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08-21 投稿


apathetically 发音

英:[ˌæpəˈθetɪkli]  美:[ˌæpəˈθetɪkli]

英:  美:

apathetically 中文意思翻译



apathetically 相似词语短语

1、aphetically ─── 失语的

2、anaesthetically ─── 麻醉的

3、sympathetically ─── adv.悲怜地,怜悯地;富有同情心地

4、apathetical ─── 冷漠的

5、bathetically ─── 洗澡的

6、pathetically ─── adv.可怜地;感伤地;悲哀地;情绪上地

7、antipathetically ─── 反感地

8、empathetically ─── 感情移入地,移情地

9、aesthetically ─── adv.审美地;美学观点上地

apathetically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、HIDDEN MOMENTS: Dean Martin once chided a chorus girl, who was apathetically sipping her cocktail, by saying, “I spill more than you drink!” ─── 抓紧时间。DeanMartin有一次训斥一个女孩,因为她在喝鸡尾酒时毫不在意,她说:“我洒掉的也比你喝的多!”

2、The cheapness and vulgarity of it was nauseating, and Martin noted apathetically that he was not nauseated very much. ─── “是的,”她声音很低,但坚决,沉静,“是我自己的自由意志。

3、There were 91,000 people in the stadium and (allegedly) about 1.5 billion watching apathetically at home. ─── 体育场里有91000名观众,(据称)还有15亿人在家里看电视直播。

4、He noted its amount apathetically. ─── 地方报纸讨论了起来;

5、Some opposition supporters assume apathetically that the result will be rigged. ─── 一些反对派的支持者无动于衷地认为结果反正会被操纵。

6、even he has made some mistakes and made you very angry and then you wanted to hit and choked him to your utmost.Anyhow you will never apathetically pay no attention to him. ─── 哪怕是他犯了什么错有了什么失误,让你对他恨得牙痒痒时,你也会想狠狠地用尽全力去揍他,掐他,打他,反正无论如何,都绝不会无动于衷地不理他。

7、onlooker The onlookers applauded apathetically, a little damply. ─── 旁观者漠然地鼓掌,显得有些冷淡。

8、A reluctant elevator-boy went for a box full of straw and some milk, to which he added on his own initiative a tin of large, hard dog-biscuits--one of which decomposed apathetically in the saucer of milk all afternoon. ─── 一个老大不情愿的开电梯的工人弄来了一只垫满稻草的盒子和一些牛奶,另外他又主动给买了一听又大又硬的狗饼干,有一块饼干一下午泡在一碟牛奶里,泡得稀巴烂。

9、You smiled apathetically, for covering up oneself the powder body ground bone of the heart. ─── 你冷漠地笑了,为了掩饰自己内心的粉身碎骨。

10、I smile, everybody looking at nearby apathetically, that is on winning the hysterical smile, two kinds of hand over the point extremely. ─── 我微笑着,冷漠地看着身边的每个人,那是一中歇斯底里的微笑,两种极端的交点。

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