 走在一度熟悉的大街上,就像在一条没有人走过的道路上一样,她心里充满了从未有过的新奇。一只猫在栏杆那儿绕来绕去,但是没有人留意特罗弗太太回来。(在;

13、For the drover's life has pleasures that the townsfolk never know. ─── 而牧羊人的快乐生活城里人从来都没法想。

14、The drover: They gamble seriously. ─── 牛仔:他们真的是在打赌。

15、The drover: They gamble seriously. Sarah Ashley: Bring the horse. ─── 农场工人:他们真的是在打赌。萨拉(不服气地):把马牵过来。

16、Drover: What are you talking about? You got a filthy mind, lady. ─── 你在说什么?你有肮脏的心,夫人。

17、Drover: No matter your experience or your age, you pull your weight. ─── 多佛:不管你之前有多少经验,不管你年纪多大,都要尽心尽力。

18、Drover : And above all, the Drover's law: no grog. ─── 最后,多佛的规矩:不许喝酒。

19、The drover: They gamble seriously. ─── 牛仔:他们真的是在打赌。

20、The first herd of trail cattle to leave Dodge City, Kansas, for the Northwest, during the summer of 1885, was owned by the veteran drover , Don Lovell. ─── 今年1885年夏天,老资格牛商唐*洛弗尔的第一批西部纵列牛群离开堪萨斯州的道奇城,向西北而去。

21、Once this is recognized, actual history tempered by reasonable supposition indicates the likelihood he is descended from one of the drover dogs indigenous to ancient Rome. ─── 自从经过验证,被合理推测的历史指出罗威源自古罗马的家犬的可能性。

22、The transition from a drover to a Carmelite is not in the least violent; ─── 从一个牧童变成一个圣衣会修士,毫无不合适的地方;

23、Drover: I wouldn't have it on with you if you were the only tart left in Australia. ─── 我也不会上你的,即使你是留在澳大利亚的唯一的妓女。

24、Drover: Guests. We're not used to guests is what I was about to say but now that you mention it I happen to quite like the women of the outback. ─── 牛仔:客人。我们只是不习惯有客人,这是我刚才想说的,但是现在既然你提到了,那我只是碰巧非常喜欢内地的女人。

25、Drover: Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be. ─── 牛仔:只是因为这样,而不是意味着它必须是这样。

26、Sarah Ashley: Mr drover,there's only one tent. ─── 莎拉:牛仔先生,这里只有一个帐篷。

27、Sarah Ashley: Mr Drover, there's only one tent. ─── 萨拉:牛仔先生,这里只有一个帐篷。

28、The drover: It should be interesting. ─── 农场工人:这下有看头了。

29、a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover's return. ─── 一只猫在栏杆那儿绕来绕去,但是没有人留意特罗弗太太回来。(在;

30、The handsome Drover is pretty much the best thing Lady Sarah has ever seen, even if it does take her a while to get past their class differences. ─── 相貌英俊的牧人几乎就是萨拉夫人一生之中见过的极品了,尽管她过了一阵子才将两人之间的阶级差异抛诸脑后。

31、Drover : No matter your experience or your age, you pull your weight . ─── 不管你之前有多少经验,不管你年纪多大,都要尽心尽力。

32、The desire for weath and power drover quite a few people to commit crime. ─── 对金钱和权利的欲望使相当一些人走上犯罪的道路。

33、These qualities, combined with his agility, fit him for the demanding tasks required of a shepherd's or drover's dog. ─── 英国古代牧羊狗给人的第一个印象,是一只长毛狗,活像一个大型毛绒玩具,样子傻兮兮的十分可爱。

34、But the children nearby drover her crazy by making fun of her.They would climb her tree and then run away with pears, shouting “Aunty Misery” at her. ─── 可是附近的顽童总是捉弄她,他们常常爬上树摘梨子,摘下梨子后一边跑还一边冲着她喊“倒霉大娘”,把她快气疯了,。

35、I decide while I am standing in that shop that I am starting a new life as a cattle drover and must buy everything. ─── 我站在店里时已经决定开始牧牛人的新生活,所以想买下店里所有的东西。

36、The tension in the story is carefully built up, we have just seen that point. There is really just one main character in the story. Her name is Mrs. Drover. ─── 整篇小说中其实只出现一个主人公,那就是。

37、On her once familiar street, as in any unused channel, anunfamiliar queerness had silted up;a cat wove itself in and out ofrailings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover's return. ─── 走在一度熟习的小巷下,便像在一条出无己走功的途径下一样,她口外充斥了自已有功的新颖.一只猫在栏杆这女绕来绕往,但非出无己留心特罗弗太太归来.(在;

38、a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs Drover's return. ─── 一只猫在栏杆那儿绕来绕去,人留意特罗弗太太回来。(在;

39、I trust they did not fall to some rich and churlish drover. ─── 我相信它们是不会落到一些富有而吝啬的牲畜贩子的手里去的。

40、Drover: There's no place like it. ─── 牛仔:再也没有比家更好的地方。

41、In the course of that journey she falls in love with the drover and the Australian landscape and realises that her life is not over and there's always a new life to be had. ─── 能够反思是人类良知上的进步,德国人做到了,澳洲人和美国人都做到了,大和民族到现在为此还做不到,要知道,能够虚心道歉的人才能够挺胸做人。

42、The drover: It's narrowly used to one. ─── 牛仔:一个人用起来是有些狭小。

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